One with the Wild – A Look at Some Insane Mid Lane Jungle Pairings

6 May 20


robstermonahan, contributors


One with the Wild – A Look at Some Insane Mid Lane Jungle Pairings

A Look at some champion pairings with powerful synergies with the mid and jungle roles.

League of Legends has become known for some of the sickest wombo combos in all of esports and this is for good reason, as champion synergy is something that is highly valued in every level of play. But what champions mesh well with others? Well, the possibilities are endless, with over 140 champions to choose from across five roles. However, one of the most important pairings over recent metas has been the jungle/mid pairing and so, in this piece, I will break down four champion pairings that you (and a friend if you’re lucky enough to have a duo partner) can utilize.

Gragas Jungle and yasuo Mid

This is probably the most obvious combo on this list, the king of displacement partnered with the master of airborne punishment is a very obvious combo but there is a reason it is used even at the pro level. The fact that Gragas can knock-up/knockback multiple targets with ease thanks to his ultimate’s large AoE (R, Explosive Cask) or failing that his E, Body Slam (which can be made almost undodgeable by the Gragas E-Flash combo) can also do the same means the synergy between them via synergizing around Yasuo’s ultimate, Last Breath. It is that synergy of ultimates that makes this combo so potent and worth running.

Sejuani Jungle and Irelia Mid

It is only over recent seasons that have welcomed melee carries back into the mid lane in a major way, and one of the biggest benefactors of this has been Sejuani, as she has a love affair with melee champions because they can stack the passive on her E which when fully stacked gives a point and click stun, making her gank potential immensely strong. But what champion that is viable in mid that can stack auto attacks and gap close the best. Well that title goes to the Blade Dancer, Irelia. This is because she can cap close and apply the on-hit auto stack of Permafrost simultaneously with her Q, Bladesurge, meaning Irelia is one of the best champions for Sejuani to gank alongside. It is this synergy between the passive effects that makes this combo so potent and worth running.

Orianna Mid and Olaf Jungle

Orianna has been a teamfight monarch in LoL ever since her release in Season 2. This is mainly due to the gigantic impact her ultimate, Command: Shockwave, has. However, what many players don't realize is that, compared to other picks in the mid lane, Orianna is quite short ranged and her back line access is limited. This is where Olaf comes in. Olaf loves to do one thing, pop his ultimate (Ragnarok) to ignore all CC then run down carries with the rest of his kit. However, if the Berserker finds his HP bar melted or not having enough MS to get on the backline, he becomes as strong as soggy bread. This where this synergy thrives as these two champions when paired together cover each other’s weaknesses very well as Orianna can shield and speed up Olaf covering his flaws, while he covers the flaw of Orianna’s lack of range by mauling those carries outside of it. It is this dual covering of weaknesses that makes this combo so potent and worth running.

Fiddlesticks Jungle and Galio Mid

Here we have Riot’s latest addition the LoL and while his win rate isn’t great at this time (around 48% [due to his lack of access to a ward removal item yet his kit needing good vision control to thrive]) it does not mean he cannot play with others. The creature that is Fiddlesticks has his kit loaded with the CC of fearing opponents so they don’t/can’t attack him while they walk away. This where Galio comes in, after losing his Shield of Durand flash combo, he lost his S tier status as it became so much harder to land his taunt which then enables his combo. However, a target that is unable to run away and maybe even walking towards Galio is a perfect target for him. Now a target that is unable to run away and maybe even walking towards Galio sounds an awful lot like a feared target, so here we have an example of a pairing with synergetic CC combo and it is this synergy between the passive effects that makes this combo so potent and worth running (I will also point out the combo of Fiddlesticks Crowstorm being followed up with Galio’s Hero’s Entrance is very potent too).


So, there we have it, four champion pairings that can be utilized by the mid jungle duo unleash a barrage of pain upon their opponents. There are more pairings than just these four, as I mentioned I the introduction to this piece there are over 140 champions in LoL right now meaning there are so many pairings that could be awesome together. However, as much as these combos are very cool and can be fun to execute I will tell you not to blind these champions into ranked games, their synergy does not give you an auto-win and so you must understand the champions first, take the time to learn the champion, your sanity (and LP) will thank me later. So whatever pairing you (and hopefully your friends) choose to run remember why they synergize, whether it be through ultimate synergy, passive synergy, weakness covering, or even CC synergy I hope you enjoy the new power at your disposal. With that, I once again leave you with the thoughts of GL, HF, and GG.

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