Overview of the Best Jungler For Each Top Laner

10 Oct 20


Phantome, contributors


Overview of the Best Jungler For Each Top Laner

Matches made in the grey-screened heaven of Summoners Rift.

With most fights centered around the bottom side objective of Dragon, few people bother to even consider the importance of top/jungler synergies. Putting an emphasis on the top side as a jungler allows you to get your solo laners, who have the easiest access to experience and gold, ahead. Giving up the often negligible passive buffs of the first two dragons in order to set your top laner ahead with kills and tower plating might seem outlandish, but this advantage of gold and experience lead into powerspikes that can turn the tides in mid and late game teamfights. Finally, junglers that emphasize playing around bot and mid tend to neglect farming their top side camps which you can pillage under the protection of your top laner who you set ahead, making your stronger as well for future teamfights.

Aatrox and Elise

Both champions can set each other up for easy CC chains, both deal insane amounts of damage. Diving turrets becomes a breeze, total top side domination is almost assured. Her E set up for his W and Q are insane throughout the game. This combination peaks in the early and mid game but doesn't scale very well unless incredibly snowballed due to the lack of a tank.

Akali and Shen

Never question the lore. Akali is an insanely mobile, high sustain assassin who weaves in and out of vision and does tonnes of damage. She can stall for immensely long periods of time with her shroud and has easy access to the backline with her multitude of gap closers and passive MS. Shen can wait for Akali to get into the backline and R her. If she shrouds he will almost guarantee complete the channel and he can protect her with his W while taunting priority targets. Akali just needs someone tanky with CC to disrupt enemies while she waits for her energy and CDs to destroy the enemy carries. I will make a quick note that high CC, reliable engage tanks like Zac and Sejuani are also stellar with Akali. Shen also allows Akali to go for more risky plays and tower dives in lane with his R and W.

Camille and Kha'Zix

This synergy is ideal because Camille has easy to hit CC, does lots of single target damage, and can knock enemies away and isolate a key target with her R. Kha'Zix's mobility can also match Camille's, especially when she jumps through the entire jungle to make picks. Her independence in lane also mean Kha'Zix is not forced to babysit her. Finally, in teamfights she can survive for a decent length of time, with her shields, and distract the enemies while Kha'Zix sneaks into the backline and one-shots someone.

Cho'Gath and Graves

Cho'Gath's tend to build go Glacial Augment with Hextech GLP and Twin Shadows, allowing for Graves to catch up and burst targets down. Graves's smokescreen also slows the enemy further while also obscuring their vision, allowing Cho'Gath to hit easy knock ups. This combination is exceptionally dangerous under tower as the terrain benefits Graves's burst while limiting the ability of enemies to dodge Cho'Gath's Q. His R is also a fantastic execute and can allow them to secure objectives and snowball games faster.

Darius and Fiddlesticks

Darius's AOE pull might seem like a simple and ineffective CC but it benefits Fiddle immensely by repositioning enemies so they get feared towards Darius and Fiddle's team. Fiddle's potential to 5 man fear the enemy also compliments Darius by splitting the enemy up, allowing him to position himself for 5 man Q's and reliably hit key ultimates without misclicking. Finally, the sheer damage of Crowstorm gets enemy's low enough for Darius to dunk them and activate his passive without having to stack it with autoattacks and abilities. Fiddle does the initial damage and Darius cleans house.

Dr. Mundo and Rek'Sai

Another combination that brings immense tower diving threat to the enemy. The bonus MS Rek'Sai gets from being burrowed on top of the constant slow and damage of Mundo's Q make her ganks fearsome. Her strong early game can allow him a better time transitioning into his mid-to-late game power spikes or she can opt to leave him alone and counterjungle the enemy. In teamfights Mundo runs in and tanks CC and damage while she looks for flanks to knock up clumped enemies or priority targets.

