An Overview of the VALORANT Closed Beta Rewards

25 Apr 20


macdaddymoose, members


An Overview of the VALORANT Closed Beta Rewards

Got access to Valorant closed beta? Did you know there are rewards for participating in the closed beta? Check out these exclusive reward

So you got access to the Valorant closed beta? Congratulations! You are one of the few lucky people who get to play and be a part of this game when it's on the ground level and see it continue to grow over months and years. Now you may wonder, is there something you are going to be able to show off that you were part of the closed beta? There will indeed be some exclusive cosmetics for players to show off that they participated in the closed beta, however, you will have to earn them.

There are two rewards tracks on the top left of your screen when you login to the game. One is to unlock more agents and the other is the closed beta rewards. The closed beta rewards are the only cosmetics that will carry over from your account into the full launch of the game. The closed beta rewards are rewarded by just pure XP earned, so be sure to play enough games and rack up that XP to complete all five tiers. So let's look at what you can bring with you to full release and show off you were one of the first to play.

Tier 1: Title “ First”

This will be a cool title to use in the game as it is a straightforward way to show off you were one of the first to play the game.

Tier 2: Background card Valorant Beta with “B” emblem.

A card you can equip with your title that also has the “B” for beta on the card.

Tier 3: Title “V1.0”

Another title that shows you participated in the first version of the game.

Tier 4: Background card Beta Pioneer with “B” emblem

Same image as the card you unlock in tier two, however, tier two is a black card and tier four is a red card.

Tier 5: Gun Buddy with “B”

The most prized reward in the closed beta is the Gun Buddy with the B emblem. This gun buddy is similar to the one you unlock in the starter series quests that helps you unlock two operators. The starter series gun buddy reward looks like a gold circle coin with the “V” stamped on it. The closed beta reward is similar in design but black with the “B” added next to the “V”.

As of now, the closed beta rewards track are the only five items that will carry over into the full launch of the game. Be sure to play enough and earn all five items before full release so you will enter day one of full launch with what will be some of the game's most exclusive items.

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