The Best Tank Shredders in League of Legends
Tank Meta gotcha down? Well, pick-up these Tank shredding Champions and watch the titans fall!
Tank Meta gotcha down? Well, pick-up these Tank shredding Champions and watch the titans fall!
The Tank Meta is upon for Season 13 and that means games are going longer and everyone, not just Tanks, is tankier! So, what’s the answer to all this? Well, Tank Shredders of course! But who are the best Tank shredding Champions in League? Well, let’s unpack just that reveal who the best Tank Shredders are in League of Legends!
Quintessential as it comes! Vayne is known to be the outplay queen, of course, with her ultimate and Tumble producing highlight worthy plays. But, she’s also known as one of the best tank shredders in the game and that’s largely thanks to her W – Silver Bolts!
Silver Bolts is a 3-hit passive where every third hit deals true damage to the target being affected. Scaling on this ability is quite impactful going from 4% to 12% over the course of the game. And when paired with Vayne’s core items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Blade of the Ruined King, it’s hard for anyone that stacks health to stand up against her. Especially when you consider she’s enabled by some of the best Supports in the game right now such as Lulu, Nami, and Janna.
But always keep in mind Vayne’s weaknesses! Her lane phase is abysmal in most conditions due to her extremely short range. Even with an Enchanter helping her through to her stronger phases, early game can be a rough experience for the inexperienced Vayne player. So, be sure you invest plenty of time into this Champion and really learn her ins and outs before you take her into Ranked!
Another late-game scaling monster is on the table! Like Vayne, Kayle is one of the best scaling Champions in League in general, but thanks to her auto-attack/DPS focused playstyle, she really finds a home as a tank shredding monster in her strongest phases.
To unpack her quickly, Kayle benefits, perhaps more than anyone, solo lane experience due to her Passive – Divine Ascent. Divine Ascent transforms Kayle at 6, 11, 16 respectively making these strong points of power to play towards for her. But also, it grants her a stacking Attack Speed bonus which really synergizes with her core itemizations of Guinsoo’s and Nashor’s Tooth thanks to the passive’s AP scalings.
And, unlike some of our other more carry focused picks on the list, Kayle comes packaged with a bit of utility that can make her much more than a damage threat at level 16. In fact, Kayle’s Ultimate - Divine Judgement, is one of the best dive-enabling and anti-dive abilities in the game. Its invulnerability effect enables her team to aggress hard under turret while also serving a dissuading option against enemy dive. Especially for herself in lane!
And thankfully, unlike Vayne, you don’t have to put a ton of time into Kayle to master her. While some subtle pickups of her kit here and there are great to learn, she’s quite simple to understand and execute on if you’re great at playing safe and farming effectively. And she can be flexed both Top and Mid! So, perfect if you have commitment issues to either lane or if one matchup favors you over the other!
Here we are laying down another Marksman on the list! Kog’Maw is excellent at knocking down Tanky targets right alongside Vayne. He builds nearly the same as our tumbling Marksmen and has a similar approach to lane phase.
However, unlike Vayne who has a bit of a skill-barrier to her kit, Kog’Maw is quite easy to execute on. While he might possess a similar weakness in range early, Kog’Maw’s W, Bio-Arcane Barrage, grants him an 8-second window to increase his range and farm or harass safely. Additionally, this ability grants him bonus magic damage on-hit which really synergizes with his Guinsoo’s and Blade of the Ruined King core items.
Another difference from Vayne is the teamfighting approach. Kog’Maw handles teamfighting much differently since he can’t self-peel as easily as Vayne can. He relies heavily on his team to enable his approach, and once he’s in the thick of the fight, he’s very much setting up and machine gunning anyone that gets into his range. This, naturally, means he’s worrying about less mechanically in fights since he’s more focused on positioning and target priority. But, it does add another layer of consideration if the enemy composition has an excessive amount of dive.
Trundle clubs his way into the list next! Trundle’s tank shredding ability comes quite obviously from his Ultimate – Subjugate.
Subjugate drains Trundle’s target dealing AP damage against his opponents while scaling off Trundle % max health. This drain doesn’t just deal damage though, it also heals Trundle and steals the targets Armor and Magic Resistance at a flat 40%. Additionally decreases the size of the target by 9% while increasing Trundles size by 18%. Half of this effect is applied instantly while the rest of the effect comes in over the course of the duration of the ability.
Subjugate is dropped nine times out of ten onto the tankiest opponent available on the enemy team. This essentially deletes that individual player for the next 4 seconds, or rather, creates a situation where your team can delete that player out of a fight before they can truly provide worth to it. Meanwhile, Trundle is taking what stats they would provide and adding them to his own while running down priority targets or disrupting targets with his pillar. And, unlike the player that Trundle will likely be stealing from, Trundle is a Bruiser by design. He’s supposed to be building towards damage and slugging out in duels. His goal is to make up for his lack of raw tankiness by stealing it. So, even when he can’t steal from the strongest Tank target, he’s making the target more vulnerable.
Vel’Koz slithers his way onto this list as our final option for Tank shredding! Vel’Koz might be an odd one for some to think of as a tank shredder, but when you read up on the Champ’s kit, he has quite the ability to annihilate tanks if he can catch an angle to control them from. Additionally, he can be flexible between Mid and Support! So, if you’re looking for an option between the two, he’s a great choice, especially when lacking AP damage.
Vel’Koz gets his tank shredding energy from his Passive – Organic Deconstruction. OD is a 3-stack passive, much like Vayne’s Silver Bolts, where after the stacks are completed, the affected target is dealt bonus true damage. Additionally, the true damage also receives an extra oomph from a 50% AP scaling.
Each and every one of Vel’Koz’s abilities can apply a stack of OD giving him quite a bit of burst if he catches an opponent moving astray. But, where his main source of damage is, is in his Ultimate – Life Form Disintegration Ray. Vel’s Disintegration ray locks Vel’Koz into his casting point but fires a channeled beam out from his location at a range of 1555 yards. This range gives him quite a bit of reach and QUICKLY stacks up his passive dealing a quick shot of burst as it does. But, additionally, targets that remain in his ray, or those that have recently been affected by a complete stacking of his passive, are ‘researched’ and receive true damage from his ultimate while they’re caught inside.
Vel’Koz’s overwhelming access to True Damage makes him one of the deadliest Champions in League of Legends. And while he may suffer from mobility issues for it, his kit is all about manipulating the movement behaviors of your opponent. His Q, W, and E all cover wide space, hit from odd angles, and are just generally pains to path around. So, a great Vel’Koz can layer an insane amount of damage prior to and in the middle of big teamfights if they poke and position themselves properly!
So, there you have it folks! To throw in some honorable mentions for you, consider these Champions if our above weren’t your style:
We hope all the picks mentioned here today help you destroy any Tank that steps before you in Season 13! Remember, some of these picks require a bit of practice, so always get your hands warm on them and learn your limits! If you do that, even against comps lacking tanks, you’ll be unstoppable with these picks!