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TL;DR Every Champion in League of Legends

Need a quick explanation on every Champ? Give this a quick glance if you know absolutely nothing about League of Legends Champions!

This article won’t be short, but it’ll be sweet. We’re going to package every Champion in League of Legends into a short paragraph so you know exactly what you’re getting into if you load up as or get into a lane against each pick. So, stick around as we’re going from A to Z! Starting first with


Aatrox is a Top Lane Juggernaut that’s all about health regeneration and bullying lane. is passive empowers his basic attack every so often, granting Aatrox a burst of healing and bonus damage. His Q is a skill shot that extends from his blade and can be cast three times, each time changing the shape of the skillshot from long, to wide, to short allowing Aatrox to punish at various distances. His W is a skillshot that when hit slows enemies and tethers them to the point of contact. If enemies don’t leave the area around them within a few seconds, they’ll be yanked to the center of the effect setting up Aatrox’s combos. E has a passive effect which heals Aatrox as he damages enemy champions and it is also a short range dash. His ultimate causes Aatrox to go full demonic, granting him movement speed, attack speed, attack damage, and bonus range. Its effect is extended whenever he secures a takedown through its duration.


Ahri is League of Legends’ poster Mid Laners who is a blend between a Mage and an Assassin in terms of gameplay. Her Q is a skill shot that deals magic damage going forward and true damage on the return. Her W fires bolts of foxfire at enemies within range or those last hit by Ahri’s auto attack. Her E is a charm which causes opponents to drift towards Ahri with no control of their Champion. And her ultimate allows Ahri to dash up to three times sling foxfire towards enemies as she does. Ahri’s dashes reset if she gets a takedown during its duration.


Akali is a melee Assassin that possesses high mobility and tricky evasiveness. Her Q is her primary trading tool which applies her passive on enemy Champions which grants increased range and empowers Akali’s next attack if she exits the ring. Her W is a defensive shroud that makes Akali untargetable and regenerates her primary resource, energy, when utilized. Her E throws out a shuriken and causes Akali to dash backwards. She can reactive her E if it hits an enemy to dash back to the location dealing damage to her target and instantly activating her passive if she hit an enemy Champion with it. Her ultimate is a targeted dash onto an enemy Champion that deals magic damage. She can reactive this effect in any direction to deal more magic damage and execute low health enemies.


Akshan is a roaming Mid Lane Marksman. His passive applies stacks onto enemies whenever he hits them with autos, if he caps the stacks he deals bonus damage, if he cancels the additional attack his passive grants, he gains bonus movement speed. Q causes Akshan to throw his boomerang dealing AD damage which passes through and extends whenever it cuts through an enemy unit, it also applies his passive. His W is a shroud that grants Akshan bonus movement speed allowing him to roam around the map unseen. Additionally, enemies that kill allies are marked by Akshan’s W, and if Akshan scores a takedown on a marked Champion he instantly resurrects the allies that enemy killed back in base. His E is a grappling hook that allows Akshan to swing off terrain towards and away from fights! It also resets if he scores a takedown. And finally his ultimate causes Akshan to lock his guns onto an enemy where after a short windup he fires, dealing damage based on the Champion’s missing health. This can be blocked by structures, Champions, and Minions.


Alistar is a Tank Support that has excellent tools to engage onto enemies. His passive causes Aatrox to heal nearby allies whenever it fully stacks. He gains these stacks through stunning and displacing enemy Champions. His Q is a ground slam that knocks up enemies in an area around him. His W is a targeted headbutt that causes Alistar to dash towards his target and knock back his enemy. His W can be combo’d and canceled with his Q to allow Alistar to dash and knock up enemies within his range. His E causes Alistar to trample around ignoring unit collision. Enemies gain stacks as he tramples and he can spend the stacks with an auto-attack which stuns the enemy that’s hit. His ultimate is a defensive tool that instantly removes all crowd control from Alistar and reduces all damage he takes through its duration.


Amumu is a Jungle Support flex pick that’s all about crowd-control. His passive curses his enemies causing them to take bonus true damage from incoming magic damage. His Q is a straight line skill shot that stuns enemies hit, he can carry up to two charges of this ability at a time and recast it after a short delay. His W is an AOE DOT that causes enemies to lose a percentage of their max health and refreshes his passive. His E causes Amumu to fling his head around in an AOE attack that deals physical damage. Each time he’s hit, his E’s cooldown is reduced. His ultimate is a wide AOE circle that bursts from around Amumu applying his curse, damaging enemies, and stunning them wherever they stand.


Is a Mid Lane Control Mage that’s all about scaling and wave management. Her passive is a rebirth effect where upon taking lethal damage Anivia transforms into an egg. After a few seconds she is reborn to full health if this egg is not destroyed. Her Q is a straight line skillshot that courses through enemies and can be reactivated at any point of its travel to stun enemies. Her W creates a terrain-like wall that cuts off enemy and ally movement. Her E is a targeted damage tool that deals a high amount of magic damage and is Anivia’s primary damage tool. Her ultimate is an AOE circle that is on a short cooldown. When activated enemies within the circle continuously take magic damage and are slowed until they leave its area. This ability costs heavy amounts of mana but it’s an excellent pushing and zoning tool due to its near non-existent cooldown.


Annie is a Burst Mage that flexes between Mid and Support. Her passives causes her abilities to generate stacks. After using four abilities, Annie’s next offensive attack will stun her targets. Her Q is a poking and farming tool. Anni chucks a fireball at her target and is refunded for its mana if it destroys the target. Her W is an AOE cone that damages enemies in the direction Annie casts it. Her E is a reflecting shield that deals damage to enemies striking that buffed target. It additionally gives a burst of movement speed and applies effects like Rylai’s. Her ultimate causes Annie to summon Tibbers, her bear, at a target location. The summon deals magic damage in the area around and thereafter Tibbers acts as a unit which can be controlled by Annie. Enemies near Tibbers take ticking damage and he can auto-attack and block effects as if he were a Champion.


Aphelios is an extremely complicated Marksman that calls Bot Lane home. His entire kit revolves around the various guns he can utilize throughout the game, each possessing its own effect and utility. TL;DR though - Green is for long range poke, Purple is for crowd control, Red is for lifesteal, Blue is for AOE waveclear, White is for big DPS. He can carry two guns at a given time and swap between them until their ammo runs out. His Q fires the primary effect of each of his guns. Green is a long-range skill shot, Purple roots enemies that he’s hit, Red grants a burst of lifesteal and causes him to run fast, Blue blasts enemies in a cone and attacks them with the off-hand weapon, and White deploys a sentry that shoots his off-hand weapon. His W swaps which weapon is currently activated, and his E is not an activated ability but shows which weapon is coming up after he runs out of ammo. His ultimate fires a blast of moonlight in a skillshot towards a target direction that explodes on enemy Champions. It applies the effect of his main gun.


