League of Legends Guide

The Top 3 Mid Lane Champions This Patch

Need a new mid lane champion for solo queue? Look no further than the top 3 picks of the patch.

Patch 11.4 has come with some impactful changes to the game. Specifically, in the jungle, but how does that affect the mid lane? Well, with these changes, the three best mid lane champions to play in solo queue have some things in common. First, these three champions significantly counter or at least go even with the top ten most picked mid lane champions. Eight of the top ten most picked mid champions are melee, and all are assassins. Although two of the top three champions are on this list of the most picked, they are the best of the batch. To provide more context surrounding the significance of the mid lane in the meta, generally, the most important thing to have is lane priority to provide pressure around the map and assist your allies. The top three champions to play mid this patch are both highly capable of gaining lane priority, but also snowball their leads extremely efficiently. With that said, here are the top three mid lane champions in order.

#1 - Diana

53.18% Win Rate
4.3% Ban Rate
5.8% Pick Rate

Diana is an insane champion. If you do not have her in your champion pool, you need to add her. Diana is an ability powered melee assassin. As a result, her stats are quite insane. With high damage, low cooldowns, and ability resets, she has the capacity to one-shot enemies early on in the game with little-to-no counterplay besides flashing. Across all regions and levels of play this patch, Diana has an incredible 53.18% win rate with only a 4.3% ban rate and 5.8% pick rate meaning she is quite easy to get in champ select and without a doubt belongs on this list. With a straight-forward kit, she requires very little mechanical ability which allows the individual to focus more on the macro aspects of the game and less on choice of ability orders and combos. In terms of counters, there is only one champion that is problematic, Galio.

Galio is both tanky enough to withstand her damage while also dishing out enough himself. Additionally, he has easy crowd-control to set up ganks on Diana which, aside from flash, has no easy way of escaping. Aside from Galio, the only way to counter Diana in lane is just with playstyle. Essentially, it all comes down to respecting her damage and taking a slow and calculated approach to the lane. It sounds simple enough, but a good Diana player will see that playstyle and know what to do to make herself useful. A good Diana player will see opportunities to take quick trades to create lane priority. Allowing her to take more control over the wave, and open opportunities to roam with her jungler, place wards, counter jungle, or roam alone. Into a player that plays extremely safe and uses abilities to push waves quickly, your options are to roam while the enemy is freezing or last-hitting the wave, or wait it out in the lane for the enemy to run low on mana and need to recall to find time to quickly roam, or even just push the lane out and get easy plates with your passive. Overall, Diana is easy to learn, fun to play, and very, very good at what she does.

Rune Options

Diana has some options in her runes but generally, it's best to just go for the Electrocute setup. Sudden Impact is great because Diana will always use a dash when dealing damage, so it is easy to activate. For the rest of the Domination tree, Eyeball Collector and Ravenous Hunter allow Diana to stack up even more damage and some omnivamp. The secondary tree is where Diana has more options. The Resolve tree is great because it gives Diana that little bit of extra bulk that can make the difference in early trading and team fights considering she must get up close and personal. In Resolve, Shield Bash gives Diana increased Armor and Magic Resist when she activates her W ability. This also means her next basic attack will deal extra damage.

Lastly, Second Wind is a great choice because it boosts her health regeneration after trading. Otherwise, in the secondary tree, Diana can choose Sorcery which gives Diana even more damage by taking Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm for more late-game scaling. The other solid option in this tree is Manaflow Band and Transcendence to offer more utility and faster spell rotations. Really, it's up to the player which set they prefer. Either take Sorcery for even more damage or Resolve for some sustain and bulk. In higher levels of play, you will see Diana take Phase Rush to stay on top of your target. While this is important, it's generally safe to assume that by the time Diana is on top of her target, the target is already dead with the Electrocute setup.

Overall, Phase Rush pages do allow for some more utility, and more depth in the Sorcery tree which again creates more utility in ability haste and mana, as well as late-game scaling with Gathering Storm.

