League of Legends abilities

The Ultimate Ultimate Rundown – A Summary of Every Ultimate Ability in League of Legends

With 156 champions in the game, it can be difficult to remember every single ultimate, so this guide compiles the need-to-know information about them all into one resource.

With the release of Akshan, League of Legends officially has 156 champions, each of which has their own passive and set of abilities. Amongst these, the most pivotal part of any champion’s identity is often their ultimate; it is with their ultimates that champions are able to influence the game and give their team the highest possible chance of winning. While it might be nigh impossible to remember the exact details of every single champion’s passive and set of abilities, it is useful to know each champion’s ultimate so that you can play around it effectively as both their ally and their enemy.

In this guide, you will find a short summary of each champion’s ultimate ability, and you can search through it as necessary to find out whatever you need to know when you need to know it.

The Ultimate Ultimate Compendium

Aatrox – World Ender

Aatrox enters a state wherein he is ghosted (able to move through units) and has bonus decaying movement speed, attack damage, size, and healing. Entering this state fears all units around him, and securing a kill or assist against an enemy champion extends the time that Aatrox spends in this state by 5 seconds.

Ahri – Spirit Rush

Ahri dashes towards a location and deals magic damage to three nearby enemies upon doing so. After using this ability, Ahri can recast it twice more within a 10-second period before it goes on cooldown.

Akali – Perfect Execution

Akali dashes in the direction of an enemy target, dealing magic damage and continuing through any enemies that she passes through. Once used, this ability can be recast within a 10-second period, with the second dash doing magic damage which increases based upon the enemy’s missing health.

Akshan – Comeuppance

Upon activating this ability, Akshan locks onto a target, channels, and then fires several shots at the target enemy which deal physical damage. These shots can be blocked by enemy champions and structures, and Akshan is able to move and use Heroic Swing while channeling this ability.

Alistar – Unbreakable Will

When Alistar uses Unbreakable Will, he removes all forms of crowd control currently applied to him (such as stuns, slows, roots, etc.). For seven seconds after casting this ability, Alistar takes significantly reduced damage.

Amumu – Curse of the Sad Mummy

Amumu deals magic damage to enemies in a large radius, stunning them and stopping any ongoing dashes. This also applies his passive, Cursed Touch, converting some of the magic damage that these enemies take into true damage.

Anivia – Glacial Storm

Anivia summons (and can subsequently unsummon) a circular area wherein all enemies are slowed and take periodic magic damage. This area increases in size when kept active, dealing more damage and slowing more potently when at maximum size.

Annie – Summon: Tibbers

When activating this ability, Annie summons her bear Tibbers, dealing magic damage in an area. Tibbers will then attack nearby enemies while also dealing damage in an area around him, and Annie can direct Tibbers by recasting this ability.

Aphelios – Moonlight Vigil

Aphelios shoots a long-range projectile which grants him sight along its path and deals physical damage upon making contact with an enemy champion. Once this champion takes damage, nearby enemies are struck by Aphelios’ main weapon, with bonus effects being applied based upon said weapon.

Ashe – Enchanted Crystal Arrow

Ashe fires a global-range arrow which grants sight along its path, stunning enemies and dealing magic damage to them upon contact. This stun increases in length based upon the distance fired, up to three and half seconds.

Aurelion Sol – Voice of Light

Aurelion Sol shoots a beam, dealing magic damage to enemies caught within it and slowing them. If these enemies are within the orbit of Aurelion Sol’s stars, they are also knocked back to precisely the orbit of his stars (termed his ‘Outer Limit’).

Azir – Emperor’s Divide

Upon using this ability, Azir summons a wall of soldiers starting from behind him and moving forward, staying in place at the end and acting as an impassable wall for enemies. Any enemies caught in their way while they’re moving take magic damage and are shoved away.

Bard – Tempered Fate

After a small delay, Bard places all units in a small area into stasis for two and a half seconds. Uniquely, this includes epic monsters and turrets.

Blitzcrank – Static Field

Passively, this ability makes it so that when Blitzcrank basic attacks a target, they deal magic damage after a one second delay. When this ability is activated, Blitzcrank destroys the shields of nearby enemies before dealing magic damage to them and silencing them.

Brand – Pyroclasm

Brand shoots a projectile which deals magic damage then bounces to a nearby enemy (or himself, although that does not deal damage) up to four times. This applies stacks of his passive, Blaze, and slows enemies who are already Ablaze.

Braum – Glacial Fissure

Braum creates an area in front of him which knocks up and deals magic damage to enemies as it expands and makes contact with them. This area lingers on the ground for 4 seconds, slowing enemies within it.

Caitlyn – Ace in the Hole

Caitlyn targets an enemy champion, channeling for one second and then firing a bullet at them which deals physical damage. While this bullet homes on to the target, it can be blocked by another enemy champion.