Ashe is a long range Bot Lane Marksman that focuses on crowd-control and utility over raw DPS. Her passive causes her basic attacks to slow whatever enemy she hit. Additionally her critical strikes deal no bonus damage, but apply an empowered slow on her enemies. Her Q builds up focus as she autos, at max stacks, Q can be activated to consume all stacks increasing her attack speed and transforming her basic attacks into flurries for the duration. Her W is a wide cone skill shot that fires hard-to-dodge arrows that apply her slowing passive. Her E is a map-wide utility tool that can be fired towards a target direction, through its travel and at its target location it reveals the Fog of War. Her ultimate is a map wide skillshot that stuns enemy Champions when it collides with them. The damage and duration of the stun are dictated by the distance that it traveled and it deals AOE damage and applies a slow to enemies surrounding the stunned target.

Aurelion Sol

ASol is a scaling Mid Lane Mage that possesses excellent wave clear and zoning abilities. His passive causes him to gain stacks of Stardust which at certain thresholds permanently improves his abilities. His Q causes him to breath starfire towards a target direction damaging the first enemy hit and dealing splash damage to nearby enemies. Each second this is channeled directly at an enemy, it will deal bonus damage which is improved by the collection of stardust. It also collects Stardust when hitting enemy Champions. ASol’s W allows him to fly over terrain towards a target direction. As he flies he can cast his other abilities and his Q no longer has a channel duration and deals increased damage. W’s cooldown is reduced whenever he scores a takedown during its flight and Stardust increases its maximum range. ASol’s E summons a black hole that damages enemies and slowly pulls them inward.This ability grants stardust when enemies die within the black hole and for each second an enemy Champion is caught inside. The center of the hole executes enemies who are below a certain percentage. Stardust increases the area covered and execution threshold.


Azir is a Mid Lane Skirmishing Mage that is a flexible piece for any composition. His passive allows him to conjure turrets on the remains of fallen enemy and allied turrets, creating safety zones for him and his team. His W conjures sand soldiers which can be controlled by Azir to attack targets within their range, replacing his basic attacks. Their attacks deal magic damage to enemies in a line and passively grant Azir attack speed. His Q causes his Sand Soldiers to rush towards a target location and deal magic damage to enemies they pass through while also applying a slow. His E grants Azir a shield and allows him to dash to one of his Soldiers. This dash also damages enemies and he instantly readies a new soldier if he damages an enemy Champion. His ultimate summons a wall of soldiers which charge forward and knockback enemies. He can combine his W, Q, E, and R in a layer to perform the famous Shurima shuffle which can displace enemies for engagement or disengagement as necessary.


Bard is a roaming Support that moves around the map with unique incentives and tools to do so. His passive causes Chimes to spawn across the map. If Bard collects these his basic attack is empowered and he’s granted a burst of movement speed, experience, and mana regeneration. His Q is a skill shot that deals magic damage. It will slow the first enemy it hits, but if it hits a second through its travel or collides with terrain, it will stun both targets. His W creates a shrine at a target location. The shrine can be walked over by allies which causes them to be healed, or by enemies which destroys the shrine. His E creates a tunnel through terrain that enemy and allies can pass through to skip over large distances of the map. His ultimate is a long range skill shot that flies towards a target location and puts all units within its area of effect into stasis. This works on minions, monsters, champions, and turrets.


Bel’Veth is one of League of Legends’ Void Junglers. Her passive grants her permanent attack speed after taking down large minions and monsters. She also gains temporary attack speed after using an ability. Her Q causes Bel to dash in a chosen direction and damages all enemies she passes through, which direction she can dash is indicated by the arrows around her. Her W is a straight line skillshot that knocks up targets, slows them, and deals damage. Her E causes Bel to thrash about at her current location rooting her in place. She slashes the lowest health enemies near her and gains lifesteal and damage reduction. Her ultimate allows Bel to consume the remains of her enemies and large monsters allowing her to enter into her True Form. In this state her max health, attack range, speed and movement speed are increased. Consuming Void monsters (Herald and Baron) grants this state a longer duration and allows her to summon Void Remora from the corpses of Minions that will push down their lane.


Blitz is a Hook Support that calls Bot Lane his home. His passive is a barrier that is activated when he drops to low health. His Q is his famous skillshot hook that yanks enemies towards his location. His W is a movement and attack speed buff that allows for Blitz to reposition for his hook or escape bad situations. His E is a knock up that deals big attack damage and is often used to follow up his hook or lead into a guaranteed hook if he is within range. His ultimate is an AOE burst that deals magic damage and briefly silences those hit.


Brand is a Control Mage that flexes between Support and Mid. His passive causes all of his abilities to burn enemies hit. If he layers all of his abilities onto an enemy Champion, his opponents will erupt after a short delay taking more AOE damage. His Q is a straight line skillshot that will stun targets affected by his passive. His W is an AOE skillshot that is often used to apply his passive due to its long range. His E is a point and click dot that applies his passive. His ultimate is a bouncing fireball that jostles between Brand, his target, and enemy Champions that surround them. It also applies his passive.


Braum is a defensive Tank Support that calls Bot Lane his home. His passive causes Braum’s basic attacks to apply stacks to his targets. If he or an ally stack up his passive to four, the stacks are consumed and the target is stunned. Application occurs through auto-attacking. His Q is a skillshot that slows, deals damage, and applies his passive. His W causes Braum to jump to an ally, increasing their Armor and Magic Resistance for a few seconds. Braum’s E raises his shield which can be used to block all incoming projectiles. The first hit on the shield completely absorbs the damage while subsequent hits deal reduced damage. For his ult, Braum slams his shield down which creates a fissure in a target location. Champions hit by the fissure are briefly knocked up depending on their position to Braum himself and are slowed while also being affected by his passive.


Caitlyn is a long-range Marksman that operates from Bot Lane primarily. Her passive grants her stacks of Headshot and at max stacks her next auto is empowered to deal bonus damage that scales with critical strike. Her Q is a straight line skillshot that cleaves through enemies. Her W sets a trap down that, when walked over by enemies, grants Cait an immediate headshot towards them. Her is a skillshot that pushes Cait backwards and applies grants her headshot towards whatever target was hit by the net. Her ultimate is a point and click sniper shot that deals big damage but can be blocked by enemy Champions.


Camille is a Top Lane Diver that excels at short skirmishes and long-range flanking. Her passive grants her a shield based on whatever primary damage source the last target she attacked deals. This shield affects only that damage source and is represented by blue for AP and orange for AD. Her Q is an auto-attack reset that after activation charges up. If she reactivates it at max charge, her next auto will deal true damage. Her W is a leg-slice that deals damage in a cone towards a target direction. Enemies are slowed and take extra damage when hit, and Camille is also healed for a small amount. E is Camille’s hookshot. This tool can be utilized onto terrain and allows Camille to cover large distances to reposition herself, dive, or flank enemies. It can even allow her to cross over small walls. Her ultimate is an isolation tool that when targeted isolates her enemy within a hexagon and prevents them from leaving until either Camille is dead or the effect runs out. Enemies around her target are also knocked back on contact, further isolating her desired prey.


