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The Best Champions for ARAM in League of Legends

Dive deep into the game mode ARAM and discover the best champions to help you win!

ARAM, or All Random All Mid, is a game mode in League of Legends where champions clash in single-lane showdown and team fight is at the center of attention. In this article, we will explore the best champions who reign supreme in ARAM based on an analysis of current and past winrates, pick percentages, and the distinctive playstyles that set these champions apart.

This guide will help you make informed choices and dominate the battlefield with the champions who truly excel in this high-octane game mode. Join us as we unveil the best champions in ARAM:

Ziggs (Current WR: 53.7%)

Ziggs is one of the most formidable forces in ARAM, primarily due to his long-range poke and zone control abilities. His Bouncing Bomb (Q) and Mega Inferno Bomb (R) are powerful area-of-effect (AoE) tools that can unleash severe damage on multiple targets. This makes it challenging for opponents to contest anything, as they risk taking substantial poke damage.

Moreover, his Satchel Charge (W) can disrupt enemy advances and even create opportunities for your team, apart from its tower-destroying capability. All around, Ziggs thrives in narrowed spaces, where his skillshots can land on clustered foes and where map control and zoning can easily sway the outcome of the game.

Lux (Current WR: 52.7%)

Lux shines due to her AoE-centric kit and crowd control abilities. Her Light Binding (Q) and Lucent Singularity (E) offer long-range poke and the potential to snare and zone away multiple enemies. Her ultimate, Final Spark (R), is a game-changing laser that will deal massive damage to grouped opponents - or even stacked-up minions.

This combination of damage and utility makes Lux a strong pick in ARAM, as she can both decimate enemy teams and support her own. The map's single-lane setup is ideal for her skillshots, as she can control the battlefield with her AoE crowd control, offering her team the upper hand in teamfights.

Sona (Current WR: 50.4%)

Sona's prowess in ARAM is attributed to her support and constant healing abilities. Auras from her passive and Aria of Perseverance (W) provide valuable support to her team, enhancing their durability and damage output. Her ultimate, Crescendo (R), is a game-changing AoE stun that will most likely change the outcome of any skirmish.

Sona's adaptability in different situations, thanks to her versatile kit, makes her a reliable choice in this fast-paced setting. Whether it's healing, stuns or buffs, Sona is a jack-of-all-trades who can significantly enhance her team's chances of victory in the Abyss.

Brand (Current WR: 52.7%)

Brand is a fiery presence in the battlefield, known for his high burst damage and exceptional area-of-effect capabilities. His passive, Blaze, adds bonus damage over time to his abilities, making his DPS potential outstanding (especially if it’s paired with a Liandry’s Anguish as the mythic item). This is especially impactful in the close quarters of the map, where enemies tend to group up. Brand's abilities, such as Pillar of Flame (W) and Conflagration (E), unleash devastating AoE damage, setting multiple foes ablaze and causing disorder in the enemy ranks.

Additionally, his ultimate, Pyroclasm (R), can bounce between several targets, potentially solo winning any fight with its fiery destruction. Brand is an exciting and powerful choice for players who enjoy dishing out massive damage to multiple foes while also controlling the pace of teamfights.

Morgana (Current WR: 52.6%)

Morgana frequently stands as a terrifying presence in the Howling Abyss, renowned for her crowd control prowess and ability to single-handedly win teamfights. Her Dark Binding (Q) is a deadly skillshot that will snare and lock down enemies, often leading to critical picks and/or heavy engagements. Her Tormented Soil (W) brings sustained AoE damage to the fray, making it challenging for foes to navigate her zones. Additionally, Morgana's Black Shield (E) offers crucial protection for her team, nullifying crowd control and granting her ally a brief reprieve from enemy onslaught.

In the restrained space of the Abyss, where teamfighting reigns supreme, Morgana's blend of damage and CC cements her status as a dominant force. Her presence as a controller of the battlefield is undeniable, and those who revel in game-changing crowd control will find a potent ally in Morgana.