Fiora and Rengar

After hitting 6, rengar can gank from literally anywhere and begin to snowball Fiora's lane. Throughout laning phase, Rengar can make use of Fiora's tendency to push with Tiamat to sit in the top bushes to counter gank or wait for the enemy to overstep when the wave bounces back. When Fiora starts splitpushing, her potent dueling abilities generally attract more than 1 person in response. Rengar can happily wait in a bush in the jungle for rotating enemies trying to flank Fiora and one-shot them or even shadow her in lane and jump in with his ultimate, turning a 1v2 into a 2v2. Worse case scenario, Rengar can stay with his team and act as a soft engage with his ultimate and force a 4v3.

Gangplank and Ivern

Gangplank does tonnes of damage, Ivern provides tonnes of utility and CC. They are literally perfect for each other. Ivern's Q roots enemies and allows GP to close the gap instantly and begin to apply his passive. Ivern's W can help GP hide his devastating barrels and protect them from mechanically skilled enemy ADCs. Ivern's E provides GP with additional durability and can be used to slow enemies, allowing GP to wail on them. Ivern's R provides even more CC and absorbs damage and abilities, inadvertently tanking for GP.

Garen and Volibear

Garen does damage and has an execute, Volibear has decent engage with his R gap closer and tonnes of CC. Both of them can be very tanky and deal surprising damage. Together they dive the enemy and beat them to death. Their ultimate's combined make for yet another lethal tower diving combo that extends beyond laning phase. Volibear keeps them in place with stuns and slows and Garen spins. Simple and effective.

Gnar and Jarvan IV

Gnar is a notorious top lane bully who is destined to be constantly pushed up due to his harassment of the enemy. In the early game these 2 can make for a threatening 2v2 combo, especially since Gnar's laner will likely be chunked by his harass. Jarvan can set up for ganks to snowball Gnar's lane, counter gank, or even dive the enemy under tower with relative safety. In teamfights, Jarvan's ultimate provides terrain for Gnar's R right in the middle of a teamfight. The perfect set up is made even more beautiful by the fact that Jarvan naturally wants to engage first and Gnar naturally wants to follow up on engages rather than being the first to engage.

Illaoi and Zac

It's no secret, Illaoi can 1v2 and even 1v3 in lane. The only thing she lacks in her kit is strong engage and CC, 2 things that Zac was literally made for. His Q can clump people together for her tentacles, his E can cover immense distances and make him impossible to ward against. She is a pretty one dimensional champion and so is he.

Irelia and Amumu

Irelia's dominate lane. Thats a given, this means she can act as a bulwark of sorts for Amumu's safety while he farms till 6. Overall, Amumu's stun allows her to easily hit her E and stack her passive while his passive boosts her passive's magic damage and gives her autoattacks a bonus 10% true damage. In teamfights, Amumu engages and keeps enemies in place which sets up for Irelia to follow up with her R and E on as many enemies as possible. Enemies that are constantly CC'ed have a hard time killing Irelia despite her squishiness, which is her main weakness in teamfights.

Jax and Sejuani

Unlike most other notable split pushers, Jax can contribute relatively well to teamfights largely due to his E providing him with survivability and a potentially game changing AOE stun. Getting to enemies tends to be the problem with Jax, but that's where Sejuani comes in. With her reliable long range engage, follow up CC, and her E which is stacked quikcly by Jax's AS and autoresets, this combo is lethal both in lane and in teamfights. Otherwise, Jax can split and draw 1 to 2 enemies away following which Sejuani can look to force engages on the rest of the enemies.

Jayce and Elise

Another infamous lane bully that disguises his obnoxious range advantage with the ability to change forms, Jayce does tonnes of damage but lacks CC and mobility. Combined with Elise this duo wins almost any early game 2v2 and abuse the enemy top laner and jungler. Getting hit by Elise's E is a death sentence, the tower loses its feeling of safety from the constant poke of Jayce as well as the threat of dives with Elise's Rappel. This combination might seem like rubbish later in the game but let's not forget, you have to go through an early and mid game to get to that point.

