On Map Awareness in HotS

2 May 18


k0nduit, members


On Map Awareness in HotS

Map Awareness is a skill that will be tested game in and game out - sharpen and hone it, and you'll find immediate results.

Greetings! k0nduit here, and today I've got an article for you on the many, many, many benefits that honing your Map Awareness provides. This is one of the most impactful skills that every Heroes of the Storm player needs to develop, not only because it's so integral to your core decision-making process game-to-game, but also because practicing and training it will continually yield rewards at every skill level - even up to the highest level of play. It's really quite tough to hit the point of diminishing returns on practicing/honing your Map Awareness - it's just such a powerful tool in your arsenal. Some might say it's overpowered, even.

Whether you're looking to test your mettle in Hero League, queueing up for a casual game, or are looking to get competitive, paying careful attention to what's going around the map will improve your performance and chances to win, guaranteed. Below you'll find some of my thoughts and advice on the subject of map awareness. I've divvied this article up into a few parts, here's the breakdown:

1. Defining Map Awareness

2. What Can Map Awareness Do For You?

3. Inference and Game Understanding Take Things to the Next Level

4. How Do You Train Your Map Awareness?

5. On Diminutive Cartography

Without further ado, let's get into the details of how impactful Map Awareness can truly be!


Defining Map Awareness

Map awareness is a deeply complex skill, which I believe is composed of 2 layers:

1. Conscious observation of the information provided by the minimap.

2. Conscious interpretation of what that raw information actually means.

Both of these are important skills that are under the domain of the parent skill, 'map awareness'. The delineation here between 'observation' and 'interpretation' is important, because both sub-skills are fundamentally different - a player can be good at one while being poor at the other. A player who has "strong map awareness" is proficient in both sub-skills. In your effort to improve your map awareness, devote time to improving both sub-skills.

Whether you're playing a 3-lane map or a 2-lane map like Battlefield of Eternity, map awareness is key. Image courtesy of Gamepedia

The first sub-skill, what I call 'observation', refers to the literal physical action of regularly/periodically/diligently looking at the minimap. While it sounds straightforward in theory ("Just look at the minimap more often"), in practice it can be a difficult habit to develop. While playing HotS, there's a lot going on in the main camera screen: you're trying to hit minions, grab XP soak, fight your opponent(s), keep track of your ability cooldowns, select talents, watch your own positioning, etc. - it's not trivial, particularly when starting out playing HotS, to take your attention away from all that and monitor the minimap. But, as we'll see below, there are many benefits to doing so and, with experience, the act of observing the minimap can become so natural so as to have minimal-to-zero impact on your ability to process what's going on where your primary camera is looking.

'Interpretation' is what I've dubbed the second sub-skill, referring to the game sense/game understanding that will allow you to accurately analyze and figure out what the raw information from the minimap actually means, and how you should (if needed) react to it. We'll get more in-depth on this shortly, but a baseline/fundamental example of this would be as follows: after looking at the minimap, you see four members of the enemy team in their lanes - one is top lane, two are in the mid lane, and one is bottom. You don't see the fifth member of the enemy team, so you can make an inference that that particular opponent is roaming around, perhaps looking for a gank, doing a merc camp, waiting in a bush, etc. Fearing a potential gank attempt, you then play further back in your lane and passively catch soak, rather than stepping up and actively hitting the minions. In this manner, you play around a possible gank.

As I mentioned above, both 'observation' and 'interpretation' are interconnected (part of the greater whole that is the domain of 'map awareness'), but they are distinct in that they require different mental approaches and skills. A player can be diligent about monitoring the minimap, but may not have the game understanding to properly deduct/infer the right information from it, missing out on opportunities to both call plays for his/her team and deny plays that the enemy is making; likewise, a player may have a good game sense and can analyze, interpret, and make the correct calls regarding the game state when he or she looks at the minimap (or is informed about it by his or her teammates), but gets caught up in the battles/action/stuff happening in the main camera and doesn't actually check the minimap often enough - rendering their macro-level understanding under-utilized. Figure out which area(s) you need to work on, and devote your focus accordingly!

Image courtesy of Blizzard's Media

'Observation' and 'interpretation' are both important. Train yourself and make it a habit to check the minimap often, develop the game understanding to quickly and accurately make the right calls when you intake the information from the minimap, and then communicate your thoughts and findings to your team - that is the essence of map awareness.

