No Minions, No Problem – The Best Champions at Level 1 in League of Legends
A look at some of LoL’s current best selections if you wish to fight at Level 1 and succeed in gaining a lead in pursuit of victory.
A look at some of LoL’s current best selections if you wish to fight at Level 1 and succeed in gaining a lead in pursuit of victory.
League of Legends is a game of fights, scuffles, skirmishes, brawls and batterings revolving around lane state, jungle timers, and item completions, but what if you just want to ignore all that and get into the fun stuff? Well then you want a Level 1 master, a champ whose power is over the top of their opponents at Level 1. And that is where this piece comes into play, as we break down some of League of Legend’s most powerful selections for fights before the minions have even spawned, never mind even made it to the furthest turret in the lane.
Riot Game’s latest champion opens this list representing the topside of the map as a solo lane and jungle champion. But why is she here? The answer comes in the form of her passive and Q, the former being very strong as it is an on-hit damage effect. Because autos make up a large portion of the damage source at Level 1, having a passive in the form of Thousand Cuts with its own on-hit damage boost is immense and makes it very hard to trade into her. However, it doesn’t just stop there. Thanks to her Q, Snip Snip, having its maximum damage being set up by auto attacks, it pushes the Seamstress’s damage profile at Level 1 to absurd levels. In addition, the fact that it applies her passive as well as an on-hit effect makes her Level 1 damage eruption downright volcanic and prime to exploitation like a geothermal vent.
For our second pick in this select, we go to the support role with the man we can all stand behind in Braum. So why the man with the moustache? The answer is that his passive is one that can be enabled by his team just auto attacking. Because Concussive Blows can be stacked by allies’ auto attacks once the first stack is applied by the big man himself (whether it be by his own auto-attack or even his Q, Winter’s Bite), the stun that comes through makes any early trade unwinnable without more than one ability which, of course, because everyone is still Level 1, no one has!
We return to the top side of the map for our third selection now with the creature who doesn’t think a lamppost is a weapon in the form of Jax. Jax relies on his passive, Relentless Assault, which gives him temporary stacking attack speed when he auto attacks and, since auto attacks are the majority of damage in fights for most champions, having more of them available through attack speed steroids coming from basic kit is IMMENSE at Level 1. This makes Jax a very strong duelist at Level 1 and so taking an isolated 1v1 with him early on can set you up to win not only your lane, but potentially the whole game.
Ok so now we have had two top laners/junglers, it’s time we look at the bottom lane carry role, and for this role we go back to a champion we have all played in Ashe. There are three reasons why Ashe is a strong Level 1 threat. First, her autos bring the soft CC by a slow, which means there is no escaping Ashe without having to burn a dash ability (which the enemy will probably not have because they are Level 1) or Flash. Second, her long range is extremely hard to play into without a gap closer (which again they are unlikely to have because they are Level 1). And finally, her Level 1 spell selection is her W, Volley, which is an extremely strong spell given it’s a large area of effect slow with good range and a low cooldown. These three factors make taking a fight against Ashe at Level 1 very difficult and so using her to fight Level 1 can be a good move.
We may have had 1 pure support so far, but we haven’t had a mid/support yet, so here we are with the Ionian lady of balance in Karma. So why Karma? Well it’s due to the fact that she’s the only non-transformation champion to get her ultimate at level 1 and, while she may only have 1 basic ability at level 1 like everyone else, the fact that she can use her ultimate to power up that ability to a power level above most other abilities in each match is nothing to be scoffed at as it can exploited to win most Level 1 scenarios if used with even the mildest amount of intelligence and aim.
So there we have it, five Level 1 titans for you to potentially select should you want to have success fighting before experience level is even a factor. Now you are not limited to just this selection, there may be other Level 1 powerhouses on the League of Legends roster ready for you to exploit but always remember to test this effect for yourself in normal before you take it to ranked as taking a new champion into ranked without knowing how to use set champion is foolish at best and an easy way to lose that sweep LP we all crave. With that, I once again leave you with the thoughts of GL, HF, and GG.