Cassiopeia is a scaling Mage that pumps out tons of DPS and can be played Mid, Top, and Bot. Her passive prevents Cassio from buying boots. She’s a snake and doesn’t have feet so that makes sense. As a result, she gains Movement Speed per level instead. Her Q is a small AOE skillshot that applies venom onto targets hit, if she hits a Champion, she gets increased movement speed. Her W is a wide arching AOE miasma that grounds targets that stand within and applies her venomous damage over time. Targets within the miasma can only run out of it and cannot activate any movement or dashing spells or abilities. Her E, Twin Fangs, is her primary damage spell. Targets that are affected by Cassio’s poisons take extra magic damage and from her E and her cooldown is refunded if she uses it on poisoned enemies. Additionally, it heals her for a small amount. If the target dies from her E, she regains mana. Her ultimate is a cone skillshot that petrifies targets that are facing Cassiopeia, stunning them in place for a few seconds.


Cho’Gath is a Void Monster that acts as a Juggernaut in Top Lane. His passive heals and restores mana whenever Cho kills a unit. His Q is a short range AOE skillshot that deals damage and knocks enemies up into the air and slows them. His W is a cone AOE silence. His E is an auto-attack reset and empowers his autos to fling out magic damage spikes. His ultimate is true damage execution and stacking buff that allows Cho to consume targets to increase his size and maximum health. He loses stacks upon death and must consume again to regain them.


Corki is a Mid Lane Marksman that excels at poking his targets down and controlling choke points. Corki’s passive causes a percentage of his basic attack damage to convert to magic damage. Additionally, at level 6, he can pick up a package at base which empowers his W and grants him increased movement speed. Corki’s Q is a short range skillshot that explodes at a target location dealing damage and revealing enemies hit briefly. His W charges Corki forward towards a target direction and causes him to deal magic damage to those that he passes over. The package empowers this dash and leaves behind a massive burning streak on the field and carries Corki farther. His E is a gatling gun that whittles continuous DPS towards wherever Corki is facing. His ultimate is all about poke, as Corki gains stacks of missiles that he can fire at his opponents to deal damage. Every third missile is a ‘Big One’ which deals extra damage.


Darius is a Top Lane Juggernaut that focuses heavily on abusing his lane opponent. His passive causes his basic attacks and his ability to apply a bleed to his enemies. When this bleeds stacks up to 5 times, Darius enrages and gains massive attack damage. His Q is a wind up swing that circles around Darius. Enemies hit in the sweet spot of the axe take more damage and Darius heals based on enemy Champions and Large Monsters hit by the blade. His W is an auto attack reset that applies his bleed and slows the target. His E grants Darius passive armor penetration, and when activated causes Darius to yank targets towards him with his axe, slowing them for a follow up. Darius’ ultimate causes him to hoist his axe up and strike down with a lethal blow dealing true damage. This damage is increased based on his passive stacks and if it kills a target, its cooldown is refunded for a brief duration.


Diana is a Mid and Jungle flex pick with two distinct playstyles. She can itemize as a Bruiser acting more as an engaged frontline piece, or she can itemize full AP acting as tactical nuke onto enemy carries. Her passive causes every third auto she makes to be empowered dealing magic damage, after she activates an ability, this passive increases her attack speed. Her Q is a crescent skill shot that deals AOE damage at a target location and along the arc of his travel. Her W is a personal shield that surrounds Diana with orbs that fire towards the enemy nearest to her. If these orbs fire off before the shield expires, the shield is empowered. Her E is a targeted dash. If she hits her Q onto an enemy, her E is completely refunded. Her ultimate is an AOE yoink that brings surrounding enemies in towards Diana and slows them. After a delay, she deals big AOE magic damage that is increased if she hits multiple enemies with the yank portion of her ult.

Dr. Mundo

Mundo is a Top and Jungle flex pick that’s all about health regeneration and sustain. His passive causes Mundo to soak the first crowd-control effect that hits him, preventing him from losing health. Instead, a canister is dropped nearby. Mundo can pick this up, restore health and reduce the passive’s cooldown. His Q causes Mundo to chuck his cleaver in a line, hitting the first enemy and slowing them. His W causes Mundo to generate electricity around himself, at the end of the duration or on recast, Mundo deals burst damage and heals for a percentage of damage he has taken through its duration. Mundo’s E is an auto-reset that empowers his auto to slam against a target for big damage. If the target dies, they are swatted away, dealing damage to enemies they pass through. Mundo’s ultimate amps up his health regeneration and grants him movement speed to silly levels of effect.


Draven is a Bot Lane Marksman that is all-in on snowballing. His passive causes him to generate stacks of Adoration whenever he catches one of his axes. Adoration cashes in whenever Draven picks up a kill granting him gold based on his adoration stacks. His Q empowers his autos and causes his axes to spin. He can carry two spinning axes at one time that deal increased damage to targets. His W is a move speed and attack speed steroid that allows Draven to reposition and deal more damage. His E is a disengage tool that knocks targets aside and slows them. His ultimate is a global range skillshot that deals physical damage to each unit struck. The axes he tosses can be recalled on recast, or on Champion hit. This ability executes if the Champion has less health than Draven has adoration stacks.


Ekko is a Mid-Jungle Assassin flex pick. His passive is a three hit passive that when stacked his autos or spells deal bonus magic damage and he gains a burst of move speed if it stacks off an enemy Champ. His Q is a straight line skillshot that fires forward and fans out, dealing magic damage and slowing enemies hit while also applying his passive. His W is a slow windup AOE that creates a zone that Ekko can enter to gain a shield. If enemies are in this zone when Ekko enters, they are stunned. His E is a dash and auto-reset and empowerment that allows Ekko to sneak in more damage and hop short walls. His ultimate is a get out of jail free button that allows Ekko to return to the point that his ‘echo’ is at, wherein Ekko regains the health and mana based on how much damage he received before cast. Enemies that are near his echo take magic damage.


Elise is a burst Mage Jungler that focuses on early ganks and high aggression. Abilities are split between her Spider and Human forms. Her passive in Human form causes her to gain spiderlings in her spider form when she hits with a basic attack. Her passive in spider form causes her basics to deal bonus magic damage and restore her health. Her Q a point and click magic attack that deals damage based on how much health a target has in Human form. In Spider form she lunges towards the target dealing damage based on how low the target is. Her W in Human form sends out a spider that will explode on contact with an enemy and generate spiderlings. In spider form, her attack speed is increased. Her E in Human form fires a skillshot cocoon that stuns enemies. In Spider Form, it allows Elise to rappel upwards becoming untargetable. She can then descend onto an enemy unit. Her ultimate allows her to switch between forms.


Eve is an AP Jungle Assassin that revolves around stealth and invisibility. Eve’s passive heals her when she is low on health and out of combat, as her passive causes her to stealth and be unseen to normal wards. Eve’s Q is a skillshot that lashes out dealing damage to the first enemy hit. After she shoots a line of spikes at foes three times whenever the ability is reactivated. Eve’s W curses her target, causing her next attack or spell after a delay to charm her target and reduce their magic resist. Eve’s E whips her target dealing damage and granting her movement speed. Eve’s ultimate cause her to go untargetable and executes enemies in front of her before warping her back a huge distance.