Before we get into the meat and potatoes, I'll mention that what I want to focus on a bit more in this article is on the implementation of the second sub-skill, 'interpretation', and how to improve it. 'Observation' is of course also extremely important, but its development has a more 'physical' tack to it and is also facilitated and influenced by first understanding all the benefits that a strong sense of map awareness provides: you're more likely to focus on it once you are aware of all it can do for you. Towards the end of the article I'll give my thoughts on how you can train yourself to look at the minimap more often (as well as some tips for improving 'interpretation'), but for now, in order to properly convey the importance of looking at the minimap, I'll start by covering the benefits of practiced 'interpretation', assuming regular 'observation' of the minimap.

What Can Map Awareness Do For You?

A strong sense of map awareness is symbiotic with your macro game understanding - each feeds into the development of the other. Developing a coherent gameplan for an upcoming objective spawn requires that you develop good map awareness, and good map awareness likewise informs your gameplan (specifically with regards to the 'interpretation' aspect of map awareness, which I consider as aligning closely with game understanding).

Enough with the theoretical/abstract mumbo jumbo! Below you'll find examples of common interpretations that can reliably be made by being map-aware, and moreover manifest themselves game in and game out in Heroes of the Storm:

1. If a member of the enemy team is off of the minimap (i.e. not visible and in the Fog of War), you know that a gank might be occurring in the near future. Let your teammates know that an enemy is MIA and to play safe until they show up on the minimap once again. This is even more impactful when you see an enemy move in a particular direction, having been observing them on the minimap for a second or two. If the enemy Diablo is mid, and then you see his portrait moving upwards into the fog of war, you should immediately inform your top laner that Diablo is in route to gank! Rather than simply noting, "Diablo MIA", specifically saying "Diablo's heading top, care care back out," is much more impactful (and a reward for closely paying attention to the map).

2. When looking to take fights, keeping track of the numbers of members present in the area - for both teams - is critically important. By observing the minimap, you can pick up on where the enemy is; if your opponents are split on the map while your team is grouped, now you know that you've got a nice engage opportunity if you want it. In fact, looking at the minimap can clue you in to the fact that there even IS an advantageous teamfight opportunity on the table. This is particularly the case on larger maps with split objectives, like Sky Temple.

The Sky Temple map is massive. Keep an eye out for where your enemies and allies are when picking engagements! Image courtesy of Gamepedia

In the same vein, if you're looking to engage a teamfight, you must also keep track of the positioning of your own allies. Engaging when your team is split across lanes (or are too far away) while the enemy team is grouped can be a recipe for disaster. Don't get too hasty, even in the face of a juicy engagement opportunity - keep a cool head, figure out if your team is in a position to follow up, and furthermore determine whether the fight is even favorable with regards to numbers. The Fog of War complicates things, as sometimes you're unable to definitely determine the enemy's team's numbers; in these cases, think carefully if the engagement is favorable, considering the possibility that an unseen (i.e., unobserved on the minimap) member of the enemy team appears or joins the fight.

3. When a merc camp is taken, a ping and directional indicator pops up on the minimap (along with a distinctive sound effect). If a merc camp is 'activated' for the enemy team, then you now have information on the location of at least 1 member of the enemy team - they're at that merc camp! You can use this information in a number of ways: picking a teamfight since you're now aware that the enemy team is split or identifying the location of a particular enemy hero. Let's say both Illidan and Auriel are MIA for the enemy team in the early game. If you see a bruiser camp get taken, then you can say with strong degree of certainty that Illidan is there, as Auriel is incapable of taking that camp on her own. Important to note that Auriel's location is still unknown, she could be with Illidan helping with the camp or she could be somewhere else - all you can say for certain is the location of Illidan... ignoring the edge case that the camp was taken and 'primed' earlier and Auriel just secured the capture!

4. In the mid-to-late game, if the entire enemy team is off of the map, it's very likely that they're at the map's boss or are chilling in a bush somewhere laying a trap for you... maybe even the bush leading to the boss! Don't simply assume that they're not doing anything important if they're off the map! Always have the possibility of an opposing boss play in mind. Even if you've secured a pick and are looking to rotate to pick up an objective, a structure, etc., continue to stay aware and play around the enemy trying to get the drop on you.

