An Interview with HiRezHinduman: "There is no such thing as a perfect player everyone has weaknesses, play to your strengths!"

4 May 15


Blaze1, members


An Interview with HiRezHinduman: "There is no such thing as a perfect player everyone has weaknesses, play to your strengths!"

HiRezHinduman shares his thoughts on the site.

Graham ‘Hinduman’ Hadfield is one of the most recognised people in the Smite community, especially within the European scene. He has gone from just being a caster for tournaments to an actual employee of HiRez Studios, becoming the UK regional community associate, displaying that amazing progress can be made within the game. We have been able to catch up with Hinduman and ask him some questions.

How long have you been involved in the Smite community? What are the best changes you have seen in the game and the community over this time?

Hinduman: I started playing smite in February 2014. Just seeing the game grow and the passion from the fans is what I loved the most.

What is one of your proudest moments within your time being involved in Smite?

Hinduman: Having the opportunity to cast the world championships is definitely one of the best moments. The fans and the culmination of a years work it felt really good to be a part of it.

Have you had any low points in your career? If you have how did you get over them?

Hinduman: Within SMITE not really but I’m sure there will be some.

How much did your work change in the community as you took on the role at HiRez?

Hinduman: Honestly it was being more involved behind the scenes. Plus being one of the first people to be part of the company from EU made everyone recognise me more in Europe. Workwise I got to get more involved in the game and be able to give direct feedback on direction and such.

What do you feel contributed most to where you are now?

Hinduman: Drive really. Taking what I loved doing and having the drive to keep working towards my goal which was back then, to entertain and breed passion for the game that I was passionate about.

What advice would you give to people trying to become popular in the Smite scene?

Hinduman: Be yourself but play to your strengths while recognising your weaknesses.

When casting competitive games in Smite, what are the most important aspects to look out for in the game?

Hinduman: Good question, honestly there is almost too much to look out for. Main thing is watch the minimap at all times to see rotations possible ganks and ward placements. Casting is really all about the action the rest is just filling until we get to the exciting parts!

What are your predictions for the competitive scene in this season?

Hinduman: This season I think we are going to see establish teams strengthen in both regions. After just coming back from the LAN NA is looking very strong right now but I expect that to get even stronger as the next SPL will have even more talent. EU will more than likely pick up their game; not that it was bad but with more strong teams approaching from challengers I can see the scene exploding in fantastic play. Real talk EU 1 and 2 for worlds this year!

Do you believe that there are any players or teams that could become big stars in the future? (This would exclude teams that are doing relatively well already)

Hinduman: Oh for sure the Challenger Cup has so many potential stars each season there is just too many to name here.

What do you feel makes a good team and player?

Hinduman: What makes a good team is communication through and through. You don’t have to be the best mechanically to do well if you are all communicating well and have similar thought processes and goals. To be a good player as well as communication is awareness. Being able to be very aware of your surroundings at all times so you can communicate what you see effectively to the team.

While being best known for your casting ability you also play a lot of Smite, do you have any tips or points to make that you feel more people should follow?

Hinduman: Wards win games. There is no such thing as a perfect player everyone has weaknesses, play to your strengths!

Some people may remember that you brought around the team of FiveAngryHindus that made great progress for their situation, what do you feel led to this success and how could others progress in the same way?

Hinduman: The team 5AH was a bunch of subs that just formed a team one day after meeting through watching my channel. They practiced hard and had passion for the game. Back then most of them were in silver/gold or didn't even play ranked. Not going to lie I did help them learn a bit as they were so passionate and talked to them about how they could improve individually as a team. Their success came down to their own drive/determination to get better and grow. The original roster did join other pretty good challenger teams but the grass is always greener and I think some of them regret that decision looking back. Learning from mistakes is one of the key things they did right though.

Are there any Gods in Smite that you feel don’t get the time they deserve? If so why?

Hinduman: Well Guan Yu was one for me then he saw a lot of play at the LAN! Other than that Bacchus is still not as played as he should be he’s very strong right now.

Anything you would like to say or anyone you would like to shoutout?

Hinduman: Honestly just thanks for the support if it wasn’t for the fans of the game I wouldn’t be here. The pros as well for making the plays happen!

A great thanks and all the best for the future goes to Hinduman for completing an interview for the site. You can find Hinudman on Twitter here and find me here.

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