An In-Depth Support Guide to Mastering Lulu in League of Legends

There are many different supports to utilize in League of Legends, but today we will be taking a look at Lulu, the Fae Sorceress, and just what it takes to master her.

In League of Legends, there are plenty of Enchanter supports that see play, but of them, Lulu has seldom been excluded from the meta whenever Enchanters are viable. With a unique skill set that can be used to peel for her carry or easily support a engage, Lulu has many strengths and should be a champion you consider mastering. Let’s dive right in.

Ability Breakdown

The first thing to learn about Lulu is her unique toolkit, starting with her passive, Pix, the Faerie Companion! Pix will fire magical attacks whenever the champion he is following attacks another enemy unit. His attacks go straight to the same target as the champion he is following, but can be intercepted by any enemy unit, as it does not pierce through targets. If Lulu has not used her E to attach Pix onto another champion, then Pix will automatically attack any target that Lulu attacks, giving her a really powerful auto-attack that can be used for poking or general teamfight damage. If Lulu uses E on an ally, it will send Pix over to them and grant them the boosted auto-attack, giving your ADC a real edge in the fight. However, if Lulu uses E and places Pix on an enemy champion or a minion, Pix will simply follow them and grant vision of the target instead of utilizing the auto-attack passive.

Q - Glitterlance

Moving on to Lulu’s Q, Glitterlance, this is a huge part of her kit that gives her a lot of creative ways to shut down her enemies. When using Q, both Lulu and Pix will fire off a magical bolt of energy that damages targets and heavily slows them. This attack pierces through all targets, hitting multiple enemies, and will launch from any unit Pix is currently attached to. For example, you can place Pix on an ally, using E, and then use Q to slow the target they are chasing. Alternatively, you could place Pix on an enemy or allied minion and shoot a Q at an enemy that is otherwise too far away from you, securing kills or providing necessary poke damage. It is a great idea to start level one with Q, so that you can have a mix of damage and crowd control as you arrive in lane.

W - Whimsy

Lulu’s next ability is her W, which is called Whimsy, and can be used on either an ally or an enemy, each resulting in a different effect. Using W on an ally will grant them increased movement speed and attack speed for a short duration. Alternatively, using W on an enemy will ‘polymorph’ them, turning them into a little critter that cannot attack or cast spells, but can still move around. This polymorph will cancel any channeled spells, like Katarina’s ultimate, but will not cancel Fiddlesticks’ or Kennen’s ultimate once they are activated.

It can be difficult to decide which target to use W on, since the answer will change every teamfight. Usually, it comes down to whether or not there is an enemy champion who must be shut down immediately for the fight to be won, which will be the desired target to use W on. If you are not having trouble defeating the enemy in fights, and your ADC is reasonably fed, then using W on them will only increase their carry potential. Another thing to keep in mind is whether or not you need to use W as a speed boost to quickly escape danger, as it can easily save a teammate’s life. It is a good idea to hold onto W as long as possible so that it is not on cooldown when you need it the most.

E - Help, Pix!

Lulu’s next ability is her E, Help, Pix! As previously mentioned, using E will place Pix on the target of your choice, granting them an additional attack whenever they auto-attack, and giving a unique angle in which to use Q from. Using E on an ally will also grant them a shield, which can make a huge difference during team fights. Additionally, when used on an enemy target, it will deal damage to that target, making for a useful poking tool in lane. In most cases, you will want to use E on an ally champion to grant them a shield to sustain them through the fight, since your team is not relying on Lulu for her damage potential.

Since using E consistently can take up a lot of mana, it is a good idea to only use it to shield incoming damage or to potentially secure a kill. Using E to poke or as an attack can often take away from an important method of protection and could even cause you or your allies to get burst down.

R - Wild Growth

Finally, we will take a look at Lulu’s R, Wild Growth. This ability can only be used on yourself or on ally champions, and when used, it will enlarge the champion, knocking up nearby enemies and granting the ally a large amount of bonus health. Additionally, the ally will gain an aura that will slow enemy champions down during the duration of the ultimate. You can use this ability to either save your ally from certain death, or to start a powerful engage that will knock aside the enemy and boost your carry. If your team already has a lot of engage and crowd control, it may be a better idea to hold onto your R until an ally gets low on health so that you can prevent them from being taken out. All in all, Lulu is a powerhouse of abilities ranging from boosts, slows, and shutdowns.