Kayle and Hecarim

Kayle needs to stay in relatively short range of enemies to consistently put out damage, Hecarim can push enemies into Kayle with his E and R. Hecarim can also put out consistent damage and be protected by Kayle R while benefiting from the MS and healing of her W. Yet another threatening tower diving duo who can ping pong you under tower and emerge without taking an instance of damage. Hecarim also provides engage and helps Kayle transition safely into the late game by providing a safe early and mid game.

Kennen and Sett

Kennen has fantastic follow up AOE damage and CC, Sett has amazing engage and AOE CC. In teamfights, Sett ults one target into the rest of his team and claps them together with his E while Kennen enters from the flank with a blanketing storm of CC and damage. The teamfight is then over. Sett can even find odd angles to enter from with Hexflash and Nimbus Cloak while his W give him the durability to survive a seemingly suicidal endeavor. In lane, Sett runs up to enemies, applies CC, and lets Kennen follow up with his CC and damage. Simple yet effective combo that works the same in every stage of the game.

Kled and Sejuani

This synergy works similarly to the Jax and Sejuani synergy. Kled's W can almost instantly stack Sejuani's E. This combo allows follow up CC of Kled and Sejuani's Q to be guaranteed. Furthermore, Kled's R can be used to devastating effect by allowing Sejuani to close tha gap between her and enemies to land easier ultimates. It is one of the most fearsome forms of engage in the game. Both these champions provide their team with a beefy frontline that can do deceptive amounts of damage. Finally, Kled can also split push and look for flanks on the enemy with his R, while Sejuani looks for engages from the front with her R.

Malphite and Fiddlesticks

Malphite can engage first and set up for the carnage of Fiddlesticks's ultimate. By going in first Malphite either tanks CC and the initial burst or keeps the enemies CC'ed long enough for Fiddle's damage and fear to come through. Malphite's Q can help Fiddlesticks catch up and fear their opponents in lane amd keep opponents in Life Drain's radius longer while his E's AS slow helps keep Fiddle alive from autoattacking champions before he has Zhonya's or after he uses it.

Maokai and Karthus

Maokai provides a tonne of CC, a tank for the team, and amazing engage. The only areas he does not excel in are mobility and damage. While few things would make this tree go much faster, Karthus covers the damage shortcoming of Maokai beautifully. In lane, Maokai's independence allow Karthus to freely farm his jungle and gank whenever he feels like it. When ganking, every single one of Maokai's spells either roots, stuns, or slows which allows Karthus the easiest time of his life unloading his damage. These disruption tools are even more useful in teamfights for keeping Karthus alive a little longer to deal damage as well as keeping enemies in range of Karthus to deal damage.

Mordekaiser and Ekko

Mordekaiser has tremendous sustain and loves to kill tanks, unfortunately, he cannot stand up to the raw damage of many carries for long. Enter Ekko, who deletes carries but has a hard time killing tanks and you have yourself a perfect match. Tanks or protectors like Tahm get in the way of Ekko's assassination? Send them to Professor Mordekaiser's detention center for 7 seconds. Furthermore, if Mordekaiser gets caught out in a numbers disadvantage, he can jump into his R which tends to make enemies clump on where they expect him to emerge. At this time Ekko can time his W to stun those clumped enemies and one shot the damage dealer so Mordekaiser can clean up the rest later.

Nasus and Zac

Nasus's demands depends on the match up, in some match ups he can be left alone to stack, in others he requires help from the jungler. Zac can ignore the lane or gank it from the most unpredictable angles. Furthermore, Zac makes up for Nasus's weakness of having no hard engage and little CC, which leads to him getting kited. Zac can jump into enemies and disrupt them while Nasus runs up and canes the carry.

Ornn and Graves

Ornn has magnificent scaling, tonnes of CC, great engage, and provides immense utility to the team while being independent in lane. A perfect top laner. This is great for champions like Graves who can follow up on Ornn's CC with tonnes of burst damage. Furthermore, the long range of both Ornn and Graves's R can allow them to pull of some very flashy snipes on low health squishies in teamfights. Ornn's Q can also enable Graves's Q the way any other piece of terrain does. Look at how all their spells match! Aren't they just too cute together?

