CS:GO Solo Survival Guide: Mirage Middle and B-Site

2 Jun 20



CS:GO Solo Survival Guide: Mirage Middle and B-Site

In the second part of our Mirage guide we take a look at middle and the B-site! 

In the first part of our guideon Mirage, we figured out how you can best survive on the A-Site. This time, let's take a look at different ways you can maximize your chances of clutching the round on middle and the B-Site. Just like the A-Site, they have been perfected for optimal competitive gameplay. While middle is a dangerous place to thread alone because of its wide and open layout, it also provides quick access to the rest of the map with many different routes. B-Site, on the other hand, is a tad more claustrophobic and forces you to survive in close-quarter combat.


Middle is a relatively straightforward part of the map, but also a potentially dangerous area because of the many angles you have to watch for. Unlike the A-Site, there is no sufficient utility and barriers to cover you from all angles at once, so pushing middle is a risky endeavor. Consequently, I would generally advise you to steer clear from pushing middle in clutch situations and only to use it as a quick way to rotate.

However, in some cases, pushing mid might be worth it, for example to catch rotating enemies. For these situations, there are a couple of things you can do to make your life a little easier. If only two enemies are remaining, there is a good chance they will split, and cover one site each. In this situation, it might be a good idea not to use any utility at all in middle and instead to go for a surprise effect.

Smoke: Window

Before even showing your face around these parts, you should make sure your life doesn’t get ended prematurely by an overeager sniper in Window. Luckily, there is an easy way to smoke that position from spawn. To throw this smoke, hug the corner between the wall and the trash can. Then, look upwards to the balcony of the pink house. Put your crosshair on the curly part of the deck railing in front of the white outer rim of the door. Finally, crouch-walk forward and when your crosshair meets the outer edge of the white foundation of the balcony, jump, and release.

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Another way to smoke Window from T-Spawn is by running towards the entrance of Palace. There, aim towards the middle of the window on the far right and turn around. Place your crosshair where the two cables meet each other and move your crosshair vertically until it is at the same height as the end of the highest antenna. Then, run forward and release right before you bump into the fence. This smoke is a little easier to throw, but it also places you far away from Middle and consequently gives enemies a lot more time to reposition.

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Flash: Window, Short, and Connector.

As you make your way towards Middle, you would do best to throw a neat little flash that will blind anyone foolish enough to be looking into your direction. To throw this flash, place yourself right on the edge of the concrete bar leading up to ramp. Then, aim right next to the bottom left corner of the blue building in front of you. Instead of merely throwing, lob the flashbang by readying it like usual, but press the right mouse button before releasing it. It will land right around the corner and is impossible to dodge.

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In clutch situations, it is always best to separate your enemies from each other. So, as you push Middle, it might be a good idea to hang back for a little and see if anyone pushes you for a one-on-one duel. Unleash your inner gunslinger, and you might have one less opponent to worry about.

Next, you will have to decide whether to go to the A- or B-Site. No matter what site you go for, keep in mind that you will always be exposed from one side. If you go short, counter-terrorists can spot you from Connector or Triple Box, while if you go Connector, anyone on Short will have visual. Consequently, you will need eyes on two opposite angles at the same time, which is why it is generally not recommended to go Middle by yourself. You can always throw some fire grenades to block off your enemies’ path or force him out of position, but they are usually easy to dodge in Middle and will generally be more useful to defend the bomb once it’s planted.


Finally, the B-Site is also a treasure of possibilities. Just like was the case on the A-Site, every smoke has its use and will change how you take the site and plant the bomb. The difference is that there are many more hiding places on the B-Site, and thoroughly clearing it will usually take a little longer and be more dangerous. That’s where tactical utility usage comes in handy.

Smoke: Short

This smoke is particularly useful in two situations. You might be aware that enemies were last seen Top Mid and you want to keep them from pushing the site from Short. Another possibility is, you want to plant the bomb for Short without being interrupted by a bullet to the brain. To throw this smoke, put yourself in the corner right after leaving the alley leading up to the inner court area before B Apartments. Then, aim towards the left-most corner of the tower in front of you and simply release the smoke. This will block any enemies pushing short but be aware that they might still be hiding in the corner right under Apartments!

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Smoke: B-Site

If you want a little more freedom to plant on the B-Site, you might want to smoke off the gap between Kitchen and the bomb site. This is especially useful if you're going to plant the bomb on the opposite side of default. Just stand in the middle of the door in Apartments and look up to the fake window. Aim towards the middle of it, go upwards until you reach the corner of the tower in front of you and simply release.

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Smoke: Bench

This smoke is useful to stop people from spraying you down as you exit Apartments. However, it also provides the perfect cover for a Counter-Terrorist to hide in waiting for his teammates to rotate while you scurry around the site. So, be careful when you plant the bomb for a backstab. To throw this smoke, stand right next to the wooden plank of the stairs to Underground. Aim at the corner of the tower and release.

