Honkai: Star Rail offers a plethora of achievements for players to pursue. These achievements in Star Rail provide players with Stellar Jades, a valuable currency used for acquiring additional characters and Light Cones. While most achievements can be viewed in the 'Achieved' tab, several remain hidden until completion. In this guide, players will discover all the hidden achievements currently available in Version 1.0 of the game. The guide will primarily focus on hidden achievements listed under 'The Memories We Share', as they require additional explanation to uncover. The remaining hidden achievements, which are relatively straightforward, will be presented towards the end of the guide.
The Memories We Share
Seventeen’s Map
During the Adventure Mission ‘Emptiness of Locus Silentii’, collect ‘Note to Intruders’ on top of Asta’s desk to get this achievement. If players missed it during the mission, they can still go back to Asta’s office afterwards to collect it.
Diamond and Rust
After completing the Adventure Mission ‘To: The Faint Star’, head back to Bernard at Master Control Zone and give back the ‘Blue Signal Log’ to obtain this achievement.
Farewell, Comet Hunter
During, or after, the Adventure Mission ‘Out of Reach’, collect three ‘Letters from the Comet Hunter’ to obtain this achievement. The letters are located in the maintenance room of the Supply Zone and will appear in order, one at a time.
Does She Walk Alone?
After completing the Adventure Mission ‘Guide Paradox’, find Sheila in the Master Control Zone and talk to her to obtain this achievement.
Close Encounters of the Sixth Kind
Complete the Adventure Mission ‘Requiem Mass’ to obtain this achievement.
For this achievement, players must find and talk to all six of Herta’s puppets on Herta Space Station.
When Breath Becomes Air
To obtain this achievement, players must interact with Eikura Shuu’s memorial during, or after, the Adventure Mission ‘Requiem Mass’.
Bzzt! Clock Out!
To obtain this achievement, players need to turn off six little robots found around Herta Space Station. There are more than six located on the station, but players will only need to turn off six of them.
Door to A New World
To receive this achievement, locate this toilet-shaped Curio in the Supply Zone and interact with it.
Just A Number
To obtain this achievement, find the ‘Rating Pistol’ Curio on F1 of Storage Zone and interact with it.
No King Rules Forever
Go to the northeast room on F2 of the Storage Zone and enter the containment cage in the center. Interact with something on the ground and then head to the northeast room on F1 of the Storage Zone. Find the ‘Unbearable Weight’ Curio and interact with it for the achievement.
Green Thumb
Head to the second floor of the Base Zone and talk to this ‘Strange Plant’. Provide the plant with Pure Water and then visit it again on the next daily reset to obtain this achievement.
Greed Psychology
After completing the Adventure Mission ‘Survival Wisdom’, players will obtain a ‘Real Treasure Map’ from Sampo as a reward. Go to the location and retrieve the treasure to obtain this achievement.
One Day More
To get this achievement, players need to collect ‘A Bottle of Glass Marbles’ and ‘Julian’s Time Capsule’ during the Companion Mission, ‘Hook’s Treasure’. The marbles are obtained as part of the mission, while it remains unclear whether the time capsule can be missed or not. Just in case, the time capsule is located by the slide outside the orphanage in Rivet Town. Players will have an opportunity to find it during the step ‘Use Findie to find the hidden treasure’. The achievement will be rewarded after the mission is completed.
Moral Higher Ground:
Head to the marked location at Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone and break a destructible object near the guard. The achievement is rewarded after the guard confronts the player, regardless of dialogue choice. If players choose to apologize, they are also rewarded with a ‘Praise of High Morals’.
(Option A) The Lifecycle of Software Objects
(Option B) For a Breath I Tarry
Players may only receive one of these achievements, depending on their choices in the Companion Mission ‘Rarely Affectionate (Part 2)’. Choosing not to format Pascal gives players ‘The Lifecycle of Software Objects’. Choosing to format Pascal gives ‘For a Breath I Tarry’.