Ezreal is a skillshot focused Marksman that flexes between Bot and Mid. His passive causes Ez to gain increasing attack speed each time he successfully hits a spell. His Q is a straight-line skillshot that deals attack damage and reduces all of his cooldowns slightly. His W is a skillshot that attaches to enemies hit. If Ez hits the target affected by his W, it denotes and deals damage. Ezreal’s E is a blink that fires a projectile that targets the nearest enemy unit. If a target is affected by his W, it will be prioritized by this bolt. His ultimate is a map-wide skillshot that fires after a short wind up.


Fiddlesticks is a demonic Jungler that focuses on farm, AOE, and health drain. Fiddle’s passive replaces the standard Trinket with a replica of Fiddle. This replica is both a standard ward and sweeper once Fiddle hits level 6. Fiddle can stand still to mimic his effigies for mind-game plays. Fiddle’s Q is a point and click fear, but also allows his abilities to fear enemies if he hits them while unseen. Fiddlesticks W causes him to drain health from nearby enemies and deals bonus execute damage at the end of its duration. Fiddles’ E is a sweeping skill shot that silences on a sweet spot of his sickle. Fiddles’ ultimate causes him to blink forward, as he does a storm of crows cursed magic deals damage around him. If he casts this while unseen, his ultimate fears enemies in its initial pop.


Fiora is a Top Lane Duelist that excels at split-pushing and dominating one on one matchups. Fiora’s passive causes vitals to appear on her enemies. If she strikes these vitals with an auto, she restores health and gains movement speed. Fiora’s Q dashes her forward and strikes the enemy nearest to her applying on-hit effects. Fiora’s W disables her for a short period of time as she reflects and stabs back in a target direction. This stab slows the first enemy hit and stuns them if Fiora blocked a crowd control effect. Fiora’s E is an auto-reset that empowers her next two attacks to slow and crit. Fiora’s ultimate causes vitals to all around her target. Proccing each vital causes burst damage and creates an AOE heal around the target if she successfully hits all vitals.


Fizz is an AP assassin that excels at getting on top of his targets and avoiding unnecessary damage. Fizz’s passive allows him to move through units and take reduced damage from all sources. Fizz’s Q dashes him through a target, dealing magic damage and applying on-hit effects. Fizz’s W causes his attacks to bleed, dealing magic damage over several seconds. He can activate this and further empower his attacks for a short time. Fizz’s E hops him into the air and makes him untargetable. When he plops back down he deals magic damage at the location. Fizz’s ultimate fires a straight line skillshot that attaches to enemy Champions. After a short delay, a shark will erupt onto the target, dealing magic damage and knocking the affected target upwards and other enemies to the side.


Galio is a Mid and Support flex pick that excels at following up big engagements or protecting those that are being engaged upon. His passive empowers his auto attacks every few seconds to deal AOE magic damage around whatever he strikes. His Q is a crescent skillshot that deals magic damage at a target location, leaving behind a vortex in its wake, and it deals damage along its arc as well. His W slows Galio down and causes him to channel magic around him. When the channel reaches full effect or the ability is released, Galio deals damage and taunts all those within its radius. Galio’s E dashes him back a short distance before dashing him forward a larger distance, knocking up whatever he collides with. Galio’s ultimate targets allies and has a semi-global range. When he selects an ally, he flies towards their location knocking up and dealing magic damage to any enemies within the radius.


GP is a Top and Mid flex pick that focuses on scaling and burst damage. His passive empowers his auto every so often causing it to burn the target. His Q shoots and plunders extra gold for each enemy unit killed. His W causes him to chomp on an orange and remove crowd control effects. His E lays down a barrel that ticks on a timer, when the timer is done, GP can attack the barrel or shoot it with Q to cause them to explode. The barrels can chain together with a powder trail to increase their range. GP’s ultimate signals his ship to bombard an area. This ability is global and can be empowered from a passive currency GP collects through killing units with his abilities.


Garen is a Top Lane and Counter Mid flex pick that is a great beginner Champion for Top Laners to learn. Garen’s passive grants increased health regeneration if he hasn’t been struck by an enemy Champion. His Q empowers his next auto-attack to deal increased damage and silence the target struck. His W passively increases his armor and magic resistance whenever he kills an enemy, and it can be activated for increased damage reduction. Garen’s E causes him to spin, dealing damage in an area around him. This spinning can critically strike and it strikes more based on his attack speed. Garen’s ultimate is a point and click execute ability.


Gnar is a prehistoric Yordle that acts as a semi-ranged Top Laner. Gnar’s passive generates rage, which progresses him to his Mega Gnar form and changes his abilities while increasing his survivability. Gnar’s Q in Mini Gnar throws his boomerang forward, dealing physical damage before it returns to him. In Mega Gnar, he chucks a big rock at a location dealing AOE damage. He can pick the rock up again to reduce the cooldown. His W in Mini Gnar is a stacking passive that deals a burst of damage when upon the third hit. In Mega Gnar, he head smashes down and stuns enemies. His E is a small hop in Mini Gnar form. It can be used on units, which lets him bounce off of them to hop further. In Mega Form, Gnar jumps forward, dealing damage in an area around him. Gnar’s ultimate is only available in Mega Gnar form. It causes him to shove everything around him in any direction, dealing damage to enemies and slowing them. If enemies collide with terrain, they are stunned and take bonus damage.


Gragas is a Top, Jungle, Mid, and Support flex pick that excels at fight disruption. His passive causes his abilities to periodically heal him based on his maximum HP. His Q chucks his barrel to a target location. He can reactivate this ability to deal magic damage, or allow the cask to linger where it’ll explode on its own after 4 seconds. Gragas’ W causes him to drink from his cask, enhancing his next auto to deal magic damage to all enemies near his target. He also takes reduced damage during this time. Gragas’ E causes him to belly flop forward, displacing enemies hit and stunning them for a brief duration. Gragas’ ult causes him to hurl his cask at a target location where it will explode and knock all enemies away from its impact site and dealing magic damage. This is a great tool to disengage, disrupt, or displace enemies.


Graves is a Jungle-Mid flex pick Marksman that excels at short-range damage. His passive is the ammo effect and bullets of his shotgun. The more bullets that hit a target, the more damage he deals, but he also must reload when he runs out of ammo. Non-champions hit by multiple bullets are knocked back. His Q fires an explosive shell forward. After a short delay, or upon hitting terrain, it explodes back towards Graves’ point of cast. Graves chucks a smoke grenade at a location with his W. Targets are slowed and unable to see beyond the grenades effects until they move out. Grave’s E is a dash that reloads a shell into his gun and boosts his armor. Basic attacks lower the cooldown of both the dash and lengthen the resistance boost. Graves’ ult fires an explosive shell dealing heavy damage to the first Champion hit. After hitting a Champion or reaching max range, the shell explodes in a cone.