Camille – The Hextech Ultimatum

Camille untargetably leaps towards a target champion, creating an area when she lands and knocking away all other enemies. The targeted champion cannot leave this area, Camille’s basic attacks deal bonus magic damage while within this area, and the area dissipates if Camille leaves the area (either willingly or unwillingly).

Cassiopeia – Petrifying Gaze

When Cassiopeia activates this ability, it deals magic damage in a cone in front of her. Enemies who are facing Cassiopeia are stunned by this ability, and enemies facing away from her are slowed instead.

Cho’Gath – Feast

Cho’gath deals true damage to a target, dealing increased damage to non-champion targets. If this ability kills its target, Cho’gath gains a stack of ‘Feast’, granting it bonus health, size, and attack range.

Corki – Missile Barrage

When using this ability, Corki shoots a missile which explodes upon hitting an enemy, dealing magic damage in an area. Every third missile is a ‘Big One’, which deals more damage, has more range, and has a larger area-of-effect.

Darius – Noxian Guillotine

Darius leaps towards a target and deals true damage, the amount of which increases based upon the number of stacks he has applied to the target from his passive, Hemorrhage. If the target dies from Noxian Guillotine, minions and monsters in the area are feared and Darius is able to recast the ability within 20 seconds (with this 20-second time limit being removed at level 16).

Diana – Moonfall

Upon activating this ability, Diana pulls all nearby enemies towards herself, slowing them afterwards. If she pulls an enemy champion towards herself, she deals magic damage in the area around her, with this damage increasing based upon the number of champions pulled.

Dr. Mundo – Maximum Dosage

When Dr. Mundo uses this ability, he heals himself for 20% of his missing health. Over the next 10 seconds, he gains attack damage, movement speed, and bonus health regeneration.

Draven – Whirling Death

Draven throws out two axes as a global range projectile which move across the ground, granting sight wherever they are and dealing physical damage upon hitting enemies (successively less for each enemy hit). If Draven recasts this ability while the axes are active, the axes hit an enemy champion, or the axes hit the edge of the map, they’ll reverse direction and return to Draven, dealing physical damage again along the way (which also successively decreases).

Ekko – Chronobreak

Passively, this ability produces an afterimage of Ekko which follows him around at a four-second delay. Upon activating this ability, Ekko dashes back to where his afterimage is, healing himself for some of the damage that he has taken in the past four seconds and dealing magic damage to all enemies near the afterimage.

Elise – Spider Form/Human Form

Elise starts the game with this ability, and activating it allows her to switch between her Human Form and her Spider Form. In her Spider Form, she has bonus movement speed, lower attack range, and different abilities. In her human form, she has increased attack range and the ability to store spiderlings upon using abilities (which are then summoned when she transforms into a spider).

Evelynn – Last Caress

Evelynn becomes untargetable and deals magic damage in front of her, with this damage increasing potently to enemies who are below 30% of their maximum health. She also blinks backwards upon doing this, becoming targetable after blinking.

Ezreal – Trueshot Barrage

Ezreal shoots out a global-range projectile which grants sight as it travels and deals magic damage upon making contact with enemies yet not stopping. Minions and monsters take half damage from this ability.

Fiddlesticks – Crowstorm

After channeling for one and a half seconds, Fiddlesticks blinks to a chosen nearby location. Upon arriving, they begin periodically dealing magic damage around them for five seconds.

Fiora – Grand Challenge

Passively, this ultimate increases the movement speed that Fiora gains when hitting a vital summoned by her passive, Duelist’s Dance. When activated, Fiora summons all of a target champion’s vitals and gains bonus movement speed near this champion, as well as making it so that if the target dies or all four vitals are triggered, a healing circle is summoned around the target which heals Fiora and her allies.

Fizz – Chum the Waters

Fizz throws out a projectile that creates an area around an enemy champion that it hits or otherwise creates said area at the end of the cast, with this area growing in size and potency the further this projectile travels. After two seconds, this area deals magic damage to all targets within it, knocking them up and slowing them in the process.

Galio – Hero’s Entrance

Upon activating this ability, Galio targets an allied champion’s location and grants the passive magic-damage shield from his W, Shield of Durand, to all allies near that location. After channeling, Galio then dashes to the location targeted, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the area and knocking them back.

Gangplank – Cannon Barrage

Gangplank targets any area on the map and creates a circular area there wherein enemies periodically take magic damage and are slowed. The Silver Serpents that Gangplank gains from killing minions with his Q, Parrrley, can upgrade this ability to increase its damage and slow potency in the centre, grant allies within the area movement speed, and increase the duration of this area’s existence.