Head to Rivet Town and kill the Trotter near the southeast corner to obtain an item called ‘Dirty Ribbon Tied to a Ball’. Afterwards, go to the southside of Rivet Town, above the Erudition Calyx, and interact with the window on the first building. Talk to the window again after the brief dialogue and obtain ‘Damaged Music Box’. Bring the music box back to where the Trotter used to be and hand it over to the NPC for this achievement.
50 Credits!?
Collect all 7 wanted posters of the Astral Express crew in the Administrative District for this achievement and a profile picture.
Twinkly, Winkly
To get this achievement, simply obtain three Ancient Coins. Ancient Coins have a chance of dropping from destructible objects and trash cans in Jarilo-VI.
Sweet Pom-Pom O’Mine
Head into Qlipoth Fort at the Administrative District and investigate the Armillary Sphere next to Bronya. Choose to locate Belobog and then select the ‘north’ option followed by the ‘northwest’ to obtain this achievement.
Hurt Locker
Head to the underground cable car station in the Administrative District and find an abandoned suitcase behind the cable car. Interact with the suitcase and go through a series of dialogue options to obtain this achievement. The choices don’t matter for the achievement, but it may cost a ‘Praise of High Morals’ depending on what the player chooses.
Where It All Began
Go to the southeast room on F1 of Storage Room and investigate the original Stellaron spot to obtain this achievement.
Knight in Shining Armor
For this achievement, players need to buy a ‘Language Model’ from Ronald in the Administrative District and bring it to Fidora near the north of Boulder Town.
Honest Abe
Head to the southeast room on F2 of the Storage Zone and interact with the center of the room. An old man will appear to question the player and the player will eventually be forced to choose the third dialogue option, ‘To be honest… none of them.’ Players will receive the achievement after choosing the third dialogue option.
The Mandela Effect
Head to the north of the Administrative District and speak to a man behind a gate. Players will need to speak to this man four times in order to obtain this achievement. The fourth interaction with this man only becomes available after completing ‘Young Guard’ in the Trailblaze Mission ‘In the Sweltering Morning Sun’. The Trailblaze Mission unlocks at Trailblaze Level 24.
Natural Immunity
To obtain this achievement, players must first enter the ‘Goethe Grand Hotel’ in Boulder Town. Inside the room, fill out the feedback survey on the table and then head outside the hotel to speak to Gertie. Players will receive a ‘Yucky Fried Rice’ recipe along with this achievement. Gertie only appears after players have completed ‘A Sunset Rendezvous’ in the Trailblaze Mission ‘In the Withering Wintry Night’.
Lā Lá Lǎ Là Land
Talk to Tamila next to the theater in the Administrative District to obtain a Phonograph record and this achievement.
Winter City Trap
To talk Eunice near the north of Robot Settlement and choose to listen to her rap to obtain this achievement
For Ages 12 and Up
Go into the Fight Club in Boulder Town and find a ‘Dark Fist Tournament Invitation Letter’ on a wooden crate. Head right outside and speak to the Mysterious Kid near the stairs and win in his rock-paper-scissors tournament to obtain this achievement.
Dance Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee
This achievement is only available during the ‘Boulder Town Super League’ event located in the Fight Club of Boulder Town. Defeat all five weight class levels in this event tournament to obtain this achievement.
The Kelly Gang
Head to the fountain in the center of the Administrative District and interact with it. To obtain this achievement, players need to spend one ‘Praise of High Morals’ to fish out a treasure from the fountain. Praise of High Morals is an item that can be obtained from choosing the morally correct option in various situations. Players should be able to obtain a few when hunting for various hidden achievements.
The Banality of Evil
To obtain this achievement, players need to complete the three-part mission series ‘Vessel of Mediocrity’. The first part unlocks at Trailblaze Level 18 and players must have ‘Lying in Rust’ completed in the Trailblaze Mission ‘In the Withering Wintry Night’. The first part of ‘Vessel of Mediocrity’ is located in the middle of Backwater Pass.
The Fourth LIttle Mole
To get this achievement, players need to complete the Adventure Mission ‘The Adventurous Moles’. The prerequisites for this mission are ‘The Return’ in the Trailblaze Mission ‘In the Sweltering Morning Sun’ and the Companion Mission ‘Hook’s Treasure’.
