The Ultimate Smoke Guide for Train

31 Aug 19



The Ultimate Smoke Guide for Train

Learn all the important smokes to reach the next level on Train

Train is arguably one of the most classic maps in Counter-Strike, having iterations in every single release, from Beta 5 to Global Offensive. Although the layout remained almost the same, some things have changed over time, like the location of the A bombsite – it used to be closer to CT Spawn.

It is also a map that relies heavily on long-range fights, making Smokes extremely valuable to both sides, mainly to Terrorists when trying to progress in the map. These should be used primarily to avoid these long-range encounters while crossing to both Bombsites, as the gaps between trains and other objects in this map allows for good smoking spots.

This article will be all about Smoke Grenades - which ones you should know and how to use them collectively to the best proficiency. This will be a mainly graphic article, relying heavily on images and other media to explain how to use them. In each one, I'll describe briefly how to throw it, whether it is by "left-clicking", "running left-click" or even using a jump-throw bind.

The Smokes will be grouped by Bombsite and map side (if they’re more useful as a Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist). Reminder that the callouts may differ a bit from your location, but they should be easy to understand.



Back Sandwich

Throw type: Left Click

A simple throw that can be used to cover you from Stop, meaning one less angle to worry about. It still is an easy shot through the smoke, so avoid staying in main’s entrance for too long.

Front Sandwich

Throw type: Left click

Same as the previous one, just a bit shallow and covers against a player in Sandwich/Hell.

Ebox or Electric

Throw type: Left click

Use this with the previous and you have a safe passage to ebox, although you’ll need something more to be able to progress, like well-placed Flashbangs from your teammates.

Left Bombsite

Throw type: Left-click

Crucial smoke while trying to take A control, splitting up the Bombsite in two sides. Combine it with the connector and sandwich ones and you have almost a free bomb plant.

Right Bombsite

Throw type: Left-click

Use it together with the previous Smoke to get an easier plant and be able to position for the after plant situation in Popdog, Ebox and even Terrorist's Main.


Throw type: Left-click

Last Smoke needed to create the entire bombsite wall. Together with the previous two, it will make up for an almost guaranteed bomb plant - just be careful with the Connector boost.

Left Ivy

Throw type: Running left click

This smoke is important if you’re trying to split A, meaning you don’t need to worry about Back Alley while trying to gain Hell control.

Right Ivy

Throw type: Running left click

Opposite of the previous smoke. Can be used to gain control of Back Alley and do an A split-execute or even flank the B players. Having a player gain Back Alley control will make your opponents nervous, most of the times making them give up one of the players watching A bombsite to watch for the player flanking.

Connector or Z

Throw type: Left click

Crucial smoke when pushing A, giving you precious seconds against the rotating players. Be careful that they’re able to boost up on Connector, so make sure you’re watching it.


Throw type: Left click

Protects you from the player in Hell, usually with an AWP. One way to counter that player is running through Main as fast as possible and throwing a Molotov, forcing him out of position.

Ivy (from Top Ladder)

Throw type: Left click

A very good smoke if you know there’s generally a player in Ivy and you’re trying to split them from the team in A. Can also serve as a good fake if a teammate is trying to push Ivy.

Old Bombsite

Throw type: Left click

Same as the previous one, although not as useful because it’s not as common of a position as Ivy. Can still grant you an advantage if a player from B tries to rotate through CT Spawn.



Throw type: Left click

Just run and throw, almost impossible to miss. Grants you time against possible Ivy players.


Throw type: Left click

Simple smoke without alignments, just make it bounce of the wall so it goes as deep as possible. Can give you problems if its way outside the door, allowing a player to sneak underneath.



Cross to Site

Throw type: Left click

Import smoke to be able to cross to the bombsite safely.

Cross to Site (aggressive version)

Throw type: Left click

Jus like the previous Smoke, it allows for you to cross to bombsite safely, but should only be used if you know the player is holding the bombsite very defensively. Players from Connector will be able to spot you crossing, making it a very situational smoke.

Connector or Z

Throw type: Running left click

Same goal as the Connector smoke from A-bombsite, but to the opposite map objective.

Lower B

Throw type: Running left click

Essential smoke before pushing out lower B, covering you from Connector. Also, one of the easiest to throw, as it requires no alignments.

Upper B

Throw type: Running left click/left click

Important smoke, as it covers you from Upper B, Oil or even Connector if it is thrown close enough to the exit.

Between Oil and Yellow

Throw type: Crouching Left click

Should be thrown after smoking catwalk. Can allow for an aggressive post-plant push, protecting your teammates from the enemy players that may be trying to start the retake from way back.


Lower B

Throw type: Left click

Nothing to know, just run and throw against the ramp. Can grant you seconds against an imminent push. Pro-tip: throw it higher and closer to the ramp if you want to smoke the top, instead of the middle.

Upper B

Throw type: Left click.

Like the previous one, a really easy smoke. You can throw it from catwalk or even from site, just bounce it of the wall and it will be fine.

Training resources

There is one good resource to use and improve your Smokes – Yprac maps are one of the best workshop projects at the moment. In my opinion, it’s a must have for any player looking to improve its map knowledge. Yesber, the creator of the different maps, made some amazing tweaks on each map that allows you to easily practice prefires, peeks, Smokes, Flashbangs, etc. You can check out the workshop page here!

Remember that explaining exact positions with screenshots are hard, which means that following up the read of this article, I strongly recommend diving into YouTube and search for Smoke guides, as those will complement what is written above.

As I always say, practice these throws by yourself or with friends in private servers before taking them to a match – being able to do them effectively and as fast as possible is crucial in a game like Counter-Strike, where every millisecond can be the difference between winning or losing the round. Try to practice them under different conditions, like if you were in a high-pressure situation, or even try to coordinate them with your friends and teammates. Understand the time it takes for a Smoke to pop off to avoid pushing way too soon and dying from the position that should be smoked already – remember that some throws take longer than others to land.

If you have any questions, suggestion or even feedback, you can get in contact with me through Twitter. Thank you for reading!

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