Garen – Demacian Justice

Garen deals true damage to a targeted enemy. This true damage increases depending on how much health the enemy is missing.

Gnar – GNAR!

Passively, Gnar gains more movement speed from his W passive in Mini Form, Hyper. Actively, when Gnar is in his Mega Form, he can knock away nearby enemies in a target direction, dealing physical damage and slowing them if they do not hit terrain or stunning them if they do.

Gragas – Explosive Cask

Gragas throws out a projectile which explodes upon reaching its destination, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies. These enemies are also knocked away from the epicentre of the projectile’s explosion.

Graves – Collateral Damage

Graves fires a projectile which knocks himself backwards and deals physical damage to the first enemy it hits. Upon hitting an enemy or reaching the end of its range, the projectile explodes into a cone and deals 80% of its damage in this area.

Gwen – Needlework

Gwen fires a projectile in a line, dealing magic damage and slowing enemies that it passes through, along with applying her passive, Thousand Cuts. If Gwen hits an enemy with a basic attack or her Q, Snip Snip!, within 6 seconds of casting Needlework, she can cast it again with three projectiles, and can do something similar after this second cast to fire a third cast with five projectiles.

Hecarim – Onslaught of Shadows

Hecarim dashes forward with a line of projectile riders, with the riders dealing magic damage to any enemies in their path. While these riders travel a fixed distance, Hecarim can stop anywhere along their path, fearing enemies around him and slowing them over the duration of the fear.

Heimerdinger – UPGRADE!!!

Toggling this ability empowers Heimerdinger’s next basic ability, increasing its damage and effects immensely. Recasting this ability while it is toggled on allows him to toggle it off without using its cooldown.

Illaoi – Leap of Faith

Illaoi deals physical damage to all nearby enemies after briefly becoming immune to displacements. For each enemy champion hit, she summons a tentacle for eight seconds, and for this duration, the cooldown of her W, Harsh Lesson, is halved and her tentacles are untargetable and attack faster.

Irelia – Vanguard’s Edge

Passively, this ability reduces the cooldown of Irelia’s Q, Bladesurge. When activated, Irelia launches a projectile forward which expands upon hitting an enemy champion, dealing magic damage and knocking away enemies during expansion while creating a perimeter of blades which slow and deal magic damage to enemies who try to move through them.

Ivern – Daisy!

Ivern summons Daisy, and he can recast this ability while she is alive to control her movements. Every third basic attack that Daisy lands on a target stuns them and knocks them up.

Janna – Monsoon

Janna knocks away all nearby enemies then begins channeling. While channeling, Janna periodically heals nearby allied champions for three seconds.

Jarvan IV – Cataclysm

Jarvan IV dashes to an enemy champion, dealing physical damage to them and all nearby enemies when he arrives. He then creates a circle of impassable terrain around the target, which he can recast Cataclysm to destroy before it naturally dissipates.

Jax – Grandmaster’s Might

Passively, this ability makes it so that every third basic attack that Jax performs deals bonus magic damage. When activated, this ability grants Jax armor and magic resistance for eight seconds.

Jayce – Transform Mercury Cannon/Transform Mercury Hammer

Upon activating this ability (which he starts the game with), Jayce switches between his Cannon Form and his Hammer Form. Along with changing his attack range, armor and magic resistance, and set of abilities, transforming into his Cannon Form makes his next attack reduce his target’s defenses and transforming into his hammer form makes his next attack deal bonus magic damage.

Jhin – Curtain Call

Jhin begins channeling and grants himself the ability to recast Curtain Call four times over the next ten seconds. Each of these recasts fires a bullet which grants sight as it travels and deals physical damage based upon the enemy’s missing health (with the fourth shot dealing even more damage), as well as slowing and revealing enemies upon contact.

Jinx – Super Mega Death Rocket!

Jinx fires a global-range projectile, granting sight as it travels and dealing physical damage in an area upon hitting an enemy champion. This projectile does bonus damage to enemies based upon their missing health.

Kai’sa – Killer Instinct

Kai’sa dashes to a target afflicted by the Plasma from her passive, Second Skin. She also grants herself a shield.

Kalista – Fate’s Call

Kalista calls her Oathsworn ally to herself from nearby, removing all crowd control effects from them and making them invulnerable and untargetable momentarily. This Oathsworn ally may then dash to a nearby location, knocking up all enemies upon arrival.

Karma – Mantra

Karma starts the game with this ability and can use it to grant her next basic ability casted additional effects. As per her passive, this ability has its cooldown reduced whenever she lands attacks and abilities on enemy champions.

Karthus – Requiem

Upon activating this ability, Karthus begins channeling for three seconds. Once he is done, he deals magic damage to all enemy champions.

