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The In-Depth Trait Guide for Teamfight Tactics Set 7

The Teamfight Tactics Patch 12.11 or The Dragonlands Patch is the newest set of the game. Along with the new augments and changes, it comes with new traits and here is everything that you need to know about it.

The Dragonlands patch is featuring 28 new traits and some revamped traits. It allows the player to create a different comp build by mixing traits and finding out what are the suitable traits that go very well with each other. Some traits perform better than others as a whole and some traits perform very well when mixed with another trait.

Trait cheat sheet via Riot Games

Origin Traits

Astral (3/6/9) – Every 5th shop has increased odds to show Astral champions and grants Astral orb. The team gains bonus Ability Power. The Ability Power and Orb value increases at trait breakpoints.

The Astral origin trait is composed of Vladimir, Skarner, Nidalee, Nami, IIlaoi, Varus, and Aurelion Sol

The Astral trait goes well with the Dragon origin with Aurelion Sol as the carry assuming the mage emblem has been secured and having Ornn as the main frontline. It also goes well with Mages and Evokers.

Ragewing (3/6/9) – Ragewing units convert Mana to Rage; their attacks generate 15 rage. After casting an ability, the units are enraged for 4 seconds, giving them attack speed and omnivamp increasing at trait breakpoints. While enraged the units will not be able to gain rage.

The Ragewing origin is composed of Senna, Sett, Shen, Kayn, Swain, Hecarim, Xayah, and Shyvana.

By experience, the Ragewing origin goes well with Swiftshots having Xayah as your main carry and Shyvana as your main frontliner.

Whispers (2/4/6/8) - The Whispers damage shrinks enemies, reducing their armor and magic rest by 40% for 6 seconds. When they damage a shrunken enemy, Whispers gain attack damage and ability power that stacks. The attack damage and ability power increases at trait breakpoints.

The Whispers origin is composed of Thresh, Elise, Sylas, Pyke, and Syfen.

Having tried the Whispers origin, it goes very well with Bruisers and Dragon with Syfen as your main carry and Ornn as the main tank. The winning condition for the build is being able to build is being able to get to level 8 fast to be able to get a higher chance of getting Syfen during rerolls and being able to conserve HP as you go achieve level 8 in the game

Jade (3/6/9/12) – The Jade origin summons a movable statue that grows in power. The number of statues increases at trait breakpoints. Each round, the allies adjacent to the statue gain attack speed and healing based on maximum health that also increases at breakpoints. When the statue is destroyed, they deal 50% of its health as magic damage to nearby enemies.

The Jade origin is composed of Karma, Taric, Ashe, Gnar, Anivia, Neeko, Shi Oh Yu, and Soraka.

The Jade origin goes well with Swiftshots or Shapeshifters if the player can hyper roll to be able to get the low tier units into three stars such as Karma and Taric.

Shimmerscale (3/5/7/9) – The origin trait grants Shimmerscale items that scales with gold. The number of unique items increases at trait breakpoints.

The Shimmerscale trait is composed of Aatrox, Kayn, Volibear, Idas, and Zoe.

Mirage (2/4/6/8) - Mirage units gain a different bonus from game to game. It is almost like the Mutant trait from the previous patch.

The Mirage trait is composed of Leona, Yone, Nunu, Daeja, and Yasuo.

The Mirage goes well with Warriors focusing on Yone as the main carry and utilizing Cavalier trait with Nunu and Hecarim as frontliners.

Trainer (2/3) – The trait allows the player to summon Nomsy and every round the Trainer units feed Nomsy with 1 Snax that adds health and ability power. Nomsy’s level increases at every 25 Snax. At the last breakpoint Trainer (3), Nomsy’s ability deals double damage.

Trainer trait is only composed of three units; Heimerdinger, Tristana, and Lulu.

Scalescorn (2/4/6) – If the player doesn’t have a Dragon on the team, the units deal bonus magic damage that increases at trait breakpoint and takes 30% reduced damage from units that have more than 2500 health. Scalescorn units are dubbed as the anti-Dragon comp and usually focuses with Olaf and Diana as main carries.

The Scalescorn champions are Lillia, Braum, Diana, and Olaf.

Revel (2/3/4/5) – Revel units launch a firecracker that deals magic damage to a random enemy whenever they deal damage with an ability. The magic damage dealt increases at trait breakpoints.

Revel champions are composed of Tahm Kench, Jinx, Sona, and Corki.

Personally, The Revel goes well with Cannoneers having Corki as the main carry and Idas with the main frontliner. The winning condition is being able to get the necessary items for Corki and for Idas.