In general, the key to minimap interpretation - and consequently map awareness - is imagining playing from your opponents' perspective. If you were playing on the enemy team, what would be the play you would make at this point in time? That's the question you must keep at the forefront of your mind. By asking it frequently, your interpretations will get more and more accurate, and you'll be able to make better and better calls.

In the next section, you'll find examples of more complex interpretations and inferences with regards to map awareness and shotcalling. Again, the crux of this kind of strategic analysis is trying to resolve unknown variables by putting yourself in your opponents' shoes.

Read on!

Inference and Game Understanding Take Things to The Next Level

1. Map objectives can give away the enemy team's movements. On Battlefield of Eternity, if you're attacking the enemy team's Immortal while getting zoned a bit by the enemy team, but at the same time you see your team's Immortal health is depleting, you know that the enemy is split and you can look to hard engage and perhaps get a quick pick. On Sky Temple, double temple phases can similarly be managed by distributing your own resources and taking note of how the opponent distributes theirs. If the enemy team has lasers firing from two altars, you know that attacking any one of the altars as full five-man team will result in an advantageous fight for you. Always be watching the map for signs that the enemy isn't grouped!

Image courtesy of Gamepedia

2. As you get more and more experienced in paying attention to the map and identifying potential gank attempts and rotations, it's likely that your opponents will as well. On some maps and with the proper usage of fog of war from the mid lane, you can pump fake a rotation to a side lane but move to the other side lane. More concretely, you can show yourself moving bot on the minimap to your opponents, but quickly back out of their sightlines and rotate top to get a potentially easy gank; in this manner, you can actually punish teams that give too specific map information: "Genji's going bot be care" may 'bait' the other team's top laner into a false sense of security. If you do attempt this kind of maneuver, make sure to rotate quickly, otherwise the other team will quickly realize that you haven't been bot in reasonable amount of time and will begin to suspect something's up. From the other team's perspective, what I usually like to do is say something like "Genji's MIA, he's probably heading bot," or something to that effect. In this manner, you can let your whole team know to be on guard while particularly telling bot lane to be extra on guard. And when Genji finally does show, be sure to call that out as well.

3. More broadly, simply staying out of vision can be a powerful tactical maneuver. If you're playing a hero that's a powerful ganker or is quick to rotate and secure kills (e.g. Genji, Zeratul, or Tracer to name a few), simply staying out of vision can cause your opponents in other lanes to play safer, giving your teammates some space. Similarly, if you want to soak experience from a side line but NOT reveal that you're not near an objective or other area of the map, stay in the bushes to grab XP and deny information, keeping your opponents in the dark.

4. On maps like Braxis Holdout and Dragon Shire, rotations from the bottom lane to the top lane and vice versa can have a massive impact on acquiring the map objective. This is particularly problematic for top lane/the solo lane; while you're in the middle of a duel in the lane, or even straight-up fighting over the beacon on Braxis, a rotation from the 4v4 lane can completely blindside you and win the beacon for the enemy team. In an ideal world, your teammates will alert you if a member is missing from the bot lane, but this isn't always guaranteed - it's important to develop a strong sense of map awareness in order to be self-sufficient. The key here is finely hone your in-combat map awareness: practice looking at the minimap even as you're tussling with your lane opponent.

Image from Blizzard's Media

5. Inference and having a solid understanding of the current game state are powerful aids in understanding and being aware of what's happening (or about to happen) on the map. One memorable example I have comes from a ranked game I was playing on Cursed Hollow. The game state at the time was that it was the late game, and my team (we were on the red side) had gotten the enemy team's top keep, and no one on the enemy team was visible on the map. Both bosses were up, and we started our boss without really thinking much, I imagine kind of assuming that the enemy team was doing their own boss and we would trade. We this line of thinking, there seemed to be no chance of things going wrong; thus, no one even proposed anchoring in the nearby bush to scout, nor was prepared to use defensive cooldowns if the enemy team barged in. This assumption was a poor one, and the enemy team appeared just as we were finishing our boss (with theirs left untaken) contesting it, winning the teamfight, and shifting the game.

In retrospect, it's clear that our assumption (a somewhat naive, best-case-scenario, playing on autopilot kind of assumption!) that the enemy team was just going to trade bosses was incorrect, because we had taken our opponents' top keep, securing our side's boss would almost certainly win the game this late in the match - a boss trade doesn't do much at all for them, and the correct play (some would even say the forced play) from their perspective would be to be alert and be ready to contest our boss at any time, as letting it go would mean gg.

