A List of the Best Champions to One-Trick in League of Legends!
Narrow down your pool to one of these picks!
Narrow down your pool to one of these picks!
As you narrow down your Champion pool in League of Legends, learning from high-elo One Tricks is one of the best ways to get a deeper understanding and mastery of the Champions that you're limiting yourself to. Since these One Tricks have absolute knowledge over their Champion within the Solo Queue environment, they're the best source of go-to information on how to win and climb in League and their info is invaluable for those seeking to emulate their success. Today, we're going to cover some of the best Champions to one trick for Solo Queue. These Champions are going to be great for climbing and for learning more about the game as you do. This list will not limit itself to mechanically demanding Champions alone, so all you guys with 'boomer-fingers' like me can find a pick from this list!
Anyway, let's get started with our first pick in the Top Lane:
Darius dunks his way onto this list as a true Solo Queue snowballer. Thriving on aggression, Darius abuses the combo Summoner: Flash & Ghost by being able to close distance and stick to his opponents. The spell combo mitigates Darius biggest weakness, mobility, and allows him to put out an insane amount of pressure in Top. And once he gets snowballing, there's little that can stop Darius from dunking on everyone.
And as an added bonus, Darius' Q received some adjustments to allow him to regen health off of Large Monsters! That means Jungle Darius is 'okay-ish' for Solo Queue! Though there are certainly better picks that you can play from the Jungle, we're talking about One Tricking here today, and added flexibility to Darius' kit allows him to be more than just a Top Lane dunker. With the ability to pass into the Jungle, Darius One Tricks can find happiness in fewer lobbies dodged and their experience on the Champion coming through more and more when it needs to matter.
Keep in mind though, though Flash/Ghost helps Darius get over his mobility weakness, he's still easily kited when these spells are down and tends to struggle into ranged matchups like Kennen or Gnar who can poke him down and disengage from his grab. Be aware and play around your Summoners in ranged matchups!
Yi slices in next and he, like Darius, is a true ride-or-die Solo Queue pick. Historically, the lower on the ladder you go, the less and less Yi you find and the higher and higher his ban rates goes. But, as one masters the way of Wuju, you'll find that he receives less and less attention the higher in the ladder you go. That means for players throughout Iron and Bronze, you may catch this pick less, but as you climb, you'll get him more and more. And once you find that sweet spot of ELO, one where you can play him consistently, you'll find that Master Yi abuses the uncoordinated play of Solo Queue with the best of them!
Yi rewards players that hard farm and enjoy scaling playstyles. His thresholds are item-based too, meaning that if you get safe Jungle clears or a few early clown-fiesta kills, you'll be able to take over the game with a demanding pace. Oh, and speaking of the Jungle, that's Master Yi's preferred assignment. Though off-meta in Top and Mid, Yi thrives on the safety of the Jungle where he can clear quickly and quietly to reach his item thresholds. But, dedicated Yi One Tricks can find adequate success with him in solo-lanes as an off-brand Yasuo.
Kitty Katarina claws her way onto this list for being a reset machine that thrives in Solo Queue's chaotic and uncoordinated atmosphere, much like Master Yi. She also has very clear power-spikes that are both item and level based. In the early game, Katarina's level-3 all-in is amongst the best you can find in Mid, and once she gets her next spike, Hextech Gunblade, that all-in only gets deadlier.
As she gets deadlier and kills fall her way, Kat becomes a Shunpo-machine with unparalleled burst and assassination potential. Though she can be stifled by hard crowd-control, unless literally every Champion you're matched against as Kat is packing some form of CC, you're going to be able to reach the enemy carry and at least start your rampage off the back of stat-checking them. (Hint. You win the stat-check every time.)
I'm noticing a trend with Noxus and this list... Anyway, Draven's applause carries him here because, much like his brother, Draven is a Solo Queue lane DOMINATOR. Though the minigame with his passive takes time to master, once ample time has been invested, those that elect to One-Trick Draven will find there are few that can rival his lane pressure. And there's more to Draven than just the insane amount of early-game damage he pumps out.
Draven's passive, when played correctly, allows him to double dip on any kills that he gets. So, where your average Beta-ADC might get a kill and come back with a BF-Sword, Omega-Chad-Draven gets a kill and comes back with SIX BF-Swords... Well, that's an exaggeration, but really, Draven's passive mini-game allows him to cash in on his aggression and rewards him for pushing for early kills and trades. And as an ADC, once he reaches his item thresholds, there's little that can hold Draven back from dominating the game.
Thresh hooks his way here thanks to his overloaded versatility. Capable of playing the role of aggressor or mitigator, Thresh can blend into literally any team comp. His kit is overloaded with skill-expression from how one can utilize his hook, lantern, flay, and box all in union for literally any situation, and true masters of both his offensive and defensive capabilities will be justly rewarded for 'hooking up' with Thresh.
The other lovely thing about Thresh is that he's rarely touched balance wise. Thanks to his mechanically demanding kit, Thresh really doesn't receive a lot in the way of balance adjustments. God-like Thresh players make one question why Riot even thought the Champion was a good idea, while bad Thresh players make their team WISH they had a Beginner Bot on their team instead. And it's thanks to this variance that Thresh avoids being the whipping boy of Riot's balance team, and often sneaks under their radar.
And if that wasn't enough to convince you to try the Chain Warden, his skins are pretty cool too. I mean, look at that cool friggin' Ghost Rider-esque splash-art!
Of these five picks, I'd like to break them down in terms of difficulty to give you an 'at-glance' look as to if you should pick them up. We'll rate them on a scale of one to five faces! So, the more times you see a Champion's face, the more difficult they are to master!
Darius is easy to learn, but tough to master. Understanding how to overcome his mobility and exactly how much damage he can deal is key to mastering this Champion. Put some time on him before carrying him into ranked.
Though there is some nuance to dodging skills with Alpha Strike, Master Yi boils down to understanding when your item spikes are. You can jump into ranked with him quickly after brushing up on those items!
Katarina takes time not because her power-spikes aren't clear, but because they are super clear and pretty much everyone knows them. Top this off with her vulnerability to CC, if you're not able to recognize when and how to get into the mix, you're better off playing literally any other Assassin.
I can feel the heat already from this one. Though Draven's passive takes time to get the hang of, beyond juggling double axes, there's little in the way of skill expression that separates Draven from other Marksmen. I mean, it's not like he has a host of guns, an ammo system, AND a mini-game to play all at the same time, right?
Like I said, Thresh is overloaded. A harmonious union of offensive and defensive potential takes time to understand. And it is very clear, to everyone, who has and hasn't put time onto Thresh when one makes their way onto the Rift. Put this one in Normal Queue for a while before taking him to ranked friends.
Thanks for reading! I hope you found the piece informative and entertaining, and I hope that you try out these Champions for yourself to truly put yourself and your skills to the test! Good luck in Solo-Queue!