Make Your ADC Love You: Best Support Synergies

Make Your ADC Love You: Best Support Synergies

Explore what support champion works best with your ADC in this support synergy guide.

The bottom lane - the lane that not only relies on working together, but usually the one that requires immediate communication. Players will play their best ADC or support champion when playing in this lane, for it may result with a better win condition. While that may be the case, to increase your skills as a support player in League of Legends, it is best to understand what supports well synergize with your ADC. There are many support champions you can play, yet their roles stay similarly the same. If you are unsure, I suggest you read my blog on support roles. Here I will include a short detail of the support roles along with the champion that best pairs with that support.

Sustain Supports

Sustain champions are the healers of the game. Their key role is to make sure their teammates stay alive with heals or shields. Sustain champions like Soraka, Nami and Yuumi are usually best paired with late game ADC's like Vayne, Jinx, and Kai'Sa, to make sure these ADCs can farm up without having to go back to base often. While the lane may be slow for the beginning of the game, these ADCs shine during the latecomer and having a sustain support will make it easier to farm up early.

Engage Supports

Engage supports are the tanks of the game, they provide the team the engage they need to start team fights, but also can set up kills for your ADC. Leona, Blitzcrank, and Nautilus are strong engage supports with ultimates that can shut down the enemy team through a stun, knock-up, or a silence. Because engage supports are strong throughout the game, it is best to take advantage of their early game dominance. This means that any early game ADC like Lucian, Xayah, and Draven will work extremely well with an engage support partner.

Poke Supports

Poke supports are exactly that, they excel in slowly diminishing the enemy's health, making it easy for their ADC to snatch a kill. Poke supports have a slow, a snare, a stun, or some form of CC to follow-up with a spell and help their ADC do additional damage. Though poke supports are strong in slowly doing damage, they are normally lacking in survivability. With most poke supports being mages, it makes them fragile and easy targets for assassins. Poke supports like Morgana, Sona, and Lux pair very well with Ashe, Caitlyn, and Ezreal because of their early game poke.


As a Nami main, having a Jinx as my ADC always makes me thrilled. The synergy these two have is amazing because their kits pair well with each other. Nami's kit brings an array of abilities which make her a powerful support. Nami can engage and disengage fights with her Q and her R, at the same time her W, Ebb and Flow is a heal and a damage spell with the addition of her E giving Jinx a slow on her auto-attacks. When partnered with Jinx, not only is Nami able to keep Jinx topped off, but their spells pair well with each other. If Nami lands her Q, Aqua Prison, Jinx can then follow up with her E, Flame Chopper, to maximize stun and do a lot of damage. Nami's E, Tidecaller's Blessing, can combined with Jinx's Fishbones to poke from a safe distance. There are many possibilities in creating good combos with these two and with Nami's sustain towards Jinx, all Jinx needs to do is farm and capitalize on those kill opportunities. When you are looking at synergies, understanding the spell capabilities of your support will allow you to pick the support that best pairs with your ADC. While it can be difficult mastering every support there is, having your pick at a sustain, poke, and engage support can still work in becoming the perfect partner your ADC may need. Engage supports can fulfill that role because they work best with most ADCs most of the time, though there are those that work really well with having an engage support.


Leona and Lucian are a duo to be afraid of. Leona is a powerful support, having the ability to start skirmishes and really punish her enemies if they overextend. Leona's passive Sunlight marks enemies, and any damage done to them will receive additional damage. This passive plus Leona's Q, Shield of Daybreak, are strong when paired with Lucian's kit. Lucian's passive allows him to shoot twice when he uses any of his abilities, giving him ample of opportunities to punish those affected with Sunlight or stunned by Leona's Q. The scariest combo is their ults, as Leona's R, Solar Flare, stuns and applies Sunlight. When blended with Lucian's R, The Culling the enemy will be hit by the barrage of shots from his weapons. Having two champions that excel throughout the game, even during the early game, is a good pairing because they can punish basically any bot lane combo with their aggressive plays.

Leona and Samira are also a powerful combo. Samira overall is a good ADC to have with engage supports because of her ability to knock up enemy champions who are CCed in any form. This gives Samira the power to ramp up her skill ranks and get a free ultimate through the support from Leona or any support that has the ability to stun. I believe Leona is one of the strongest partners for Samira, because her ultimate Solar Flare is a ranged stun that can be followed up with Shield of Daybreak, giving Samira so many opportunities to knock up their target. The drawback to having Leona is when the ADC does not follow up, it can leave Leona in a difficult situation since Leona does not have any escape mechanisms.


This synergy is all about the power of snares and traps. Morgana's Q, Dark Binding, snares enemy champions for up to 3 seconds, and is also a fairly fast traveling snare. When combined with Caitlyn, this can be difficult to deal with. Caitlyn's W, Yordle Snap Trap, roots enemies and gives Caitlyn an automatic crit. The way this would work is for Morgana to snare followed by the Caitlyn trap which can snare the enemy champion for up to 5 seconds. With Caitlyn having extensive range, this puts her in a safe position while outputting a ton of damage. Also, we can't forget about Morgana's E, Black Shield, which will block an enemy's ability. The way the Morgana and Caitlyn work in the lane is scary because of their pressure, especially when going up against squishy supports and ADCs. Morgana isn't the only support that Caitlyn excels with. If you are looking for more aggressive poke support, Lux is a fan favorite.


Lux is a more offensive support, as she offers extra damage along with her powerful ultimate. While her snare is shorter, it can snare up to two people, creating more pressure in the lane and taking advantage of her poke potential. The strongest side of Lux is her ultimate, when combined with her Q and E, Lux can dish out enough damage potentially killing the enemy ADC and possibly the enemy support (that is, if the support is not a tank). While Morgana offers a safer and more passive poke, Lux is a lot more aggressive. If you are looking for more of a sustain support, maybe consider Sona. Sona is a good champion that offers buffs, but can also sustain her lane through heals and disengage ganks through her ultimate.


Ezreal and Sona work well with each other because of how well their ultimate works. Sona is a poke champion that offers various buffs depending on which ability she activates. Sona's Q, Hymn of Valor, will always target the two closest enemies (preferring champions) and giving allies deal bonus magic damage on their next attacks. Sona also offers sustain with her W, Aria of Perseverance, and movement speed with her E, Song of Celerity. The beauty of this comp is when they use their ultimate together. Sona's ultimate, Crescendo, stuns enemies, allowing Ezreal to line up his ultimate Trueshot Barrage.

These are just my picks in what has worked for me, playing support and synergizing with ADCs. There are many other suitable duo combos out there that are just as strong. As a support player, it is best to be flexible in your picks, and pick a support that would help your ADC maximize in value. Choosing the wrong support might hurt your lane, for they may not work well with each other, but that is just one factor. Knowing and understanding how to play that support brings value, but you can maximize that value in increasing your support pool and trying other supports that can synergize with other ADCs. I am excited to see what duo combos you come up with, but have fun with it, you never know, you might discover the next best wombo combo.

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