League of Legends Guide

A Look at Some Cheesy New Support Strats We Are Seeing in Season 11’s Preseason

A look at some of the new support innovations coming from the LoL community in the times leading up to the start of Season 11.

Now whether or not you're still on the grind for LP during the preseason and whether it is worth is a question that we can only answer for ourselves. But no matter what you are doing during this time it is always a good idea to keep an eye on the most recent cheese in case it drives a meta shift. Since the crazy itemization rework cheese has been so present that some would say that the meta needs a specialist plate, and this is where I come in. While I can’t tell you all the cheese that’s out there, as we know the LoL community is always creating more things more insane than the last, but I can tell you some of these I’ve found (in my home role of support of course) so that you can at least touch in with what’s new, and hey maybe this inspires you to come up with a whole new cheese variant yourself.

AP Twitch Support

This is probably the pick you have probably heard about the most lately as it has featured on the social media of many esports personalities such as YamatoCannon as well as many YouTube guide makers. So, what is this build revolve around, well over the last six months twitch has received several buffs to the ap components of his kit, more specifically his passive: Deadly Venom, his W: Venom Cask (the slow increasing in strength with AP), and most importantly his E: Contaminate and this paired with AP itemization getting a lot better thanks to the item overhaul has created a power spike for the once considered trolling build.

This paired with roaming supports being widely more accepted (Bard mains continue to rejoice) has created an environment where a stealthy AP assassin marksman support can exist and make a match on summoners rift kneel at their mercy. This pick may be coming in during the tail end of s10 but it certainly does have bite.


Moonstone Cassiopeia

The mythic options in the support role are arguably the most limited with 4 options created specifically for support (Battlesong, Mandate, Moonstone, and Locket), however, these items are very diverse and have a wide range of stats in a variety of combinations. One of the better combinations is the combination of mana regen, ability power, and health which is seen on Moonstone (and Mandate) and champions that can use that combo are enjoying life right now. However, one surprising pick that makes exceptional use of moonstone is Ms. No Boots herself Cassiopeia.

Now whilst the snake lady has not been a support pick herself her playstyle of creating extended fights paired with Moonstone’s automatically healing in extended fights (every 2s in combat an ally gets a small heal) means Cassio can play her usual poison spam niche while also becoming a heal bot too, this combination of roleplay may see itself work itself into being a meta forerunner.


Mandate Madness Nautilus

Imperial Mandate is the support item designed for control mage supports (such as Morgana, Lux, Zyra, and Neeko) whilst tanks such as Braum and Naut are meant to go Locket. However, Nautilus can buck the intended trend here as the Titan of the Depths has made good use of AP items on top of his intended tank builds (there is a reason as to why FPX DoinB was effective on his AP into tank Nautilus mid in season 9). Yet Locket is still a better tank item despite Mandates HP stat, so why go it, the answer is his immense synergy with its passive. The passive of having allies pop marks on cc’d enemies to grant MS and do bonus damage in combination with Nautilus’s ability to CC an entire team with his immense amounts of CC in both AOE and ST makes Nautilus just as his title suggest; a titan. A titan of the Season 11 meta trend.


Hybrid Amplifier Nami

One thing that has been a meta trend recently has been to rush your mythic item as your first full item, and this is mostly a good thing to do given the immense power spike they bring upon completion. However, there are a few champions who find themselves in an inefficiency hole where they have a more optimal build path (the Twitch support pick earlier also fits here) and Nami fits in here.

However, Nami does have the almost unique ability to heal/shield multiple targets practically simultaneously (thanks to her E passing Aery shield off if you use it first) meaning she can potentially be amping her whole team, how does she do that, well AD champions are obviously going to love an Ardent Censer but with season 11 the mage amplification is now an option with my personal favorite addition to the shop; The Staff of Flowing Water (which amplifies AP and MS). Nami building either Censer of Staff first (followed by the other) turns her into the universal amplifier who can crank your team's damage up to 11, Season 11 that is and this power may just end up defining the support meta for months to come.



So, there we have it, 4 new combinations of picks and builds at support which may just define and drive the new meta, but remember, we all have the want, nay the necessity to win, and necessity is the mother of innovation, and innovation in LoL means more new picks, more new builds, and yes, even new playstyles. So, even as you learn these new picks and builds (remembering to try them in normal games first [to familiarize] before using them in ranked games in pursuit of that sweet LP that comes with victory), always remember to keep sating that need to keep up with the meta and its budding new stems of power pick, and with that, I leave you with the thoughts of GL, HF, and GG.

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