Just taking the map at face value, the information provided at the time was that both bosses were up - and usually teams will look to take their own boss right? But properly assessing the current game state, looking a little more closely, and putting yourself in the opponent's shoes facilitates reaching the conclusion that the only reasonable place the enemy team could be was around our own boss - as if we got it, the game would be over. Vigilance is important - if you are not vigilant and playing around things, you can very easily get bodied. Knowing this, our play should've changed (and maybe we should've not gone for that boss fight at all), but that's a slightly different discussion for another time. Regardless, determining where the enemy team is likely to be by checking the map and assessing the game state - that is map awareness at its finest.

The top and bot lanes are of high priority on Cursed Hollow, as the bosses often serve as win conditions. Image courtesy of Gamepedia

6. Overcommitting resources can be just as, if not more dangerous than spreading resources thin. If you observe that an unnecessarily large number of the enemy is located on one spot on the map, your mind should immediately jump to the possibility of getting some value elsewhere. Timeliness is key, however. If you recognize that the enemy team is mispositioned/has overcommitted somewhere even a few seconds too late, you can miss out on opportunities to take an advantage elsewhere on the map, as they'll have begun rotating already. Quickly recognizing opportunities will get you advantaqes - check the minimap often!

7. Map awareness can help set up proactive plays by keeping you safe against potential pressure (i.e. staying vigilant to disruption from your opponents), but it also is critical in adapting your gameplan on the fly. Let's say that you've got your team at the map objective (on Infernal Shrines, for example). The enemy team, instead of committing to the 5v5 at the objective, sends just one member up to soak XP in the shrine lane and the others across the map to farm waves and clean up the remaining camps - in other words, yielding the objective and picking up value elsewhere. It's imperative that you react quickly to this play and send a few members of your team to catch soak in the other lanes as well. If your opponents are not contesting the shrine, there's no need to have all 5 members of your team there! Additionally, you must keep paying attention to the map, because if the enemy team pulls back its members to contest the shrine halfway through, you must recognize this, step off the shrine, and call your team back to regroup and then fight. Map awareness is not something you employ once and then forget about until the next objective. You must always be practicing it and be ready to adapt to (or even set the pace of) the dynamism of the match.

8. One point I really want to hammer home with regards to map awareness and interpretation is that these skills can really be backbreaking if you're implementing them at a level higher than your opponents; in essence, you can get a huge edge against opponents making macro errors by recognizing that they are out of place/out of position and punishing them. If you miss the opportunity to punish your opponent's errors, you are leaving a lot of equity/win percentage points on the table! If you're reading the map at a higher level than the other team, your rotations, play calls, and teamfighting engagements will likely be of a distinctly higher quality than the other team.

9. Finally, here's an example that puts together a lot of the concepts we've touched on thus far: let's discuss late game macro strategy, backdooring, and some counterplay to backdooring. I've watched a lot of HotS, and one situation that I've seen come up is going for a backdoor (usually after a keep or two has been taken down already) while the main map objective is coming up.

There are two key points to understand in these kinds of late game situations:

- The first is that uncontested, a squad of 3+ heroes (or even less depending on which heroes specifically) can pretty reliably take down the core. Thus, when a keep has been taken down, there's a distinct 'win condition' available for that team, i.e. walking up that lane.

- The second point to understand is that when a team has taken down a keep or two, and the opposing team is trying to manage the macro and play defensively across the map (i.e. trying to keep catapults at bay), a straight up 5v5 teamfight at the map objective is exactly what the team that's down keeps wants. They want to look for a quick resolution, an all-out teamfight, such that the map pressure that the catapults are generating has less time to make a meaningful impact - that advantage is rendered moot if the game ends in one all-out brawl.

Image courtesy ofBlizzard's Media

Knowing this, if you're on the side of the team that has map pressure, it's important to play a bit slow and allow your catapults (or mercs camps, in the same vein) to do work, forcing the other team to respond to them. Sometimes a teamfight will be unavoidable even though you have map pressure...but the important thing is that you usually shouldn't actively seek out a 5v5 teamfight on equal footing. Alternatively, When you have map pressure with a keep down, allow your lanes to push and always keep in mind the possibility of a backdoor strategy. At the very least, you should look to prolong/stall out the objective fight so that your catapult lanes apply pressure. And in general, if your lanes are creating pressure, someone from the enemy team must eventually go and respond; when someone responds to the pressure in another lane, now you know you have a 5v4 teamfight on your hands! Play it slow, and if you want to teamfight, take your time and look for a good opportunity (taking an advantage in positioning, a 5v4, etc.). From the viewpoint of the team that's down a keep or two, it is critical to look to force action from your opponents. One of the best avenues to do so is through the map objective, which in most cases is devastating in the late game.

