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9 Sep 23



The Best Loadouts to Achieve Unreal Rank in Fortnite

This article will review the loadouts different teams (Solos, Duos, and Squads) can use to give themselves a competitive advantage.

It's safe to say that players have advanced so much over the past five years of Fortnite’s reign. Those five years have birthed a wide range of playstyles that are accompanied by a similar variation in gunplay. When it comes to different ranked modes, alterations to playstyle and gunplay are imperative. The best players implement different guns and strategies for each team mode.

Before the loadouts are listed, first we will cover the new weapons introduced into the game.


High capacity, heavy hitting assault rifle that deals high structure damage.


Repeater Rifle that fires explosive rounds.


Fires at a very high rate. Difficult to master but exceptionally strong.


A Cybertron weapon that is more than meets the eye!


Powerful, pump-action shotgun that has a tight spread and a long effective range.


Single shot projectile, when fired into the air the flare reveals enemies.



When it comes to playing solos, finding the best balance between heals, weapons, and utility (the extra stuff). Since there are only a total of five slots, there is little to no wiggle room. Considering how the new ranked system works, solos have to prioritize surviving to the end (preferably getting the win) and have at least 4-6 eliminations. For solos, here are two loadouts that could be used to meet this threshold.

Option 1

Option 2

Solos require confidence and precision. It also requires the player to have good decision-making skills, as they only have but themself to rely on. This mode can be challenging for players who are still finding their “it” factor, but once you have reached the level of confidence and skill to meet the current competitive pool, it can get much easier.


With duos, there is a little bit of wiggle room as to what must be carried to ensure a great win (with the possibility of a win). For Ranked, duos are arguably the hardest to rank up in. To rank up the fastest, a duo must reach the top 10 (or win) with at least 6-8 eliminations. Here are two loadouts to help duos reach the end and collect those end-game eliminations.

Person 1

Person 2

Mastering the perfect flow in Duos can be achieved with good team chemistry, cooperation, and communication. A duo that can practically read each other’s minds and work together harmoniously is an unstoppable duo. Taking good fights and rotating to circle early are the best ways for duos to see a positive change in their ranking.


If you’re lucky enough to know three other players you are comfortable playing ranked with, then you are a player worth envying. Ranked squids can easily get hectic with the natural 4v4 setting it creates. In order to truly rank up in squads (or trios if you have three) is to make it to the top 5 with 10-16 eliminations. Essentially, each player should have at least 2-3 eliminations by the end of the match. Winning does not have a major impact but the end-game eliminations are heavily rewarded. Below are the four perfect loadouts for a squad trying to revel in the chaos of ranked squads.

Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

Person 4

Coordinating team plays that don’t allow your opponents to make good decisions is the one-way-street to dominating the Squads ranked lobby. Bombarding your enemies with explosives or spray weapons causes them to become nervous and make rash decisions that your team can capitalize on. Squads is about swiftly eliminating with the most efficient means that cost your team the fewest resources (heals, ammo, and players).


The loadouts for the core modes above are great and are perfectly fine on their own without change. However, there are some weapons in the game that give you an advantage over your enemies.


High capacity, heavy hitting assault rifle that deals high structure damage.

Anyone on the opposing side of this weapon understands that the ammo cartridge feels endless. Aside from doing a ton of damage to builds, its fire rate allows it to shoot through walls. With some augments, this weapon becomes unstoppable and outright annoying for your enemies. It is only obtainable from the many vaults around the map. Vaults that are highly contested, so beware, this gun may come at a grim price.


Exotic SMG infused with Slap and reloads your magazine while sprinting.

This reskin of the famed P90 comes with two perks: 1) infinite sprint and 2) reloading the magazine while sprinting. That alongside its incredible fire rate make it one of (if not the) best quick spray weapons on the map. It can be obtained with an augment or two keys in a holo-chest.


Exotic Heavy Shotgun that is perfect for destroying walls and cover.

This reskin of the Heavy Shotgun allows players to one shot most builds. This is a great substitute for any shotgun in any loadout. The bloom is initially challenging to understand, but once this gun is mastered, the damage on each shot is extremely rewarding. The added perk of destroying builds makes it easy to push players that decide to camp and overall make plays that catch the enemy off guard.


Pistol: Automatic. Silenced sidearm with moderate damage, good rate of fire and large magazine. Marks hit targets with a tracker.

The Shadow Tracker is what one would deem an “old reliable”. Everything about it makes it easy to use and rewarding. It may not be the greatest but it’s good at what it does and can do. You may not carry it into the endgame but it can surely help you get there.


Although it is great to ponder on the limitless possibilities of ranked loadouts, it is also good to have a good mentality when playing ranked. Going into it knowing that it will take some blood, sweat, and tears, to rank up is the best way to set yourself up for success. Success also requires you to focus on other skills like gunplay, movement, and game sense to get the best results. Good luck on your quest to Unreal this season!

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