Kings Canyon is well known among many players as the “worst” map for a ranked experience. In the past, many players have expressed their frustrations with the map’s rotations and the frequency of third parties. Coming into Season 14, Respawn made a slew of changes to the map to try and minimize the potential for third parties. They reworked several POIs on the map and even removed a handful of jump towers to slow down the pace at which teams could rotate and seek out third-party engagements.
However, despite these new changes, players have found that many of their grievances with the map remain. So what are some of the options you have to gain some RP for you and your squad?
The first option you have, and possibly one of the most effective, is to take a Caustic with you. One of the main things you should consider before dropping in any ranked game is your team composition. In this particular case, Caustic is a game-changing Legend. Looking into his kit, his noxious gas and traps level the playing field. He can slow third-party pushes and draw out fights, which will go a long way in Kings Canyon. Furthermore, he has the ability to lock down chokepoints, which is crucial to taking and holding space inside buildings.
If you are the team member that ends up adopting the role of the noxious trapper, then there are a few things you need to keep in mind. You have to play smart and really think about when you choose aggression on Kings Canyon. Even though you’re running a Caustic, that does not mean you're immune to being subject to multiple third-party fights. The other thing you need to focus on as Caustic is watching out for other Caustics. Since the legend is immune to both his own traps and the traps of enemy Caustics, it is your job to prioritize taking out the enemy Caustic if a fight breaks out with another team running the defensive legend.

Another spotlight Legend this season that appears to be important for many team compositions is Seer. Being a recon legend, he can scan recon beacons to gain information on upcoming ring closings. Furthermore, the rest of his kit puts him in a position where he has access to a ton of information. His heartbeat sensor not only allows him to make out what buildings may be occupied late game, but it is handy at finding stragglers that may be hiding and playing for placement.
Seer’s greatest utility lies in his ultimate. An area of effect “cage” that highlights enemies and their movements. It is always beneficial to be able to use it in a fight, but it begins to get even more value as the match progresses. As each zone grows smaller and smaller and squads are forced into encounters, the information his ultimate can give to his team is unrivaled. His ultimate also has a similar effect that Caustic has on teams that may be looking to third-party; it delays them. Players are well aware at just how lethal the information from Seer’s ultimate can be, and more often than not if you can use it and clean up the initial fight, you will be safe from an immediate third-party, as nearby teams will be wary to cross into the range of the ultimate
One of the other approaches you can take is to land at a POI near the center of the map and take a recon legend. This is a strategy even some pro teams employ on other maps. Choosing this landing over one of the far corners of the map gives you an advantage in getting to ring early and getting your spot in the zone. Playing the center of the map and the zone ensures your team will not get caught out making rotations to the circle late. With the changes to the map, Respawn also pushed out a change that causes the first ring of the storm to close in faster than before, and it deals more damage. This ring change is why you and your squad may find yourselves getting caught out early in the game, rotating to the first zone close.

This strategy definitely can net you positive Ranked Points gains, but it does have some drawbacks. For starters, a lot of the smaller POIs in the center of Kings Canyon may not net you the same rarity of loot you would find if you landed at a larger spot on the map. This means your team should get comfortable with taking an early fight to get the weapons you need, as well as upgrade your evo shields. The key element here is to take early fights while playing smart.
Ever since they reworked the RP system in Season 13, many players have opted to avoid taking fights early on. This is primarily because with the changes to RP, early game kills no longer net you the same RP as late game kills, and oftentimes even if you have a highlight kill reel you will still go negative if you do not survive into the top 10. This is a natural response to the changes, but if you want to have control over the center of the ring, you need to take intelligent early fights with confidence. Though your early game and mid-game may be more difficult, your squad will be set up to dominate end game circles with your positional advantage.
Overall, this Season’s ranked experience can be improved if you increase your awareness and look to minimize third parties. Players have a couple of options to suppress the vicious onslaught from enemy teams. Whether you and your squad play the edge of the ring or the center, make sure you are taking smart engagements that favor you. And when it comes to Kings Canyon, always be aware of the rotations you are making. One misread could leave you pinched, and without the proper Legends, you could be left with a one-way ticket to the lobby screen.