Guide to Opening CSGO Cases & What to Expect

Guide to Opening CSGO Cases & What to Expect

An explaination and overview to opening CounterStrike: Global Offensive Cases


Opening CSGO cases and obtaining skins are one of the reasons that make Counter Strike: Global Offensive so popular. Opening cases is a high-risk high-reward scenario where you could get something up into the thousands of dollars or something worth as little as 3 cents. Currently there are 21 regular CSGO cases that provide knives and weapon skins. There are also 8 souvenir case skins that cover the maps of the active duty queue and Inferno. These cases do not drop knives, but drop very rewarding skins like AWP Dragon Lores and M4A1-S Knights. These versions of the skins are much rarer and even more expensive than their in-game dropped counterparts. However, in this guide I will be discussing normal CSGO weapon skin cases.


Opening CSGO cases is not a reliable way to make profit or any sort of money. Opening them may result in a huge loss of wealth. If you are interested in trying out cases without spending money, I highly suggest using a CSGO case opening simulator. These sites will give you the thrill of opening something cool, but not actually give you an ingame skin. It also gives you an idea of how much luck it takes to actually get something from a case. Below is a picture of when I used a case simulator to open two of the most popular CSGO cases. As you can see, the results are not exactly ideal.

Chroma 2 Case Opening:


Chroma 3 Case Opening:


A Brief History:

CSGO cases were introduced in August of 2013. It featured 9 new skins as well as the chance to get an “exceedingly rare special item!” To receive a case, one had to play the game and would be randomly dropped one twice a week. The “exceedingly rare special item!” would be the knives that now many people in CSGO want to get from a case. The introduction of knives into the game as well as rare skins would soon lure in many new players who would use their money on purchasing cases and keys to open them. Since then, many cases have been introduced into the game and many are no longer dropped in game.


The guns received in regular CSGO cases come in 5 different colors. Guns come in blue, purple, pink, and red. Knives are typically a bright yellow or gold color. Blue skins are referred to as Mil-Spec, which are the lowest tier guns that you can receive from a case. These are typically also the least expensive. Purple are referred to as restricted guns. These guns are considered a middle of the line weapon and are typically on the lower side of pricing when it comes to weapon skins. Pinks are referred to as classified weapon skins. Pinks vary in the price and typically are on the higher end of the pricing of weapon skins. These are rare to receive, but a little more common than reds or knives.

Red skins and knives are by far the most expensive weapons that can be obtained from CSGO cases. Knives in particular, can be very expensive and can be priced in the upwards of $5,000 USD or even more. However, the odds of receiving either a red skin or a knife is very rare. It is very rare to receive either of this within just opening your first few cases.

How to Open Cases:

To open cases, you must first obtain them. You can obtain up to two cases a week by just playing CSGO on Valve secured servers. You can also purchase cases from the Steam Market or third party re-selling websites. Once you have the cases, you need to get the case keys. First, you want to make sure you get the right key for the right case. For example, a Chrome 3 case key opens a Chrome 3 case, but the same Chrome 3 case key will not open a Chroma 2 case. To purchase these keys, you can buy them on the Steam Community Market or on a third party reselling website. The cases vary in price, but normally they are anywhere from four cents to 30 cents.

Extra Information:

I continued to play with the CSGO Case Simulator and was able to get a knife! However it took me approximately $800 of money to receive a $90 knife. This situation is a very normal thing to happen. In this case, it would have been better for me to buy a knife off of the market. This just goes to show that getting a knife is essentially pure luck and it cannot be depended on to get one within an X amount of cases. You may have seen YouTubers or streamers getting knives left and right while opening cases, but the odds of you having the same luck are very low. If you do decided you want to open cases and go for those knives and reds, I wish you the best of luck and hope you find success and opening them and maybe find yourself a $1,000 knife on your first case!

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