The Adventurous Moles Super Grown-Up Edition
This achievement requires players to buy ‘The Adventurous Moles: Hidden Treasure’ book from the Belobog Book Merchant in the Administrative District. The book becomes available after completing the Adventure Mission ‘The Adventurous Moles’.
A Simple Life
For this achievement, players simply need to complete the Adventure Mission ‘Fired’ and then read relevant text messages later on. The prerequisite for ‘Fired’ is completing ‘Venom Brews, Immortality Looms’ in the Trailblaze Mission 'Windswept Wanderlust’.
Carpe Diem, Festina Lente, and Tempus Fugit
To complete this achievement, players need to complete the Adventure Missions ‘A Teacher and a Friend’, ‘A Teacher and a Friend: Interlude 1’, and ‘A Teacher and a Friend: Interlude 2’. Players will receive this achievement after reading Chengjie’s texts after each of those missions. ‘A Teacher and a Friend’ unlocks at Trailblazer Level 36.
(Option A) Cyber Fraud
(Option B) Tootsie
(Option C) A Secret Makes a Woman, Woman
Players may only earn one of these three achievements during the Adventure Mission ‘From Xianzhou With Love’. This mission is unlocked after reaching Trailblaze Level 38 and receiving a text from Asta. The achievement earned will depend on the player's choice when deciding what to do with Foxian Beauty Daiqing. For option A, players should choose the dialogue to escort Foxian Beauty Daiqing to the Realm-Keeping Commission. For option B, players should choose not to reveal his true identity and convince him to ‘stop role-playing’. For option C, players should choose not to reveal his true identity and allow him to continue his false identity.
(Option A) Fair and Square
(Option B) All is Fair in Love and War
(Option C) From Hero to Zero
To obtain one of these achievements, players need to head over to the Food Stall in the southwest corner of Central Starskiff Haven and join its food eating competition. The achievement received will depend on the options chosen during the food competition. For option A, players must go through the Diplomacy phase by offering a ‘60/40 split’ to the Taciturn Man and admitting it's shameful to the Excited Girl. After the eating begins, players must first choose to drink as much water as they want, followed by ‘I really can’t eat anymore…’. For option B, players can skip the Diplomacy phase and go straight into eating. Players should choose to drink as much water as they want, followed by placing their buns onto someone else’s plate. For option C, players must lose the eating competition by overeating and choosing any option other than ‘drink as much as you want!’.
(Option A) Far From the Madding Crowd
(Option B) Let the Wind Blow Where It May
For this achievement, players need to find a specific vase in Exalting Sanctum and attempt to break it. After speaking with the vase and providing it with five pieces of ‘Trash’, players should return after the daily reset to interact with it again. The vase will then ask for one ‘Praise of High Moral’ and offer the player a gift. If players choose to stick their hand in for the gift, they will receive achievement ‘A’. Refusing to stick their hand in and rejecting the gift will reward achievement ‘B’.
Hasta la Vista, Hexanexus!:
For this achievement, players must first complete 15 Hexanexus puzzles located around Xianzhou Luofu. Afterwards, players will receive a text from Think-Tank for a meetup. Talk to him to receive the achievement.
Rubik’s Headache
After speaking to Think-Tank in the previous achievement, 15 new Hexanexus puzzles will appear in the same locations as before. Complete these 15 new Hexanexus puzzles to earn this achievement.
Labor Omnia Vincit (Potentially Bugged)
For this achievement, players need to enter the 'Seat of Divine Foresight,' located at the northwest corner of Exalting Sanctum. Once inside, players are supposed to examine the file cabinets along the wall seven times. However, it seems that this achievement is currently bugged or unachievable.
(Option A) The Crimes That Bind
(Option B) Flight Cancelled
To obtain this achievement, players need to go to the northwest corner of Central Starskiff Haven and investigate the Starskiff docked at the pier. A tourist will appear, attempting to toss coins into the Starskiff's engine. If players choose to stop the tourist, they will receive achievement 'A.' If players choose to toss the coin themselves or allow the tourist to continue, they will receive achievement 'B'.
