When dropping from the Battle Bus, most people are so used to the repetitive nature of the task that they don’t typically think much of it. They just select where they want to go on the map and make their way there. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, there are several mistakes’ players make when doing this that affect their early game when they may not realize it. Understanding these mistakes and then applying the tips this article is going to go over will help players get an edge when dropping from the Battle Bus in Fortnite.
Mistake 1: Not Paying Attention to the Path of the Bus
The first mistake players tend to make when dropping is not fully paying attention to where the bus is heading. It’s easy to just see a location on the map that you want to land at and head there. This mistake can affect players because if you are not reading the map properly before you make your drop, you can potentially misjudge the number of players that are going to land there. When dropping off the bus, look at the map around the path. Pay attention to the named locations around the path; what landmarks are there? Sometimes there are named locations that are not as popular as others that fewer players will drop to. Less players means less fighting and more loot for yourself.
Mistake 2: Using Gliders Too High In the Air
Another common mistake that many players do not realize they are making is pulling out their glider too high. When you are dropping off the bus, you want to make sure you are in free fall for as long as possible before taking your glider out. Not only do you go faster in free fall, but the closer to the ground you are when you pull out your glider, the sooner you land, allowing you to loot faster than everyone else in the area so you can take fights.
So how can you do this? Well, it’s actually quite easy to get the hang of. There is a set height where your character will pull out their glider based on the area around you. You can see this next to the mini map when you are dropping. This height changes depending on what environmental structures are under you. So, if you land in an area with a lot of trees or mountains, you will pull out your glider sooner than if you were around plains or valleys. So, when you are dropping, look for canyons, rivers, valleys, etc. Anything that can help you get lower to the ground before your character reaches that set glider height.
Mistake 3: Not Utilizing the Sweet-Spot When Going Across the Map
Some players might not know that there is a sweet spot when you are gliding where you can go the furthest possible distance while getting the maximum amount of speed while you are in free fall. This is especially useful when you are trying to get to a specific location on the map that is nowhere near the Battle Bus. When you are dropping, you may notice sometimes that your character falls slower when you look too far up when you are in free fall. Alternatively, looking down makes your character dive faster. If you angle your camera just right, you will notice the sweet spot in between these two states that allows your character to travel the furthest while not sacrificing any speed. Also, make sure you are always pressing forward on your movement key to keep max speed. This is very useful when trying to get achievements in certain locations or you are looking for a quiet start across the map.
Mistake 4: Not Dropping With Your Team
This tip might seem obvious to some, but you would be surprised how often people separate from their team when dropping. While it can be a good idea to split up in some cases to cover more ground with your team, early in the game it can be very risky to do so when you are dropping in. If you get picked off early on because you landed away from your team, it’s difficult to play the game when your team is at a disadvantage in numbers. It can be especially difficult for your team to collect your reboot card and revive you, then during the chaos of the early game too. Your best bet is to group with your team and loot, then if you really need to separate, do so once you have found your footing.
While dropping from the Battle Bus is typically an easy and mindless task at the beginning of every game, there are certain things to keep in mind when you are doing so. These common mistakes are extremely easy to take note of and fix however, so don’t get too discouraged if you read this list and find out that you might do some of these from time to time. Hopefully this list is helpful in helping you conquer some of these bad habits to clean up your game and win some more matches!