League of Legends Guide

9 Jan 21



Desert Breeze: How to Play Jett on Bind

Learn how to utilize Jett on one of her deadliest maps.

After about half a year since the game's release, VALORANT's meta has been able to develop and evolve into what it is today. Even though Riot will continue to patch the game for the foreseeable future, one thing that will most likely stay consistent is Jett's place in the meta.

Her unique move set allows her to act as one of the most versatile duelist agents, as she's not only the best Operator user but also one of the strongest entry fraggers in the game. Her Updraft and Tailwind abilities allow her to play from places that only she can reach, as well as more aggressive angles that most other agents can't hold out of fear of being caught out. In this article, I'll be going over how to best utilize Jett on the map Bind. Bind is a great map for Jett as it provides her with a lot of great in-game options on both attack and defense.

Defending the A-Site

As Jett, one thing that you should always try to do is keep your opponents guessing your position. Holding a site from the same point every round will nearly never work, as your opponents will adapt and make your job a whole lot harder with their utility.

Bind's A site is a great place for Jett to hold, because there are countless different spots she can play without her opponents expecting it. If you want to play it safe, you can play from back-site or even just heaven. However, Jett is at her most effective when she's holding a more aggressive angle that won't be expected.

Since Jett is holding a place the opponents aren't expecting here, you can likely get a shot off and dash out before your opponents even know where you were.

One option to cover the A site would be to hold Bath. While the Operator can be effective here, you're more likely to find picks at other points on the site. Therefore, Bath is a good place to cover if you're unable to buy an Operator. Its tight corners allow you to get away with a cheesier safe buy such as a shotgun or SMG.

Even if you're not typically one to go into custom games to practice character-specific tricks, I would heavily consider doing so just to learn one specific box jump on this site. There's a box jump in front of Lamps onto the truck that isn't very hard to do, and it opens up a lot of the site to be played on by Jett. By learning this jump, you'll be able to reach on top of most of the boxes on-site without having to go through heaven.

A safe bet for a default position to hold would be holding short from either Lamps or on top of a box and looking for a pick with the Operator. Once you get a shot off and your opponents know where you are, try to find a new angle.


In order to create a one-way smoke, aim your cloudburst towards the top of the entryway you're trying to hold.

One last tip for holding this site is that you can use your smoke to create one-ways for both showers and short. These smokes allow you to see your opponents' feet while they can't see you at all, forcing them to either rotate sites or get picked off.

Defending the B-Site

A lot of the time, agents have a hard time defending the B-site without playing cheesy angles or using a lot of utility. This is because most agents can't hold Hookah without putting their lives at direct risk, as the close quarters make the best-case scenario trading kills.

Jett is probably the best agent for playing aggressively out of Hookah. Jett is allowed to peek usually deadly corners like this one because whether she misses the shot or not, she can dash out right away. Peeking the entrance with an Operator can often catch the other team off guard, especially if you don't do it every round. Pairing this peek with another Agent's utility such as a Breach flash or a Raze Boombot can make the opponent even less likely to hit you.

Jett is the best Operator user in the game, so you should try to be buying it whenever you can. She's a decent Rifler as well, but using an Operator allows you to fully utilize her kit. This can be shown by how good she is at holding B-Long. Since Long is just a straight entryway, an Operator is perfect at covering it. If you can take control of B-Long, it makes taking the B-site extremely hard as they would have to fully push out of Hookah.

Another reason playing Long as Jett is beneficial is that with your smokes, you can get the ult orb with basically no risk. Your smokes can also make your opponents think that you crossed across Long or that you're in a different spot than you actually are. Again, since you have your dash, you can push further up Long than most other agents. Even if you miss your shot, you'll have your "Get out of Jail Free card" dash in order to get back to site.

Depending on which position you want to watch, you need to change where you're holding in order to be the most effective.

