ADC Senna - A Guide on How Not to Farm

28 Mar 20



ADC Senna - A Guide on How Not to Farm

A guide on how to Build the newest iteration of Senna ADC.

In Patch 10.3, Senna was nerfed in the AD Carry position. Her soul drop rate was increased for minions she didn’t kill from 20% to 25% and the percentage dropped by cannon minions was slashed significantly from 100% to 20%. The goal of these nerfs were to get Senna back into the support role where Riot intended her to be played, sometimes being flexed to the AD Carry position. However, in recent weeks of pro play, we have still seen Senna in-game as the ADC. The secret, she doesn’t farm! Competitive teams have been pairing Senna “Support” and a champ of choice in the bot lane and the lane has been thriving.

The build for Senna is quite similar to her support build. Start the game with a Spectral Sickle while your support starts with most likely a Doran’s item. From there, build Senna however you like. So far, we’ve seen a lot of full lethality or utility tool items on Senna. For Runes and Masteries, a recent discovery is that Glacial Augment on Senna is quite good. Her Q, Piercing Darkness, applies on-hit effects, which means it activates Glacial Augment which makes escaping her even harder. Going down the Inspiration tree, you will be picking up Magical Footwear, Biscuit Delivery and Approach Velocity. For your secondary tree, go for the Precision route with Presence of Mind and Legend: Bloodline.

Now to talk about how Senna is going to make her gold and stay relevant in the game. Her main source of income will be the ability of the Spectral Sickle, granting you 15 gold per stack, the weapon having 3 stacks and giving you one every 10 seconds. As well, the item grants you 2 gold per 10 seconds, which increases as you upgrade it with the tribute mechanic. As well as this, Senna’s passive, Absolution, grants you passive souls which can be picked up for gold and scaling.

For our last point of this article, we will talk about who to pair up with this new Senna. As seen recently in the LCS, tanks such as Nautilus or Tahm Kench are quite viable options as lane partners. Having them farm the minions will result in them being able to buy much better tank items which results in killing them becoming much more difficult. Other options we’ve seen paired with her are high DPS mages such as Rumble. Laning with Senna allows them to farm well in the laning phase as well as keep yourself healthy with the Senna sustain.

With this new build being unveiled recently, Senna sounds like she will still be very good in the meta for a while. On the bright side, with her and our favourite ADC Aphelios being nerfed, the meta has opened up to many more viable picks.

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