Poppy and Gragas

Poppy does extremely well in lane, has immense early game burst, has a host of follow up CC, has great disengage, and has stellar peel. The only issue being she has a hard time finding good initial engages on enemies. Gragas on the other hand has stellar disengage that can double as an effective engage tool with his ultimate that can set up Poppy for easy E's into walls. His disengage ability matches hers, he can also follow up well, and they make a killer tower diving combination in lane. Being CC'ed between these two is like hopping into a bouncy castle.

Quinn and Nunu

Quinn bullies lanes with her range and high damage but has no CC or engage. Nunu provides reliable engage, good CC, and a host of AS and MS buffs while being a tank. In lane, Nunu just rolls up, knocks up the enemy, slows them with his E, and empowers Quinn with his passive while she wails at the poor laner. When she hits 6 and starts to roam, Nunu can keep up with her and impact the map together. In teamfights, Nunu provides great peel with a large AOE slow which she can knock people back into when they get out.

Renekton and Sejuani

Literal LCS level synergy right here. There is no denying that Renekton is abusive in lane but tends to fall off a little later on. With this synergy, he falls off less due to the way he almost instantly stacks Sejuani's E. In lane they make up a lethal tower diving duo and Renekton's flash W stuns on key targets in teamfight set Sejuani up for easy follow up chain CC. Renekton can also look for flanks and delete squishies if he is able to get access to the backline while Sejuani disrupts the rest of the team.

Riven and Zac

Riven does lots of damage, is highly mobile, provides decent CC, but can have a hard time in teamfights due to her inherent squishiness. While her ability to physically get on targets is unquestionable, Riven's do not generally want to be the ones to be the first to engage as she can get locked up by CC and eradicated. Zac provides even more CC while being a tank and a reliable form of long range engage. Riven can wait for Zac to jump in to soak up the initial burst and quickly back him up. Riven's also tend to do so much better in teamfights if they are snowballed in lane which Zac can lend a hand in ensuring with his unpredictable gank avenues. In lanes and in teamfights the combo is the same, he goes in and keeps people still while she unloads on them and decimates whatever was there.

Rumble and Jarvan IV

No surprise here. Rumble tends to be a really strong lane bully into melee match ups and has the tendency to push his wave out. Jarvan can ensure is safety with his strong early game and even gank to snowball Rumble further ahead. Jarvan's abundance of CC allow for Rumble to deal his damage safely and all of Rumble's damaging spells can be flung in from outside Cataclysm. Not to mention it's pretty easy for Jarvan to hit a large number of enemies with his R considering his E + Q combo can be used to close distances and Rumble can follow up such an engage with the long range of his R.

Ryze and Sett

Despite all the MS that Sett's generally run, actually getting to the enemy can be a daunting task. An easy way to make this less daunting is to have the target rooted by a point and click ability. Enter Ryze. In lane, Ryze can set up immensely well for Sett while providing the little bit of damage needed to finish off enemies. The early game will be mainly on Sett to deal the burst and provide the follow up CC. In teamfights, once Ryze has items, Sett jumps into as many people as possible with his R and clumps them together with his E to allow for Ryze to unload his ridiculous amounts of AOE damage onto the enemy team. Ryze can even use his ultimate to give Sett a better entry position from a flank or to cut the enemies escape path off.

Shen and Nocturne

Shen provides great protection and follow up on enemies. He also has great engage with his flash but without it, his engage potential is halved. Shen can hold out in lane against most opponents while Nocturne grinds till level 6. After which, Nocturne can gank any lame with his semi-global ultimate and count on the protection of Shen's ultimate. Instead of a standard 3v2 bot, every Nocturne gank could be a 4v2. In teamfights, Shen can preempt an ultimate on Nocturne and have Nocturne be his vehicle to close the distance between enemies and him. Bonus points for arriving on top of carries which Shen can follow up on with his taunt, or cover Nocturne from the AD damage with his W.