Kassadin – Riftwalk

Kassadin blinks and deals magic damage in an area upon arriving at his desired location. Each time he recasts this ability in quick succession doubles its mana cost and increases its damage.

Katarina – Death Lotus

Katarina channels for two and a half seconds, dealing magic damage in rapid periods to the three closest enemy champions. Each instance applies on-hit effects and reduces incoming healing on the target.

Kayle – Divine Judgement

Kayle grants an allied champion invulnerability for a short amount of time. After this time is up, all enemies near the ally take magic damage.

Kayn – Umbral Trespass

Kayn dashes inside of an enemy he has recently damaged and can dash out of them to deal physical damage shortly after. This ability gains new effects when Kayn chooses a form.

Kennen – Slicing Maelstrom

Kennen rapidly and periodically deals magic damage to all enemies around himself, applying stacks of his passive, Mark of the Storm, and dealing more damage each time it hits an enemy. He also increases his armor and magic resistance for the duration.

Kha’Zix – Void Assault

Passively, each time Kha’zix levels up this ability, he is able to empower one of his abilities permanently. When activating this ability, Kha’zix becomes invisible briefly and grants himself movement speed, and can re-activate this a second time within a ten-second period.

Kindred – Lamb’s Respite

Kindred creates an area around themselves wherein all units cannot die. Once this zone dissipates, all units within it are healed for a flat amount.

Kled – Chaaaaaaaarge!!

Kled charges towards a location, becoming ghosted and immune to any form of crowd control while doing so, along with granting himself a shield which grows as he travels and dealing physical damage to an enemy upon arrival. Allies who follow Kled’s trail gain a large amount of bonus movement speed.

Kog’Maw – Living Artillery

Kog’Maw fires a projectile at an area which deals magic damage upon arrival, dealing more damage based upon the target’s missing health and double damage against enemies below 40% health. Casting this ability successively makes it cost more mana per cast.

Leblanc – Mimic

LeBlanc casts an empowered version of the basic ability she has used most recently. These abilities deal heavily increased damage.

Lee Sin – Dragon’s Rage

Lee Sin deals physical damage to an enemy then knocks them in a target direction. Any enemy champions that the knocked-away target collides with are knocked up and take physical damage based on the target’s bonus health.

Leona – Solar Flare

Leona marks a circular area, and enemies in this area are stunned if they’re in the centre or slowed otherwise. These enemies also take some magic damage and are marked by Leona’s passive, Sunlight.

Lillia – Lilting Lullaby

Lillia applies drowsy to any champion currently afflicted with her passive, Dream Dust. This slows them and then puts them to sleep, with the next damage they take dealing bonus magic damage and waking them up.

Lissandra – Frozen Tomb

If Lissandra casts this on an enemy, it cancels their dash and stuns them briefly, and if she casts this on herself, she puts herself in stasis and heals rapidly. Either way, the target creates an area around them which deals magic damage to enemies and slows them.

Lucian – The Culling

Lucian fires a barrage of projectiles which deal physical damage. While channeling this ability, Lucian is ghosted and can cast his E, Relentless Pursuit.

Lulu – Wild Growth

Lulu grants an allied champion temporary bonus health and enlarges them. This also knocks up enemies near the target when they grow and then slows nearby enemies.

Lux – Final Spark

Lux fires a laser which deals magic damage and grants sight of an area. It also consumes her passive, Illumination, to deal bonus magic damage.

Malphite – Unstoppable Force

Malphite dashes to an area, dealing magic damage to all enemies on impact. He also knocks enemies up when he arrives.

Malzahar – Nether Grasp

Malzahar suppresses an enemy champion and deals magic damage to them while also locking himself in place. He also creates an area near the target champion which deals heavy magic damage.

Maokai – Nature’s Grasp

Maokai sends a moving wall of projectiles which accelerate over time. Upon making contact with an enemy champion, they root and deal magic damage to them.

Master Yi – Highlander

Passively, this ability makes it so that whenever Master Yi secures a kill or assist, his current cooldowns get massively reduced. Upon activation, Master Yi removes any slows and grants himself ghosting, attack speed, movement speed, and slow immunity, along with making it so that any kills or assists extend the duration of these effects.

Miss Fortune – Bullet Time

Miss Fortune channels and fires waves of projectiles in a cone. These projectiles deal physical damage and can critically strike.

Mordekaiser – Realm of Death

Mordekaiser brings himself and a target into the death realm, separate from other champions. During this time, Mordekaiser steals many of their stats, and if he kills the target while they are in the death realms, he retains these stats until they respawn.

Morgana – Soul Shackles

Morgana tethers herself to all nearby enemy champions, dealing magic damage and gaining movement speed when moving towards them. If these champions are unable to flee Morgana in three seconds, they are then dealt magic damage again and stunned.

