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Best CS2 Weapon Loadouts - An Extensive Guide

The loadout system is a great addition to CS2. But, it also brings up the question of what weapons should be in your loadout or more simply what’s the best CS2 loadout. Read to find out what weapons you should have in your loadout and why.

With the release of CS2, Valve revolutionized the weapon system – with so-called “Loadouts”. CS had a wide variety of weapons, from Pistols, SMGs, and Rifles, to LMGs. While having a broad choice of weapons is good for tactical shooters like CS2, not all are good.

The new system fixes this problem by decluttering the existing system. Now you only choose the weapons you use and take that into the match. You can also check our explainer piece on the loadout system for more information on the topic.

But this brings another problem, with so many weapons and the limited number you can have in your loadout – which are the best and most practical? Well, that’s what we will be covering in this piece. We will help you create the best CS2 loadout for your competitive matches.

Best CS2 Loadout

We will list the loadout first and then explain why we chose these weapons over the others. Of course, there are also alternative options included to suit different playstyles.

Best CT-Side CS2 Loadout

Best T-Side CS2 Loadout

Best CS2 Pistols Loadout


P2000/USP-S, P250, Dual Berretas/CZ-75 Auto, Five-seveN, Desert Eagle

For the CT Side, the starting pistol choice ultimately comes down to two options – P2000 or USP-S. The USP-S has now become the staple for pro play and is the most used pistol overall. With the silencer and one headshot kill or two with armor, USP-S is a standard and undebatable choice for most players.

However, that does not mean the P2000 is bad. In fact, it is a heavily underrated pistol. It has an extra bullet and is better for running and gunning than the USP-S. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to personal preference.

The P250 is also an alternative with a bit more firepower. Of course, it costs a bit more too. It’s a great weapon on eco or pistol rounds where you need a bit of extra damage. It also pairs well with the AWP as a quick sidearm to gun down weak enemies. P250 is more useful on the T-Side, we will get into that later.

The Dual Berretas, more commonly known in the CS community as the “Dualies”. In an eco round, the Dualies can be extremely impactful. The fast fire rate and the fairly large mag size can help you land some kills or damage against fully-kitted opponents. The Dualies are also a great counter to the rushing strategy.

CZ-75 is also a great alternative. Albeit, it has a smaller mag size but with an extremely fast fire rate. However, it can be a bit inconsistent and its recoil is a bit hard to control. The Dualies are a better option, but if you prefer the CZ-75 Auto it’s not a bad choice. Plus, it pairs better with the AWP than the Dualies.

The Five-seveN is an extremely strong pistol because it can one-tap headshot a helmeted player at close range. However, the price is on the heavier side. In most cases, you should go for a P250 with some utilities then a Five-seveN. The one-tap potential does make it a great secondary for the AWP.

Lastly, the Desert Eagle popularly known as the Deagle. The only weapon with the ability to one-tap headshot. It’s CS's most iconic weapon and a staple across all skill levels. In the hands of the right players, the Deagle can be devastating. However, to utilize the Deagle to its potential you need to have strong fundamentals.

In summary, the P2000/USP-S, P250, and the Deagle are a must. The choice between Dual Berettas, CZ-75 Auto, and the Five-seveN is personal preference. Also, avoid the Revolver unless you are going for meme plays.


Glock-19, P250, Dual Berretas, Tec-9, Desert Eagle

The pistol choice on the T-side is relatively straightforward. Your must-haves are the Glock-19, P250, and the Deagle.

You have the Glock-19 for the starting pistol. Frankly speaking, it is quite bad when compared to CT’s starting pistols. Unless you are extremely poor upgrade to the P250 whenever you can. This is also why P250 is extremely important for your T-Side Pistol Loadout.

We already went over the deadliness of the Deagle, and how impactful it can be in the right hands.

The Dualies are extremely beneficial on the T-side thanks to the run-and-gun gun potential. The high fire rate combined with a sufficient mag size makes this an essential T-Side Pistol Loadout pick.

The Tec-9 is the pistol you can use on eco rounds on the T-Side. It’s got near first-shot accuracy when running and relatively high firepower. Perfect for executing rushes and taking site on eco rounds. It’s the meta right now and this is why should have this in your best CS loadout.

The CZ-75 Auto does not have as much impact on the T-Side as it did on the CT-Side. Mostly, because of the small magazine. It’s useful when you want to catch an opponent off guard by holding an angle. But as you know you don’t hold angles a lot on the T-side.