(Option A) Lost and Found
(Option B) Leave it There
(Option C) Have Your Cake and Eat it
To obtain this achievement, players need to head to the top-left area of Central Starskiff Haven and interact with a glaive leaning against a wall. A swindler will appear, attempting to scam the player. The achievement earned will depend on how much the player pays and how much they are able to reclaim later. After the conversation, players should proceed to the middle of Exalting Sanctum and enter the 'Realm-Keeping Commission.' Inside the room, they need to talk to the swindler and then inform Jingyan about the scam. For option 'A,' choose the exact amount given or not given to the swindler. For option 'B,' choose an amount less than what was given to the swindler. For option 'C,' choose an amount greater than what was given to the swindler.
The Seven Errors of Cycranes: (Sloth, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Wrath, and Pride)
Seven Birds in the Hand Is Worth A Thousand in the Bush
These nine hidden achievements are part of the same series and will be explained together. To begin, players should head to the top-right area of Central Starskiff Haven, near the pier, and engage in a conversation with a Depressed Cycrane. Afterwards, proceed directly west to inform Ziqiao about the Depressed Cycrane and receive the first achievement in this series. Ziqiao will then assign the player the task of locating six additional missing Cycranes. Each of these Cycranes represents a cardinal sin and will present players with various challenges upon discovery. Successfully completing the tasks associated with each Cycrane will unlock a corresponding achievement. Once all six Cycranes have been found and their tasks completed, return to Ziqiao to claim the final achievement in this series.

Envy and Gluttony, two of the Cycranes, can both be found in Central Starskiff Haven. Envy will present players with a hide-and-seek challenge, accompanied by a misleading map. To obtain Envy's achievement, players should search just outside the area on the map. Gluttony, on the other hand, can be found in front of the Grocery Store and will challenge players with a riddle. It is not necessary to answer the riddle correctly in order to earn Gluttony's achievement
Pride can be found near the center of Exalting Sanctum. The Cycrane will ask players to solve a question and players must answer with ‘5 Strales’ to complete the achievement.
Greed can be found towards the north of Cloudford's F1, while Lust is located at the southernmost point of the map. The Greed Cycrane will task players with solving an Abacus puzzle. Meanwhile, Lust will require players to escort it through a series of enemies, and upon successful completion, they will be rewarded with the achievement.
Players can find the final Cycrane, Wrath, on F1 of Stargazer Navalia. Defeat the enemy that Wrath is attempting to fight and players will be rewarded with its achievement.
I, Trailblazer
- Ever-Burning Preservation: Unlock Path of Preservation
- I Have Finished The Race: Level up all Traces for a character to the max level
- Sovereign Warframe: Equip a character with level 15 5-star relics in all slots
Eager for Battle
- Perish Song: Get knocked out together with the enemy
- Bring a Gun to a Knife Fight: Deal 20,000 damage or higher to an enemy whose HP% is equal to or lower than 1% in a single attack
- Deus Ex Machina: Inflict Weakness Break on enemies 3 times using Trailblazer (Destruction) in a single battle
- Four-and-a-Half Pirouettes: Trigger Herta’s Talent with an ally’s single attack, and have her twirl 5 times
- Surge of Tiles: Qinque stars her turn in the ‘Hidden Hand’ state for 3 turns in a row.
- It’s My Turn: Seele acts 5 times in a row before the next ally unit’s turn
- Trial of Thirteen: In a single battle, make Svarog block attack towards Clara 13 times
- Over-Protective: Win 1 battle without having Gepard’s Shields take any damage.