Singed and Kindred

Singed is the teenager who just wants to be left alone to experiment and do his thing. Most of the times, even if you try to help him with reason or advice all you get is a Singed laughing his way across the map and into the enemy base. A tiger has more chances of changing its stripes than a Singed has of not proxying. So what can you do as a jungler with the chaos that Singed wreaks upon the enemies top side of the map? You get the marks that spawn on the other side while he tries to get rid of the menace that is Singed. Will he succeed? No. Will he be extra titled when he comes back to find his bottom side jungle gone? Yes! And if he chooses to abandon his top side jungle, that's more camps for you and less for him! Kindred's high mobility and good clear speed make her the perfect match for Singed, she even scales harder than the usual counter junglers. Finally, Singed can be the bouncer of Kindred ultimates and throw out the unwanted guests.

Sion and Kha'Zix

Sion provides great engage and lots of CC while being an infinite scaling tank. In teamfights, he is a constant force of disruption that Kha'Zix can use to unexpectedly sneak up to carries and one-shot them. Most of the time, the mere sound of Sion's R triggers enemies to scatter away from lanes and into the jungle, creating the most ideal circumstances for a Kha'Zix player. Like all other tanks, Sion's initial engage also tends to soak up lots of the initial burst and CC, creating a window for Kha'Zix to delete squishies. Kha'Zix can also set up for Sion to hit his CC with the massive slows from his evolved W and follow up long range engages with his evolved E and R movement speed.

Teemo and Shaco

I cannot believe I am condoning this. I suppose nothing can bring up one nuisance like the influence of another. With this duo, you both knowingly scuttle any hopes of your team winning team fights. From the second these picks are locked in, its all about snowballing leads, splitting enemies up, and making picks. In the mid game, Teemo shrooms provide great vision and zone control for Shaco who can either push on the other side of the map or wait for an enemy to step on a nuke and come in to clean them up. Teemo can make one side of the enemy's jungle uninhabitable while Shaco can take the other.

Tryndamere and Sejuani

Yet another instance of a splitpushing autoattack champion being paired up with Sejuani. Starting to see any trends? Tryndamere stacks her E rapidly, can catch up to enemies she CC's easily, and make dives so easy with his invulnerability. Later on he split pushes and looks to attract 2 or more people to his lane while she hard engages on the rest. Just the usual.

Urgot and Gragas

Urgot has a hard time getting on top of people where he can deal most of his consistent damage. His short range is further tormented by the fact that he has one gap closer, which is also his main source of CC. His high amounts of AD damage are greatly complimented by the AP damage of Gragas and he benefits immensely from the repositioning power of Gragas's ultimate. Gragas can knock enemies towards Urgot who can flip them again. This Alley-oop can be deadly, even to tanky targets. Urgot also benefits from Gragas's Q slow and E knock up to keep targets in range.

Wukong and Nunu

The changes that Wukong received in 10.6 changed him from a burst damage assassin to a autoattack reliant bruiser who benefits from Nunu's slows, hard engage, AS, and MS buffs both in lane and later in the game. Nunu also has some pretty decent engage with his snowball as well as good CC to keep targets still with his E and R while the healing from his Q and the shield from his R keep him alive. All the while Wukong can follow up with his double tornado knock ups and destroy the squishies. All the CC and tankiness also make ganking Wukong's lane extremely easy.

Yorick and Zac

The last Zac pick you will see on this list, I swear. Yorick is the epitome of a split pusher. He really doesn't contribute at all in teamfights aside from tanking damage, which he doesn't do as well as a straight tank, and patting the enemy's damage stats. Yorick is much bigger of a threat in a side lane tearing down towers and splitting the enemy team up. In order to be most effective Yorick should be snowballed in lane so that he can easily 1v1 or even 1v2 enemies. Zac helps by ganking with his multitude of avenues with his long ranged E. Later on, Yorick draws attention and Zac jumps on remainder of the enemy team. Zac's CC also keeps enemy laners in range for Yorick to smack them with his shovel when ganking in lane.

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