Beginners, intermediates, pros - whatever you may identify yourself as in first-person shooters (FPS), never forget what it takes to maintain and raise yourself to the top. While aim and movement may be the more important aspects of your gameplay, finding your tempo in your shots and strafes can demonstrate the type of player you are and who you have become. When it comes to Valorant, the dedicated and motivated players spend their time in The Range, where they can practice shooting, moving, utility usage, and more. In this guide, we'll examine how important your aiming and movement are, and how you can enhance them to become the player you want yourself to be.
Should I Train My Aim on Aim Training Software?
The most popular and known aim training programs are currently AimLabs and Kovaaks, in which there are ways for you to understand your sensitivity at an absolute level. Ultimately, these aim training programs will definitely help you be comfortable with your aim at all angles and on all parts of your mousepad. Though it may seem fanciful, these exercises can be helpful to a certain extent.
For both AimLabs and Kovaaks, look for exercises that help you macro-flick, micro-flick, and track. While thinking in terms of priority on what should be practiced the most, practicing micro-flickswould be the better option considering how wide reflex shots don’t tend to happen a lot in-game since it’s usually luck dependent, whereas micro-flicks happen all the time. Getting good at those fights where your crosshair is slightly away from the enemy’s head will definitely help you become a consistent one-tapper in no time.
While you may be spending most of your aim training time practicing micro-flicks and tracking in these trainers, it can be suggested to spend up to 50% maximum of your aim training time within these trainers so you can get a comfortable feel on your mouse like it’s an extension of your arm. With the other 50% of your time, you can then spend time in the shooting range. Therefore, if you plan on spending an hour on aim training, spend up to 30 mins maximum on AimLabs or Kovaaks.
Online guides that have specific exercises to work on will definitely help you out when finding a routine for your individual self, and Kovaaks does supply you with Valorant playlists to help get the same feel of the actual game.
The Range
The most common place we go to in order to warm up our aim when we first get on Valorant is The Range. Whether you’re in the Range to warm up for a scrim in less than an hour, to get ready for ranked, or just for fun, there’s no doubt that you’re unconsciously practicing at least some skill to get better at and to have better knowledge on.
I’m a Beginner, What Should I Practice?
The most common method is the “Practice” setting in the Shooting Range. Most people usually have a basic way of training and warming up, in which your aim and movement are the most important key factors that are implemented in your gameplay. Whether you may have just got on or have come back from a small break, you’d want your mouse aim to be moving around loosely and comfortably. Practice anything, whether it be spray transfers, taps, or burst fires. Whatever you feel needs to be improved is something that shouldn’t go unnoticed.
One Taps
Preferred Settings: Strafe, Eliminate 50 Bots, Infinite Ammo
Start out slow if you are struggling with your accuracy, in which then you can move onto building up the speed. When tapping with guns, you will notice how you have to find the right tempo so the game doesn’t think you’re spraying and ramp up the recoil. Finding your tempo will allow you to tap heads efficiently and smoothly.
To challenge yourself, keep strafing left and right while trying to land your crosshair on the head while. In addition, you can also implement counter-strafing once you’re ready to enhance your movement skills.The addition of movement variation into this exercise incentivizes you to match your movement with your shots and will help you practice ferrari peeking, which is defined to be quickly peeking an angle by wide swinging out of cover and killing before the enemy gets a chance to react.
Preferred Settings: Strafe, Eliminate 50 Bots, Infinite Ammo
To practice head bursts, start by firing at least 2-3 bullets at a time. For body bursts in an actual game, it’s more efficient to eliminate your opponents by spraying them down and letting your bullets stay stable on their body, especially if you miss the headshot. In the range, you can practice spraying down bots (with the option “Armor On”) with 5-6 bullets since you won’t need to accommodate for horizontal recoil until around bullet 7 and up. The main idea of these exercises is that your mouse aim will be able to memorize the vertical spray pattern.
For yet another challenge, include the strafing challenge mentioned above. You could also try to spray the body with the 1-2 bullets then try to hit the head with the rest of the spray.
Spray Transfers
Preferred Settings: Strafe, Eliminate 50 Bots, No Infinite Ammo
Given that infinite ammo is toggled off, you may try to set yourself to a goal of killing a certain number of bots within one magazine with either the Phantom, Vandal, or both.
Ideally, it’s recommended that you shouldn’t spray transfer often, considering it can be a bad habit in which you may end up trying to spray down every enemy, but you should be comfortable with not only how to tap and/or burst, but also how to spray in a variety of ways. With these variations, you can try to alternate between crouching and not crouching, given that it is harder to control the spray while not crouching. This method can be used as a challenge to attempt the ability to distinguish the spray in both states.
Because it can be grinding to improve your aim to be as great as you want it to be, it's recommended that you do not "overtrain" yourself, as training too much can be detrimental instead of beneficial. We recommend that you cap your training sessions for aim training to an hour - you can only push yourself so far each day, and improvement is a gradual, rather than immediate, process.
As for the exercises above, they are intended to be recommendations to help you begin in your journey of getting better aim, whether you are new to FPS in general or are simply struggling to improve.