Gwen is a Top Lane AP Duelist that has some minor viability in the Jungle. Gwen’s passive causes her basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage based on the target’s health. She also heals for a portion of the damage dealt by this effect. Gwen’s Q snips her scissors in a cone in front of her dealing magic damage. Enemies in the center of the snip deal true damage. Gwen’s W drops a large circular shroud around her making her immune to skillshots and effects outside of the circle. Recasting the ability or moving beyond the outline causes the circle to move with Gwen once. Gwen’s E dashes her a short distance and grants attack speed, range, and magic damage on hit for a few seconds. If she hits an enemy during this time its cooldown is partially refunded. Gwen’s ultimate causes her to fire needles forward that deal magic damage and apply her passive to Champion's hit. It can be recast up to two more times with each cast throwing additional needles, but Gwen must hit an enemy between each cast to unlock the next one.


Hec is a Jungle pick with occasional Top Lane flex potential. His passive grants him attack damage based on his bonus movement speed. His Q flings his spear in a circle around him dealing damage and lowering the cooldown of subsequent activations if it hits at least one enemy. His W creates a ring around him granting him Armor and MR. Hec gains health equal to the percentage of any damage enemies suffer within the ring. His E grants him ramping movement speed through units for a short duration, empowering his next attack to knock the target back. His ultimate causes Hecarim to charge forward, fearing enemies and dealing magic damage in a line.


Heimer is a Mid, Bot, Top, and Support flex pick. Heimer’s passive grants him move speed around his turrets and towers. His Q creates one of his turrets that autos enemies near it or the last target that Heimer auto’d. His W fires rockets in a target direction that point in and fan out. His E launches a grenade that stuns on a sweet spot in the center and cause his turrets to blast extra magic damage onto the stunned target. His ult empowers each of his abilities when utilized. Q creates a bigger and beefier turret that deals more damage. W fires more rockets in faster succession. E causes the grenade to bounce multiple times.


Illaoi is a Top Lane Juggernaut that excels in beating down Tanks. Her passive causes tentacles to spawn around her onto terrain every so often. These tentacles will strike down when Illaoi casts her W or Ultimate and will heal Illaoi if they strike a Champion. Illaoi’s Q causes her to slam her idol forward, dealing damage in a line. Her W causes her to leap up and smack down on an enemy, proccing all tentacles around her to target the location to smack as well. Her E rips the soul from her enemy and towards her casting location if it collides with a Champion. Tentacles will target this soul, and Illaoi can deal damage to it to transfer damage to her opponent. If opponents walk out of range of Illaoi’s E, they are briefly slowed and tentacles spawn around them for a few seconds attempting to smack them. Her ultimate causes Illaoi to slam down for big damage, summoning more tentacles for each champion that will proceed to replicate Illaoi’s attacks onto her target.


Irelia is a Top-Mid Lane Flex Pick Fighter that excels at diving onto priority targets. Her passive grants her stacking attack speed whenever she strikes an enemy with one of her abilities. Her Q is a dash that grants a stack of her passive and refreshes if the target is under the effects of her Bladesurge or if they die. Her W locks Irelia into place, swirling blades around her. During this time, she takes reduced damage and can direct the blades to strikes towards a start applying Bladesurge. Her E drops a blade at a target location, she can reactivate it again at another location and the blades will tether between the spots, stunning enemies caught between. Her ultimate hurls blades forward damaging and marking Champions hit, enemies that walk through the blade wall that surrounds them will be slowed and take damage.


Ivern is a Supportive Jungle Champion that focuses on accenting his allies over destroying his enemies. His passive prevents him from attacking non-epic monsters and instead he applies an effect that he can consume later to gain gold and experience from the camp. His Q is a straight-line skill shot that roots the enemy and allows allies to dash towards them. His W creates a brush at a target location obscuring vision. His E grants a shield to an ally which explodes after a few seconds. It refreshes if no enemies were hit by the explosion. His ultimate summons the Golem Daisy to act as his controllable pet. Daisy will auto attack targets Ivern selects and on her third auto will knock up enemies with a rupturing attack. Daisy can soak skillshots and turret aggro to assist with dives.


Janna is a defensive shielding support that excels at peeling and protecting her partnered laner. Her passive grants bonus movement speed to allies that are moving towards her. Her Q conjures a tornado that will fire in a straight line upon activation or at max channel. This tornado knocks up enemies based on the distance traveled. Her W causes her air elemental to strike a target slowing them. It passively increases her movement speed. Her E is her shield that protects against incoming damage but also increases the attack damage of the protected target. Her Ultimate is an AOE knockback and heal that locks Janna in place. As she channels the storm, it heals all those within the radius after the initial knockback.


J4 is a primary Jungler that’s shown some off-meta experimentation at Support at times. His passive causes him to deal bonus physical damage based on current heal to a target. This cannot occur on the same enemy again for a few seconds. His Q causes his lance to rip out and strike opponents applying his passive. His W shields J4 and slows the enemy in the area around him. His E drops his standard that grants increased attack speed to his allies. J4 can Q to his E which knocks up opponents between his starting and ending points. His ultimate causes J4 to slam down onto a target locking them into a stone ring and deals massive physical damage.


Jax is a Top and Jungle flex duelist. Jax’s passives cause his basic attacks to continuously increase his attack speed. Jax’s Q causes him to leap towards a unit. If it's an enemy unit, he bonks them. Jax’s W empowers his next basic attack to deal additional damage. This can empower his Q too. Jax’s E causes him to enter a defensive stance that prevents auto attacks from hitting him. After a short duration or on reactivation, Jax stuns enemies that surround him. Jax’s ultimate causes him to swing his lantern dealing magic damage and he quickly generates bonus armor and magic resistance based on how many champions he hits. He also gains 10% increased size for 8 seconds.


Jayce is a Top and Mid flex pick that switches between melee and ranged modes. His passive causes him to gain a burst of movement speed whenever he changes form, and his ultimate changes form between hammer and cannon forms. Jayce’s Q in hammer form is a targeted slam that deals physical damage. In cannon form, it fires a skillshot orb forward that also deals physical damage. His W in hammer form generates an AOE electric field around Jayce. In cannon form, his attack speed is briefly increased to allow for a quick volley of attacks. His E, in hammer form, is a short knockback. His E in cannon form creates a gate that Jayce and his allies can move through to gain movement speed. If he fires his cannon’s Q through the gate, it accelerates and slams forward, dealing massive damage.


Jhin’s a Bot Lane Marksman that excels at both utility setup and burst damage. His passive is directed around his love of the number four as he can only fire four bullets. His fourth shot is empowered in comparison to the rest and after he must reload. Whenever he crits, he gains a burst of move speed from the passive. Jhin’s Q shoots a grenade forward that bounces between four enemies. If it kills an enemy, it’ll deal bonus damage to the next bounce target. Jhin’s W is a long-range skillshot that will root targets that have been recently hit by Jhin or his allies. Jhin’s E sets down a trap that slows a target and will explode, dealing damage. Additionally, when he kills an enemy, they also leave behind a trap that explodes. Jhin’s Ult causes the Marksman to set up and fire up to four skillshots that do damage at a great distance. The fourth is empowered and is guaranteed to crit.


