Talking OG with Lyts: His Take on the Classic Mode Coming Back and More!
In this interview, Lyts gives his takes on Fortnite OG - his favorite items, season, weapons, and more. We’ve got all the answers in this Fortnite OG interview.
In this interview, Lyts gives his takes on Fortnite OG - his favorite items, season, weapons, and more. We’ve got all the answers in this Fortnite OG interview.
When Epic announced the extended return of Fortnite OG, everyone was super excited to hop back on the map where it all started. I got the opportunity to sit down with one of our content creators, Lyts, for him to give his take on OG returning once again.
What was your reaction to Epic announcing OG’s return to the game?
Lyts: Nostalgia just right off the bat. When I was playing then I was nine years old, so I don’t remember everything about it, but as soon as I hopped into the game the memories started flooding in. As soon as I saw Greasy Grove and all the locations I was like, “Oh my god, it’s literally OG Fortnite”.
What were your initial thoughts when you first hopped back on to the OG map?
Lyts: I better win this first game. I’ve got to start off this OG Fortnite return with a win. My first ever win was at Flush Factory, so I immediately landed there. I had to start things back off where they ended.
What is your favorite season from Chapter 1 and why?
Lyts: I would say Season 7, the winter season when they introduced planes. That was by far my favorite season. Just waking up every morning listening to that music, that OG Christmas music was awesome. The planes and all the new mechanics that were added, it was just the coolest thing ever back then.
Alternatively, what is your least favorite season from Chapter 1 and why?
Lyts: Probably Season X, it was my least favorite season because that’s when I think it was the world cup. I qualified for one of the rounds, and then I couldn’t play the next round where you could actually make money because I was going to Florida. So just seeing everyone making easy money was demotivating and annoying. That Season always makes me mad when I remember it. Also, the mechs, the mechs were so annoying.
Where is your favorite location to drop in Chapter 1?
Lyts: Shifty Shafts, that’s by far my favorite.
What is your go-to weapon in Chapter 1? One that you always find yourself making room for in your inventory.
Lyts: A lot of people don’t know this about me, but I’m a ridiculously good sniper. Every single time I find a sniper, I just always use it. I don’t know why, but just snipers, no matter what.
What is your favorite utility item introduced in Chapter 1? This can be one that is still in the game today, seeing as many utility items have stuck around over the years.
Lyts: Can it be a vehicle? Because I loved the Baller, that was so much fun to use. Also, the hoverboard was great too. Doing backflips and then trying to go for a snipe was just awesome.
Do you think Epic has done a good job listening to players and responding to what they have been asking for over the years, i.e., OG Returning, Zero-Build, etc.?
Lyts: I would say they focus more on the casual side than the competitive side. They listen to the casual audience. Like I’ll see on twitter all of the casual players would @FortniteStatus and they would immediately respond and acknowledge they were going to fix whatever it is. But a competitive player has a problem, they kind of ignore it in a way. Like siphon, there was no reason for them to get rid of it. I know it’s kind of back, but not really how it was in the past.
What is something that you personally want Epic to bring back to the game?
Lyts: A top three for me.
1. Hunting Rifles. I know it’s in the game if you kill that NPC, but there’s such a low chance of it spawning.
2. The Pump, I want the SPAS back in tournaments in all game modes, that was so much fun.
3. The Grappler.
Do you prefer OG or the current Season of Fortnite?
Lyts: I’ve got to go with OG. I love the old movement animations a lot more because they look so cartoony and that’s how Fortnite is supposed to be. The current look isn’t as good compared to the old movement. But I do love some of the additions they have added like mantling, sprinting, sliding, etc.
If you could have ANY Season or Chapter to return which, would it be and why?
Lyts: Probably Chapter 2, I remember it was the season when they had the yacht, and all those POIs. That was the most fun Season and Chapter I played in my life. I remember playing it during quarantine, I would do anything to get that Fortnite back.
Thank you so much to Lyts for sitting down with us to talk about Fortnite OG and his favorite parts of the game! Make sure to check him out and give him a follow on YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and TikTok!