Vel'Koz (Current WR: 51.8%)

Vel'Koz is a menacing entity in ARAM, known for his long-range laser and remarkable AoE damage potential. The nature of the map plays to Vel'Koz's strengths as he can consistently land his abilities on multiple targets. His signature ability, Life Form Disintegration Ray (R), is a powerful laser beam that will pierce through enemy lines, dealing massive damage to all foes in its path.

Beyond his ultimate, Vel'Koz boasts a kit filled with skillshots that can punish clustered opponents, such as Plasma Fission (Q) and Void Rift (W). His crowd control with Tectonic Disruption (E) adds an extra layer of control to teamfights, making it difficult for foes to engage or retreat effectively. Vel'Koz provides players with a thrilling and potent experience, where well-placed skillshots and precise positioning can lead to devastating results in the chaos of teamfights.

Orianna (Current WR: 52.1%)

Orianna's unique combination of utility and teamfighting expertise makes her a top choice in this game mode. Her Attack (Q) and Dissonance (W) provide effective poke and significant AoE damage. Additionally, her Shockwave (R) is a game-changing ultimate that can catch multiple enemies in its vortex, setting up perfect opportunities for follow-up damage from her team.

All in all, the synergy between her ball positioning and abilities makes Orianna an exceptional control mage. The fast-paced nature of the mode benefits her kit, where she can quickly change the outcome of fights with precise shockwaves and direct ball placements to her allies. Orianna's versatility and capacity to dictate the tempo of battle make her a satisfying and potent choice for those who enjoy outmaneuvering opponents in limited spaces.

Miss Fortune (Current WR: 50.2%)

Miss Fortune thrives in the ARAM setting, particularly because of her ultimate, which can truly deal massive AoE damage. Bullet Time (R), allows her to unleash a flurry of bullets in a cone, hitting (and potentially crit-striking) all enemies in its path. In the close quarters of the map, this ability will devastate grouped engaging foes. Miss Fortune's consistent damage output with Make It Rain (E) and Love Tap passive also adds to her overall effectiveness and appeal.

Her ability to control zones and deal AoE damage makes her a strong choice and players can enjoy the satisfaction of unleashing a barrage of bullets on unsuspecting opponents in this single-lane mayhem.

Tahm Kench (Current WR 55%)

Tahm Kench AKA the River King, is a unique presence in the Abyss, appreciated for his durability and ability to protect teammates from harm. His Thick Skin (E) offers an unparalleled level of sustain, allowing him to soak up tons of damage or even regenerate a large portion of it. Furthermore, his Abyssal Dive (W) provides an element of surprise, as he can transport himself and a teammate across the map, managing to escape a lost fight or close out an Ace.

Tahm Kench's Devour (R) adds an extra layer of protection, allowing him to save allies from near-certain death. Where skirmishes are frequent and every inch of life matters, Tahm Kench serves as the steadfast guardian and facilitator for his team, thus explaining the highest winrate of this very patch.

Alistar (Current WR: 51.1%)

Alistar's robust kit and crowd control abilities make him an exceptional choice. His Headbutt (W) and Pulverize (Q) combo will create chaos in teamfights, allowing Alistar to engage and disrupt opponents effectively. His Unbreakable Will (R) provides him with immense durability, transforming him into a frightening tank. In the jailed space of the Abyss, Alistar's crowd control abilities will significantly influence teamfights and lead his team to victory.

Players who enjoy being the frontline initiator and protector of their allies will find Alistar to be a naturally satisfying pick in ARAM. His engaging playstyle and ability to create opportunities for his team make him a great addition to anyone’s collection.


The champions who have risen to the top are not just powerful; they represent a diverse cast that embodies the spirit of ARAM, where poking/zoning, AoE devastation, crowd control mastery and unyielding durability are celebrated. Whether you're seeking to make your mark in ARAM or simply enjoy the thrill of calculated insanity, we hope this guide showcased the best champions who can help you carve your legend in the Howling Abyss.

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