Nami – Tidal Wave

Nami sends out a wall of water which deals magic damage to all enemies it goes through, knocking them up and slowing them as well. As per Nami’s passive, Surging Tides, allies hit by this ability gain a sizable amount of movement speed.

Nasus – Fury of the Sands

Upon activating this ability, Nasus grows in size, gaining bonus health, armor, magic resist, and attack range for 15 seconds. During this time, he deals magic damage in an area around himself and the cooldown on his Q, Siphoning Strike, is halved.

Nautilus – Depth Charge

Nautilus creates a projectile which homes in on an enemy champion, seeking them out to deal magic damage to them, stun them, and knock them up. Any enemies that this projectile hits while traveling towards its target also fall victim to these effects.

Neeko – Pop Blossom

Neeko charges up for just over a second, then pauses in place, grants herself a shield which scales in strength based upon the number of nearby enemies, and then deals magic damage to and stuns nearby enemies. Neeko can charge this ability without alerting enemies if she is disguised via her passive, Inherent Glamour.

Nidalee – Aspect of the Cougar

Nidalee starts the game with his ability, and it allows her to swap between her human and cougar forms, changing abilities as she does so. When Nidalee is a cougar, she attacks at melee range, and when Nidalee is a human, she attacks from a distance.

Nocturne – Paranoia

When activating this ability, Nocturne applies nearsight to all enemy champions, making them unable to see anything that isn’t immediately near them. He can then recast this ability to dash to an enemy champion and deal physical damage to them.

Nunu & Willump – Absolute Zero

Nunu and Willump begin channeling for up to three seconds, granting themselves a shield and slowing nearby enemies for an increasing amount as they continue to channel. After three seconds or upon recasting this ability, Nunu and Willump deal magic damage to all nearby enemies which increases in potency based upon how long they channeled for.

Olaf – Ragnarok

Passively, this ability grants Olaf armor and magic resistance when it is on cooldown. When Olaf activates this ability, he removes all crowd control and becomes immune to incoming crowd control for six seconds, gaining size, attack damage, and a burst of movement speed as well.

Orianna – Command: Shockwave

Orianna deals magic damage in an area around her Ball. All enemies who take this damage are also stunned and pulled towards The Ball.

Ornn – Call of the Forge God

Ornn summons a projectile which charges towards him, dealing magic damage to all enemies it collides with, slowing them, and applying brittle. Ornn can recast this while the projectile is active to dash, and if he dashes into this projectile, he redirects it, making it deal magic damage and apply brittle again, this time also stunning and knocking up enemies.

Pantheon – Grand Starfall

Passively, this ability grants Pantheon armor penetration. Upon activation, Pantheon can channel for two seconds then relocate across the map, dealing physical damage to all enemies near where he lands and slowing them, also fully stacking his passive, Mortal Will.

Poppy – Keeper’s Verdict

Poppy winds up her hammer for up to four seconds and then deals physical damage to all enemies in a target area, knocking them up as well. If she charges this ability for at least half a second, she knocks these enemies towards their base, knocking them farther back for the time she spent winding up.

Pyke – Death from Below

Pyke executes all enemies in a target location who are below a certain health threshold, dealing physical damage to any enemy that isn’t below that threshold. If Pyke executes an enemy, he dashes to that location, is able to recast this ability, and grants some gold to the last ally who assisted with the kill.

Qiyana – Supreme Display of Talent

Qiyana sends out a projectile which knocks back any enemies it collides with and stops upon hitting terrain. If it does hit terrain, the river, or a brush, it sends out a shockwave that deals physical damage to all enemies around said area and stunning them.

Quinn – Behind Enemy Lines/Skystrike

Quinn channels for two seconds, then grants herself ghosting, movement speed, and the ability to cast Skystrike. Skystrike ends the effects of Behind Enemy Lines and does physical damage to all enemies in a nearby area.

Rakan – The Quickness

Upon activating this ability, Rakan grants himself ghosting and an immense amount of movement speed for four seconds. Any enemies he runs into while this effect is active are charmed and slowed, and colliding with enemies increases the duration of The Quickness.

Rammus – Soaring Slam

Rammus leaps forward, dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing them when he lands, also knocking them up and dealing additional damage if this ability was cast while Rammus was channeling his Q, Powerball. Once Rammus has landed, the area near his impact periodically deals magic damage to enemies and slows them.

Rek’Sai – Void Rush

Passively, this ability makes it so that Rek’Sai marks any enemy champion that she deals damage to as prey for five seconds. Upon activating this ability, Rek’Sai becomes untargetable and then dashes to a target, dealing physical damage which scales based upon the target’s missing health.

Rell – Magnet Storm

Rell pulls all nearby enemies towards her and then deals period magic damage in an area around her for two seconds. During this time, Rell drags around any enemies who are being pulled towards her.

