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Best Emotes to Tilt Your Enemies in League of Legends

Being tilted is never a good thing — unless your enemies are the ones who are tilted. Read on to learn how to tilt your opponents using LoL’s in-game emotes!

If you’re a newcomer to the Rift, you may not be familiar with what exactly “tilt” is. However, I can guarantee that you’ve experienced tilt at least once in your games.

Tilt is when a player becomes so frustrated and angry that it ends up affecting their actual in-game performance. For example, out of frustration they may attempt a turret dive without first checking they have Flash up or overextend carelessly straight into the enemy team’s assassin. In extreme cases? They may give up entirely and rage quit the game.

Being tilted is never a good thing — unless your enemies are the ones who are tilted. When that occurs, it gives you a huge advantage and can actually help you win the match.

So, if you align with Chaotic Evil in D&D, why not proactively induce tilt in your opponents? The easiest way to do just that is to spam some seriously tilt-inducing emotes!

I’ve ranked the emotes below from annoying to absolutely soul-destroying. Let’s kick things off with...

10. Outrageous

This is one of the few emotes that players either seriously love or hate. If you have a laidback, chill player who appreciates Taric’s bedazzling personality, they probably won’t get tilted.

However, if they’re already in a foul mood? You can bet this Taric emote will rub salt into their wound. The facial expression, the garishly bright colors, the sparkles — it’s not what you want to see when you're under pressure and falling behind in a competitive match.

9. Tea Time

This emote hilariously references the viral Kermit drinking tea meme. For those not familiar, the meme is essentially a thinly veiled criticism. In the LoL universe, using Tea Time means you’re communicating the following: That play was questionable, ridiculous even, but it’s not my business to question how you became that bad.

So, yes. It’s tilt-inducing, to say the least. This is especially when you add the additional layer of it being Caitlyn. Her classiness and smugness just make this emote infinitely more infuriating.

8. Maybe Next Time

Fizz is an incredibly slippery champion. He can dodge skillshots effortlessly, nope out of your engage attempts, and even cancel out your CC. Put simply: Laning against him is already tilt-inducing. Combine that with his shrugging, cackling expression popping up on the screen the whole laning phase? Yeah. The enemy’s “zen” mindset has no hope.

If you’re an OTP Fizz, make sure to spam this emote every time you escape your opponent’s clutch. Hell, bind it to a key if need be. It’s worth it — it takes that tilt-inducing quality up a whole other notch!

7. Nice Try

Lux’s overwhelmingly positive attitude in this emote is going to light up your heart…

And destroy your enemies’ hearts.

Everything about Nice Try, from the happy-go-lucky, wide-eyed expression to the enthusiastic thumbs up, is the perfect way to tell your opponent “get gud” whenever they miss that kill-securing skillshot. Plus, it even comes with sparkles.

6. Scout-Approved

Anything Teemo-related is going to be tilt-inducing. He’s famously one of the most annoying champions to lane against, and even just seeing that face is sure to bring back some traumatic memories, especially if your opponent is a top laner.

In all honestly? I find this emote kind of cute. However, I’ve seen the harm it can do first-hand in my games. And it’s perfect, tilt-inducing chaos.

5. D’Pengu

Waddling in at number 5 is none other than D’Pengu.

I mean, I don’t need to go into too much detail why D’Pengu has earned itself a top spot. It’s pretty self-explanatory why a penguin dabbing on you is going to be tilting. The whole premise is stupid, and it’s sure to make your enemies reflect on their equally stupid outplays.

4. Little Camper

This emote is stuffed with roasting s’more goodness — and a whole lot of tilt-inducing power. It’s one of the few emotes that is specifically tailored to an in-game, tilting event: camping.

Every time your opponent complains in /all about your Jungler assisting you?

Spam Little Camper.

Every time they die to a gank?

Yup. Spam it again.

Every time they get tower dove?

You get the picture.

They’ll probably rage quit. Or at least leave the lane 0/4 and start spouting “jung diff”... inevitably tilting their own jungler. It’s a catalyst of tilt that’s sure to win you the game.

3. Unbenched

Unbenched is by far one of the most tilting emotes in the whole game. Nothing can quite top that smug expression on his face — it’s the ultimate way to BM your enemy without getting chat restricted or put on Riot’s naughty list.

Plus, it grants you the right to shout out “Unbench the Kench” in your Discord party call as many times as your heart desires.

2. Okay

At first glance, Rammus giving a thumbs up isn’t exactly tilt-inducing. If anything, he looks pretty swanky in those sunglasses. However, once you experience the emote in-game, you’ll know exactly why it can drive your enemies mad: It plays the “Ok” Rammus voice line every time.

This may seem pretty insignificant at first but imagine spamming this emote whenever your opponent misses a minion. And when they have an objective stolen. And when they get camped.

Over time, those “Okays” will wear down your opponent’s soul, and they’ll eventually succumb to tilt, whether they like it or not!

1. Does Not Compute

Does Not Compute deserves the title of the most tilting emote in the game. The reason? It’s pretty much the question mark ping — a ping that’s already infamous for its tilt-inducing ability — with good ol’ Blitzcrank cackling away. He even has an expression that’s clearly judging your opponent’s life choices.

Does Not Compute is especially effective if your enemy’s own allies have question pinged their misplays. It leaves them feeling like everything is futile… And that the only option they have left is to give into their inner rage.

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