Jinx is a Bot Lane Marksman that is defined as a hypercarry. Her idea of fun is scaling to a point where she deals more DPS than anyone can handle. Jinx’s passive causes her to get excited on takedowns of Champions and objectives. This grants her a burst of movement and attack speed. Her Q switches her between her long-range cannon and short-range minigun. The cannon deals bigger damage but the minigun has higher DPS. Jinx’s W zaps a target in a line and slows whatever it hits. Her E tosses out chomper traps that root anyone who steps on them in place. Her ultimate is a global skillshot. When it collides with an enemy Champion, it will explode, dealing damage and executing low-health enemies.


K’sante is a Top Lane Tank that is both a great defensive piece and playmaker. His passive marks enemies, causing them to take more damage from his next attack. His Q strikes forward and slows enemies. On hit, it grants a stack for a few seconds. At 2 stacks, the skill fires a shockwave that pulls enemies towards K’sante. K’sante’s W is a defensive technique that raises his weapons up like a shield before he dashes forward. Any targets hit by the dash are knocked to the end of the dash and stunned. K’sante’s E is a short dash that grants him a shield. He can use this ability on allies. K’sante’s ultimate causes him to go all out, empowering his basic abilities to become more offensive. When activated, his ultimate will carry enemies through terrain if it can, subjecting them to a massive displacement and substantial damage.


Kai’Sa is a Bot and Mid Lane flex pick. Her passive causes targets she strikes to be hit with plasma. Plasma stacks up to five times and will cause a burst of damage once the stacks are capped. Additionally, at certain thresholds of AP, AS, and AD, Kai’Sa’s abilities will evolve. Kai’s Q fires missiles toward nearby visible targets. Kai’Sa’s W is a long-range skillshot that reveals the area over its path and enemies hit. Kai’Sa’s E is a dash that grants an attack speed buff following the movement portion. Kai’Sa’s ultimate allows her to dash to any target affected by her plasma.


Kalista is a Bot Lane Marksman that literally binds to her support. Passively, entering a movement command while winding up Kalista’s basic attack or Pierce will cause her to lunge a short distance. Kalista’s Q chucks her spear forward, applying a stack of Rend and cutting through targets if it kills. W summons a shade that will scout a target direction of her choosing. E has a passive applied by her Q and auto attacks that stacks infinitely. When activated, E consumes every stack applied, ripping them out and doing damage for each stack. Her ultimate causes the target that she tethers with to become untargetable and able to fling themselves towards a target location for a knock up or escape.


Karma is a Support, Mid, and Top flex pick. Karma’s damaging abilities reduce the cooldown of her ultimate. Karma’s Q is a skillshot that splashes and deals magic damage. When empowered by her ult, this effect is enhanced. Karma’s W tethers her to a target. After a short duration, the target will become rooted and revealed if they stay in tether range. On empowerment, this ability heals Karma at the start and end, and extends the root duration. Karma’s E is a targeted shield. When empowered, it becomes an AOE shield and movement speed burst. Karma’s ult empowers all her basic abilities.


Karthus is a Jungle, Bot, and Mid flex pick mage. Karthus’ passive causes him to live on after death, allowing him to utilize his abilities for a short duration. Karthus’ Q is an AOE skillshot that has a small area of effect. It also refunds mana on unit kills. Karthus W creates a massive wall that slows enemies that pass through it. Karthus’ E creates a DOT-like death field around him that deals continuous damage. Karthus’ ultimate targets each member of the enemy team and calls down a magic damage strike onto them regardless of their location.


Kass is a Mid Lane scaling Assassin. His passive causes him to take reduced Magic Damage and he ignores unit collision. His Q is a point and click bolt that interrupts channels and deals damage. He also gains a magic damage shield from this ability. His W is an auto attack reset that deals bonus magic damage and restores mana. His E draws stacks from spells cast near Kass. When stacked, he can activate it to slice out, dealing AOE damage and slowing in a cone in front of him. Kass’s ultimate causes him to blink and deal AOE damage at a target location. This damage increases each time he blinks, but so does the mana cost of this ability.


Kat is a Mid Lane Assassin that can build in a wide variety of ways to suit her team composition. Kat’s passive causes her abilities to reduce cooldowns dramatically if she’s involved in a takedown. If she picks up a dagger, she deals AOE damage around the dagger’s location. Kat’s Q is a point and click dagger throw that bounces off enemies and leaves the dagger in the ground behind the target. Kat’s W drops a dagger at her location and gives her a burst of move speed. Kat’s E causes her to blink onto a target - this can be an enemy, ally, or dagger. Kat’s ultimate causes her to channel and deal damage to the three nearest enemy Champions.


Kayle is a scaling Top and Mid Lane flex piece. Her passive powers her basic attacks and abilities as she levels up, increasing her attack speed, move speed, and range as she ascends. Kayle’s Q is a straight line skillshot that slows enemies hit and deals magic damage. Her W is a heal and movement speed buff that can affect either herself or an ally. Kayle’s E deals targeted magic damage onto an enemy when activated proportional to their missing health. Kayle’s ultimate makes her allied target invulnerable and causes blades to rain down around them once the shield expires, executing low health enemies.


Kayn is a two form Assassin Bruiser Jungler that can dictate which form he opts for based on his team composition. Kayn’s passive causes him to collect orbs from enemies. Blue for ranged, Red for Melee. Blue orbs transform him into an assassin, while red orbs transform him into a drain-tank bruiser. Kayn’s Q is a dash forward and slice that deals damage around him in all forms, but more so in Blue Form, in Red it heals. Kayn’s W deals damage in a line in front of him. As Blue Kayn, he leaves behind a clone that casts the effect while he can continue to move, as Red Kayn the ability knocks targets up. His E allows him to move through terrain at will as long as he goes undamaged. Doing this also heals him a chunk of health. In Blue form, he can move quicker through walls than Red or basic form can. Kayn’s ultimate allows him to become untargetable inside of an enemy Champion, thereafter he can exit in a target location dealing massive burst damage when he comes out.


Kennen is a Top and Mid flex pick that strives at big AOE wombo-combos. Kenne’s passive causes enemies he hits with his abilities three times to get stunned. His Q fires out a magic damage shuriken that adds a stack of his passive. His W causes targets that are under the effects of his E to take a burst of damage. His E allows Kenne to zip through units damaging them and ignoring collision. His ultimate is an AOE storm that conjures around Kennen and quickly stacks his passive.


Kindred is a Jungling Marksman that is excellent at negating big wombo combos and execute abilities. Her passive allows her to mark targets around the map, targets she kills grant her increased damage and range. Camps also become marked periodically allowing for Kindred to have an alternative way to scale. Kindred’s Q cause her to hop towards a direction and shooting three arrows at nearby enemies. Kindred’s W causes Wolf to hunt in a circle around her, dealing damage to enemies that enter his range. Kindred’s E marks a target. Once she stacks three attacks on the target, Wolf strikes the target for big damage. Kindred’s ultimate creates a circle around her that prevents all things from dying within her influence. After it expires, units are healed.


