Team Dignitas was founded On September 9th, 2003 two world-class Battlefield 1942 teams merged. |
Expanded outside BattlefieldNov 2003 Two months after we formed, we welcomed Call of Duty and Enemy Territory teams. |
Enemy Territory - Round 2May 2004 We signed zenon's iconic lineup. |
Registered as a Limited CompanyJul 2004 We finally made it official! |
Doom 3 spawnedAug 2004 We expanded to Doom 3, and signed some of the best Duel players available. |
CS:Source signedOct 2004 Our long history in Counter-Strike began here. |
Painkiller beganNov 2004 Ahead of the $1M tour, we entered Painkiller |
Established International FIFA SquadFeb 2005 We signed prominent players across the World. |
Battlefield 2 won CPL UKSep 2005 Our first tournament win after the team swapped to Battlefield 2. |
Quake 4 joinedNov 2005 A legendary Quake lineup, including ddk and 2GD. |
Call of Duty 2 RecruitedNov 2005 A world-class Call of Duty lineup, captained by Mick, began its legacy. |
Chris Bullard won FIWC 2005Dec 2005
Winning the FIFA Interactive World Cup with 10 men for most of the final game, Chris became our first official World Champion! |
CS 1.6 signedFeb 2006 Our first Counter-Strike 1.6 team? Obviously Danish.
German Battlefield 2 lineup This team soon became our premier roster. |
Trackmania Drifted InApr 2006 Our first laps in Trackmania!
2GD sold to Fnatic One of the first transfers in esports, and the first for Dignitas - this was a landmark event. |
FIFA ChampionsJul 2006
dr_jivagos & TiGeR won the XBOX Cup, our second World Championship! |
CoD2 won CPCSep 2006 A highlight in the careers of Mick's legendary lineup. |
Enemy Territory - Round 3Feb 2007 A successful roster featuring RELOAd, which quickly doubled as our Enemy Territory: Quake Wars squad. |
European FIFA ChampionMar 2007 Ukrainian player Walkman won Samsung European Championship at CeBIT. |
First Xbox 360 teamsMay 2007 16 players across COD4, R6V2, and Halo 3. |
World in Conflict ExcelledMay 2007 The team signed and won two CPL World Tour stops. |
Trackmania World ChampionJul 2007
XeNoGeaR won ESWC 2007! |
ET:QW World ChampionsAug 2007
Our Enemy Territory: Quake Wars squad won QuakeCon 2007! |
ODEE led team on first TV leagueSep 2007 DIG founder ODEE became GM of Championship Gaming Series franchise Birmingham Salvo. |
Apollo won WCGOct 2007
Gold in Command & Conquer 3! |
Guinness World Record SetNov 2007 Frantic- set a record for most Unreal Tournament 3 frags in a single hour. |
World in Conflict won in LondonJan 2008 We secured another victory in the CPL World Tour. |
WiC World ChampionsFeb 2008
World in Conflict win CPL World Tour Grand Finals 2008, completing a legendary tour. |
European ChampionMar 2008 Apollo added another title to his collection, after winning the Samsung European Championship at CeBIT.
ETQW wins CDC4 Our Enemy Territory Quake Wars squad won the Crossfire devotii Challenge 4. |
Dackel took Gold at WCGNov 2008
Another Command & Conquer 3 gold medal! |
ODEE triumphantly returnedDec 2008 After winning the last season of CGS, ODEE returned with players across FIFA, racing and CS:Source. |
DotA inductedJan 2009 Our first forray into DotA, featuring captain AZEN. |
Team Fortress 2 signedFeb 2009 Step 2 of our Valve expansion - the world-class TF2 team around eccentric captain Darn signed on. |
Round 1, FIGHTMay 2009 British gamer Zak was our first Street Fighter 4 player. |
Stune won a carSep 2009 Stune from our racing division earned himself a Nissan 350z in NFS: Shift UK Final! |
WoW entered the ArenaDec 2009 Hydra, Kalimist, and Flyn made up our WoW Arena squad throughout 2010. |
ET won CIC7Mar 2010 Our Enemy Territory team took the trophy home at one of the last big tournaments. |
Return to BattlefieldMar 2010 Going back to our roots, we signed a 10 man Bad Company 2 team comprised of Dignitas veterans. |
Tekken arrivedApr 2010 We signed Grunt Dude from the UK as our Tekken 6 player. |
Bergie secures trophy at ESWCJul 2010
Bergie, our longtime Trackmania player, won our second Trackmania World Championship in France. |
Starcraft II warped inAug 2010 We entered the world of Starcraft II just one month after the game launched. |
Gold in ForzaOct 2010
DaveySkills took Gold in Forza Motorsport 3 at WCG 2010. |
SjoW won IEMJan 2011 Our Swedish Starcraft II player performed at the IEM European Championship, securing his first trophy! |
League of Legends RoseFeb 2011 We dipped our toes into the League esports scene with a European team.
