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Pokemon Unite

12 Apr 22



Eject Button vs. the Field: the Slow Smoke Nerf and Battle Item Options

With Slow Smoke being nerfed in a recent patch, does that mean that the Eject Button meta is back in full force? To find out, let’s take a fresh dive into Battle Items, and which options can rise to the occasion!

When Pokémon UNITE first launched, players rushed out to try and discover the best builds. Be it playable character, item, ability, or role, MOBA players tend to gravitate toward strategies and playstyles that are considered strong in the current moment. However, these public opinions of the state of the game and its components often take quite a bit of development, which is one reason why post-release or post-patch versions of the game can be so enticing.

That being said, when players first gained access to UNITE’s available battle items, everyone seemed to gravitate toward one item in particular—Eject Button. Mobility is very strong in MOBAs, and even after being nerfed Eject Button still often provides the most impactful effect of all Battle Item options. Being able to reposition yourself in the blink of an eye does provide quite a lot of outplay potential, after all.

However, as items (including Eject Button) were tweaked and modified over time, UNITE sought a more balanced system of power with more diverse gameplay options. This included the rise of Slow Smoke as an alternative option, proving quite strong in recent months from the time of this article’s writing. Even so, many players do still default to playing with Eject Button, and now that Slow Smoke’s power has been predictably revoked, players are struggling to find other options that aren’t just “Welp, back to Eject Button I guess.” That being the case, let’s take a look at Eject Button and what makes it so favorable, as well as what options (if any) exist as alternatives for certain Pokémon and playstyles.

The Dominance of Eject Button

Ever since players first gained access to Battle Items, a stark majority have favored the Eject Button. This is largely due to the nature of MOBA gameplay in itself; games such as UNITE are quick in pace and high in action. As such, in-the-moment reactive ability is a great boon to success. An immediate blink effect such as Eject Button is consequently considered a must-have, allowing one to either close distance, create space, or dodge an incoming attack at lightning speed. In addition, when a player makes a mistake, Eject Button is often the most instantaneous option for rectifying it.

Many duels are won or lost based on who has an Eject Button and who doesn’t, due simply to the high impact and flexible nature of the ability. That isn’t to say that other Battle Items can’t have impact, of course. Extra stats or goal-scoring ability from other options are nice, but they can only find effectiveness from a limited number of scenarios. When all factors are taken into consideration—chief among them flexibility—a great many conclude that Eject Button is the most generally effective option to take.

Finding Usefulness in Specificity

So what then, if anything, can out-value the Eject Button? As was just mentioned, Eject Button’s flexibility is often what grants it its power. This strength, however, is one of its small weaknesses. Eject Button is an effective jack of all trades; it can handle most (if not all) scenarios with at least a reasonable amount of success.

However, many other Battle Items work differently, handling a much smaller set of circumstances yet doing so more effectively. For example, Eject Button is usually preferred over X-Speed, even though both options provide enhanced mobility. This is due to the instantaneous nature of Eject Button—many who desire mobility desire it immediately, rather than over time. However, X-Speed’s enhanced movement speed effect lasts a significant amount of time and can often cover more ground in totality than what can be accomplished with the Eject Button. Even if the opponent Eject Buttons away, one who uses X-Speed can usually catch up to them if they do not perish beforehand.

In this manner of thinking, one who needs only to perform a specific action well rather than be flexible can find value in Battle Items other than Eject Button. One must find a balance between flexibility and impact to do so, however—not all options are created equal. If too specific in its purpose, an item risks being unusable for much of the game (looking at you, Fluffy Tail). If it is flexible but lacks impact, however, then the item risks not fulfilling an adequate purpose at all. The list of available Battle Items is short already, and the number of those able to fulfill these requirements is smaller still. As such, let’s go over how to properly utilize some of the more effective Battle Items, and with what types of Pokémon.