Diana Electrocute Rune Page - Electrocute/Sudden Impact/Eyeball Collection/Ravenous Hunter/Shield Bash/Second Wind

Ability Order

For Diana's ability order, she almost always starts with Q at level 1. From there, she levels up W or E next, depending on whether she will need the W to avoid poke damage, or the E to have better early trading. At level three, she takes the opposite of level 2. From there, Diana maxes Q first, followed by W, then E, while obviously upgrading her R whenever possible. For Summoner Spells, Diana takes Flash and Ignite for maximizing kill pressure, but Teleport can work as well for easy access to side lanes and split pushing.


Diana's build is straightforward as well. For starting items, Doran's Ring and two pots is the best bet. Otherwise Dark Seal with Refillable Potion is an alternative for riskier players looking to snowball the stacking for Mejai's Soulstealer right from the start of the game. It isn't necessary though because it's quite common to get an early recall where Diana can grab the Dark Seal before she gets any kills. Diana's best Mythic item is Night Harvester by far. After that, she builds Lich Bane and Zhonya's Hourglass in the order that makes most sense depending on the game, while finishing her boots (Sorcerer's Shoes) at some point before the second item (or even first) is complete. To know which to build first, generally, Zhonya's Hourglass is only built completely once the Stopwatch active is used. Otherwise, Seeker's Armguard may be useful early against attack damage mid lane champions. From there, Diana looks to upgrade her Dark Seal to Mejai's if stacked or will buy Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff to round out her build. Both are optional, and there is certainly room for situational items, but you can't really go wrong with this build.

Diana Items - Night Harvester/Sorc Shoes/Lich Bane/Zhonya's/Rabadon's/Void

Basic Combos

Finally, for some quick tips in Diana's basic ability usage. In lane, it's important to keep track of your third auto-attack from your passive. When stacked, a quick, high damage combo that can be done from level two onwards is to Q the enemy, dash to them with E (resetting your E), and auto-attack. From that position, depending on the matchup you can E the enemy again for more damage, or E away to a minion for a shorter, safer trade. From level three onward, you can use the same ability combo, while adding in the W after your auto-attack to add more damage and negate some of the enemy's. Finally, post-level six, Diana can add her ultimate into the combo after her W to guarantee the activation of the second shield from her W.

There are more advanced uses of her abilities for unique circumstances, but the basic combos are the bread-and-butter of Diana gameplay. Aside from the combos, the best thing to keep in mind playing Diana, is enemy escapes and flash timers. Knowing which enemies don't have flash is pretty much having a guaranteed kill, so keep that in mind. Otherwise, when engaging on champions with escape abilities, or with flash available, it is best to keep the reset E available in case the enemy uses an escape to gap-close and finish them off, leaving them wondering why they didn't ban Diana.

#2 Fizz

51.91% Win Rate
6.5% Pick Rate
19.3% Ban Rate

The second mid lane champion on this list works quite similarly to Diana. Fizz should be the number one mid lane champion on this list, however the reason he isn't, is that he requires much more skill and mechanics to play to really maximize on his strengths. Just like Diana, Fizz is an ability-powered melee assassin. Similar to Diana, across all regions and levels of play, Fizz holds a 51.91% win rate this patch with a 6.5% pick rate and a 19.3% ban rate. Unfortunately, he is banned quite often, but if you do manage to hover him before bans go through, it leaves only the enemy team to ban it, so you have decent chances. If the pick does go through the ban phase, then his low pick rate means you are quite likely to pick it up!

Overall Fizz has incredible damage, and gap-close. He is a little trickier to play (pun intended) than Diana and has a gameplay that is easier to counter as well. Fizz counters include champions that also enjoy being in close quarters while also being bulkier or having more crowd-controlling abilities than Fizz. Common mid lane champions like, Diana, Galio, and Lissandra counter Fizz really well, and more niche picks like Garen, Sett, and Renekton will also do the trick. Overall, the common feature of these counters is the heavy crowd control and greater sustain that will allow them to win trades.

Like Diana, a good Fizz player will see opportunities for fruitful trades when enemies misposition or use key abilities. Otherwise, Fizz will need to make himself useful by consistently roaming to snowball from side lanes, or at the very minimum, play around Fog of War to cause enemies to panic and play safer assuming you are nearby.