Gamer Search #1 We ran a tournament called Gamer Search to scout talent. Starcraft's BlinG won the inaugural event. |
It's OKApr 2011 NaNiwa's nonchalant answer to how it felt winning MLG Dallas became iconic. |
Quinzas won FIWC 2011Jun 2011
Our second FIFA World Championship was won by Portugese player Quinzas. |
A Rock Solid lineup ... Sep 2011 We signed the League of Legends team Rock Solid, a legendary lineup including Scarra, Imaqtpie, Jatt, and Voyboy. |
... with Rock Solid resultsOct 2011 Our newly signed League of Legends team won Season 3 of the IGN ProLeague! |
SjoW won IeSF 2011Oct 2011 Sweden's wonderkid carried his country's flag with pride as he helped lead them to Gold. |
Dota2 inductedDec 2011 We ventured into Dota2 for the first time, with the all-Romanian team Poor Happy Guys. |
AdamW took home $167,200Apr 2012 Adam Winster made a small fortune when he won the EA Sports FIFA Challenge Finals in New York! |
KiLLeR flawless in WCSJul 2012 Our Chilean Starcraft player KiLLeR didn't drop a game at WCS South America. |
Team Dignitas joined UKIEAug 2012 Team Dignitas became a member of UKIE, the association for UK interactive entertainment. |
Dota 2 unveiledSep 2012 We signed community favorites Potm Bottom, featuring Aui_2000 and UNiVeRsE. |
LoL played at WorldsOct 2012 Season 2 Worlds was the most watched event in history at the time. |
Spam won ESWCNov 2012
Spam, regarded as one of the best Trackmania players, earned his crown. |
Invited to the LCSJan 2013 Our infamous North American team played in the inaugural LCS season! |
CSGO developedMar 2013 Our first venture into Counter-Strike: Global Offensive featured steel and hudzG. |
LoL UK expansionMay 2013 As we started leveling up our LoL division, we signed a UK lineup featuring Impaler and kaSing. |
SMITE signedJun 2013 Our first ever SMITE roster, based in North America and featuring Lassiz. |
CarlJr's first World ChampionshipNov 2013
Trackmania gold in Paris to start a streak. |
World of Tanks won WCG 2013Dec 2013
The Ukrainian lineup took gold in China. |
Infinite Crisis formedFeb 2014 The reigning European champions joined our ranks, and continued to perform.
The road to world-class CSGO The start of a long road to greatness, we signed Xyp9x, device, FeTiSh, dupreeh, and cajunb. |
LoL down underMar 2014 As part of our LoL expansion, we signed an all-Australian roster. |
Custom #DIGLoL FigurinesJul 2014
We partnered with 3D printing company 3D Systems to create custom figurines for our LoL team! |
Blizzard's cozy card gameAug 2014 We ventured into Hearthstone. |
Infinite Crisis ascendedSep 2014 The team became the Go4IC Season 1 Champions, and moved on to play Heroes of the Storm instead! |
CarlJr won ESWC againNov 2014
CarlJr became our first ever back-to-back World Champion in Paris. |
CSGO returnedJan 2015 An all star Danish roster with Kjaerbye and Pimp. |
SMITE operations moved to EuropeFeb 2015 We signed a European SMITE team, featuring the now-familiar face of Variety.
EU LoL Challenger squad formed A lineup full of talent, featuring Wunderwear, Sencux and Kobbe, wore black and yellow. |
Team Dignitas signed with WME | IMGJun 2015 Sporting world giant WME | IMG signed on with Team Dignitas to help manage our business relations. |
EU LoL team qualified for LCSOct 2015 Their success earned them a spot on Follow eSports, who bought the LCS slot and team from us.