Renekton – Dominus

Upon activating this ability, Renekton grants himself bonus health, increased size, attack range, and 20 Fury (related to his passive, Reign of Anger). For the next 15 seconds, he deals magic damage in an area around him and generates 5 Fury per second.

Rengar – Thrill of the Hunt

Rengar camouflages himself, granting himself the ability to leap to a target via his passive, Unseen Predator, gaining movement speed, and revealing the nearest enemy champion. Upon leaping to an enemy, he deals physical damage and reduces their armor.

Riven – Blade of the Exile/Wind Slash

Riven grants herself attack damage, attack range, and increased range on her Q, Broken Wings, and W, Ki Burst, for 15 seconds. During this duration, she can cast Wind Slash, which deals physical damage in a cone which scales based upon enemies’ missing health.

Rumble – The Equalizer

Rumble creates a linear area which lasts for four and a half seconds. Enemies in this area are slowed and periodically take magic damage.

Ryze – Realm Warp

Passively, this ability increases the damage that Ryze’s Q, Overload, does to enemies marked by his E, Spell Flux. Upon activation, this ability creates a portal underneath Ryze which teleports all allies in it to a target location after two seconds.

Samira – Inferno Trigger

Samira rapidly and periodically deals physical damage to all nearby enemies, with these instances of damage being able to critically strike and apply partially-effective lifesteal. Samira can only activate this ability when she is at S-Rank Style from her passive, Daredevil Impulse.

Sejuani – Glacial Prison

Sejuani throws a projectile which deals magic damage to the first enemy champion it hits and stuns them. When this projectile hits a faraway enemy champion or goes its maximum distance, it creates an area around its detonation zone which slows enemies and deals magic damage to them after two seconds.

Senna – Dawning Shadow

Senna fires a beam at global range which grants a shield to allied champions. The center of this beam deals physical damage to enemy champions.

Seraphine – Encore

Seraphine fires a wide projectile which deals magic damage to all enemies it hits, along with charming and slowing them. This projectile travels farther when it moves through an allied or enemy champion.

Sett – The Show Stopper

Sett grabs an enemy and dashes with them, suppressing them as he does so and then dealing physical damage to them upon landing. Enemies near where Sett lands take physical damage (with extra damage being done at the epicentre of his impact) based upon the suppressed target’s bonus health and are also slowed.

Shaco – Hallucinate

Shaco vanishes momentarily then reappears along with a clone of himself, and he can recast this ability to move the clone manually. When the clone dies, it deals magic damage to nearby enemies while spawning three traps which fear enemies and deal magic damage via attacking.

Shen – Stand United

Shen channels for three seconds and grants a shield to an allied champion which scales based upon their missing health. Once the channel ends, Shen teleports with his Spirit Blade (from his passive, Ki Barrier) to the targeted ally.

Shyvana – Dragon’s Descent

Passively, this ability makes Shyvana charge Fury while in her human form. At 100 Fury, she can activate this ability, dashing to a location, dealing magic damage to and knocking back enemies that she collides with, along with gaining bonus health, attack range, size, and empowered abilities.

Singed – Insanity Potion

Singed grants himself bonus ability power, armor, magic resistance, movement speed, health regeneration, and mana regeneration. This effect lasts for 25 seconds.

Sion – Unstoppable Onslaught

Sion becomes ghosted, as well as immune to crowd control, and charges forward until he collides with an enemy champion or terrain. When this occurs, Sion deals physical damage to all nearby enemies (including turrets), slowing them and knocking up/stunning those closest to him.

Sivir – On The Hunt

Passively, Sivir gains bonus attack speed whenever she uses her W, Ricochet. When this ability is activated, Sivir grants herself and all nearby allies a burst of movement speed.

Skarner – Impale

Skarner suppresses an enemy champion and deals both physical and magic damage to them. He can then drag them with himself while they are suppressed, and at the end of the suppression, they take the physical and magic damage again.

Sona – Crescendo

Passively, Crescendo lowers the cooldowns of Sona’s basic abilities. When activated, Sona fires a short-range beam, dealing magic damage to all enemy champions that it collides with and stunning them.

Soraka – Wish

Soraka heals herself and all allied champions. Champions below 40% of their maximum health receive increased healing.

Swain – Demonic Ascension/Demonflare

Swain becomes ghosted and grants himself bonus health for 12 seconds, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies for this duration and healing himself. Swain can then recast this ability or let it run out to cast Demonflare, which deals magic damage to all nearby enemies which scales based on the amount of health drained during Demonic Ascension.

Sylas – Hijack

Sylas gains one cast of an enemy champion’s ultimate. These ultimate abilities scale based upon his own level and stats.