When levelling your abilities up, you will want to prioritize her E, since it gives you the benefit of both a shield and a decent attack. As you get to lane, you will want to start with Q so that you have a great poking tool as well as the slow to help keep enemies at bay. At level two, you will want to grab your E, and then grab W at level three. As mentioned before, you will then max your E, maxing Q afterwards. You will want to level W last since it provides the least amount of utility in comparison to your other abilities.

Item Build

Lulu is a champion with a bit of variety when it comes to building her, and you will want to take note of which route works best for you and your play style. As you get more confident with a champion, you can always experiment with different builds and combinations to get your unique edge in the game.

When it comes to the start of the game, you can either grab Spellthief’s Edge or Relic Shield; you can take Relic Shield when you are facing a more uneven match up that can deal a lot of damage to you, since this item will make you more tanky. As far as Mythic Items go, the current meta can change often, but Lulu will want to either build Moonstone Renewer or Shurelya’s Battlesong, Shurelya’s being a more common option at the time of writing this article. For the rest of her build, you will want to grab Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water. As the game goes on, it is a good idea to grab a Mikael’s Blessing if you need to save your carry from constant crowd control, or even a Redemption if your team simply needs more healing.

If you find yourself in a situation that requires you to be more tanky, picking up Zeke’s Convergence or Knight’s Vow can be beneficial to keep you and your ADC alive and well. You may end up being the desired target for the enemy team to shut down, since you are funneling all of your power into your carry, so it is important to know all of your options when building your items.

Rune Build

Building a rune page for Lulu can change just as much as her item build can, but her most common primary tree is Sorcery. In the Sorcery tree you will always want to grab Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Scorch. A common secondary tree for this build is Inspiration, taking Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insight.

If you want to go a more sustained route, you can try taking Resolve as a secondary tree, grabbing Bone Plating and Revitalize. If you wish to stay tankier but also wish to keep your mana sustain from Inspiration, you can take Resolve as a primary tree with Guardian and grab Font of Life, Bone Plating, and Revitalize. Both rune builds can be successful, and may vary depending on what kinds of match ups you play against or what play style works best for you.

Champion Synergy

Lulu works well with any ADC but has the most success with ADCs who go in and rain down attacks on the enemy without requiring a stun or root. The best choices to pair with Lulu are Tristana, Kog’Maw, Draven, Twitch, and Kai’sa. Additionally, Lulu thrives on a team with a bruiser that she can boost alongside her carry, which in turn will grant more peel to allow for sustained damage. Lulu is not a great option for bot lane mages, as they do not benefit from her W boost as much as a marksman does. You can first pick Lulu into nearly any team, as she can play either a passive or an aggressive lane, but she does the best against a bot lane that has a low attack range that cannot easily trade with her.

If your ADC does not find success throughout the laning phase, you will want to focus on funneling your bruiser champions, usually your jungler or your top laner. Without the usual marksman carry, you will need to rely on champions like Renekton, Warwick, Udyr, or even Sylas to deal the necessary damage. Lulu can just as easily boost these champions as she can her ADC, and it is important to understand which teammate is your win condition.


In the laning phase, you want to put yourself between the enemy and your ADC to be able to put pressure on the enemy bot lane while providing protection to your carry. If you are against a tanky engaging champion like Nautilus, make sure you are always behind ally minions, so that you cannot get grabbed by a hook. You want to be looking out for opportunities to shoot a Q to poke the enemy or to throw an E to shield an ally from an attack. If the enemy engages on you or your ADC, it is a good idea to immediately use W on the enemy ADC (or perhaps the enemy jungler if they are there and are dealing more damage) so that the one being engaged on will take less damage than anticipated. If you and your ADC are on the offensive, you can use W to boost them up if the enemy does not pose much of a threat.

During teamfights, you want to be close to your ADC so that you can quickly shield them and keep them safe. It is important to be able to provide support to the rest of your team as well, whether they might need to be saved by your R or if they simply need a shield with E. You want to prioritize boosting up whoever is the win condition on your team so that the enemy cannot shut them down, while using an occasional Q to keep enemies away from you and your allies. Do not forget to use your auto attacks to deal an extra bit of damage, since Lulu has an increased attack from her companion, Pix.


When it comes to powerful supports, Lulu is one of the best Enchanters you could choose from. With her constant shielding and boosting, as well as her phenomenal engage, crowd control, and poke, Lulu can allow her team to rise against all odds and secure victory. It is important to think outside of the box when using her abilities, as each situation has a different way it can be handled. Lulu can thrive with nearly any ADC and is a great champion to pick up and master as a support player.

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