CSGO Smoke Guide for Mirage T-Side

CSGO Smoke Guide for Mirage T-Side

I will be showcasing some smokes that Ts can throw to give them a better chance at taking the round.

Smoke grenades are one of the best tools at the T-side's disposal to get map control and win rounds on Mirage. You can use smoke grenades to block off angles from the CTs, so that they are unable to see you crossing or shoot you. This means you can get in to a good position, plant the bomb, and take the round. In this round, I will be showcasing some smokes that Ts can throw to give them a better chance at taking the round.

T-Spawn to Mid Window

For this smoke, you must align yourself with a TV antenna between Palace and Spawn. You must then hold your crosshair on the most leftward antenna and then jump throw the smoke. If you have done this correctly, Snipers' Nest should be completely smoked off and you will be safe to push up Mid without being spotted from Window. However, you need to be careful of Cat and Connector and possibly get your teammates to smoke them off so you can easily take Mid control.

T-Spawn to Stairs

This is a very key smoke for taking A-site quickly and cleanly. With this smoke, your Palace player will be able to isolate a frag on whoever is Default or Triple before the guy on Stairs is able to react. To do this smoke, you need to line up with the gap in between the furthest left pole and the wall and then jump throw the smoke. For this to work, one of the players in Ramp needs to throw this smoke approximately ten seconds before the player in Palace peeks so you can be absolutely certain that there is no chance of a refrag from Stairs. You could try this with two players in Palace and have one watch Balcony, in case a CT tries to go up the ladder, and have the other player take out the guy in Default or Triple.

T-Spawn to Jungle

This is a useful smoke for taking A-site when you know the enemy has a sniper rifle. It is very common for snipers on A to hide in Jungle so that they can fall back to Window and watch Mid or keep an eye on Palace in case the Ts try and push out. To do this smoke. you need to stand on the raised platform by Ramp and align yourself with the left side of the second trapezium in from the right, then you need to just throw the smoke (without jumping). With this smoke, you can extend the longevity of the player in Palace as they will likely not have to worry about getting AWP'd from Jungle, as it is unlikely that a player would push past the smoke to try and get a frag. This means that your team can focus on taking A, and not worry about a player in Jungle. This could leave any players you have in Mid vulnerable as the player in Jungle may try to peek Mid.

T-Spawn to CT-Spawn

The last A-site smoke I will be covering is the smoke from Ramp to CT-spawn. This is an excellent smoke to help players pushing from Ramp survive being sniped by the CTs while trying to push onto the site. To do this smoke, you need to align with the middle of the door on the right side of Ramp. Then, you need to align your crosshair with the top of the small, hut-like building in Ramp. Then, you need to jump throw the smoke. This smoke will then block of CT, meaning that the Ramp players only need to worry about players on Stairs, players who have pushed up, and people in the middle of A-site

Mid to Connector

When you push Mid, you have many angles that you need to be aware of such as Window, Cat, Lower Mid, etc. You can use this smoke in collaboration with the Window smoke I showcased earlier to isolate a pick onto Cat early on in the round. To do this smoke, you have to stand by the pole on the wall on the way up to Mid. Then, you need to align your crosshair slightly to the left of the TV antenna and jump throw the smoke. This will make taking Mid control much easier so that you can secure Mid, push a site, and win the round.

Apartments to Kitchen Door

When playing B, one of the hardest angles to defend against is Kitchen. If a sniper with good reactions is placed there, they will easily frag you while you are trying to push out to Car and get the bomb down. Using this smoke, you can eliminate that threat and have a better chance at pushing out onto the site. To do this smoke, you have to stand next to the metal door in Back Apartments and then align your crosshair slightly to the right of the ledge of the building to your left. After this, all you need to do is jump throw the smoke and you no longer have to worry about getting fragged from Kitchen.

Apartments to Kitchen Window

This smoke is very similar to the one before, except from the fact that it smokes off a slightly different part of Kitchen. Realistically, this is a more useful smoke than the one before and will probably net more rounds than the previous smoke. This is a very simple smoke to do as all you need to do is line up with the lamp on the right wall. After this, you need to aim your crosshair between the first and middle support on the ledge above the entrance to Apartments. Then, you need to jump throw the smoke and voila. You will be completely safe to push on to site with just this smoke but, if you want more security, you could also get a teammate to throw the smoke I showed previously.

Apartments to Bench

The final smoke I will be showing is the smoke from Apartments to Bench. This is another useful smoke so that you can guarantee the frag on the player by Car or Short without worrying about intervention by the player playing behind Bench. In order to do this smoke, you need to line up with the closest pole to Apps. Now you need to get your crosshair in line with the most extruded part of the building on your left and jump throw the smoke.


I thank you all for reading this article on T-Side Mirage smokes. If this gains enough traction, I will make a guide for CT smokes as well. Most importantly, I hope you have all learned something from this and that it will help you improve in CS:GO.

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