
31 Aug 22




How to Dominate Tilted Towers in Chapter 3 Season 3

Arguably one of the best and most popular places to land in Fortnite, Tilted Towers remains a fan-favorite landing spot for many. Read this article to improve your knowledge of this legendary landing spot.

Tilted Towers was first added back in Season 2 of Chapter 1. Because of the large amounts of rooms, buildings, and loot all in one landing spot, it quickly picked up in popularity as a powerful spot to land in Fortnite.

In this article, I’ll cover the best buildings to land in, what loot you should prioritize, and the different fighting stages of tilted towers

The Best Buildings to Land In

What I’ll use to determine the best buildings is basing them on 2 main factors: the loot and how safe it is. The following buildings that I’ll list are in no particular order.

L- Buildings

The loot here is decent, but the main benefit that this building has compared to the other buildings is that it’s relatively safe to land in. It’s on the outskirts of Tilted Towers, so you don’t have to worry about too many people landing in your building. Focus on breaking all the furniture for building materials while looting and you’ll be set to survive in Tilted Towers.


For the same reason as the L-Buildings, this landing spot is a great low-risk place to land at.


The amount of loot here is incredible considering how it’s on the outskirts of Tilted Towers. This building has three floors and you should, on average, get about two chests while looting here and a bunch of floor loot. There’s also plenty of inside furniture to break for building material as well.

Be sure to loot the basement/garage too, which you should find on the side of the building.


Great loot, great coverage. Not much else to say about this.

Main Building

Tilted Towers simply isn’t Tilted Towers without its main big building. The loot here is incredible but surviving here is another challenge.

Since the loot here is so plentiful, you should expect about 2-3 other players to land in this building (or around it) with you. Surviving here requires a lot of skills and luck, so I personally wouldn’t land here but what might not work for me could possibly work for you.

AVOID These Buildings!

In the picture above, you can see the construction building ahead and the garage building that I’m standing at. In my opinion, you shouldn’t land on any of these buildings. There are 4 total construction buildings in Tilted Towers, and you should avoid landing on all of them. There is nearly no coverage at all, so you should expect to be gunned down from all angles. The garage building has horrible loot as well.

However, these buildings are good places to rotate to after you’ve finished looting your main building if you need extra loot.



Without a doubt, Shotguns are the most important weapons that you need to obtain if you want to survive Tilted Towers. With the majority of Tilted Towers being buildings, you should expect most of your fights to be close-ranged and indoors.

Assault Rifles

Preferably, you should use the Striker Burst Rifle because of how potent the hitscan is despite the gun being nerfed. Many of your engagements would actually start with an AR rifle. Once you see an enemy, you can deal a bit of cheeky damage with your rifle to get an early advantage.


Once again, most of your gunfights will be close-ranged so keeping an SMG in your inventory would always help. If you already have an auto-shotgun, then you don’t have to prioritize having an SMG all that much, but again, it will always help.

Shields and Healing

You will take a lot of damage in Tilted Towers. There’s practically no way to avoid it since so many people land here every single game. Be sure to loot up any mini-potions, shield kegs, medkits, etc.

Grenades OR Sniper Rifles

These two weapons are extremely beneficial to have in your inventory, ready to use. Grenades shine best when they’re used in areas with a lot of coverage, and Tilted Towers provide just that. Toss in some Grenades while the enemies are hiding in the buildings, and you’ll notice how easy it is to kill them while doing so.

Now, Sniper Rifles are also super strong. If you’re thinking that it won’t be good at Tilted Tower since there are so many buildings, then you’re dead wrong. You can catch people rotating from one building to another and snipe them in the process.

Not only that, but you can take advantage of the fact that there’s so much coverage. You could sit on top of a building and snipe people down, or you can peek out of your building’s window and kill them.

The Different Fighting Stages of Tilted Towers

While it’s true that every Fortnite player has their own unique fighting style in the game, what I’ll be covering instead is how to initiate the fight. I’ll cover the 3 stages to dominate Tilted Tower.

1. Early (landing phase) stage.2. Middle (fighting phase) stage. 3. Late (final phase) stage.

Early: When you’re first landing on a building (usually the roof), you should always ensure that you’re guaranteed at least a weapon upon landing. This is present in the form of either a chest or the ground loot on top of the roof. Otherwise, if another player lands in the same building as you and you don’t have a gun, then it’ll already be game over.

Now comes 2 scenarios, there would either be other people landing in the same building as you, or you’ve landed there by yourself.

If you find that you’re the only one that landed in the building, don’t relax just yet. This is all about speed. You have to swiftly loot all the chests and other items within that building as fast as possible while breaking the inside furniture to obtain building material. The reason you should do this quickly is that if an enemy is rotating toward the building you’re in, and you haven’t fully looted the building yet, then you’ll usually be at a fighting disadvantage because you don’t have all of the loot.

But if you land and there are indeed other players along with you, then you will need to eliminate them as quickly (but smartly), as possible. Play around the rooms. Don’t be afraid to camp behind doors to wait for them to come to you.

The early game of tilted towers is all about looting quickly and eliminating the players in the same building as you.

Mid: By now you should’ve already finished looting up the entirety of your first building.

If you find that you still want more loot, you should be rotating to an empty (non-looted) building.

As I mentioned earlier, rotating to one of the construction buildings or garages is probably a good choice. All of the other main buildings would most likely be looted already, so you’ll be sure to find good loot at constructions/garages.

Don’t be afraid to go take gunfights with players that you happen to see. The mid-game phase of Tilted Towers is all about playing around your surroundings to ensure you have good cover at all times. The majority of your gunfights will take place now. That’s what makes landing in Tilted Towers so fun!

Late: For me, the late game phase of Tilted Towers is defined when there are only about 2-3 people remaining left at the landing spot including myself.

The main objective is to eliminate the rest of the enemies as fast as you can within Tilted Towers.

Why? Because players from all over the map could possibly rotate to you. You need to eliminate the rest of the players there, get all of their loot, and proceed to the next circle (or stay, if you’re already in the circle).

You cannot expect to play passively if you want to win the game. You must be aggressive.


Tilted Towers is a great place to land if you’re looking for a fun time. Heck, you’ll probably improve a lot too considering how many fights you’ll take on.

Remember, the best places to land are generally the buildings on the outskirts of Tilted Towers, as they provide solid loot while being relatively safe to land at. Rotate to one of the construction buildings after you’ve finished looting your first building. After you’re satisfied with your loot, hunt down players and have fun with it!

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