Interview with Splyce League of Legends player Xerxe
I chat with Xerxe from Splyce's League of Legends team about his career and the upcoming Worlds tournament.
I chat with Xerxe from Splyce's League of Legends team about his career and the upcoming Worlds tournament.
Andrei 'Xerxe' Dragomir is a professional League of Legends player for Splyce. Easily regarded as one of the best junglers in the LEC, I chat with him about his career within League of Legends as well as get his input on the current state of the meta and find out who he thinks has the best shot at winning Worlds (other than Splyce, of course). With World's starting the first week of October, it'll be exciting to watch how he and the rest of Splyce fair against the best teams that the rest of the world has to offer.
You started your LoL career back in 2016. What was the initial appeal of the game to you and what had you been playing as your “main” game before League?
Xerxe: LoL has been my main game, ever since I started playing it back when I was 11. I loved the competitive aspect of the game. I was 600 Elo back then, which is the equivalent of Iron V nowadays. I put countless hours every single day just to rank up, and this is the mentality that got me to Challenger in S3, when I was only 13 years old.
What would you consider the pivotal moment in your LoL career? When were you able to say to yourself “I made it.”?
Xerxe: It's kind of tricky to say. For instance, if you set winning Worlds as your goal, but you never do; at the end of your career, does that mean all the years you've played were for nothing?! So the way I see it, at the end of it all, I want to look back and say: "I've given my absolute best every single day to be the best version of myself".
You’ve been with Splyce for nearly two years now – how would you describe your time with them so far?
Xerxe: My time with Splyce has been great and I hope it culminates with going really far at Worlds. But I have to say that Splyce as an organisation listens to every need we have, and always manages to come up with solutions to whatever problems we have.
Congratulations on making Worlds! What was going through your head when you clinched that last spot to join G2 and Fnatic?
Xerxe: Honestly, I just couldn't believe it! After we had won the series, I was thinking that it's just another series that we won. Then it hit me, this was the series to qualify us to Worlds! Then I just jumped around hugging whoever I could with a big smile on my face.
How are you and the rest of the team/staff preparing over the next couple weeks prior to the start of Worlds?
Xerxe: We took some days off, but now we're back to scrimming regularly every day and playing solo queue as much as we can in order to make sure that we're at the best level when we arrive on stage.
Are there any teams or players that you’re specifically hoping to play against at Worlds?
Xerxe: I want to play against the Korean and the Chinese junglers since I believe all of them are really good and have different playstyles compared to Europe, but I'd love to face Karsa.
If you couldn’t pick Splyce, who would you have your money on to win Worlds?
Xerxe: I'd have to go with G2.
How do you feel about the current meta? Are there any champions you’re really enjoying?
Xerxe: I think the meta is in an OK spot. There are champions such as Gragas and Qiyana that I really enjoy playing, but I would have loved for Kayn to be in the current meta.
If you could make any change(s) to the game, what would they be?
Xerxe: Buff jungle! Just kidding, I think I would make jungle camps more impactful and counterjungling more rewarding. This way, the junglers who brainlessly gank wouldn't get away with it.
As a final, easy question – when you aren’t playing League/video games, what do you enjoy doing with your free time?
Xerxe: I recently picked up going to the gym and I absolutely love it. Other than that, I really enjoy exploring new places, and eat delicious food. Of course, I'm also playing other video games and watching lots of movies.
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer some questions for us! Is there anyone that you’d like to give a shoutout to?
Xerxe: I'd like to thank everyone in my life (friends, family, coaches, teammates) for supporting me throughout the years and, of course, a big shoutout to all the fans for always cheering up for me.
Be sure to follow Xerxe below to keep up with him and all things Splyce/League of Legends!
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