Interview with Meg Turney at New York Comic Con

12 Oct 16


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Interview with Meg Turney at New York Comic Con

DIG Novalas catches up with Meg Turney at her booth at New York Comic Con.

While at New York Comic Con, DIG Novalas caught up with internet personality and cosplayer extraordinare, Meg Turney. Her previous works include hosting a web series on Sourcefed and, more recently, a host for Roosterteeth's news channel The Know. In July of 2016, however, Meg Turney parted ways with Roosterteeth due to a conflict of interest and has been focusing on her own brand instead. In this interview, we ask her about her New York Comic Con experiences and her plans for 2017.

How are you enjoying New York Comic Con so far?

Meg Turney: New York Comic Con is amazing. It's always really, really fun. The crowd is really great. I love New York, the city. It's exciting. It's fun!

Guild Wars 2 (Cabalist Armor) Photo courtesy of Gavin Free

Are there any booths that have stuck out to you this year?

Meg Turney: I haven't gotten to walk around a ton yet. On my way to the bathroom though, I saw a super cute Sanrio booth so there's that! When you have your own booth, you're really stuck there the whole weekend!

How've the fans been treating you so far?

Meg Turney: The fans are incredible! I love fans in the north east because they're so kind and they're so honest and they're my kind of people. I love it.

Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Photo courtesy of Gavin Free

After leaving Roosterteeth back in July, how've things changed for you?

Meg Turney: It's been really, really surreal. It was a scary process. It was a really emotional process. It was something that certainly wasn't my first choice. I didn't know where I was going to land and the fans have been everything to me. They've made everything possible. They've made this incredibly scary ledge the softest most amazing transition ever and I'm incredibly grateful.

When you first started cosplaying, did you ever foresee this being a career for you?

Meg Turney: Not at all! I started cosplaying when I was 14 so I was just a nerd at a convention. Nobody cared about my costumes and nobody looked at me twice. I spent all of my babysitting money in the dealer's room & sat in the 24 hour anime viewing rooms. I was just... I was full scrub and I still am but now I'm just a scrub with a booth!

Elizabeth (Bioshock) Photo courtesy of Gavin Free

How does it make you feel knowing that you're a rolemodel for a lot of cosplayers out there?

Meg Turney: I think it's incredible because when I was coming up in the cosplay world and when I was just a little kid running around conventions, I looked up to Yayahan. I looked up to Firefly Path and Lillyxandra. Oh god, so many... like Cherry, she was an old cosplayer. She doesn't even cosplay anymore. Alisachan who doesn't even cosplay anymore... Just so many girls who I looked up to when I was coming up and it's really, really surreal that people feel that way about me.

What are your plans for 2017?

Meg Turney: For 2017, I have so much! I have a calendar coming out so hopefully that'll be out before the new year, that's probably a good idea... I'm going to be doing more with theCHIVE, I want to do more on Twitch. I really grow my Twitch audience. I just got back from TwitchCon so Twitch is something that I'm really inspired by at the moment. I want to do more cosplay, obviously. I love of the idea of getting to do more video game news, now I don't get to do any so... I'd love to get back into that if I could.

Mint Berry Crunch (Southpark) Photo courtesy of Gavin Free

Are there any surprises that you want to leak to fans?

Meg Turney: Ooh, surprises! Surprise! I have a t-shirt line! It'll be out this week! Just doing more merchandise that fans want to see. I've been working really, really hard with companies that I actually really like and sourcing stuff that I actually want to wear. Stuff that I actually want to see. Working with photographers that I look up to. Trying to keep everything really, really organic so just more of that, for sure!

Any last words for your fans?

Meg Turney: I love you! Thank you for everything! I heart you, I heart you, I heart you!

That's all for the interview! Make sure to follow Meg Turney on all her social media for updates! Thanks for reading!

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