Kled is a Top Lane Bruiser and Mid Lane Counter Pick. He excels at all-inning his opponents and split pushing. Kled’s passive is Skaarl, his trust mount. Skaarls health bar is represented by the orange health of Kled’s meter. When this section of Kled’s health expires, Skaarl runs away leaving Kled to fight alone. Kled’s Q is a literal Bear Trap on a Rope. Targets hit are tethered to Kled and get yanked back to him after a few seconds. Kled’s W empowers his next four basic attacks with increased speed and damage. Kled’s E allows him to dash towards a direction and gain a short burst of speed. He can dash back through his initial target dealing the same damage. Kled’s ultimate allows him the CHARGE from long distances, leaving a movement speed buff in his trail. Skaarl will lock onto and ram the first enemy Champion encountered.


Kog is a Bot and Mid Lane flex carry that is great at sniping enemies from afar with long range autos and abilities. Kog’s passive causes him to live 4 seconds after his death allowing him to run towards a location before exploding, dealing true damage to surrounding enemies. Kog’s Q is a straight line skillshot that reduces the target's armor and magic resistance. Kog also gains additional attack speed. Kog’s W empowers his auto-range and he deals a percent of the targets max health as magic damage. Kog’s E causes him to barf in a straight line slowing enemies and dealing magic damage in that line. Kog’s ult causes him to fire an artillery barf at a target location dealing damage at whatever he strikes.


LB is a Mid Lane Burst Mage that excels at assassinating squishy opponents. LB’s passive activates when she drops to 40% HP where she becomes invisible before creating a mirror image that deals no damage and lasts for 8 seconds. LB’s Q is a targeted ability that deals magic damage and marks the target with a sigil. Any subsequent ability will cause the sigil to explode, dealing magic damage to the target. LB’s W is a dash towards a target location. She can reactivate it to return to her casting point at any moment. LB’s E is a chaining tether that after a brief delay will deal magic damage to whatever she’s connected to. LB’s ultimate allows her a reuse of one of her basic abilities.

Lee Sin

Lee Sin is a Jungle Fighter that possesses high mobility and individual tools. His passive energies Lee whenever he hits an ability causing his next 2 basics to gain attack speed and return energy. Lee’s Q is a straight-line skillshot that deals physical damage to the first target hit. He can reactivate this ability to dash to that target’s location after. Lee’s W grants his target a shield and it can be reactivated to provide Lee with lifesteal and Spell Vamp for 4 seconds. Lee’s E is an AOE smash that reveals enemies and slows when reactivated. Lee’s ultimate is a kick that causes the target to sail backwards, dealing damage to any unit it collides with.


Leona is a Support Engage Tank that excels at locking down individual targets. Leona’s passive causes her abilities to leave Sunlight on her opponents. Allies can consume the Light to deal additional damage to the target on ability or basic hits. Leona’s Q causes her to smack a target and stun them with her shield. Her W creates a defensive barrier around herself that increases her armor and magic resistance. Leona’s E swings her blade forward rooting the target she hits and dashing her to their location. Leona’s ultimate is an AOE beam that slows any targets hit and stuns the target hit in the center.


Lilla is a Jungle-Top Flex Pick that’s all about moving and pressing about in the middle of a fight. Her passive causes all units hit by her abilities to take additional max health damage over time. Her Q swirls her staff around her, with enemies on the outside of the staff taking more damage. Her W smacks down her staff at a location, slowing and dealing magic damage. Enemies at the center sweet spot take more damage. Her E tosses out a ball that rolls forward towards a target location until it collides with terrain or another neutral or enemy unit. This collision slows the target and applies Lillia’s passive. Lillia’s Ult allows her to put targets affected by her passive to sleep. Damage wakes up the target allowing them to move again.


Liss is a Mid Lane Mage that excels at shutting down high mobility Champions with her copious amounts of CC. Liss’ passive causes Ice Thralls to spawn on Champion kills. These Thralls chase enemies and blow up after a short delay. Liss’ Q is a straight line skillshot that deals damage and splashes backwards when it collides with an enemy unit. Liss’ W roots all enemy units around her for a short duration and deals magic damage. Liss’ E conjures a claw that races towards a location. She can reactivate her E along its travel course to blink to that location. Liss’ Ultimate allows her to hard lockdown an enemy Champion with a big stun, or utilize it on herself as a pseudo-Zhonya’s effect that deals damage.


Lucian is a Bot, Mid, and Top Flex pick that excels at bullying lanes early. Lucian’s passive empowers his basic attacks whenever he uses an ability allowing for a double tap. If a target is CC’d or Lucian is enchanted with a shield or buff, his attacks deal bonus magic damage. Lucian’s Q is a straight line skillshot that pierces through enemy units dealing damage across its length. Lucian’s W fires forward a skillshot that bursts revealing and marking enemies and granting him movement speed towards marked enemies. Lucian’s E is a dash, and its cooldown is reduced by basic attacks. Lucian’s Ultimate fires a channeled barrage of light in a straight line towards a direction. Lucian can cancel this ability at any moment to have access to his passive.


Lulu is a Support Enchanter that calls Bot Lane home. She pairs well with hyper carry ADCs whom she can protect and enable well with her movespeed and shields. Her passive is Pix, who attacks whatever unit that Lulu is attacking and mimics some of her spells. Q causes Lulu and Pix to fire a skillshot that slows enemies hit. W is a movement speed buff when applied onto an ally, and a polymorph that slows and disables enemies when used on them. E grants Lulu’s target a shield and attaches Pix to them for the duration, or deals magic damage to a target and applies Pix to them allowing for Lulu to fire her Q at unique angles. Lulu’s R makes her target gigantic, buffing their HP and knocking up enemies that are on top of them. Additionally, the target gains an aura that slows enemies near them.


Lux is a Support and Mid Lane flex that excels at poke and zone control. Her passive is applied by her abilities. Whenever she hits an enemy with a spell, the target is marked with light. A basic attack will consume the mark dealing on bus damage. Only Lux can consume these marks. Lux’s Q is a snare that travels far and can root two targets. Lux’s W is a shield that travels far forward before coming back to her location on a rewind. Lux’s E is a long range ball of light that illuminates an area and can be activated again to cause it to explode, dealing magic damage to targets in its radius. Lux’s ultimate is a big-friggin’-laser that reveals and deals massive AOE magic damage in a target direction.


Malphite is a Top Lane Tank and off-meta AP Burst Mage in Mid. Malphite's passive grants him a shield that reforms every so often after he hasn’t been damaged. This shield scales off his max health. His Q is a point and click poke that slows the enemy it hits and empowers Malphite’s movement speed for a brief time. His W empowers Malphite’s autos to cleave and his attacks deal damage to all targets in front of him. His E is a ground slam that slows enemy attack speed and scales off his armor total. Malphite's ultimate causes him to dash to a target location and knock up all enemies at that point. As AP Malphite, this ability deals a MASSIVE amount of damage.