- When the National Anthem Rings: Have ally Bronya use ‘The Belobog March’ 1 time when fighting the bosses Gepard, Cocolia, and Bronya respectively
- Foolish Little Brother…: Use Serval to deal the final blow in a victory against boss Gepard
- Serval’s Parting Gift: Use Serval to deal the final blow in a victory against boss Cocolia
- Et tu, Bronya?: Use Bronya to deal the final blow in a victory against boss Cocolia
- Listen…: Use the Trailblazer to fight boss Kafka and become Dominated by her
- “I Don’t Get No Respect!”: Enrage the Guardian Shadow with 4 characters in your team
- Will of Steel: In a single battle against Boss Kafka, dispel Dominated 3 times
Vestige of Luminflux
- Interastral Peace Diamond Membership: Obtain 1,000,000 credits in total
- Interastral Peace Supreme Diamond Membership: Obtain 10,000,000 credits in total
- Mega Rich Light-Bending Guy: Obtain 1,000,000,000 credits in total
- The Great Interastral Migration: Obtain 50 characters
- Ripples on the Dirac Sea (III): Obtain 40 types of Light Cones
Universe in a Nutshell
- Don’t Let It Get Away!: Let Trotters escape 1 time in Simulated Universe
- On Fire off the Shoulder of Orion: Lose against Elite enemies in Simulated Universe
- Glitter at the Tannhauser Gate: Lose against the Boss Enemies in Simulated Universe
- Wake Up!: Lose the battle in the Nildis event in Simulated Universe
- Lost Like Tears in Rain: Lose the battle in the Tavern event in Simulated Universe
- Console Game: Clear Simulated Universe at difficulty 2 or higher without using the Downloader
- If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking: Clear Simulated Universe at difficulty 2 or higher without breaking any destructible objects
- Aleph Is the Universe: Clear Simulated Universe at difficulty 2 or higher with only 1 character in the team
Moment of Joy
- Earth Year: Log in for a total of 365 days
- Versatile Joker: Use a total of 20 characters to form a team with Sampo and win at least 1 battle
- One Big Happy Family: Win 1 battle with a team comprising of HImeko, Welt, Dan Heng, and March 7th
- Architects (And Former Architects): Win 1 battle with a team comprising of Bronya, Gepard, Pela, and Serval
- Hot-Blooded Trailblazer: Choose hot-blooded dialogue options 5 times
- Pessimistic Trailblazer: Choose pessimistic dialogue options 5 times
- Apologetic Trailblazer: Choose apologetic dialogue options 5 times
- Silent Trailblazer: Choose silent dialogue options 5 times
- The Echoer: Choose repetitive dialogue options 3 times
- The Meaning of Choice: Choose gender-specific dialogue 3 times
- Lone Wolf: Win 10 battles with only one character on the team
- For the Amber Lord: Win 10 battles with a team of 4 characters following the Path of Preservation
- Ablution Dictum: Win 10 battles with a team of 4 characters following the Path of Destruction
- The Xianzhou Alliance: Win 10 battles with a team of 4 characters following the Path of The Hunt
- Meaningless Achievement: Win 10 battles with a team of 4 characters following the Path of Nihility
- The Great Accord: Win 10 battles with a team of 4 characters following the Path of Harmony
- Knowledge Is Power: Win 10 battles with a team of 4 characters following the Path of Erudition
- Miracles of Yaoshi: Win 10 battles with a team of 4 characters following the Path of Abundance
- Tempestuous Suppression: Win 10 battles with a team that has 4 Wind-Type characters
- Fulguration Beckoner: Win 10 battles with a team that has 4 Lightning-Type characters
- Total Conflagration: Win 10 battles with a team that has 4 Fire-Type characters
- Glacier Dynast: Win 10 battles with a team that has 4 Ice-Type characters
- Quantum Test: Win 10 battles with a team that has 4 Quantum-Type characters
- Imaginary Law: Win 10 battles with a team that has 4 Imaginary-Type characters
- Speak with Fists: Win 10 battles with a team that has 4 Physical-Type characters
Fathom the Unfathomable
- Can’t See Behind: Ambushed during exploration
- Sensory Socialization: Collect all (20) Memory Bubbles scattered on the Herta Space Station
- After interacting with a Memory Bubble, speak about them to any of Herta’s puppets to gain the ability to collect them.
Hunting for achievements can be an enjoyable experience, as they often unveil intriguing new aspects of the Honkai: Star Rail universe. Moreover, achievements are a valuable source of Stellar Jades for low-spending and free-to-play players. Given the similarities to Genshin Impact, players can certainly expect the addition of more achievements in the future. Hopefully this guide has been helpful and best of luck to the players!