With Slow Smoke nerfed and Eject Button having a cooldown timer of more than a minute between uses, those who like to skirmish frequently can find significant use out of Potion. Not only that, but some Pokémon have high enough mobility already to justify not using Eject Button, or simply are tanky enough not to need it. That being the case, Potion can provide an alternative defensive option for such Pokémon. For example, Tsareena, Wigglytuff, and Crustle all have impressive durability as well as built-in mobility options with their Moves.

In addition, Pokémon such as Snorlax, Slowbro, and Mamoswine are quite tanky, and can make quick use of consistent HP gain so they can serve as a healthy, unwavering front line. With Potion coming off cooldown every thirty seconds, both categories can fulfill their needs quite well and much more often than with Eject Button.


As previously mentioned, X-Speed is similar to Eject Button in that it offers a somewhat flexible mobility option for those looking to get into or out of a fracas. Unfortunately, where Eject Button shines is in its reactiveness; an instantaneous blink is much more flexible than a simple speedup. In this vein, X-Speed falls short, unable to effectively dodge with exact precision like its counterpart. However, despite this flaw the item does have its benefits. Most noticeable of these is the ability to out-speed someone over time, whether running away from them or chasing them down.

Even with an Eject Button at their disposal, someone mobilizing in an open area will easily be outran by one with an X-Speed. Machamp and Wigglytuff are perfect examples of Pokémon that make use of this feature, already excelling in chasing after vulnerable prey on foot, but not being so frail as to perish before reaching their target. Sylveon can also function well with X-Speed, as many of its moves require it to stay within a certain proximity to its opponent. Whether trying to keep a certain distance or trying to erase it, X-Speed provides a more persistent option than Eject Button, and for a lower cooldown as well.


Eject Button provides an impressive amount of reactive ability, allowing one to reposition once during a fight to leverage it in your favor. However, this doesn’t always help if the opponent is mobile already and does enough damage to make the fight unsalvageable from the beginning. Such is the benefit of the mighty X-Attack. Speedsters take note, for this Battle Item is a legitimate option for those already possessing high mobility. X-Attack raises both Attack and Special Attack, noticeably increasing one’s damage output in the process, if only for a brief time.

Assassins like Absol, Zeraora, Gengar, and Talonflame can all benefit from this type of effect, without the mobility issues normally associated with omitting Eject Button from one’s build path. Going all-in is the plan of attack here—get in, burst down the opponent, and get out. Just be aware of any mobile opponents that did take Eject Button. For X-Attack to work, you have to be able to reach your target!

Slow Smoke

In the recent (at the time of this writing) patch—version, which released on March 14th of 2022—Slow Smoke was nerfed significantly. Not only was the item’s cooldown time increased from 40 seconds to 45, but its overall effect was reduced as well. As such, many have found it to no longer works well enough to be worth taking. While for many characters that may be true, there is still a niche market for an area-of-effect slow, hence my mentioning it here. For tanks that have high survivability but want to stick a bit better to their targets, Slow Smoke can provide a way to do so against low-mobility opponents. Slowbro is an example of a Pokémon that is already capable in this regard, but who can benefit from more of a good thing.

Other Defenders like Snorlax, who have less consistent sticking power but could use some, can also utilize this option. Unfortunately, with Slow Smoke being nerfed recently its broader uses have been somewhat overshadowed by other options, but it still finds a special niche in ranked play, thankfully!

Fortunately, despite the clear favoritism that Eject Button receives among the player base, there are certainly other options available depending on what role and character you wish to play. Where Eject Button’s strength comes in its flexibility and reactiveness, other items can be made useful for the opposite reasons. Careful planning and specific benefits have their own rewards, and when coordinated properly these options can provide a highly effective method of attack (or defense, for that matter).

All in all, as with any MOBA, Pokémon UNITE tries to provide its players a bevy of options to choose from. This is true not only with its cast of characters, but with their respective build paths as well—Battle Items included. That being the case, no matter how truly powerful an item such as Eject Button may be, there is always another option, so make sure to experiment and find the one that speaks to you!

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