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Smoke: Kitchen window

Clutches on B-Site are often shut down by a sniper eagerly waiting in Kitchen for the next prey to fall into their trap. Luckily, there is an easy way to blind him with fog and make the hunter become the hunted. Just stand under the lamp in Apartments and put your crosshair so that it follows the middle of the window in front of you and is aimed slightly to the right of the second ledge of the tower. Simply release, and the sniper will be forced to reposition if he wants a clear shot at you, which will give you the advantage of close combat.

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Flash: B-Site

Usually, you want to get out of Apartments as fast as possible, as it will give you the time you need to reposition and surprise the enemy. This flash will be very useful in giving you a little extra time you might need to drop down onto the site safely. As you enter Apps, immediately cuddle up into the corner on your left. Then, aim towards the wall left to the fake door. Run forward, and right before you are about to bump into the corner, release the flash. It will bounce right out of the window and blind everyone looking into your direction. You are now free to run onto the site but be careful of someone hiding in corners or behind cover.

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Molotov: Balcony

If you have a feeling someone might be hiding in the corner of Balcony, you can force him out of position with a well-thrown fire grenade. Be careful, though, as you will throw this Molotov from a position that leaves you exposed should someone decide to peek Apartments. You have to stand on the bottom left corner of the carpet in apartments and aim just above the middle of the wooden frame of the exit of apartments. Simply release, and the Molotov will bounce off the ceiling and land perfectly to burn your enemy to a crisp. Of course, this will also block off one of your exits. You will have to jump out of the window or wait for the Molotov to finish burning before you push. It is consequently best to use this Molotov in combination with one of the other smokes to provide you with that little bit of extra cover.

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As you make your way onto the B-Site, be wary of the many possible hiding positions of your enemies. In total, there are three different corners in Apartments. As you run through Apartments, check them for pesky enemies, but meanwhile be careful of the possibility of someone looking at you from window. An enemy might also be hiding near Car or right under Balcony, in front of Car. Don’t forget to check if someone is Bench and be wary of enemies hiding in the corner of Short. Finally, enemies can be boosted on site or be playing around one of several walls on B-Site. It is a good idea to walk around the site instead of running so as not to give your enemy sound cues that he can use to hide from you.

Once you have cleared the site, you should decide where to plant the bomb. Just like the A-Site, there are several optimal plant locations to give you the highest chance at delaying the counter-terrorists as much as possible.

Default plant

There are actually to possible positions for default, but both of them are visible from apartments, which make them easily defendable. Just plant the bomb next to the box as you enter the site. This is a fairly safe plant, although a Counter-Terrorist might decide to push the site as soon as he hears the bomb is being armed, so be careful. However, you can also use this to your advantage by starting to plant the bomb, only to immediately switch to your weapon, ready for any CT to fall for your bait. Be careful not to make any sound after you fake-plant the bomb, as that will betray your true intentions. Once the bomb is planted, you can carefully make your way back to Apartments, which forces your enemies to lose time by having to push you before they can defuse. To delay them even further, you can bounce off a Molotov from the wall, which will land right on the bomb.

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If you have a smoke for B-Site, you can also choose to plant on the opposite side for a better view from Apartments. Without a smoke, this leaves you exposed for the window in Kitchen and is thus generally not a smart position to plant in.

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Plant for Short/Bench

Another possibility is to plant for Short, which also allows you to hide and wait until an enemy defuses the bomb but is a little easier to counter then your position in Apartments. To plant for Short, just arm the bomb next to the wall. Planting here might be a good idea if short is smoked. After the bomb has been armed, you can go clear Short and claim the position for yourself. Moreover, you can mix up your movement and confuse your enemy by hiding behind Bench, which is a riskier position but provides just as much visual on the bomb. You can also plant on the other side of the site for the same effect.

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Plant for Kitchen

This is the riskiest plant of all, right in view of the location your enemies will ordinarily rotate through. However, under the right circumstances, this might be the exact bold play you need to clutch the round. For example, if the last enemy was heard in Apartments or Mid. Just plant the bomb right next to the wall in front of Kitchen, and you will have a direct view on it from Kitchen while having ample opportunities to find cover.

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These tips and tricks should help you to dominate on Mirage, or, at least, help you survive long enough to win the round. Remember to mix things up once in a while to stay unpredictable and to keep your enemies on their toes. If you believe your behavior has become predictable, you can use it to your advantage by applying your utility in the same way but changing your approach or after-plant position. Also, don't forget to work together with your team. While a single player can definitely carry a team to victory, cooperation will always be the most efficient way towards a win. Luckily, most of the things described in this guide synergizes very well with other utility and is helpful for everyone on the team.

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