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1 May 23



The New Players Guide to Playing Fortnite

Newcomers to Fortnite have a lot to learn now that there are tons of fresh mechanics that make the game even more multi-layered and fun to play once you get the hang of it. So, if you want to see what Fortnite has in store for you, buckle up and read on!

Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the world right now, and for good reason. It combines elements of shooting, strategy, and survival in a unique and exciting way. However, for new players, the game can be overwhelming and confusing. In this article, we will cover some of the most important aspects of Fortnite gameplay to help new players get started.

Rarity Scale

One of the most important aspects of Fortnite is the rarity scale of weapons and items. This scale ranges from Common (grey) to Exotic (cyan) and determines how powerful and effective each weapon or item is. As a new player, it is important to understand which weapons and items are the most valuable and how to obtain them.

Weapon Class

Fortnite has a variety of weapons divided into different classes:

Assault Rifles: These are versatile weapons that can be used for both close and long-range combat. They are useful in mid-game and have medium to high accuracy and damage.

Shotguns: Shotguns are close-range weapons that deal high damage but have low accuracy. They are most effective in close quarters combat and can be devastating at close range.

Submachine Guns (SMGs): These are fast-firing weapons with low to medium accuracy and damage. They are most effective at close range and can be used to quickly shred through an opponent's health.

Sniper Rifles: Sniper rifles are long-range weapons with high accuracy and damage. They are best used for taking out opponents from a distance and are useful in end-game scenarios.

Explosives: Explosive weapons, such as rocket launchers and grenades, deal high damage to structures and opponents. They are most effective in destroying enemy structures and creating openings for your team to advance.

In addition to the weapon classes and rarity levels, it's essential to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon and use them accordingly. Knowing which weapons to use in different situations can help you gain an advantage in battles and increase your chances of winning.

Healing and Utility

Fortnite offers a variety of health and utility items that players can use to gain an advantage in battles or to survive in the game. Here are some of the most common health and utility items in Fortnite:

Med Kits: Med Kits are health items that restore your health to full. They take a few seconds to use, so it's best to find a safe spot before using them.

Bandages: Bandages are health items that restore 15 health per use, up to a maximum of 75. They can be used quickly and are useful for healing quickly in a pinch.

Shield Potions: Shield Potions provide shield protection to players, which is indicated by a blue bar above their health bar. Shield Potions come in different sizes: small (25 shield), and medium (50 shield).

Slurp Juice: Slurp Juice is a utility item that restores both health and shields over time. It restores 75 health and shields over 25 seconds. Slurp Juice can be a great way to quickly regain health and shield during a fight or while moving through the map.

Chug Splashes: Chug Splashes are a type of consumable item that can be thrown to apply a small amount of healing and shield regeneration to nearby players. When thrown, Chug Splashes will restore 20 health or shield to all players in the immediate area. They come in stacks of 6 and are a great way to quickly heal up your squad during a fight or while rotating through the map.

Shield Fish: Shield Fish is a consumable item that instantly restores 50 shield points when consumed. They can be found by fishing in bodies of water, making them a useful item to have if you're caught in a firefight and need to quickly restore your shield.

Slurp Fish: Slurp Fish is a consumable item that restores both health and shield points when consumed. They provide 50 points of each and can be found by fishing in bodies of water.

Flopper: Flopper is a consumable item that instantly restores 50 health points when consumed. They can also be found by fishing in bodies of water, making them a useful item to have if you need to quickly heal up.

Launch Pads: Launch Pads are a utility item that players can use to launch themselves into the air and glide across the map quickly. They can be useful for quick escapes or for traveling long distances quickly.

Chug Cannon: The Chug Cannon is a powerful healing item that can restore up to 15 health or shield points with each shot. It has a magazine size of 6 and reloads over time. When players use the Chug Cannon, they are briefly immobilized, making them vulnerable to enemy attacks. However, it can quickly restore a player's health and shield during a firefight or while rotating through the map.


"Off-spawn" is a term commonly used in Fortnite to describe the early stages of a match, specifically the period immediately after a player lands on the island. This is the time when players are most vulnerable and can quickly be eliminated if they're not careful. Therefore, it's important for players to have a strategy in mind when landing to increase their chances of survival. Some common tips for surviving off spawn in Fortnite include:

Be aware of your surroundings: When landing, make sure to survey the area around you and take note of any other players who may have landed nearby. This will help you avoid getting caught off-guard and give you an idea of where you can find weapons and other resources.

Find weapons and supplies: Quickly search the area for weapons, ammunition, shield potions, and other resources that can help you survive. Look inside buildings, under bridges, and around other areas of interest to find loot.

Avoid confrontations if possible: In the early stages of the game, it's generally best to avoid engaging in fights unless absolutely necessary. Try to move quickly to a safe location and focus on looting and gathering resources.

Plan your next move: Once you have some supplies, take a moment to assess your situation and plan your next move. Consider where the safe zone is and how you can rotate toward it while avoiding other players.

Stay aware of the Storm: The Storm is a constantly shrinking circle that will force players to move closer together as the game progresses. Make sure to stay aware of the Storm's location and plan your movements accordingly to avoid getting caught in it.

By keeping these tips in mind and having a clear strategy for the off-spawn period, players can increase their chances of surviving the early stages of a Fortnite match and making it to the mid and late game.


During mid-game, players should focus on collecting weapons and materials. The most important weapons to have during this phase of the game are assault rifles and shotguns, as they are effective in close and medium-range combat. It is also important to collect materials, such as wood, stone, and metal, which can be used to build structures for defense and cover. The mid-game phase of Fortnite is when players have gathered enough resources to start building structures and engaging in combat. Players should focus on securing a good position and building structures to defend against enemy fire. It is also important to keep an eye on the Storm, which is a constantly shrinking circle that forces players to move closer together.