Rune Options & Ability Order

As Fizz, the best rune setup is Domination primary with Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collector, and Ravenous Hunter along with Precision secondary with Triumph and Coup de Grace. Again, there is room for options for different matchups such as taking Inspiration secondary instead with Biscuit Delivery and Time Warp Tonic for more sustain. Fizz's ability order is best when starting W or E level one, levelling the other at level two, and getting Q at level three. From there, max E, then W, then Q while upgrading R whenever possible. For Summoner Spells, take flash and ignite.

Fizz Runes - Electrocute/Sudden Impact/Ravenous Hunter/Triumph/Coup de Grace


For Fizz's itemization, the best starting item is Corrupting Potion. It gives the most sustain for lane, while also applying more burn onto enemy champions when active. Another safe option for more health, and easier wave management is Doran's Ring with two potions. From there, like Diana, Night Harvester is the best Mythical item. Hextech Rocketbelt is fine for more gap-close, but not necessary. For games where enemies have a lot of crowd control and ability haste is crucial, consider Liandry's Anguish. In most games though, Night Harvester will do just fine.

Unlike Diana, Fizz wants to rush his upgraded boots (Ionian Boots of Lucidity) and Zhonya's first to have decent ability power, more ability haste and extra available stasis. From there he should purchase his Mythical item Night Harvester, followed by Lich Bane. After these core items are complete, Fizz wants to upgrade to Mejai's Soulstealer if sitting on a stacked Dark Seal or build Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff for the majority of his games (again, these two slots are open for situational purchases).

Fizz Items - Mobility Boots/Zhonya's/Night Harvester/Lich Bane/Rabadon's/Void

Basic Combos

In terms of combos, Fizz has many, but the basic options are the most important. For early trades, Fizz can Q to the enemy, auto-attack, and reset his auto-attack with his W, applying Electrocute. Another option is to E onto the enemy without reactivating the ability to deal damage in a wider radius and slow the enemy, then proceed to auto-attack, W to reset, applying Electrocute, and Q away to a nearby minion, or onto the enemy for even more damage. A quick, important tip to using Fizz's E effectively, is that the reactivation of the E will allow for a second dash but will reduce the damage radius and will not apply the slow. Thus, an effective way to gap-close while still slowing, is to E then flash towards the enemy while Fizz is dismounting from his trident.

For maximum damage output, with Fizz's basic abilities, the combo is W and Q to the enemy, auto-attack, then E. Once Fizz is level six, he can use his basic full combo to one-shot enemies with the order, R to apply a slow, E onto them when they are knocked-up by the R, and Q onto the enemy with W active to deal the last bit of damage to secure the kill. Although his ultimate is a bit tricky to land because of its travel speed, Fizz can cancel the animation to make it more difficult to see coming, but using Q to a minion nearby and casting the ultimate while dashing, or casting his ultimate and immediately flashing towards the enemy (also extending the range). Another important tip to keep in mind is that Fizz's R deals more damage and has a larger radius the further it travels before attaching to an enemy.

With that in mind, a good combo for enemies that are low health already, is to Q towards them (via a minion, or another champion) and casting his ultimate mid-flight, E onto the enemy when knocked-up by Fizz's ultimate, auto-attack, W reset. This is an underestimated combo that can give you easy access to the backline of fights when they think they are safe, the tricky part however, is that the damage dealt is reduced because of the Q use as gap-close and the short-ranged ultimate, so it's best to be kept for lower health enemies unless Fizz is fed. Overall, once Fizz is mastered, he can certainly be the better mid lane pick for solo queue because he has more options available to him in terms of items and combos.