Syndra – Unleashed Power

Syndra collects each of her Dark Spheres from nearby and projects them at a target, dealing magic damage to them and scattering them around the target. When this ability reaches third rank, Syndra’s passive, Transcendent, increases its cast range.

Tahm Kench – Devour

If Tahm Kench uses Devour on an ally, they are untargetable, move with Tahm Kench, and are granted a shield upon Tahm Kench recasting this ability to regurgitate them. If Tahm Kench casts Devour on an enemy with three stacks of his passive, An Acquired Taste, he suppresses the target while they are untargetable and move with him.

Taliyah – Weaver’s Wall

Taliyah sends forth a wall which creates terrain and knocks away any enemy champions it collides with as it forms. If Taliyah recasts this ability while the wall is forming, she can travel with the wall.

Talon – Shadow Assault

Upon activating this ability, Talon goes invisible, gains movement speed, and creates a circle of projectiles around him which deal physical damage to enemies that they collide with. When Talon recasts this ability or leaves invisibility, the projectiles return to him, dealing the same physical damage to enemies and converging on his target if he leaves invisibility via attacking an enemy.

Taric – Cosmic Radiance

Two and a half seconds after activating this ability, Taric and any nearby allied champions become invulnerable for two and a half seconds. If Taric is connected to an ally via his W, Bastion, Cosmic Radiance will cast onto and around them as well.

Teemo – Noxious Trap

Passively, Teemo stores charges of this ability. When activating Noxious Trap, Teemo places a mushroom trap on the ground which grants sight of the area, dealing periodic magic damage to and slowing any enemies who walk into it.

Thresh – The Box

Thresh creates a pentagon around himself whose sides deal magic damage to and slow enemies who try to cross them. These sides break upon contact with enemy champions.

Tristana – Buster Shot

Tristana fires a projectile which deals magic damage to an enemy and knocks them back. All enemies around where the target gets knocked back to, including the target, are then stunned for a short period.

Trundle – Subjugate

Trundle targets an enemy champion, draining a percentage of their maximum health to heal himself and deal magic damage to the target. In the process, he also steals some of the target’s armor, magic resistance, and size.

Tryndamere – Undying Rage

Upon activating this ability, Tryndamere makes himself unable to die for five seconds. He also generates Fury when using Undying Rage.

Twisted Fate – Destiny

Twisted Fate reveals all enemy champions on the map. He can then channel for one and a half seconds to teleport to a target location.

Twitch – Spray and Pray

Twitch grants himself attack damage and attack range for 6 seconds. During this time, his basic attacks pierce through enemy units and can thus hit multiple enemies.

Udyr – Phoenix Stance

While Udyr doesn’t truly have an ultimate, his R lets him cast Phoenix Stance, which passively makes every fourth basic attack deal magic damage in a cone in front of him. When he activates Phoenix Stance, he deals magic damage around him periodically for four seconds.

Urgot – Fear Beyond Death

Urgot fires a projectile that deals physical damage to an enemy champion, slows them, and latches onto them. If this target falls below one quarter of their maximum health, Urgot can recast this ability to suppress the target, drag them to him, and execute them.

Varus – Chain of Corruption

Varus fires out a projectile that deals magic damage to the first enemy champion hit and roots them, also causing them to gain three stacks Blight from Varus’s W passive, Blighted Quiver. This projectile then tries to seek out any enemy champions near the rooted target, rooting them if they are still within its range after two seconds of the initial target being rooted.

Vayne – Final Hour

Vayne grants herself bonus attack damage and triples the movement speed bonus that she gains from her passive, Night Hunter, for a period of time which can be extended by getting a kill or assist on an enemy champion. During this period, whenever she uses her Q, Tumble, she goes invisible and the cooldown of Tumble is reduced.

Veigar – Primordial Burst

Veigar sends a projectile at an enemy champion that deals magic damage. This damage increases based upon the target’s missing health.

Vel’Koz – Life Form Disintegration Ray

Passively, this ability makes it so that whenever Vel’Koz applies three stacks of Deconstruction from his passive, Organic Deconstruction, to an enemy champion, they are considered researched for seven seconds. Upon activation, Vel’Koz channels to fire a beam which deals magic damage to enemy champions in rapid bursts and slows them, with this damage converting to true damage against researched enemies.

Vi – Assault and Battery

Vi targets an enemy champion and dashes towards them, dealing physical damage when she arrives and knocking them up. Any enemies in her path take the same physical damage and are also knocked aside/stunned.

Viego – Heartbreaker

Viego discards any champion that he is currently possessing with his passive, Sovereign’s Domination, and blinks to a target location to deal physical damage to all nearby enemies, knocking aside all but one enemy to whom he slows and applies on-hit effects to. Whenever Viego possesses a target with Sovereign’s Domain, he gains a free cast of this ability.

