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30 Dec 23



How and Where To Drop For Each Playstyle In Fortnite

Getting a strong start is one of the most important things about each Fortnite match because it helps set the tone for the remainder of the game. Depending on the path of the Battle Bus and what type of player you are, this decision will vary.

Playstyles vary from player to player, and they are part of what makes gaming unique. Particularly in Fortnite having an aggressive, passive, or hybrid playstyle determines how you specifically play each match out. This is especially important when you are deciding on how to drop and where you are going to start each match. Your start to each match will vary depending on your playstyle regarding the path of the Battle Bus and where other players are dropping. This article will go over how and where to drop for each playstyle in Fortnite.

Aggressive Playstyle


If you like to play aggressively and hunt for kills early on, then you are going to want to drop where other players are heading, this goes without saying. Depending on the Battle Bus this decision will vary, but typically dropping at named locations closer to the path of the Battle Bus attracts more players, especially those with an aggressive playstyle.

This is even more of the case when there are new locations that players have yet to explore on the map. Players tend to be drawn to these locations because there is typically more loot to get a strong start. So, if you like to go on the offensive, sticking close to the path of the Battle Bus will be your best bet.

After You Land

Typically, after you land in a very populated zone, there is going to be instant chaos. Making sure that you find a weapon and get settled before you go looking for fights is the most important thing here. If you go for a weapon someone else is heading for, you risk the chance of being eliminated early on. Instead, look for a place near the area with a weapon, and maybe some other items, and get settled before you go in. This will make a big difference. Getting your inventory set like this also gives you the chance to third-party fights or pick off players who didn’t get any weapons to start as well. Overall, if you like to play aggressively make sure you aren’t being reckless in the process, and you will get off to a strong start in your games.

Passive Playstyle


If you prefer to play passively and avoid fights early on, then it might be clear that you are going to want to do the opposite of the previous playstyle. Looking for areas away from the path of the Battle Bus will allow you to get a bit of a quieter start. However, it is still important to be on the lookout for other players who have this same mindset. You do not necessarily need to go to unnamed locations either. Named locations that are far from the bus’s path will still have some good loot for you to start with, and there won’t be as many players.

After You Land

Since there are going to be fewer players around for you to worry about, you can spend more time collecting items and weapons for crafting a new loadout. Do keep in mind that there still may be other players than you nearby, so keep your eyes peeled for any action. This playstyle is great for paying attention to rotations when the circle starts to shrink too. Since you will have your loadout crafted, you can pick off players who are rotating and might be low on health and shields from previous fights.

Hybrid Playstyle


With a hybrid playstyle, you have a bit more freedom in terms of where you drop depending on how you want to go about the start of the match. The best thing for a hybrid player is to look at some of the other landmarks near named locations that still have good loot, but less action. Named locations that are near the path, but not too close are also a good option. This allows you to craft an inventory to your liking, but also hop right into the action when you are ready. A lot of players play like this, however, so keep in mind that there could be others nearby and, as always, stay alert.

After You Land

As was mentioned, playing like this gives you the freedom to decide how aggressive or passive you want to be right off the bat. Keep a lookout for any populated areas and listen for gunfire nearby to determine your next move. Staying alert like this allows a hybrid player to adjust to their current situation. So, unlike aggressive or passive players, you are not stuck around other players or searching for others to fight with this playstyle. You can play the game at your own pace.

Things To Keep In Mind

Just because you may fall under one of these categories, doesn’t mean you have to stick with that playstyle forever. It might be best to try out all three of these options and find out which one you like best. This can be good for players who are new to Fortnite and can’t figure out how they want to approach the game or perhaps are not finding success with their current playstyle. Remember there are more stages to the game than dropping and early game, so make sure you test the waters thoroughly and make sure to switch things up to see how you play all three of these and where you succeed the most.


Fortnite is a great game to test different ways to play because the matchmaking system allows you to hop in and out of games so easily. Finding out which playstyle works best for you and mixing things up could be smart if you find your gameplay getting stale or maybe you are not winning as much as you used to. Overall, make sure you are constantly testing things out and are enjoying the gameplay, at the end of the day that is what matters the most.

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