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The Stereotypes of League of Legends Champions

Does your favourite Champion have a stereotype? Find out some of League’s most popular stereotypes!

It’s been over a decade since League of Legends came out and it’s fair to say some stereotypes have developed over that time. Your favorite Champion might be associated with a stereotype that you’re guilty of, so let’s dive into some of the best (and arguably most accurate) Champion stereotypes in League of Legends!

0/10 Power Spike Yasuo

You may already know where this is going before the stereotype is mentioned, and that’s exactly why it’s so funny. The typical stereotype of Yasuo is the 0/10 power spike, but this stereotype is one step further than that and is actually backed up by some stats!

Yasuo has the highest ‘away from keyboard’ (AFK) rate of any Champion in League of Legends! Yes, with an AFK rate of 0.89%, almost once every 100 games with a Yasuo in it, the Yasuo will go AFK! Perhaps what adds onto this humorous stat is that the second highest is Yasuo’s brother, Yone! I suppose AFK’ing runs in the family!

Even Yasuo Mains are Aware of This Phenomenon

One Trick Pony Shaco

Shaco is one of the few Champions that only a handful of people truly understand. The combination of a complex kit and a playstyle that is not often found to be a fun one when there are better alternatives, the few that are willing to play Shaco, LOVE Shaco.

If you see Shaco in your game, he’s most likely a ‘one-trick pony’ (OTP)! So, if he’s on your team, enjoy! If not, good luck!

Shaco’s OTP Percentage in Platinum+ Globally

ELO Climber Janna

Another fun but also stat-backed Champion stereotype is for Janna! Janna’s stereotypically the most ELO-inflated Champion! To some, this may come as a shock, but there are several reasons for it! Primarily because the best players can often climb higher on Support, and Janna specifically has great adaptability for every team! When looking at the stats, the average rank of Janna mains is the highest of all Champions at Gold III!

Autofill Malphite

Some may see Malphite and immediately think that the stereotype is that he is the easiest Champion. While it’s easy to see why that argument can be made, that’s not why he’s on this list. Malphite is on this list winning the award for ‘most likely to be AutoFilled!’ Yes, many of you have probably done this if you are not a top lane player. When filled to the top lane and the enemy team is drafting a ton of attack-damage, the best way to get a rock solid performance is with the Shard of the Monolith, himself!

1v5 Master Yi

Next up on the list is the most likely to get a Penta, Master Yi! Technically he isn’t the most likely to get one statistically, Samira takes that title, but when the vast majority of players think about which Champion is most likely to get one, Master Yi is what comes to mind! Of course, Master Yi’s resets on his Alpha Strike and his movement speed from his Highlander make it incredibly easy to chase down enemies one after the other!

The Highest Number of Pentakills/Match

Wannabe Pro Vayne

For the exact reason that Vayne is one of the most 1v9 Champions in the game is why she finds herself on this list. In this list she is awarded with the stereotype of ‘most likely to try to 1v5 and die!’

That’s right! There are plenty of Vayne montages out there and every game as Vayne feels like it could be the game where you can add another clip to the montage. But hey, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take right? So, Vayne players decide 100% of the time, the shot is worth taking! Of course, the best part about this stereotype is that, every once in a while, the Vayne will actually manage to pull off an insane play and carry the fight! The problem with that, is that it just reinforces the behavior and leads the player to think about all of the times the play worked, and never think about all the times it doesn’t! Don’t worry Vayne players, everyone else is keeping a tally!

PvE Nasus

Yes, Nasus, also known as susaN or the dogg! There are plenty of nicknames for the Curator of the Sands, but what Nasus doesn’t have a lot of are stereotypes. The most well-known stereotype for Nasus is of course, that he doesn’t know the game is PvP and thinks it’s PvE!

Basically, Nasus is the most likely Champion to keep split pushing. Forever. Literally split pushing to the point where the enemy is ending the game and Nasus is tunnel-visioning on getting stacks. For what purpose? I suppose the stacks are just to help get even more stacks even easier! In the eyes of Nasus players, what other reason would there be? Aside from the turrets of course. It’s always fun one-shotting the turrets!

Talon is OP… On The Opposing Team

Often a forgotten Champion for most, Talon is one of those Champions that just seems to ALWAYS win… when on the enemy team. BUT, on YOUR team… why would Talon ever be good, right? Talon takes the cake for being the most likely to go 10-0 when on the enemy team and 0-10 when on your team!

Of course, this is statistically improbable since Talon will always have four teammates on his team, but it definitely feels like the Champion that no one can win against but can also never win with! It was definitely a tight race for this title with competitors like Shaco, Vayne, Camille, and Riven, but Talon definitely deserves a shout-out on this list!

YOLO Lee Sin

The final Champion on this list is the Blink Monk, Lee Sin. Perhaps, the most accurate stereotype on this list and the most entertaining, Lee Sin has the stereotype of ‘most likely to take a bad engage if the skill shot lands!’ Also known as ‘Lee Syndrome’, Lee Sin players are known for always feeling the need to take the second activation of the Sonic Wave if they land the initial skill shot!

Honestly, who is to blame them? There are so many fun combos and interactions with Lee Sin that connecting the Sonic Wave means you deserve to dive straight into the heat of the battle, even if it looks bad! This was another tough one to decide as there were many options for consideration like Thresh with his Death Sentence and Vex with her Shadow Surge! Of course, Lee Sin has been this way since release, so he rightfully takes the crown for this Champion stereotype!


There are many Champion stereotypes in League of Legends that seem to almost perpetuate themselves! Honestly, although it can be frustrating when some of these are true, it adds to the sense of community in the game as long as everyone has some fun with it! Just try not to take things too far and limit it to a chuckle here and there! Let’s see if we can change some of these stereotypes in the next decade, and how Champions yet to be released will develop their own stereotypes!

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