Guild (1/2/3/4/5) – The trait provides a unique bonus to the team; Guild champions gain double the amount, and the bonuses increase per breakpoint. It is a very interesting trait as the champions are being mixed with different comps to gain the bonus needed by the player.

Guild Bonuses per champion:

Sejuani: Health

Twitch: Attack speed

Ryze: Ability power

Talon: Attack damage

Bard: Mana per attack

Emblem: Omnivamp

The Guild champions are Sejuani, Twitch, Ryze, Talon, and Bard.

Tempest (2/4/6/8) – After 9 seconds, a lightning strikes the battlefield stunning enemies for 1 second and damaging them as true damage based on their maximum health percentage and increases per trait breakpoints. Tempest champions also gain attack speed that increases at trait breakpoints.

The Tempest Guild is composed of Ezreal, Qiyana, Lee Sin, Ornn, and Ao Shin.

Tempest trait goes well with Dragon and Mage trait if the player can do a Fast level 8 board to be able to get Ao Shin as your primary carry and Ornn as the main tank.

Dragon (1) – Dragons provide +3 to the marked trait and they gain bonus health though they require 2-unit slots. They also cost double of the normal tier prices, tier 4 Dragons cost 8 gold and tier 5 Dragons cost 10 gold. The trait only becomes active with 1 of any Dragon unit unless the player has the Dragon Alliance augment.

The Dragons in the game are Daeja, Shi Oh Yu, Syfen, Idas, Ao Shin, Aurelion Sol, and Shyvana.

Spell-Thief (1) – The champion nabs an ability after each cast and at the start of every round. The only Spell-Thief champion is Zoe and it costs 5 gold as Zoe is a tier 5 champion.

With Zoe being a Spell-Thief and a Mage champion, she is built often with Mage comps allowing Zoe to cast different abilities or the same ability twice.

Starcaller (1) – When Starcaller casts their ability each round they heal the player for (2/4/100) depending on the level of the star level. The only Starcaller champion is Soraka. Soraka is a tier 5 champion and costs 5 gold.

Soraka is also a Jade champion and can often be seen with Jade comps, but Soraka’s ability heals other allies which allows Soraka to be flexible and can be used with comps other than Jade because of her ability. As of writing, I haven’t seen a 3-star Soraka which can heal the player for 100 HP which is very game changing.

Class Traits

Swiftshot (2/4/6) – The Swiftshots gain attack speed that increases at trait breakpoints and for each hex between them and their target. They also have an innate ability to gain a 2-hex attack range.

Swiftshots champions are Ezreal, Ashe, Twitch, Varus, and Xayah.

Swiftshots are often used as carries for different comps and often mixed with Origin traits. The most notable main carry Swiftshots are Ezreal with Jade Origin comp, Varus with Astral Origin comp, and Xayah with Ragewing or Jade Origin comp.

Assassin (2/4/6) - Assassin’s abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus critical strike chance and critical strike damage that increases at trait breakpoint. They also have the innate ability to leap behind the enemy backline when the combat starts. The Assassin trait is usually used to counter comps that rely on backline carries.

The Assassin champions are Kayn, Qiyana, Diana, Talon, and Pyke.

There are comps that focus on Diana and Talon as carries. Pairing Diana and Olaf as carries can often be seen utilizing Scalescorn and Bruiser traits. There is also the Guild Assassin comp that focuses on Talon being the main carry and Idas as the frontliner together with Sejuani, the winning condition for this comp is to build Infinity Edge and Rapidfire Cannon as early as possible for Talon to be able to hit the backline without getting too close to the enemy units.

Bruiser (2/4/6/8) – The Bruiser trait gives bonus maximum health that increases at trait breakpoints. Bruisers gain double the bonus.

The bonus health given per trait breakpoint are as follows:

(2): 125 Health

(4): 225 Health

(6): 450 Health

(8): 800 Health

The Bruiser champions are Skarner, Tahm Kench, Shen, Illaoi, Olaf, Sylas, and Syfen.

Bruisers are usually used as main frontliners and the most notable champions as main frontliners are Skarner, Tahm Kench, Shen, Illaoi, and Sylas, they are often picked as their abilities allow them to stay in the fight longer than other bruisers. I have also seen a game winning comp utilizing all Bruisers in the game, but it heavily relies on the augments.

Cannoneer (2/4/6) – Every 5th attack Cannoneers fire a cannon shot that explodes and deals physical damage to the target and around them.

The Cannoneer champions are Senna, Tristana, Jinx, and Corki.

