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Elden Ring

14 Mar 22



Fastest Way to Level Up in Elden Ring With Easy Rune Farming

In this guide, we’ll be showing you how to level up quickly in Elden Ring using a fast rune farming trick that can be done in the early stages of the game.

Leveling up in Elden Ring can be a laborious task. One death and all your work is potentially gone. However, acquiring Runes and safely allocating them to your character is quick and easy with the method in this article. You are one side quest away from endlessly farming 2000+ Runes in a matter of seconds.

The area that this farming occurs is called Mohgwyn’s Palace. One of the only ways to get there is by acquiring the Pureblood Knight’s Medal, which allows you to teleport to this area of the map. This side quest allows you to not only get this medal, but an armor set, an extra Sacred Tear, and access to a site that makes farming Runes a breeze. The only thing you must do first before starting this quest, is to defeat the Legacy Dungeon Boss, “Godrick the Grafted” in Stormveil Castle.

Optional: Obtaining the Golden Scarab Talisman

To make sure you can grind as many runes as possible in a short time, you should grab the Golden Scarab Talisman before you continue with the rest of this guide. This is an item that grants you 20% extra Runes when defeating enemies. To obtain this, you must go to the Abandoned Cave. To find the cave, go to the Site of Grace named the Smoldering Wall. Follow the wall east until you reach the edge of the cliff. Using the large tree roots, head towards the cave entrance located within the adjacent cliff walls. This is where you will find another Site of Grace, the Abandoned Cave. Follow the cave tunnels until you reach the green mist doorway that gates the boss. Be careful running through the caves, as areas of the ground cause Scarlet Rot. The Field Boss you must defeat are the Cleanrot Knights, which there are two of. Once defeated, they grant you the Golden Scarab Talisman.

Ok, On To the Real Rune Farm!

To start your quest for easy Rune farming, you must go to the very first Site of Grace named The First Step, located in Limgraven near the starting area of the game. Here you will have to talk to an NPC. If the NPC is not there anymore after defeating Godrick, there will be a message on the floor that you must read.

Rose Church

From there, go to Rose Church located in Liurnia of Lakes and talk to the NPC outside of the church. When prompted, choose the dialogue “Two Fingers Seemed Off”. You will then receive five Festering Bloody Fingers. This item is used to invade other players. You must use these fingers 3 times to continue the quest. It does not matter if these invasions are successful or not, you just have to PvP 3 times. Once that is done, talk to the NPC outside of the church once again. He will then give you a piece of cloth called “Lord of Blood’s Favor”. This cloth must be dipped in the blood of a Maiden located at the Church of Inhibition.

The Road to the Church of Inhibition

Map provided by Elden Ring Wiki

The Church of Inhibition is located at the top of a cliff northeast of Liurnia of Lakes. Start by fast traveling to the Site of Grace named Bellum Church. Heading East, wrap northeast around the cliff going upwards until you reach Frenzied Flame Village. Atop this village is where the church is located. Be wary on this run as there is a flaming tower that causes the crippling effect of Madness upon its gaze towards you. To hide from the flaming eye’s view, use the large rocks and castle walls as cover so that it does not inflict too much damage.

Once the Church is in sight, an enemy NPC will spawn that you must defeat. This NPC wields a spear that also inflicts Madness that deals devastating blows. Keep your distance, use magic if possible and be sure not to be in the sight of the flaming tower’s eye as well. Once the enemy is defeated, you can head towards the Church. Outside of the Church is a Sacred Tear that you can collect. The Maiden will grant you with a Maiden Armor Set as well as allowing you to douse the “Lord of Blood’s Favor” in her blood. Once that has been completed return to Rose Church.

The Return to Rose Church

Talk to the NPC at Rose Church once again and give him the maiden’s blood covered “Lord of Blood’s Favor”. You will also need to offer him your finger when prompted. After doing so, you will receive the “Bloody Finger” as well as the “Pureblood Knight’s Medal”. This medal allows you to teleport to Mohgwyn’s Palace.

Mohgwyn’s Palace

Once you have teleported to Mohgwyn’s Palace, you must find the Site of Grace that will act as a respawn point to farm freely. To find this site, head northeast. Once you reach the base of the cliff, head east towards a red body of water. Cross the body of water going south, passing a large tree trunk. Past the large tree trunk is a path heading upwards on a hill. Follow the path heading south past a cluster of sitting creatures until you reach the base of another cliff where the Site of Grace is located. This Site of Grace is called Palace Approach Ledge-Road.

Farming at the Site of Grace

At this Site of Grace is where you will defeat the cluster of creatures, each one granting 2000 Runes. If you have the Golden Scarab Talisman, you can obtain 2400 Runes per kill. These enemies are very easy to defeat. Attack each enemy individually so as to not awaken the others. They are easy to kill but watch out for the ones guarding them because they can kill you in one move. Due to the enemies being located at the Site of Grace, you can level your character safely after defeating them. The enemies respawn every time you rest at the Site of Grace as well. With each level you obtain, the more powerful you get, so the quicker you can kill the enemies.

Bonus Farm at the Same Site of Grace

Here you can see a large creature off to the left of the Site of Grace. Use any long-range weapon to poke it; I found that the Rock Sling sorcery was the easiest. A bow and arrow will work as well but may be harder to hit. Once the creature has been hit, it will get aggressive and run towards you. Run to the bloody rocks on the left of this image as quickly as possible and the creature will run off the edge of the cliff granting you 11,000 Runes (or 13,000 using the Golden Scarab Talisman) for only one shot of damage. This creature, like the others at the Site of Grace, will respawn after every rest at a Site of Grace.

With this guide, you’ll be farming up hundreds of thousands of runes per hour and reach over level 100 in no time! If you found this guide helpful, then continue reading our other content for more gaming tips.

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