It's time to tie all this macro game strategy back into map awareness. From the perspective of the team that has catapult (or merc) pressure in their favor, the whole process of pushing out lanes and watching for when the opponent commits a hero to clearing the catapults involves constant map awareness. Additionally, if you see the entire enemy team at the map objective, you can send someone to stall their Hearthstones while the rest of the team pressures the core and ends.

From the perspective of the team getting pushed in, figuring out where the enemy team is and clearing safely (without getting engaged on) again involves constant map awareness. Avoiding facechecking bushes, moving around safely, and knowing where you can get free soak or waveclear all requires a vigilant presence of mind. While the team wants to take a 5v5, committing too many resources to the map objective without first knowing where the enemy team is will open you up to a backdoor. In this situation, until you know the whereabouts of the enemy team, it's sometimes a good idea to 'float' in a middle area where you can quickly commit to the map objective or the core, depending on what the enemy team does. And in general, when you're in the dark and have no idea where the enemy team is, it's often best to play super safe and stay far back near your base (or roam around as 5).

So there you have it - those were some examples on interpretation, and more broadly, some practical applications of map awareness. My goal in showing you these examples/describing situations was not to list all the specific instances where map awareness is useful (as there are so many more circumstances where gleaning information from the minimap is critical), but rather to present scenarios from which you can extract some general principles (on minimap interpretation/game knowledge) and carry them over into the game-to-game situations that you find in your HotS matches every day.

My hope is that this brief discussion on interpretation will get your brain thinking about macro and map awareness from a different perspective/viewpoint, identifying patterns and similarities in your games, and making note of interpretations/insights that I didn't think of!

How Do You Train Your Map Awareness?

With regards to 'interpretation', the first step to improve is to think critically about what you see on the on the minimap each game and attempt to, well, interpret it. Think about the objectives on the map, the heroes that your team and the enemy team have, and what would be the gameplans for both teams at each point in the match. Afterwards, see how the game state changes, note whether your interpretation was on point, and consult with others whose opinion you respect to see if it was a reasonable guess. If something blindsided you during the game (maybe you got ganked, rotated on, or your team walked into a trap in the late game, etc.) check out your replays (something that you should always look to be doing, by the way!) and figure out how the enemy team moved, how you should have responded to their play in hindsight, and perhaps most importantly, whether you could have predicted the opponents' movements in advance and played around them.

Image courtesy of Blizzard's Media

As I described above, a big part of interpreting the minimap is stepping into your opponents' shoes and trying to think as they are thinking: "Alright, so 4 of the 5 enemy team members are missing... If I were the enemy team, what would I being doing right now?" Learn from others - watch streams, read strategy content, and pick up how other people approach the situations they encounter. And finally, gaining experience and in general just expanding your game knowledge helps with interpretation. The more permutations of the game and interesting strategies you see, the more accurate your ability to predict and guess at where the enemy team is and what they're doing will become.

With regards to 'observation', I've listed it second... but it probably needs to be practiced first, at least to an adequate level (in order to get good value out of 'interpretation')! I've been playing MOBAs for quite a while now, and I've realized that, unfortunately, there is some degree of truth and wisdom in the stereotypical advice of "Just look at the minimap more often (Kappa)." It is a habit that forms by developing an understanding that looking at the minimap is critically important, and with time and experience playing the game.

Now, there are definitely some training strategies that you can do that might be of some help; briefly listed below are a few strategies I've heard about or theorycrafted that should help bolster your observational map awareness:

1. Devote a few games solely to improving your minimap observation skills, i.e. go into the match with your goal being to catch as much information from the minimap as you can. You might play a bit suboptimally for those few games (by looking at the minimap at every given moment you can, making it first on your priorities list. Basically, act as if the minimap was your main camera and the main camera was your minimap, haha.), but it'll pay off in the long run!

