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League of Legends

25 Aug 22



The Best Champions to Play in ARAM

Playing on a single lane with all of your teammates and enemies around you can be challenging, especially when you can’t focus on farming and must be constantly aware of your surroundings, and there is no healing fountain. Let's take a look at some of the best champions you can play in ARAM if you have the opportunity.

On the Howling Abyss map, both teams compete to destroy each other’s nexus. Players are given random champions, which they can trade and reroll twice if they have rerolls available. However, there are times when you don't have rerolls and no one wants to trade champions with you, forcing you to play a champion you just don’t feel like playing. But would you still be sad if I told you that champion is the best thing that could happen to your team? Sometimes the algorithm gives you exactly what you need for a thrilling and enjoyable victory.


On a one-lane map, champions who can effectively damage multiple enemies at once are ideal.

Miss Fortune can use her E to damage a large area while also slowing enemies, allowing her team to move and giving her time to line up her Q attack. It's also useful for clearing out minion waves.

Given that she is an ADC champion, her range allows her to attack safely without getting too close. Her R is well-suited for a tight area where opponents are unable to escape. You can even use E to slow them down before using R to ensure they don't flee too quickly.

Despite the fact that she is an AD champion, people seem to enjoy playing her AP in ARAM because she can deal a lot of damage. As a result, it's a good idea to build items such as Liandry's Anguish, Demonic Embrace, and Rabadon's Deathcap to boost your overall AP damage. If you're dealing with tanks, you can buy Serylda's Grudge for some Armor Penetration, and Shadowflame if you're up against champions who can heal and shield a lot.


The Burning Vengeance has a lot of teamfight potential.

Brand’s Passive allows him to drain an enemy's HP while he and his teammates attack them. When Brand reaches the maximum number of stacks on an enemy, they become unstable, making them an easy target for Brand's Q. W is an excellent ability for damaging and poking a large area of the lane.

Because of the narrow lane area, his R is most effective on that map. He can strike one enemy while waiting for the flames to strike the others.

Build AP items such as Rabadon's Deathcap, Archangel's Staff, and Liandry's Anguish. Zhonya's Hourglass could also be useful against assassins.


ARAM offers this controller the perfect opportunity to shine.

Renata’s R works flawlessly on this map and can be a game changer if the enemy has some powerful champions who can easily take down the others. As a support, she has attack and movement speed buffs that help her teammates move smoothly in the lane, and her E can both shield and slow down enemies. With her Q, she can stun enemies, putting them in a better position for her teammates.

Her W is what makes her a remarkable champion on this map. In a game without a healing fountain, you sometimes have no healing options and die regardless of how close you are to a kill. If a teammate dies while Renata's W is active, he resurrects but begins to burn to death. However, they are revived if they get a takedown during that time.

It's a good idea to increase her AP in ARAM, and you can also take some support items like Ardent Censer or Mikael's Blessing to boost your shield power and remove CC from teammates.


Veigar's ability to deal massive damage with the right number of stacks is well-known.

It may be difficult to farm minions in ARAM, but because teammates are forced to stay close to one another, Veigar will be able to easily hit them with his Q and W.

Are you annoyed by his E cage? Good luck, because you're more likely to walk right into it in ARAM. His E cage-stun is ideal for one lane where everyone is right next to each other and serves as an excellent engagement tool.

Luden's Tempest and Rabadon's Deathcap are both usually needed items. Also, some mana items, such as Archangel's Staff which provides a bonus of 360 mana.


Another champion with strong CC potential due to her Q.

Morgana can work properly as a poking champion with her W and as a support with her E shield, which is most useful for front liners.

Morgana's R is what sets her apart. You can engage and stun the enemy team in a crowded area by using Zhonya's Hourglass. The map will help you because most of your opponents will be nearby.

The best items for her are AP items (Void Staff, Luden's Tempest, Rabadon's Deathcap) that increase her damage and items that increase her shield.


CC, a shield and a long-range ultimate.

Lux has great potential in ARAM. Her Q has a high CC potential, and when combined with her E slow, she has a good chance of trapping enemy after enemy. Her long-range R and consistent damage, as in Summoner's Rift, can take down low HP enemies from afar. If you have good coordination, you can even CC them with your Q before hitting the R.

Her W shield isn't as powerful as a support's, but because she can cast it on other teammates as well as herself, it's a useful defensive ability.

For item recommendations, she is AP, and you will build AP.


Another ideal support champion for ARAM, primarily because of his R, which can revive teammates.

Zilean is most effective when he’s building AP and using his Q bomb is used to poke and damage enemies. In ARAM you have every opportunity to lend it to someone, and you can use his W to place another bomb on the same target and stun it.

Moreover, his buffs provide a significant advantage to his team. Because of his passive, he can level up nearby allies and give movement speed with his E, which is very useful when chasing a low HP enemy.

Build Luden's Tempest to damage up to 3 targets when you launch the Q bombs and AP items overall. You don't really need support ones in ARAM since you don't have a shield or healing abilities.


If you don't want to play in the first line, you can play a support to sustain your team.

With the right tank items, Soraka has enough healing potential to keep her teammates alive for a long time, and her R can guarantee the difference between life and death.

Sure, you can still rely on her Q for poking, and on a map with limited space, you have a better chance of catching someone in her E stun.

As she is all a support champion, you should focus on boosting her healing potential with items like Ardent Censer, Moonstone Renewer, and Mikael's Blessing. Of course, you'll need Warmog's Armor for the extra HP and regen to heal your team more frequently.


On a one-lane map, having a death passive that allows you to damage opponents is highly beneficial.

Even if you don't have much dexterity with Karthus, just getting as close to the enemy team as possible when you die will help your team win more than you think.

Because the narrow map makes it difficult to dodge his W, Karthus has a better chance of slowing down multiple targets at once. His E is useful for gaining some visibility into the bushes because he can damage nearby enemies. Not to mention his R, which, when cast at the right time, can take down multiple targets and force the entire enemy team to retreat, opening the lane for your team to push.

Build Liandry's Anguish for AP and to burn enemies whenever you deal damage to them. The same is true for Demonic Embrace. Rabadon's Deathcap is another useful item for increasing AP power, as is Morellonomicon for applying Grievous Wounds.


An AP champion with the potential to keep the team going.

She is a good support champion because of her E shield, which she can cast on all her teammates, and a good poke champion because of her Q.

Her W may be more difficult to use, and you may require the protection of your teammates, so you aren't an easy target, but it's a good idea to try to stun at least one opponent if you have the chance.

Of course, she works well with AP, so consider items like Rabadon's Deathcap and Luden's Tempest. You can also build a Chemtech Purifier to enhance both a teammate and yourself when using your shield and applying Grievous Wounds.


There you have it, a list of some of the most entertaining and best champions to play on the ARAM map. Of course, builds and situations vary, but those champions are ones you should think about before rerolling. Consider your team's composition and your skills, and if you have the opportunity, take the chance and play them to victory.

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