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26 Jul 22



Fade Companions: Five Agents to Pair with Fade

This article goes over some of Fade’s best agent pairs to duo with your friends in Valorant.

Valorant is known for its intricate character designs that lead their gameplay with special abilities in game. Each time a new agent is released, players spend hours testing to understand their new agent’s kit. Some even like to understand pairings to go with new agents to make plays in game. These plays look to either kill the enemy, free up space for their team, or find information on the other team's location.

With Fade being Valorant’s newest agent, this search for pairings was sought after quickly by eager fans. Here we are going to list some pairings to play with Fade, so you and your friends can have fun.

Fade and Raze

Raze is a fast-paced duelist that can be paired greatly with Fade’s information collecting kit. One of the strongest finds is Raze’s Paint Shells being used when Fade’s Seize is successful. Combining these two abilities to make enemies get stuck in a small area and then taking damage is extremely beneficial to weaken and sometimes even kill the enemy.

Raze’s ultimate, Showstopper, can also be used when Fade’s Seize is effective to get multiple kills on the enemy. Fade’s Haunt ability is useful for Raze to put pressure on by rushing the enemy once they are spotted. Raze’s Blast Packs are what can get her across large areas much quicker than anyone else, so after Fade has identified an enemy position, Raze can take up that space and push the enemy. Fade’s ultimate, Nightfall, is effective with deafening the enemy, so if they are not in sight of Raze, most of her util can be effective to either damage them or kill them.

Fade and Skye

Fade and Skye have similar aspects to their kits, like Fade’s Prowler and Skye’s Seekers. They have abilities that can both near sight and deafen the enemy, all while giving you information on where they are located. Some players have discovered how fun it can be to overwhelm the enemy with Fade’s Prowlers and Seize with Skye’s Trailblazer and Guiding light all at the same time after they are spotted. This ultimately makes them immobile to a point where you can get an easy kill.

While they do have similarities that can be fun to experiment with, their slight differences can also be effective in distracting the enemy. Skye’s Guiding Light ability is useful to blind the enemy when Fade has effectively used her Haunt to identify the enemy's location. This can help you either reposition, push an area, or get a kill. Skye’s flashes are also useful for the same effect when Fade uses her ultimate to deafen the enemy completely. It is also useful to have Skye’s heal, Regrowth, to use just in case your Fade duo is in trouble.

Fade and Yoru

Art by @shim0rinon Twitter: Original Post Here

Yoru is another highly mobile duelist that can be entertaining to experiment with Fade’s abilities. With Fade’s utility being able to deafen the enemy, it is easy to have Yoru sneak up on the enemy unexpectedly. Players often use Fade’s ultimate to allow Yoru to successfully teleport behind the enemy with either his Gatecrash ability or Dimensional Drift ultimate and get kills for the team.

Yoru’s flash, Blindside, is also effective when used with Fade’s Haunt or Nightfall to reposition, push an area, or get kills. Yoru can also successfully pressure the enemy once spotted with Fade’s Haunt or Prowler to either get the kill or do damage and escape with his teleport. Yoru and Fade are an interesting pair that many players are still testing out plays with as they play alongside their friends.

Fade and Omen

Omen is a stealthy agent that can control an area with his smoke, blind, and teleport abilities, and combining him with Fade can help greatly with finding information of a space, taking it, and defending it. Once Fade uses her Haunt or Prowlers to successfully locate an enemy, using Omen’s Paranoia ability to blind the enemy is helpful for gaining the upper hand in an area to either reposition or get frags. It is also fun to experiment with using Fade’s Prowler’s to push through Omen’s smokes to locate an enemy or to hold a choke point against the enemy.

Like Yoru, Omen’s ability, Shrouded Step, that allows him to teleport, is much more useful when the enemy is deafened. So pairing Omen’s teleport with either Fade’s Nightfall or Prowlers can help Omen get behind the enemy while being unheard to obtain kills or better positioning.

Fade and Reyna

Reyna is the most agile and self-sufficient agent with her Dismiss and Devour abilities, tools that are essential to play off Fade’s information quickly. When Fade uses her Haunt or Prowlers, Reyna can easily push with her Leer to near sight the enemy, and after she gets a kill, she can escape quickly with her Dismiss. Reyna’s Leer can be useful when it is deployed at the same time as Fade’s Haunt so the enemy can see and destroy it before they are identified in their location.

Another use for Reyna’s Leers is when Fade uses her ultimate; utilizing these two at the same time deprives the enemy of all their senses, which can be used for getting frags. This fast-paced pair can be fun to aggressively experiment with against the enemy.


Overall, Valorant is a game that allows a wide range of experimentation with each agent being so unique. Finding new ways to mess with the enemy can be entertaining to do with friends, and with each new agent that is put out, it can be hard to discover who works best together. Be sure to try out strategies and pair unexpected agent kits together to find new ways to have fun while playing Valorant.

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