In summary, avoid the Revolver and the CZ-75 Auto and pick the rest.

Best CS2 Mid-Tier Loadout

CT-Side - MP9, UMP-45, P90, Nova, XM1014

T-Side - Mac-10, UMP-45, P90, Nova/MP5-SD, XM1014

The mid-tier weapon Loadout remains similar except for one weapon. That is the first SMG. On the T-side, you have the option for the Mac-10. A devastating SMG that is incredibly inexpensive and perfect for eco rounds. On the CT side, you have the MP9, an equally strong SMG with low cost.

Apart from these two SMGs, you have the option for two more i.e. P90, UMP-5, and MP5-SD. The P90 is the most expensive SMG in the game, and it justified its price correctly. It is a dangerous weapon to deal with up close. The run-and-gun potential is extremely good, and because CS2 has a peeker’s advantage problem, the P90 abuses that. It’s perfect for times when you cannot afford a rifle.

Next is the UMP-45, it’s not as effective as the P90 but can be a good close-range rifle substitute. In most cases, you should probably go for the MP9/Mac-10 with some utilities.

The Nova and XM1014 are the main shotguns in CS2. The Nova is the cheapest of the two. Being a shotgun, it’s devastating at close range if you can land all the pellets. However, it suffers from a low fire rate. That’s why we also included the XM1014. It has a better fire rate and higher damage but costs more. Shotguns have been getting a lot of play in the pro meta, so having both of these shotguns is a must.

The MP5-SD is an interesting debate, it has decent stats compared to other SMGs. The interesting factor is the silencer. On T-side, this is the only weapon with a silencer. This means it will be harder for enemies to figure out your position and you won’t show up on the radar. Silenced weapons also have no tracers so you can freely spray through smokes. This ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Best CS2 Rifle Loadout


AK47, Galil AR, AWP, SG 553, Scout

There are only 6 rifles on the T-Side you have the choice of 5 in the loadout. This makes the T-Side rifle loadout pretty straightforward. You keep all the rifles except the auto-sniper. It’s a good troll weapon but not good for competitive play.

The main ARs are the AK47 and the Galil. The AK47 is your go-to rifle and you will be using it for most of your rounds. It can one-tap headshot opponents on all ranges and has a lot of firepower. The only downside is the recoil. To use the AK47 properly, you need to learn its spray pattern.

On the other hand, the Galil AR is for when you cannot afford an AK47. It’s the AK47's cheaper alternative, with less firepower and better recoil.

The SG 553 is an expensive alternative to the AK-47. It has become quite popular in the pro meta, especially because of its performance at long-range. However, it is quite expensive and, in most cases, you are better off with an AK.

The AWP and Scout are the two main snipers of CS2. Both T-Side and CT-Side have Scouts but different names and gun shapes. Fundamentally, they are the same weapon, so don’t get confused by that. The Scout is an eco sniper, it can one-tap headshot a fully Kevlar opponent. Plus, one shot kills a non-armored opponent making it deadly for rounds when the other team is on eco.

AWP on the other hand, is CS2's most iconic weapon. It needs no introduction, we already know how devastating it is. It only takes one shot to the head or body to kill an opponent no matter the range. It is expensive but rightfully so considering the power it has.


M4A4, M4A1-S, AWP, FAMAS/AUG, Scout

Unlike the T-side, CTs have two primary rifles, the M4A4 and the M4A1-S (“S” means silencer). Both are equally good rifles and the decision ultimately comes down to personal preference. But, it is good to have both weapons on the loadout in case you want to switch or your teammate wants a drop.

The AWP and Scout are also a must we already have explained why. The AWP is a devastating weapon to have, the one-shot kill makes it a must. The scout is a great alternative on eco rounds.

The other two weapons are the FAMAS and the AUG. The FAMAS is the cheapest rifle, so it’s good on eco rounds. It has decent damage similar to the Galil. The AUG is CT’s alternative to the SG 553. They are identical weapons and have almost the same stats. The AUG is great at long-range, but costs more than the M4A4/M4A1-S. This choice between the AUG and FAMAS is yours to make.


The Loadout system is a great addition to CS2 and it simplifies how you buy weapons. It allows you to customize which weapons you want in your arsenal which is a big plus. Even though, the loadout is a personal preference, it’s important to know what weapons are good and in the meta. This will help ensure you create the best CS2 loadout.

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