#3 - Anivia

52.38% Win Rate
4.1% Pick Rate
9.0% Ban Rate

Last on the list is Anivia. Anivia is quite different from Diana and Fizz, as she is a ranged control mage. Anivia has recently been buffed several times and has since been a lot more viable in solo queue. This patch, across all levels of play and regions, Anivia has a 52.38% win rate with a 4.1% pick rate and 9.0% ban rate. Again, she has decent chances of being banned like Fizz, but an early hover in champ select indicating your intent to play her will really lower the odds of her being banned. Anivia is great because she has great wave clear at level six and deals a ton of damage when played properly. Although Anivia's playstyle is much different, she still should be played with lane priority and map pressure in mind. If allowed to roam, she can apply crowd-controlling abilities, zoning abilities, and high kill pressure.

Like Fizz and Diana, Anivia also does really well into the most played mid lane champions in lane and has few counters. The most significant counters to her are champions that have better wave-clear, and greater range. This combination allows the enemy to create and maintain lane priority without being at risk of taking trades. Some of these champions include: Ziggs, Vel'Koz, Neeko, and Corki. Although there are several champions that fit this category, they are generally not that great in the current meta because of how slow-paced they are so they are not often picked, and even if they are, a good Anivia will still see opportunities to roam and apply pressure.

Rune Options & Ability Order

The best and most widely used rune setup is Domination primary with Electrocute, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collector, and Relentless Hunter. Since Anivia doesn't have any way of gap-closing or roaming quickly, Relentless Hunter makes it a little bit easier. The best secondary tree to pair with this is Precision, running Coup de Grace and Presence of Mind for insane mana regeneration after getting a takedown, and small increases of mana regeneration after trading. For Summoner Spells, the best option is flash and teleport, but flash and ignite can work well for lanes where solo kills are more likely. The ability levelling order is Q level one, followed by two points in E, then getting W at level 4. Anivia wants to max her E first, then Q, then W, upgrading R whenever possible.

Anivia Rune Page - Electrocute/Eyeball Collector/Ravenous Hunter/Presence of Mind/Coup de Grace


Anivia's best starting item is Doran's Ring with two potions. For her core items, Anivia should build Liandry's Anguish as her Mythical item most games unless she needs more burst than Luden's Tempest works great too. Before completing her Mythical item, Anivia should look to complete her Sorcerer's Shoes, and a Tear of the Goddess to begin stacking it. After completing the Mythic, Anivia should complete her Archangel's Staff unless she is in a volatile game, in which case building Zhonya's Hourglass, or some components of it is a better idea. Either way, she will be building both in her core items. After her core items are complete, Anivia's best situational items include some combination of Void Staff, Morellonomicon, Demonic Embrace, and Rabadon's Deathcap.

Anivia Items - Liandry's/Sorc Shoes/Archangel's/Zhonya's/Demonic Embrace/Rabadon's

Basic Combos

Anivia's ability combos are quite diverse and very situational, but the options for trading in lane and maximum damage output are quite simple. In lane, at level two, Anivia can cast her Q, reactivating after the initial damage from passing through to trigger the stun and a second source of damage, followed by her E to trigger bonus damage to Chilled enemies (from the Q), and activating Electrocute. This is the bread-and-butter trade of Anivia that deals significant chunks of damage and is quite often underestimated. A good use of Anivia's W will funnel the enemy champion to one direction making the Q that much easier to hit and overall allowing for much easier trading.

Once Anivia has level six, for maximal damage, she can use her ultimate to easily trigger a slow over a large area. From there, she can use her W to cut off the enemy's initial plan of escape from her ultimate, causing them to take more damage, and again, funneling the enemy to a predictable position to land an easy Q to stun them in your ultimate (still dealing damage), and then finishing them off with her E for bonus damage on the Chilled enemy. Overall, Anivia is hard to play and master, but her recent buffs have made her easier to play and harder to play against.

Anivia offers a lot of pressure at all stages of the game with high damage, area-of-effect damage and crowd-control, and great zoning tools. She is a champion worth adding to your champion pool for some consistent gameplay and fantastic carry potential once you get a handle of her quirks.


Overall, the top three mid lane champions right now have a large emphasis on getting lane priority and applying pressure on the map throughout the game. All three of these champions are great additions to a mid-lane champion pool and will show a lot of promising returns after the initial investment. So, create your lane kingdom with these picks and enjoy the freelo.

Do your best and keep asking questions.

Good luck, Summoners!

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