Once on-site, you have the choice to play either back-site or from Cubby. In general, playing from Cubby is good if you're covering Long, and Back-site is good for covering Hookah. When in Cubby, the people in Hookah can't see you, making it so you only have to worry about one spot getting pushed. And if you still have your dash up, you don't have to worry as much as other agents about getting stuck in Cubby.

Especially if you don't have dash up, Back-site is the safest bet for a place to hold. This allows you to have more options for what you want to cover since you have more space to move around compared to Cubby. If you need to get out in order to wait for your team to retake the site, you can just use a smoke or two to hide your escape to either CT or elbow. If instead of playing safe you want to try and catch your opponents by playing a place they won't expect, you can climb around the boxes on-site fairly easily.

This is an example of a box you can stand on to surprise opponents pushing out of Hookah.

If you're not climbing boxes trying to mix up your opponents and you want to play it just a bit safer, you can play back-site and peek at Hookah from around CT. You'll be able to just see their heads, making them prime targets for headshots.

Let's say you have a shotgun, SMG, or just any gun that can't kill with headshots at far distances. In this case, your best bet for holding from back-site would be to use your smokes to disrupt your opponents and wait until they get onto the site. Playing in and out of Tube while your opponents are trying to plant the Spike can make their job extremely hard, especially if you're just trying to stall time for your teammates to rotate from across the map.

Overall, Bind is one of the best maps for Jett to defend on. Through the use of the teleporters and constantly changing where your holding, Jett can be extremely effective in keeping your opponents guessing on where to attack.

Attacking the A-Site

Jett can be an effective lurker for her team, as her smokes can cause the enemy team to be unsure of how many people are pushing with her. Especially since she can leave any bad situation with her dash, Jett is able to seek out picks on the enemy team without worrying about getting caught out and making the rest of the round a 4v5. Despite this, most of the time you're going to want to be playing as the entry-fragger for your team if you're Jett.

Jett's ability to capitalize off of her teammates' utility is probably the best in the game, as she synergizes great with both smokes and flashes. The best way to utilize Jett as an entry-fragger is to communicate with your team about where and when you want to be entering sites. One of the best ways to enter the A-site is to smoke the right side of Lamps, have a teammate flash it, then dash straight in. Once you've taken control of Lamps, it's easy to take the rest of the site. Even though Jett's smokes only last seven seconds, you can use them to cover Heaven and back-site for enough time to take site and plant the spike.

Desert Breeze Attacking A

From Bath, you can cover most of the site with an Operator.

If you find yourself with an Operator while attacking, which usually isn't as good as it is on defense, you can catch your opponents off guard by going into Bath. With the Operator, you can clear Bath fairly easily, and it provides you with a good vantage point to take the rest of the site. If your whole team goes down short while you take Bath, you can watch both CT and Heaven while your teammates only have to worry about site and flank. Playing from here also lets you play a safe post-plant so if you're outnumbered you can just wait for them to try and defuse the bomb before peeking.

Attacking the B-Site

Typically, if you have a Vandal or an Operator, you want to go through Long to the B-site. Since Long is such a Long angle, you're going to want one of these longer-range guns to challenge it. Once you take control of Garden, you can easily curve your smokes to cover both elbow and CT.

The B-site is also a good place for Jett to use her ultimate, as there's a lot of angles you can peek to see only your opponent's head. Dashing onto site with your ultimate is a great way to get your team onto site, as your right-click will force opponents to either fight you in close quarters or leave site and wait for their team.

Once you plant the bomb, you can either play aggressively down Elbow/CT or safely on site. There's plenty of places to hide on-site if you're waiting for your opponents to try and defuse the bomb before peeking, such as Cubby and Hookah. Either way, be sure to mix up where you're hiding post-plant every round.


Bind is one of Jett's best maps as it allows her to utilize the best parts of her kit. By playing in surprising spots and using some of the tricks I covered in the article such as one-way smokes you should see improvement in your performance on this map. Good Luck out there!

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