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Must-Know Utility for the T-Side on Inferno

Inferno is often unjustly avoided by players feeling lost when confronted with the map’s many possibilities. In this guide, you’ll learn all the must-know utility to pave your way towards victory on this legendary map!

Inferno, one of the most recognizable maps of CS:GO. Countless battles have been decided on this map and all Counter-Strike veterans still remember the epic tales of the Swedish titans battling it out in this hellish map. Our own Adam "friberg" Friberg felt so comfortable on a part of the map he made it his own, destroying teams in such dominating fashion the crowd cheerfully crowned him the king of banana.

Although the map is a popular choice for professional teams, many casual players consider Inferno to be the literal incarnation of hell, mainly because of its strong emphasis on the importance of utility usage. Simply by throwing the right grenades at the right time, you can lock down an entire site. A lot of people refuse to queue for this map when playing with randoms, specifically because they don’t know their line-ups. Not to worry though, as this guide will teach you everything you need to take your Inferno game to the next level!

Before we kick off, you will have to jump up and throw some of the grenades of this guide. To aid you in successfully throwing the smoke at your highest point in the air, you can use a jumpthrow command as detailed in my guide on the ultimate CS:GO settings.


As always, we begin with the A-Site. It has an incredibly complex layout and offers CTs many different possible set-ups for their defensive strategy. They can be hiding in Apartments, hold the site from Long and Short or even play entirely passive, hiding in one of the many different hiding spots both on and near the site. Taking the A-Site requires meticulous checking of corners and the quick and snappy trading of kills. Using the utility in this guide, however, you’ll be able to eliminate some of the worries you may have pushing onto the site and to focus on the task at hand.

Smoke: A Long

One of the first spots from which you can be sandwiched when pushing Short is A Long. If the A-Site has an AWP, this will usually be the position from which that AWP plays if he does not peek Mid aggressively.

To smoke this position, run up to the area in front of apartments between Mid and Second Mid. Place yourself on the rightmost edge of the wooden rack that has flowers growing on it. Turn around, aim right between the powerlines and to the middle of the red and yellow buildings in front of you, and release the smoke. 

Smoke: A Long Site

Of course, you don’t just want the player from Long to simply rotate to the area in front of Library, so it’s a good idea to smoke this spot too.

As your teammates are pushing onto the site, stop at the first corner of the area leading into Short and Long. There, aim at the small pink pixel you see of the flower in the flower pot hanging from the balcony above you. Release the smoke and rejoin your teammates in the assault.

Smoke: Hay

As you push out of Apartments onto Balcony, you’ll be exposed to various angles. To eliminate at least the view of players on the site, you can throw a neat little smoke that will fall down onto the stack of hay on the cart next to the balcony.

Hug the left wall of Apartments and move towards the last opening of the wall. Aim at the first metal bar sticking out from the wall, and move until you’re aiming straight at the decorative part of the fence. Then, at the height of the uppermost horizontal metal bar, aim towards the left of the corner at the end of the opening. Make sure to aim sufficiently to the left so the smoke will bounce in the same direction. Release the smoke, and you’ll only have to worry about the Pit player.

Flashbang: Pit

Even though you’re still exposed to Pit, there is a neat flashbang you can throw to blind the player in the Pit without him even knowing what’s coming. Throw this as soon as the smoke is thrown, so the enemy does not get any time to prepare himself for the inevitable.

Stop at the beginning of the second opening in the wall, crouch and throw the grenade at the chimney above you. It will bounce perfectly to flash anyone checking Apartments or Short from Mid, without blinding your teammates. If you want to make sure to force this enemy into hiding, you can even throw this flash twice in a row.

Of course, teammates from Short can always assist you by throwing a molotov in the general direction of Pit.


Next up, we have the B-Site. Home to our very own ‘King of Banana’ Adam "friberg" Friberg, leading up to the site is a very long and narrow alleyway. The site itself is rather open, instead offering CTs many different hiding spots near the edges and towards the back of it. CTs can choose to take aggressive Banana control or to play more passively from the site. In any case, taking it is not an easy feat. These line-ups should make your life at least a little easier.

Flashbang: Banana

From the Car position in Banana, CTs can easily watch the Terrorists cross from T Ramp into Middle, making this spot a very popular place to hangout, especially among AWP users. Whether you cross into Mid or decide to push Banana, to protect yourself against unwarranted bullets, it is very useful having a flash at the ready to deliver your enemies some blinding lights, and we’re not talking about The Weeknd’s song here.

To throw this, put yourself in front of the balustrade of the stairs leading up to apartments and look at the top left corner of the leftmost window. Aim slightly above that, and jump up and release the grenade when you’re at the highest point in the air.

Molotov: Sandbags

Sandbags can lead to a lot of frustration, and countless teams have been utterly decimated because the first player to run past it forgets to check it and everyone else trusts that it’s clear, blindly following the leader to their doom. A simple way to check whether Sandbags is clear without risking a casualty is to throw a fire grenade in there, forcing the enemy to push out into your crosshair or to smoke himself. Particularly pay attention to the inevitable sound cue of burning flesh.

There’s not really a line-up for this one, just throw the molotov above the upper curve of the ‘B’-graffiti from behind the grey wall. Make sure to have someone hold the corner in case an unlucky counter-terrorist decides to push at this exact moment.

Smoke: Coffins

Another popular spot for players to defend from is Coffins. It is hard to see enemies sitting behind this spot whereas they get a clear view of anyone exiting Banana into the site.

Now, before you throw this smoke, make sure to clear Banana! You don’t want to be setting up for the smoke only to get killed by someone hiding behind the wall or the barrels.

To throw this smoke, jump up onto the bottom of the logs on the left side of Banana. Aim at the top metal ball next to the roof of the fence just above you, and aim upwards until you’re at the height of the metal ball to the left of the one you’re aiming at. Simply release the grenade, and you will not have to worry about the Coffins player for some time, unless he pushes through the smoke.

Smoke: CT

Next, you want to make sure that CT is smoked so you can cross safely into the site and focus on any of its defenders on site. There are many possibilities, but I think this one is the safest one that can be thrown at the same time as the coffin smoke.

Run up to the small grey wall shielding you from Sandbags and the area towards the site. There, put yourself inside the corner and aim upwards at the balcony. Aim slightly towards the bottom left until you’re sure the grenade will not bounce against the balcony, and release. Make sure to practice this one a few times. It takes a little getting used to predicting when you’re in the right spot for the grenade to fly uninterrupted into the air, but once you get it this smoke is fool-proof.

Molotov: Triple Box

Finally, there are many spots for your enemies to hide in, but Triple Box is definitely the hardest to clear. It requires you to check several other angles first, giving your enemy the best opportunity to perfect his timings.

Before throwing this one, you will want several of your teammates to push on ahead while CT Spawn and Coffins are smoked. As soon as your Molotov lands, your teammates have to push out and kill any unfortunate soldier to be caught in the flames.

To throw this fire grenade, sit in the corner between the barrel and the plank of Banana. Aim up towards the spot where the highest roof of the tallest building meets the roof of the building in front of you, and aim slightly left of the middle of the tile to the right. Jump up and release the grenade, and it will bounce right to where you want it.


All of these line-ups should make your attempts at taking control of Inferno go a lot better! Inferno is not the easiest map to learn, but as soon as you figure out how line-ups can help you take the site and the whole map clicks, it becomes a ton of fun to play. Who knows, maybe you will even become the next king of Banana.

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