DIG Valorant guide

27 Aug 22




Everything You Need to Know to Dominate With Jett

So you’ve seen those Jett players that absolutely dominate your entire lobby and you decided that you want to learn Jett. Read this article to improve your gameplay on arguably one of the strongest duelists in the game.

Jett is an extremely versatile duelist that is able to secure frags through her positioning and precise gunplay. Whether you would like to be an entry frag, sniper, or spam the Judge, Jett can do it all effectively. Her kit contains some of the most powerful abilities in the game when used correctly.

In this guide, I will cover the basics of how to use her abilities, her different playstyles, how to entry frag, and the advantage that Jett has on the team’s economy (more on that later).



Jett’s signature ability is her Tailwind (her dash). This ability is advantageous in practically all situations. The ability has 2 main uses.

The first way that many Jett players utilize this ability is by dashing to cover after they’ve missed a couple of shots on the enemies. Because Jett’s dash is almost instant, many players would hold an off-angle to catch the enemies off-guard.

Here’s an example.

This is a wide angle that pretty much no other agent would hold besides Jett and Chamber since they both have abilities that can bail them out instantly if they happen to miss their shots.

From such an odd angle like this, you’re most likely able to fire 2-3 shots before the opponent can even shoot.

So what happens if you mess up? It’s simple. If you miss a few shots or they happen to flash you, then simply dash away to cover.

This brings me to my second point on this ability. Do NOT hold back on “readying” your dash prematurely. Ever since the dash had been nerfed, you must first “ready” the dash by using the ability once. This will activate a 10-second timer. Within that 10 seconds, you are then able to use your dash if you activate your ability the second time. Obviously, if you were to hold a wide/off-angle, you would need to make sure that your dash is ready.

The second way that players use this ability is by acting as a decoy on offense. Upon entering a site, Jett’s dash is used to create space AND clear corners. ALWAYS use your smoke when using your dash this way.

In the picture, I placed down a cloud of smoke and dashed into it while clearing logs simultaneously. The reason why this is so effective is that you’re able to draw the enemy’s attention onto you while also clearing an angle all at once. Since you’re now in the smoke after dashing into it, the enemies would have a much harder time killing you. After your team pushes the site, peek out of the smoke with the intent that somebody is right in front of you. Don’t be afraid to pre-fire at common angles.

So what if the enemies start spraying down at you through the smoke? That’s exactly what we want them to do. Sure, you’ll most likely take some damage but the main reason why Jett players choose to entry in this way is that it enables the team to run into the site along with you and secure much easier kills while the enemies are distracted by your presence in the smoke. This is what makes Jett such a fun, yet effective duelist.

Oh, don’t forget you also get a dash reset if you get 2 kills during the round.


This is a pretty straightforward ability that is used to get your character into off-angles that your enemies most likely would not expect you to be in.

Unless you’ve used the same angle multiple times in a game, the positional advantage that you get by using Updraft is extremely powerful. Always (and I mean ALWAYS) try to use off-angles on Jett. That’s the main advantage that she has over all the other duelists.

More importantly, pairing up Updraft with your ultimate will make an extremely deadly combo. I’ll explain more about this later.


Jett’s smokes last for 4.5 seconds as soon as they hit the ground. Use this knowledge to your advantage. Because you’re able to place down her smokes so easily and quickly, don’t be afraid to hide in the smokes or even push out of them to catch the enemies off-guard. Most players would never expect you to push out of your smoke. You can utilize your dash fairly well with this as well. If you push out of your smoke and there happen to be 3 enemies there, you can quickly dash right back to where you came from.

By holding down the smoke button on your keyboard, the smoke will follow your crosshair around until it lands. Players do this when they want to smoke spots without actually having to expose their bodies around a corner. However, while you are curving your smoke, you are unable to use your gun.

Keep in mind that simply just tapping the smoke button (instead of holding it down and curving the smoke) would let you take out your gun slightly faster.


Jett’s ultimate grants you 5 knives that each deal 50 damage to the body or legs, and 150 damage to the head. There is no damage dropoff, meaning that no matter how far you use the knives, they will always do the same amount of damage.

By holding down the left-click button (primary fire), you will shoot out your knives like an automatic gun with 100% accuracy no matter what. You can use this to your advantage. Always be on the move when using Jett knives. Never stand completely still and shoot. If you happen to kill the enemies with your left click, then you get ALL your knives back.

By holding down the right-click button (secondary fire), you will shoot out ALL your knives at once like a shotgun, as shown in the picture below. Generally, you should only do this when you are taking a close-range fight. Keep in mind that you will be extremely vulnerable after you’ve used the secondary fire since you have used all of your knives at once. After the Jett nerf, you no longer get any knives back after killing enemies with your secondary fire.

A strategy that many players use is to Updraft high into the air with their knives. They can catch enemies off-guard by doing so, and it would be harder for enemies to shoot at them while they’re in the air. Players should then use their dash to bail out if they happen to miss their shots.

Jett’s ultimate takes a lot of practice to get good at. Don’t be afraid to hop in the practice range and test out all her mechanics.