2. Try implementing a rhythmic/rote habit - after every minion wave soaked, look at the minimap. Or even consider setting some kind of repeating timer that goes off every 10 seconds or whatnot. Each beep should remind you to look at the minimap and shift your camera around to look at your teammates.

3. Play characters with global abilities. By playing heroes like Dehaka, Falstad, or Brightwing (whose kits are all deeply entwined with global rotation capabilities), you will probably be forced to learn to observe the map in order to make full use of your hero!

Image courtesy of Blizzard's Media (Wallpapers)

Dehaka's Brushstalker provides powerful global presence. Digging at the right time requires solid map awareness and can swing teamfights!

4. A caution: Watching HotS streams - as helpful and informative as they are - can potentially build some bad habits, specifically with regards to map awareness. When watching a stream (and this is just speaking from my own personal experience), I tend to focus almost solely on what the player is doing on the main camera, listening to what they're saying, and watching their webcam; in other words, the minimap does not get as much focus when watching other people play, just kind of inherently. While totally fine if you're watching a stream for entertainment or to relax, watching to learn is better accomplished with a more involved approach!

When watching a stream (even tournament/professional game streams), I feel like there's a bit of a tendency to passively soak in what's happening in the main camera. In order to get more out of streams (both in terms of avoiding building a bad habit and to improve your map awareness when you're not actually playing the game), I would recommend reminding yourself to actively check out the minimap, and even make some 'practice' shotcalls in your head as the game progresses! In other words - if you're watching streams to learn/for didactic value - try becoming an 'active' participant in the game. Compare your decision-making and macro with the streamer's; it can be a fun exercise to see that your respective strategies align, and foster learning and discussion in the chat if you would've made a play that they didn't. Another idea I'm thinking about (and I plan to do this myself in the future as a training exercise) is, if you're watching a vod, you could even pause at a decision point and make a shotcall, then unpause and see if the streamer and his/her team made the same choice, learning their reasoning in either case. Hopefully the streamer's webcam isn't covering the minimap!

5. Having a mastery of the hero you're playing helps a lot! If you're totally comfortable with your character's mechanics, playstyle, and output, you don't have to spend much mental energy operating your hero (as it's mostly muscle memory/intuitive) and can instead devote more mental energy and attention to taking in what's going on around the map.

All of these methods can be helpful in their own way, but the reality of the situation is that you need to build the habit of looking at the minimap every game, oftentimes even more often than once every 10 seconds, and on every single hero you play. Basically, whenever you don't need to be looking at what your character is doing via the main camera, you should be observing what the status is around the map. And optimally, you should strive to get to the level where, for example, you can quickly check what's going on while in the middle of a 1v1 duel, to see if someone's coming up to gank you! Multitasking with meaningful in-game actions is the 'observational' goal to strive for! This inclination to look at the minimap - now that you know how powerful and game-changing it can be - will come with time and experience.

On Diminutive Cartography (i.e. the Study of Mini-Maps - It'll Catch On, Don't Worry)

I've heard that Map Awareness is considered the #1 most important skill for success in Hero League; while I personally disagree with it being #1 (I think the #1 'skill' involves developing the mentality to learn and immerse oneself in the process of getting better rather than just looking for wins), it's definitely a crucial skill to have, and honing your map awareness will greatly increase your win percentage.

As an aside (and this is purely my own conjecture), I think most players do have a pretty decent grasp of map awareness. However, problems arise because it's easy to have lapses in applying it consistently throughout a match! Tunnel visioning on a particular line of play, going on autopilot when you're far ahead or behind, etc., all contribute to lapses in vigilant map awareness (more specifically, lapses in the 'observation' component). I say this because I too experience this sometimes, and it's been a sticking point for me throughout my MOBA career. It's very easy to get complacent, take the game state for granted, and make simple mistakes! My motto and most important piece of advice I can give to you as you play HotS is: "Don't play on autopilot!" Always be aware of what's going on and be looking to play around things when appropriate. Observe what's going on around the map, interpret and analyze the info to derive what the appropriate reaction should be, and communicate the necessary play calls to your team.

Image courtesy of Blizzard's Media (Wallpapers)

Learn to take a bird's eye view of the game, and watch the magic happen.

That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed the article. If you'd like to discuss anything HotS, have comments/feedback on this article, or just want to say hi, feel free to tweet me @k0nduit and I'll get back to you.

Until next time!

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