End Game

During the end game phase of Fortnite, the remaining players will be in close proximity to each other. This means that combat is more intense, and players must be careful not to get caught in the open. It is also important to keep an eye on the Storm, as it will continue to shrink until only one player remains.

Getting Eliminations

Getting eliminations is the primary goal of Fortnite gameplay. Players must eliminate other players to be the last one standing and winning the game. To get eliminations, players must be skilled in gunplay and strategic in their movements and positioning. The benefits of getting eliminations are upgrading your loot, building a presence in the lobby, and getting yourself closer to the Victory Royale.

The Zone and Storm

Safe Zone Storm

The safe zone is the area of the map where players are safe from the Storm. The Storm is a constantly shrinking circle that forces players to move closer together. As the game progresses, the safe zone will become smaller and smaller, making it more difficult for players to avoid the Storm.

Storm Sickness

Although it may be tempting to sit in the Storm to loot and get better rotations, keep in mind a recent update made it so that if you spend more than 7 minutes in the storm, you will have Storm Sickness. When you have Storm Sickness, you take increased damage in the storm. To avoid Storm Sickness, players should always try to stay inside the safe zone and move quickly when the storm starts to close in.


Fortnite is a game that requires skill, strategy, and practice. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, there are certain habits that can help you improve your gameplay and increase your chances of winning. In this article, we will cover some of the best habits for Fortnite players to take up.

Farming while Rotating to Zone

Farming is an essential part of Fortnite gameplay, as it allows players to collect materials for building and fortifying structures. However, it can be time-consuming and leave you vulnerable to enemy fire. To maximize your time, try farming while rotating to the next safe zone. This allows you to collect materials while also moving towards safety.

Organizing Your Inventory Before You Get in a Fight

Inventory management is crucial in Fortnite, as it can mean the difference between life and death in a fight. Before engaging in combat, take a few moments to organize your inventory. This means placing weapons and items in the order of importance and making sure you have enough ammunition and healing items.


Crouching is an effective way to minimize the noise made by footsteps. This can be useful when trying to sneak up on enemies or when trying to move quietly through an area. However, crouching also slows down your movement speed, so it should be used strategically.

Set Aside Time to Practice

Practice is essential to improving your Fortnite gameplay. Set aside time each day to practice in Creative or Battle Lab mode. This allows you to experiment with building, try out new weapons and items, and hone your skills without the pressure of a real match.

Building Before You Heal

Building is one of the most important aspects of Fortnite gameplay, as it allows you to create structures for defense and cover. When you are low on health, it can be tempting to heal immediately. However, it is often more effective to build structures first, as this can protect you while you heal.

Use Small Shields Before Regular Shield Potions

Shield potions are an important source of defense in Fortnite, but they can be hard to come by. When you do find them, it is important to use them strategically. Start with small shields before using regular shield potions, as this maximizes the amount of shield you can gain.

Minimize Fall Damage

Fall damage can be a major problem in Fortnite, especially when you are trying to move quickly or escape enemy fire. To minimize fall damage, try to land on sloped surfaces or build structures to break your fall. You can also use bounce pads or launch pads to minimize fall damage or move quickly across the map.


Fortnite is a game that requires a variety of skills, from aiming and shooting to building and strategizing. Here are some essential skills for Fortnite players to have:


Building is an essential part of Fortnite gameplay. It allows players to create structures for defense and cover. Players must collect materials, such as wood, stone, and metal, to build structures. It is important to practice building structures quickly and efficiently, as this can give players a significant advantage in combat. When it comes to in-game fights, try to get high ground but don't always equate high ground with winning a fight.


Gunplay is another important aspect of Fortnite gameplay. Players must learn how to aim and shoot accurately to eliminate other players. It is also important to know which weapons are most effective in different situations.


Positions and rotation are key elements of Fortnite gameplay. Players must be constantly aware of their position in relation to the safe zone and other players. It is important to move strategically and quickly, while also being aware of potential ambushes and enemy fire.

Strategy and Decision Making

Fortnite is not just about aiming and shooting; it also requires strategic thinking and decision-making skills. Knowing when to engage in a fight, when to retreat, and when to move to a new location can help you survive and win in the game.

Map Awareness

Having good map awareness is crucial in Fortnite, as it helps you navigate the game world and stay inside the safe zone. Pay attention to the map and the storm circle and plan your movements accordingly to avoid getting caught in the storm.


Fortnite is a team-based game, and communication is essential for coordinating with your teammates and executing successful strategies. Practice effective communication skills, such as using callouts and giving clear instructions, to improve your teamwork and increase your chances of winning.


Fortnite is a dynamic game that requires players to be adaptable and flexible in their gameplay. Being able to adjust your strategies and tactics based on the situation can help you survive and win in the game.


Player mindset is an important aspect of Fortnite gameplay. Players must be calm and focused, even in intense situations. It is important to stay positive and learn from mistakes, as well as to be patient and persistent to improve and win games.


In conclusion, Fortnite is a complex and challenging game, but with practice and strategy, new players can quickly become skilled and competitive. Understanding the rarity scale of weapons and items, playing strategically during mid and endgame, staying inside the safe zone, practicing building and gun play, getting eliminations, being aware of positions and rotation, and maintaining a positive player mindset are all essential elements of successful Fortnite gameplay. With these tips in mind, new players can confidently dive into the exciting world of Fortnite and enjoy the thrill of victory.

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