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19 Jul 23



How To Improve at Zero Build Mode in Fortnite

Whether you're a beginner or experienced player, there's always room for improvement. In this article, we'll cover some tips that can help you take your Zero Build Fortnite game to the next level!

Fortnite, the immensely popular Battle Royale game, has captivated players worldwide with its unique building mechanics. While building structures is a key aspect of the game, the introduction of Zero Build Mode has presented players with a refreshing challenge. In this article, we will dive into strategies and tips to help you improve your skills in Fortnite's Zero Build Mode, allowing you to outmaneuver and outsmart your opponents without relying on building.

Strategic Positioning and Map Awareness

One of the essential skills in Zero Build Mode is understanding the map and how to strategically position yourself. Develop strong map awareness by studying popular drop locations, especially your own. By being aware of your surroundings, you can anticipate enemy movements and choose optimal positions to engage or avoid confrontations. Position yourself on elevated terrain whenever possible to gain a better vantage point and control the battlefield below.

Mastering the Art of Movement

With the absence of building structures, mastering movement becomes essential in Zero Build Mode. Understanding how to navigate the map efficiently and utilizing natural cover will greatly enhance your skills. Practice incorporating jumps, crouch-walking, frog-hopping, and unpredictable movement patterns to make yourself a difficult target to hit. Make sure you use the environment wisely by using hills, trees, ziplines and vines to your advantage.

Take Advantage of Natural Cover

Learn to make the most of the available environment, such as rocks and trees, to protect yourself from enemy fire. Take note of the indestructible structures around the island such as certain rocks, buildings, landmarks, etc. Peek out from cover, take accurate shots, and quickly retreat to safety.

Identify the Best Loadout for YOU

In Fortnite's Zero Build Mode, the loot pool changes with each season, so it's important to familiarize yourself with all of the available weapons and adapt your loadout accordingly. Prioritize a loadout consisting of 2-3 weapons that cover different distance ranges. For instance, carrying a close-range weapon like a shotgun or SMG for intense, close-quarters combat, coupled with a versatile assault rifle or marksman rifle for mid-range engagements.

Not sure which guns are best this season? Tune into the streams of top tier pros and learn from the best. However, keep in mind that what works for one player might not work for you. For example, when selecting your shotgun, don’t simply go with whatever gun hits the hardest, because when a weapon hits for a high amount, it generally comes with a higher skill level to master. If you always hit your first shot, go with a heavy hitter such as the Havoc Pump. If you are still working towards improving your aim, perhaps an automatic shotgun such as the Drum Shotgun is more suited towards your playstyle.

With the remaining slots, allocate them to fast healing items such as Slurp and Slap Juices to quickly regain health and shield throughout the match. Additionally, reserve space for utility items like Shockwave Grenades or Port-A-Bunkers to gain an advantage on your opponents. We will teach you how to best use those items in the next paragraph. Striking the right balance in your loadout between weapons, healing and utility items will allow you to adapt to different scenarios and increase your chances of earning a Victory Royale.

Utilize Utility Items

In Fortnite's Zero Build Mode, since builds are absent, utilizing utility items becomes even more crucial. One essential utility item is the Shockwave Grenade. These grenades can be used to launch yourself or your teammates, quickly moving through the map or escaping dangerous situations. Use them strategically to gain high ground, surprise opponents, or create a distraction. Another valuable utility item is the Port-A-Bunker. Bunkers provide cover and protection from enemy fire, allowing you to heal, reload, or plan your next move. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these utility items and incorporating them into your gameplay will give you a significant edge.

Aim Training

Without building structures to protect yourself, precision and accuracy in gunfights are vital. Dedicate time to improving your aim through regular practice in aim training maps found in Fortnite’s Creative mode. Focus on mastering both tracking and flick shots, as these skills will be invaluable in Zero Build Mode encounters. Our favorite map is the Raider’s Aim Training Map, island code 6531-5731-1207. This aim training map has exercises for all skill levels and will help you improve your close- and long-range aim. Warm up in this map for at least 20 minutes before queuing into a match and you are bound to see improvements in your overall skill.


Fortnite's Zero Build Mode offers a refreshing twist on the traditional gameplay mechanics, challenging players to rely solely on their movement, aiming, and decision-making skills. By familiarizing yourself with the map, mastering the art of movement, improving your aim, and utilizing natural cover, you can become a force to be reckoned with in Zero Builds. Practice diligently and watch as your Fortnite skills soar to new heights, leaving your opponents in the dust. See you on the battle bus!

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