Heroes of the Storm reestablished We signed a Heroes roster full of new talent, including British frontmen Snitch and Bakery. |
CSGO stickers producedOct 2015 Our Danish CSGO roster secured a spot at the Major, spawning purchasable Dignitas stickers! |
CarlJr won ESWC AGAINNov 2015
CarlJr cemented his place in the Trackmania hall of fame with his third World Championship. |
Heroes won at IEM KatowiceMar 2016 Our Heroes roster, featuring frontline talent JayPL and Wubby, won the first of their many trophies. |
CSGO won DH ToursMay 2016 A trophy at the minor - the start of our Danish roster's climb to world class. |
Heroes won at GamescomAug 2016 Their fourth European Championship - the finale of a year where the team only dropped three series. |
Overwatch reported inAug 2016 As the esports scene blossomed, we picked up a promising European squad. |
Philadelphia 76ers acquired DignitasSep 2016 The biggest day in the history of our organization - the Sixers acquired, merged and managed Team Dignitas and Apex. |
CSGO won EPICENTER 2016Oct 2016 The road to the top ended with a $250,000 cheque. |
Jonathan Kemp named CEOOct 2016 Former Eidos executive and games industry veteran Jonathan Kemp joined as CEO. |
SMITE levelled upFeb 2017 Our next SMITE lineup joined the team. Full of personality, with the skill to back it up.
CSGO Fe established Our first ever female team, featuring longtime teammates EMUHLEET, rain and artStar. |
CSGO signedMar 2017 A talented roster including rubino, fox and jkaem. |
Heroes won Western ClashMar 2017 Our European superteam's first intercontinental championship. |
SMITE Champions in ValenciaJul 2017 SMITE secured their first international win in the SPL S4 Finals at DH Valencia. |
PUBG took offOct 2017 Our former SMITE player Suntouch captained our first forray into PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. |
HugS and Lucky arrivedJan 2018 Our first ever Super Smash Bros players, the dynamic duo of HugS & Lucky.
Rocket League charged up We signed a North American Rival Series team. |
Accepted into the Smite Pro LeagueJan 2018 Team Dignitas partner with Hi-Rez for SPL in 2018. |
CSGO Fe World ChampionsFeb 2018
Our female CSGO lineup took home the trophy at the Intel Challenge Katowice. |
CSGO ContractedFeb 2018 An amazing ESL Pro League qualification run earned the team their spot in Dignitas. |
Three time champions in KatowiceMar 2018 Our Heroes team won their third championship at IEM Katowice. |
Founding member of the CRLApr 2018 Team Dignitas was a founding partner in Supercell's Clash Royale League. PUBG drops in An intercontinental lineup competing in North America. |
All in on Rocket LeagueMay 2018 We signed the best team in the world. |
Michael Prindiville named CEOMay 2018 The former NBC Sports executive signed as the new driving force behind the organization. |
Victorious in LondonJun 2018
Our new Rocket League team won the RLCS Season 5 World Championship. |
Heroes dominated in BurbankAug 2018 The squad took the Western Clash by storm, not even dropping a game on their path to victory. |
European Rocket League ChampionsOct 2018 We continued our dominance in RLCS Season 6. |
Team Dignitas became DignitasNov 2018
We refreshed our brand with a shortened name and a new logo. |
Back-to-back ChampionsMar 2019
Our CSGO Fe team repeated their success at the Intel Challenge Katowice. |
Apex Legends geared upMar 2019 We signed a North American roster. |
New Jersey facility openedJun 2019
We set up our gaming and media facility on the east coast. |
Merged with Clutch GamingJun 2019 With the acquisition of Clutch Gaming, we returned to League of Legends and the LCS stage. |
Back at WorldsOct 2019 Clutch Gaming gave us our second LoL Worlds attendance. |
CSGO legends reunitedJan 2020 An all-star roster including GeT_RiGhT, f0rest and friberg teamed up under the Dignitas banner. |
Verizon launched training facilityJan 2020
We teamed up with Verizon and built our Los Angeles 5G Esports Training Facility. |
Flashpoint founding membersFeb 2020 We helped create a new CSGO league. |
European Champions againMar 2020 Our Rocket League team returned to form. |
DIG Fe expanded to VALORANTMay 2020 Our CSGO women picked up Riot Games' new shooter and started competing in two games. |
VALORANT roster signedAug 2020 We doubled down on VALORANT and added another North American team. |
_FE launchedAug 2020 Our _FE initiative aimed to advance opportunities for female gamers. |
Digi ReturnedJan 2021
We returned to our roots with a new and improved version of our beloved logo. |