Viktor – Chaos Storm

Viktor creates a moving area which deals magic damage periodically to enemies within it and follows the nearest champion hit with its first instance of damage. When summoned, it also disrupts any ongoing channels being performed by enemy champions.

Vladimir – Hemoplague

Vladimir targets an area and causes all enemies in that area to take more damage from all sources for the next four seconds. After that duration, the afflicted enemies take magic damage which heals Vladimir.

Volibear – Stormbringer

Volibear leaps to a target location, dealing physical damage upon landing to enemies and turrets, as well as disabling said turrets for a few seconds. For 12 seconds after landing, Volibear is ghosted, has bonus health, more attack range, increased range on his W, Frenzied Maul, and increased size.

Warwick – Infinite Duress

Warwick leaps in a direction, and if he collides with an enemy, he stops any of their dashes and suppresses them, dealing magic damage rapidly to them. Warwick applies on-hit effects and lifesteal from these rapid instances of damage and also heals for all of the damage that he does during Infinite Duress.

Wukong – Cyclone

Wukong knocks up all enemies around him, becomes ghosted, gains movement speed, and rapidly deals physical damage to all nearby enemies, also allowing himself to cast this again shortly after. Wukong’s clone from his W, Warrior Trickster, mimics this ultimate when it is casted by Wukong.

Xayah – Featherstorm

Xayah becomes untargetable and ghosted for a short period, and then sends five projectiles in a cone which deal physical damage and leave behind Feathers from her passive, Clean Cuts. Xayah cannot attack or cast other abilities during Featherstorm, but she can move.

Xerath – Rite of the Arcane

Upon activating this ability, Xerath channels for up to 10 seconds, and can recast this ability to fire projectiles at a long range. These projectiles deal magic damage to enemies and grant sight of the target area briefly.

Xin Zhao – Crescent Guard

Passively, Xin Zhao challenges the last enemy who has been hit by one of his basic attacks or abilities. When activating this ability, Xin Zhao deals physical damage to all enemies around him, knocks back all enemies except for this challenged target, and becomes invulnerable to enemies champions who are not close to him.

Yasuo – Last Breath

Yasuo blinks to an airborne enemy champion, knocks them and all airborne enemy champions around them up, and deals physical damage to them. For 15 seconds after casting this ability, Yasuo’s critical strikes have bonus armor penetration.

Yone – Fate Sealed

Yone pauses before striking in a line, blinking to the end of the line as well as dealing physical and magic damage to enemies he passes through. These enemies are also pulled towards Yone’s destination, knocking them up in the process.

Yorick – Eulogy of the Isles

When activating this ability, Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist and some Mist Walkers who will attack any enemies nearby and can be told to push against minion waves in the nearest lane. Yorick’s strikes against enemies who are being attacked by the Maiden of the Mist deal bonus magic damage.

Yuumi – Final Chapter

Yuumi channels for three and a half seconds, launching waves of projectiles in a line which deal magic damage to enemy champions. Enemy champions who are hit by three of these waves are then rooted.

Zac- Let’s Bounce!

Passively, this ability makes Zac heal more from collecting the chunks of goo generated by his passive, Cell Division. When activated, this ability grants Zac movement speed while he bounces, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back when he first bounces into them, and slowing them.

Zed – Death Mark

Zed dashes to a target enemy champion, gains ghosting, spawns a Shadow (identical in function to his W, Living Shadow) at his casting location, and marks the target champion. After three seconds, the target takes a burst of physical damage, increasing with the amount of damage they took while marked.

Ziggs – Mega Inferno Bomb

Ziggs throws a projectile at a target location which grants sight of its destination and deals magic damage upon arriving. This magic damage is amplified against targets who are in the center of the target area.

Zilean – Chronoshift

Zilean makes it so that if an allied champion would take fatal damage in the next five seconds, they instead enter stasis. After three seconds in stasis, they are healed immensely.

Zoe – Portal Jump

Zoe blinks a fixed distance for approximately a second and then blinks back. She cannot move after the first blink.

Zyra – Stranglethorns

Zyra targets a circular area which deals magic damage to enemies as it forms and, once fully formed, knocks up all enemies in the area. Zyra’s plants within this area become empowered when being hit by this ability.

Concluding Thoughts

From these descriptions, it should be apparent that although every champion in League has a unique ultimate that synergizes with their set of abilities, these ultimates can be summarized into something that is easy to remember for when you next see them on Summoner’s Rift. If there is one key takeaway from this, it should be that while League of Legends can seem like it takes a lot to learn at first, everything is a lot simpler than it might seem. With this in mind, you’ll be able to learn everything about the game in no time, hopefully improving your chances of winning games and having fun!

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