Generally, Jett players should be aggressive and they shouldn’t be afraid to take on gunfights since all her abilities are based on assisting her in getting frags. You cannot be scared of dying if you want to play Jett.

Now, I’m not saying to brainlessly hold the W key and take all the fights you can. You should still definitely play around your team. What I’m trying to say is that you should make the enemies afraid of you by playing aggressively. Make the enemies scared that you might be flanking them. Make the enemies afraid that you might be holding an off-angle. Make the opponents worried about peeking into your team, out of fear that you could be using an Operator. Be unpredictable with your angles. Do you see what I’m trying to say now?

And speaking of the Operator, did you know that Jett is one of the BEST agents for sniping? She can Updraft to get into strong off-angles and dash away if she misses an Operator shot. This makes her a powerful agent even with the Operator.

To excel with Jett, you must have fantastic game sense, which only comes to you by simply playing more Valorant. Jett is one of the most fun characters to play in the game, and rightfully so. She rewards aggressive players who understand how to use all of her abilities.

Entry Fragger

I was going to put this under the “Playstyle” heading but I decided that this should have a whole section by itself due to how important it is. Jett is extremely powerful as an entry fragger because of the abilities that enable her to make quick movements and be aggressive. However, she doesn’t have a flash so it would be very beneficial if she is paired with an initiator like Breach or Skye.

Jett’s quick smokes serve as a great tool to block off the enemy’s lines of sight. As I said earlier, you can dash into your smokes to act as a decoy upon entering the site. The key to entry fragging with Jett is to work and communicate with your team.

I highly recommend going into the Custom game mode and testing out how to entry frag on Jett on all the different maps. You should get a feel for which angles to clear, which places to smoke, and where to push while using all of your abilities.

In my opinion, the most important ability when entry fragging with Jett is actually her Updraft ability. Let me explain.

Think about a situation on the A site of Haven. You have three people, including you, pushing through Long and two people pushing through Short. The two people in Short clear everything there, so you know that there aren’t any enemies on Short. All five of you guys storm onto the site and manage to pick off two enemies while one of your teammates dies. Now here is where things get interesting. By now, the remaining three defenders are most likely rotating in from CT and B connector. It’s a 4v3. Your team has a numbers advantage. You decide to use your abilities to Updraft into Heaven.

You catch one enemy off-guard and manage to secure the kill. Now, the remaining two enemies are scared of your presence in Heaven. You simply drop back down from Heaven, leaving your team in an easy 4v2 situation.

Jett’s Updraft allows her to push the enemies back when taking a site by creating fear. You can do the same on Bind and Ascent’s Heaven as well.

Don’t be afraid of dying by pushing a little bit, as long as you don’t do it every single round. You can secure easy kills by using your Updraft upon entering a site.


Jett is an agent that performs exceptionally well with not only rifles, but also shotguns, snipers, and SMGs as well. This means that you’re able to still secure frags on Jett while saving money by buying cheaper guns.

On an eco-round, Jett players can opt to either go Marshall, Stinger, or with a shotgun. On defense, Jett can Updraft onto off-angles and try to get a couple of kills on enemies that don’t expect it. It’s cheesy, but it’s a cheap way to secure kills without spending many credits.

On offense, you can use your smokes to create short-ranged fights which would favor your Stinger, Spectre, or shotgun.

Obviously, it’s generally best to always buy rifles or an Operator when you can. I just wanted to point out that it’s completely okay for Jett to help out the team’s economy by buying cheaper weapons.

Additionally, many players would save Jett’s ultimate for eco-rounds, as it serves as another weapon for her to use without costing any credits.


In the end, Jett is an agent with an extremely high skill ceiling. You can’t be good at her on the first day. She requires hours and hours of practice to master her mechanics. Let’s summarize this guide.


Play aggressively with Jett’s abilities! Use your dash to get out of sticky situations (or to push), her Updraft to create amazing off-angles, and her smokes to stay hidden from the enemy’s lines of sight. Use her Ultimate on rounds when you need to save your credits.

Combine all of these abilities together, and you can create one frightening duelist.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Be aggressive when playing Jett. Nobody wants a Jett that just sits back and baits the whole team. Don’t be afraid to take on gunfights. Use your dash and smokes to push onto the site. Be sure to use off-angles to surprise the enemies. The most important part of playing Jett is to play so aggressively that it catches the enemies off-guard. At the same time, you should also…

Entry frag:

Use your dash and smokes to aggressively get onto the site quickly, which will overwhelm the enemies because of your speed.

The key with entry fragging with Jett is that you should actually catch the enemies off-guard by pushing into the defender’s spawn once in a while. By doing so, you make the enemies afraid that you could be around any corner.


Due to Jett’s ability to get into powerful off-angles and closing the distance between you and your opponent (with your dash and Updraft), Jett is an agent that shines even with cheaper weapons. Be sure to take advantage of this fact every game! You could save your whole team a lot of credits just by buying a Stinger or a Marshall while still dominating the enemies.

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