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17 Oct 21



The Best Agents on VALORANT's Newest Map - Fracture

Valorant’s newest map has everyone talking about the best meta agents on Fracture. Here is your primer to get started learning Fracture with the best agents from each class!

Each agent has their own abilities that may be useful on Valorant’s newest map, Fracture; however, some agents feel better suited for the map’s layout. Let us discuss the map first. It has a unique design that differs from the norm, like Haven’s three bomb sites or Bind’s teleporters. The most significant difference on Fracture is that the attacking team has spawn access to either side of the map using zip lines and the defenders spawn in the middle, giving the attackers a variety of options to access site A or B. The defenders may have difficulty reading the attackers’ plan since there are four main entrances. Fracture’s particular construction unlocks some agent’s unique strengths on the map.

Duelist: Raze

There are numerous duelists to choose from during agent selection, with Jett being one of the most popular. Jett is good regardless of the map due to her Dash, and the same thing can be said about Reyna’s Dismiss. However, Raze is a duelist that can provide room for the team that Jett and Reyna cannot.

On maps with multiple close angles, Raze’s Boom Bot and Paint Shells can secure a space when everything is packed and thrives off of adrenaline. Fracture is one of those maps where her abilities will outshine other agents. The Boom Bot can secure the long hallways on the B-Site, while her Paint Shells can clear the close and tight angles on the A-Site.

Raze forces enemies to give up their angles or get forced into the open for a fight. However, Raze is inconsistent across the map pool; she requires these close fights to be essential to be effective. A player who avoids those close fights and plays long-range will struggle to make her utility feel impactful. But Raze can stop rushes by slowing down the enemy’s plan and clearing out the map with her Boom Bot. Around the spawn areas and B Arcade, Raze may struggle because of how wide the space is, but other spaces on Fracture suit and complement her abilities.

Initiator: Skye

Fracture is carefully close-range; many of the fights are close with walls and narrow paths, creating odd angles. A familiar map with these same features is Split, and much like on Split, Skye’s abilities can quickly clear angles and gather information on the enemy much more quickly than Sova. He will be challenged to find lineups and consistency with his recon dart and drone.

Skye’s utility has proven herself to be a great agent in any comp on any map. Whether she is clearing a corner with her Trailblazer, gathering information using her flash, or tracking her opponents to reveal great flanks! She is an agent that has great adaptability and can be used as a duelist, initiator, or hybrid. She’s easily a suitable pick for Fracture.

Skye does not compete with Sova on most maps simply because he is exceptionally well kitted for gathering intel. Sova is still an decent pick on Fracture, but the player won’t be able to use his abilities to their full extent in the close quarters of the map compared to Skye. A great example is Skye’s Seekers; when they find an enemy around the corner, it can become overwhelming and annoying to deal with up close. She can be relied on to open up a site and to make space for her teammates. Learning this agent with well-placed utility and executing them thoroughly will significantly improve any team’s composition!

Controller: Viper

Viper has excellent potential for both attacking and defending, especially on specific maps like Icebox and Breeze. On those maps, she has almost become a must-pick character. However, Viper is also starting to appear on Split and Bind, where she can have a substantial impact as well. Viper carries overpowering utilities that cannot be ignored, and these abilities can massively change the sightlines of the site or entire map.

Fracture is a challenging map to defend due to the various entryways, but Viper’s defensive utility can simplify issues for her team. Her signature Toxic Screen can split sites and areas into two, positioning enemies at a different angle that may have previously been great are now dangerous or ineffective. Her wall can do wonders to force some opponents to reposition even on her attacking; she can block multiple side entrances. She can instantly split the area covering four entrances on the B Site, which is excellent for attacking.

Like Raze’s Paint Shells, Viper’s Snake Bite can clear out an off-angle or stall site entrances. Due to her ultimate, Viper’s Pit, being massive, it can cover almost an entire site on Fracture. Enemies will be scared going up against a Viper who has the site locked down in poison.

Viper’s controlling efficiency is influential on Fracture by forcing opponents to play uncomfortably. Enemies have to be stern against split pushes, not give up defending sites, or avoid calling out for unfavorable retakes. While Viper is not a simple agent to learn and can be difficult for players to get into, putting her into practice will be rewarding.

Sentinel: Sage

Throughout each act, Sage has received a handful of nerfs. However, she still holds firm on the maps Bind, Split, and now Fracture. In the beginning, we discussed how Fracture is a close-ranged map and is narrow on each site. Sage’s utility creates much-needed breathing room for teammates and can make defending easier.

Sage’s utility has straightforward usage around Fracture. Her Barrier can be placed in the entryways and Slows on tight corners, but the difficulty on this map is locking down everything. Four separate entries can be hard to cover, but being able to block off one might just be enough to help the team.

Her ultimate can be useful as well due to the layout of the map. If her teammates do not die in no man’s land, she should be able to Resurrect without clearing the entire site. The agent is not only good for defending but attacking on Fracture. While entering a site, she can wall off a whole pathway that can stop or stall a flank. Sage may be a meta pick just because her wall sets up multiple site executes and opportunities.

Sage is a well-rounded agent, and there is not a single map where she feels like a bad pick. However, on specific maps like Fracture, she’s a very valuable pick. The meta may change, though, but picking Sage as your Sentinel can be a safe bet.

Sentinel: Killjoy

A highly consistent agent who has proven herself able to lockdown sites is Killjoy, the genius of Germany. Cypher, a similar sentinel, is still a good pick, but the team must be better coordinated and regulated. However, since the map is still relatively new, Cypher may be stronger at the start since all of his trapwires will be placed in unfamiliar areas.

Killjoy’s viability as an agent on Fracture may be countered if Breach, an initiator, is played more often. Breach’s ability, Aftershock, can now break all of her utilities, including her ultimate Lockdown. If Breach becomes meta, he will significantly counter Killjoy quite harshly, making the using Lockdown a struggle. Luckily for Killjoy, he has not been favored in the previous meta, but he may have some niche uses.

Due to Killjoy utility being suited for this map, Breach may become a popular pick on Fracture. If the meta shifts, Breach can outshine Killjoy and be a substitute. For now, though, the genius German can still be a good pick for gathering information, watching a flank, or locking down either site. All of which is extremely important on defense. Sova not being meta on Fracture gives her room to breathe with Lockdown, since she doesn’t need to fear Hunter’s Fury. If the opposing team does not have any agents who can consistently break Killjoy’s ultimate, she's always strong in retake situations.


These five agents can be used effectively on Fracture, making up a single comp, but also provide essential tools for themselves that can take over a game. Please take time to apply these strategies in a spike rush or custom game for Fracture. While the map is still relatively new, it’s better to practice each agent’s kits before jumping into a competitive match. Players should feel comfortable on each champion and comprehend the setups for a Sentinel, a lineup or map layout for the Controller, or the correct angles for Initiators. Fracture has been the popular vote for the most complex map that Valorant has created, and learning the layout before the champions could be more helpful. The meta can change throughout the map, and some agents are swapped out for another class but remember to get the advantage, you must take time and practice.

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