Creator Chat: Interview with Natsumiii

2 Jan 18


Lobokendo, members


Creator Chat: Interview with Natsumiii

Interview with the talented Pianist, Singer and League streamer Natsumiii.

Wendy "Natsumiii" Luo burst forth into the League of Legends community with her League based songs and stream and I was given the opportunity to ask her all about it.

How did you first get into League?

Wendy: Funny story, I went over to my brother’s house and my sister in law was playing League so I decided to give it a try (this was four years ago). I asked her who was cool to play and she said Evelynn was invisible so I tried her out but died every time I went to lane.

What made you decide to start making League content on youtube?

Wendy: My winning parody entry in the Songs of the Summoned sparked my interest at first and that gave me the spark in popularity I needed to continue making content afterwards.

In addition to singing you have also played piano for many years. What was the biggest obstacle in learning the piano you overcame?

Wendy: Over the years the biggest obstacle was finding time to juggle piano between school, university and eventually Youtube. Sure, there may have been challenges with technique or even the repertoire I played but it was mostly finding the time to practice four to five hours a day while doing everything else.

If you had to choose between singing and playing piano, which would you choose and why?

Wendy: This is an incredibly hard choice because I love them both so equally. They’re both forms of music where I can express how I feel. I’m more comfortable with piano however because I’ve spent most of my life playing it and only started taking singing seriously recently. So I guess if I were to choose, I’d probably choose piano.

What led you to begin streaming?

Wendy: I thought being able to interact with my audience live was a very enticing factor. I love being able to speak directly to people who support me and get to know them.

What do you enjoy most about streaming?

Wendy: The thing I enjoy most is what led me to start, the live interaction. Nothing beats being able to build your own community. Knowing that there are a group of people out there who know that you are a real person who makes content for a living is a gratifying feeling.

Art by Nashira (@nashirasauce)

What is the most difficult thing about streaming for you personally?

Wendy: Streaming is self employment and sometimes when I don’t feel so well it’s hard to be consistent with my stream hours. Since people get to watch me live, they can see whether I’m happy or not and I don’t want my bad mood to affect my audience. It’s definitely a struggle to constantly try to keep a happy image for my viewers and also deal with the regular trolls on the internet who appear in my chat.

Streaming and making Youtube videos must each have their own challenges and rewards. What do you think the rewards and challenges of each are for you?

Wendy: I believe the bottom line between what makes Youtube and streaming so enjoyable is the fact that you get to show yourself doing something you love and sharing that feeling with the people who are watching you. You’d be surprised with how happy people become watching you do something you enjoy. It’s as if the happiness you feel transfers through the monitors (wow that was lame).

The challenges I believe for everyone who does streaming and Youtube is time management and juggling between expectations and enjoyment. We’re all human and we all have moments of inspiration and moments where we just sit there and don’t want to do anything. The feeling of not wanting to disappoint your audience but still feeling the need to stream or put out content when you’re uninspired can be a very frustrating thing.

If you could improve in a specific area of streaming or making Youtube videos what would it be?

Wendy: Probably the amount of which I could do both. I easily get tired or uninspired with my mood so that’s something I am still trying to improve every day.

What do you love most about being a part of the League community?

Wendy: To be quite honest, the League community is pretty difficult to handle. However, it’s also really nice when you find the good people in the community because you can really cherish them. It’s nice to know that although we are all gamers, there are many of us who are talented in many other fields and I enjoy being recognized as one of those people. It’s pretty cool to be able to say that I’m a part of a video game’s community that has expanded beyond a game and into a sport.

Would you like to say anything to your Panda Army or anyone else reading this?

Wendy: I’d like to thank every single one of you who have been here for my ups and downs and continue to support me. I always remember every one of you, even from the very beginning when I started streaming. I love you all!

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