The Blue Essence Emporium is League of Legends' bi-annual event where players can unlock premium content — think chromas, emotes, icons, and even skins — for Blue Essence instead of RP. So yep, it’s the one time us mere peasants get to feel like whales!
Whether the Blue Essence Emporium is live right now, or you simply want to be prepared for the next time it drops, it’s important to stock up on that BE. The more BE you have saved up, the more content you can unlock in the Emporium.
There are several ways you can earn Blue Essence in LoL, but I’ll touch on some of the best (and fastest) methods below.
Invest in XP Boosters (...or Play Until the Twilight Hours)
The easiest way to earn Blue Essence is to adorn a minion cape, traverse into the jungle, and battle the Baron with nothing but a Doran’s Blade.. I’m joking, of course: You actually only need to play matches and level up. This is because every time you reach a new level, you’ll be rewarded with a Champion Capsule.
Champion Capsules have a chance of containing Blue Essence. They also contain champion shards, which you can disenchant and convert to BE (more on this shortly).
Now, I could tell you to sacrifice your livelihood for a few weeks and grind until the twilight hours. You’ll earn a whole hoard of Blue Essence (and probably some killer eyebags too). However, realistically, this approach is time-consuming and isn’t exactly efficient.
If you have the cash to spare, the quickest route is to invest in XP Boosters. They allow you to significantly increase the experience you earn from each game, meaning you’ll level up a whole lot quicker and earn BE even faster.
You can opt for a Day XP Boost, which grants you bonus experience during your games for a set amount of time (between 1 and 30 days), or a Win XP Boost, which gives you bonus XP per win (up to 40).
The Day Boost is better value if you have the time to grind regularly during the set duration. However, if your schedule is a bit more unpredictable, you’ll want to opt for the Win Boost instead. Do note that the XP Boost will automatically begin the moment you purchase it.
For your information, you’ll also earn more experience from wins than losses, so play your best, even if you’re grinding it out in normal matches.
Top tip: XP Boosts are typically on discount during the Blue Essence Emporium!
Don’t forget about the first win of the day mission too. Completing this grants you 50 BE and 400 XP. This mission runs permanently and resets daily, regardless of whether there’s an in-game event taking place.
Disenchant Unused Champion Shards
Got some champion shards sitting around? Consider disenchanting them — you can earn a lot of Blue Essence by doing so, especially if the champions are fairly new and have a high BE cost. When you disenchant a champion, you’ll receive 20% of their full Blue Essence value. This translates to:
Do note that champion shards are no longer part of the new mastery system, so you don’t need to save the shards of your favorite champions anymore. Only keep the shards of champions you intend to unlock permanently.
You can obtain champion shards from Champion Capsules, Hextech Chests, Event Missions, Orbs, level rewards, and more.
Participate in Events
League of Legends holds regular events throughout the year. However, the events don’t just bring whole new ways to engage with the game — they also bring missions, which upon completion grant players rewards. And yep, you guessed it: Blue Essence is a common reward.
While the exact amount of Blue Essence you’ll gain in total from an event varies, you can expect it to be a generous amount, especially if you invest in an event pass and unlock the additional missions. You’ll also earn tokens by completing missions, which you can then exchange for Blue Essence in the dedicated event store.
Event + EXP Booster (Wombo Combo)
If you’re happy to splurge, the quickest way to gain Blue Essence is to purchase an event pass and an EXP booster at the same time. You can then grind it out while earning BE through leveling up, mission rewards, and exchanging tokens for champion shards. It’s truly the ultimate wombo combo strategy.
Be Tilt-Proof
Being tilt-proof won’t just put you at an advantage in your ranked games — it can also help you accumulate Blue Essence in time for the BE Emporium.
This is because LoL actually has an in-game honor system that rewards players for exhibiting good behavior. At the end of every match, players can choose to honor you if they feel you made a positive impact on the game, whether that’s due to your zen attitude or ability to shotcall effectively.
These honors contribute to your overall “honor ranking,” and the more you receive, the higher your ranking will be. You’ll also be considered honorable if you honor your allies regularly.
Upon hitting certain honor checkpoints, you’ll gain loot such as Hextech chests and Honor orbs — both have a chance of containing Blue Essence. They can also contain champion shards (which you can disenchant to gain more BE).
While this isn’t the fastest method to grind Blue Essence, it’s definitely one of the most reliable… provided you stay tilt-proof in your games.
When Is the Next Blue Essence Emporium?
Riot doesn’t have a specific Blue Essence Emporium schedule as it typically changes every year. However, they generally hold the Emporium twice annually, once during mid-season and again at the end of the year.
Since the last Blue Essence Emporium ran from May to June 2024, you can expect the next emporium to go live from November to December time.
Becoming a Blue Essence Hoarder
Grinding BE isn’t everyone’s idea of an enjoyable pastime, but it can certainly be efficient (and fun!) with the right approach.
The quickest method by far is definitely combining an EXP booster with an event pass. However, this does cost RP and isn’t suitable for those on a budget. Participating in events, disenchanting unused champion shards, and keeping zen are all free ways to earn BE.