Cannoneer champions are built together with Bruisers and Revel to deal maximum damage. The most notable comp is Revel Cannoneer, with Corki as the main carry and Tahm Kench as the main tank.

Guardian (2/4/6) – Once per combat at 50% health, Guardians shield themselves and their closest ally. The shields stack and increase at trait breakpoints.

Guardian champions include Leona, Taric, Thresh, Braum, and Idas.

Mage (3/5/7) – Mages cast twice and have modified total ability power that increases at trait breakpoint.

Mage champions are Vladimir, Heimerdinger, Nami, Lillia, Sylas, Ryze, and Zoe.

Mage is one of the most popular traits as they are very powerful from early game until late game they go very well with almost every trait the player just have to make sure that they have a strong frontline for them to be able to cast their spells

Mystic (2/3/4/5) - The Mystic trait gives flat magic resist to the whole team that increases at trait breakpoint.

The Mystic champions include Nami, Lulu, Shi Oh Yu, and Bard.

The Mystic trait bonus provides a huge help especially when facing against comps that relies on ability power.

Evoker (2/4) – The trait allows the unit to gain bonus mana whenever an ally or enemy casts an ability that increases at trait breakpoint. The Evoker trait is the revamped version of the Scholar trait from the previous patch.

Evoker champions include Anivia, Lulu, Sona, and Aurelion Sol

The Evoker trait is usually paired with the Mage trait as it would be easier for them to cast their abilities.

Shapeshifter (2/4/6) – Shapeshifters gain bonus maximum health, and it heals them with the same amount after transforming. The bonus increases per trait breakpoint.

Shapeshifter champions include Nidalee, Gnar, Elise, Swain, Neeko, and Shyvana.

Shapeshifters are often found in Ragewing Swiftshots as frontliners with Shyvana as the main tank.

Warrior (2/4/6) - Warrior attacks have 25% chance to increase the damage of their next attack. The bonus damage increases per trait breakpoint.

The Warrior champions are Aatrox, Shen, Yone, Olaf, and Yasuo.

The Warrior champions can be used as carries, especially Olaf and Yasuo and are often paired with Scalescorn and Bruiser traits. There are also comps that focus on Yone as the main carry and are often paired with Mirage champions and rely on the Mirage bonus.

Cavalier (2/4/6) – Cavaliers gain armor and magic resist that increase at trait breakpoints. They also have the innate ability to charge quickly towards their target as they move. At the start of the combat and after they charge, they gain double the amount of armor and magic resist for 4 seconds.

The Cavalier champions are Sejuani, Lillia, Nunu, and Hecarim

Just like the Bruisers, they are also used as frontliners for other comps. Some notable Cavaliers are Sejuani and Hecarim which are often found in Ragewing and Guild comps.

Dragonmancer (3/6/9) – Players can choose as Hero through the Dragonmancer Blessing. The Dragonmancer Hero gains increased health and ability power. The bonus increases per trait breakpoint and additionally by 5% per star level of the player’s Dragonmancer units.

The Dragonmancer champions include Karma, Sett, Ashe, Swain, Lee Sin, Volibear, and Yasuo.

Dragonmancers are often used in the early game as the Dragonmancer Blessing bonus is powerful enough for players to gain economic advantage while conserving HP at the same time.

Legend (3) – An adjacent ally bestows their spirit to the Legend, which allows them to gain 100% of their health, armor, and magic resist, they also gain 40% of their ability power each combat.

The Legend champions are Anivia, Volibear, and Ornn.

The most notable Legend champion is Ornn, used primarily as a tank together with another Bruiser champion to activate the Bruiser bonus. Ornn also provides crowd control with his ability knocking up other enemy champions.

Bard (1) – The Bard class trait allows players to have a 20% chance to create a Doot and it increases with units that survive combat. Bard always creates a Doot when dancing. Each Doot collected by the player increases shop odds by 1% for tiers 3, 4, and 5.

As the name suggests, Bard is the only Bard champion in the game. Bard is a tier 5 champion and costs 5 gold.

Bard’s ability “Tempered Fate” stuns the enemy for a few seconds and causes them to take increased damage while stunned. Due to the crowd control of Bard’s ability, he can be used with any team.


The TFT Set 7 or The Dragonlands patch brings a new world of possibilities for the game. The new traits present new challenges and combinations for players to be able to create the 1st place worthy team. It is a very exciting patch as the traits are balanced and can go against each other, it really depends on the player’s wits and little bit of luck for them to dominate the game and finish first place every game. We look forward to the different comps that players will be able to create alongside the new augments as well.

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