Malz is a Mid Lane Mage that excels at locking down an individual opponent and pressuring the lane through wave clear. His passive grants Malz a shield that reduces damage he takes or prevents him from being CC’d until the shield is popped. His Q creates a perpendicular line that deals magic damage and silences targets hit. His W summons Voidlings who will attack enemy units near them, prioritizing those affected by Malz’ E. Speaking of, Malz’s E is a DOT ability that will bounce from unit to unit upon the death of the target it has been affected. His ultimate is a point and click suppression that deals magic damage and can be layered with his other abilities for big damage.


Maokai is a Top and Support flex pick that excels at wide range zone control. His passive empowers his autos to deal damage and heal him on a moderate cooldown. If Maokai is hit by a spell or casts one himself, this cooldown is reduced. Maokai’s Q is a ground slam that ripples towards a target direction. This ability briefly displaces targets close to Maokai. Maokai’s W is a root that makes Maokai himself untargetable for a brief moment as he dashes towards the target he’s chosen to lockdown. Maokai’s E allows him to hurl saplings at a location. These little guys are empowered when they are planted in a bush and will slow and deal more damage than they would if they were hitting an opponent in the open. Maokai’s ultimate is a wide range CC tool that sends waves of roots forward to root opponents and deal magic damage to them. This ability fans out wider and wider as it travels.

Master Yi

Master Yi is a Jungler that excels at single target DPS and evasion. His passive causes his next few basic attacks to strike twice. His Q makes Yi untargetable and its cooldown refreshes on takedown. His W boosts his damage resistance and heals Master Yi as he channels. His E causes Yi to deal bonus true damage on his basic attacks. And his ultimate lets Yi move forward with high movement speed and increases his attack speed while making him immune to slowing effects. It also passively reduces the cooldowns of his other abilities as well.


Milio is a Bot Lane Enchanter that is great at empowering Champions to duel early and often. His passive ties to his abilities which cause allies next damaging effects after he’s enchanted them to deal extra damage and burn their target. Milio’s Q is a skillshot ball that knocks back targets it hits, dealing magic damage. Milio’s W is an AOE heal that travels with his target, empowering their attacks and increasing their auto range. His E is a shield that applies his passive and grants movement speed. Milio’s ult is an AOE Cleanse and Heal for his allies.

Miss Fortune

MF is a Bot Lane Marksmen that is a centerpiece for big AOE damage. Her passive is Love Tap which deals bonus damage whenever she damages a new target with a basic attack. Her Q is a point and click shot that will bounce from the target in front to the target behind it. If it kills the target in front, it deals more damage to the one behind. Her W is an attack speed steroid. W passive is Strut which grants her increased out of combat movement speed that doesn’t expire until she’s been damaged. Its activation grants increased attack speed. Her E is an AOE circle that slows and deals magic damage on targets within its range. And her ultimate is a cone bullet storm that deals damage with each wave having the ability to critically strike.


Morde is a Top Lane and Jungle Flex pick that’s great at isolating targets. His passive grants Morde movement speed and a damaging aura if he hits an enemy with 3 attacks or spells. His Q slams down his mace dealing magic damage. This damage is higher on a solo enemy. His W consumes the stored damage he has dealt and converts it into a shield. He can activate it again to consume the shield to heal. His E grants passive magic pen first, and when activated it lurches a claw out that drags enemies towards Morde. His ultimate is a point and click isolation tool that takes Morde and his target into the Death Realm where they can 1v1. If Morde kills his opponent, he takes a measure of their stats back into the living world to use against his enemies.


Morgana is a Bot Lane Support that excels at protecting her lane party through her anti-CC tool, Black Shield. Her passive is lackluster and grants her spell vamp on minions, champions, and large monsters. Her Q is a straight line skillshot that when landed roots the target for 40 years… I mean, 2 to 3 seconds. Her W is an AOE skill that spawns at target location dealing damage over time, which increases if the target is low on HP. Morg’s signature Black Shield is her E. This magic damage shield prevents all CC from affecting the target she’s chosen to protect. Her ultimate causes chains to whip out and tether to opponents around her. If she stays within range of these targets, they’ll be stunned after a short delay and will be dealt magic damage.


Naafiri is a Mid and Top Lane Assassin that hunts with a pack of Darkin hounds. Her passive spawns her packmates that attack the targets of her abilities and autos. Her Q causes the pack to hurtle towards the target and Naafiri inflicts a bleed or bonus damage if they’re already bleeding. Her W causes Naafiri and her pack to dash to a target, colliding with the first enemy champion and dealing damage. Naafiri’s E causes her to dash to a location and deal damage around her, healing her, recalling her pack, and healing them. Naafiri’s ult spawns more packmates and grants her a burst of movespeed and vision. She gains a shield whenever she hits the first enemy and after killing a champion for the first time, all these effects are refreshed.


Nami is a Bot Lane Enchanter that plays in the Support role. Her passive grants all her abilities a movement speed buff, so any spell she uses will have her target moving faster. Her Q is a skillshot bubble that knocks up targets that it hits. Her W is a bouncing wave that heals and damages opponents. Her E is an auto-attack buff that causes autos to slow and deal additional magic damage. And her ultimate conjures a massive tidal wave that knocks up and slows enemies hit.


Nasus is a Top Lane scaling Juggernaut that rewards careful last-hitting. His passive grants him increased lifesteal on hit. His Q deals increased damage and, if he slays a target, he gets a stack which increases his Q’s power permanently it will be cast. His W is a point and click slow that reduces movement speed and attack speed. His E is an AOE magic circle that shreds resistances and deals damage over time. His ultimate causes Nasus to ascend into his true form and causes a sandstorm to rage around him. He gains increased health, attack range, armor, magic resist, and decreased cooldown on his Q in this mode.


Naut is a Support and Jungle flex pick that’s great at CC-ing down a priority target. His passive empowers his first basic against an opponent, dealing magic damage and rooting them in place. His Q is a skillshot hook that pulls the target and Naut equal distance together. His W is a shield that resets his auto-attack and grants splash damage on to his attack. His E is an AOE ripple that surges out from Naut, this ability slows for each layer of the spell that hits. Naut’s ulti is a point and click depth charge that surges towards a target displacing enemies along the route until it eventually knocks up the target it picked for, dealing magic damage to them in the process.


Neeko is a Mid, Jungle, and Support flex pick who literally blends in with her surroundings. Her passive allows Neeko to transform into Minions, other Champions, and Jungle plants and Monsters for tricky outplays and ganks. Neekos’ Q is a skillshot pops on an area dealing magic damage and ripples if it hits a Champion or kills an enemy unit. Neeko’s W causes Neeko to spawn a clone that travels in a target direction while also making the original Neeko briefly invisible. Neeko’s E is a root that snares enemies in place but also has extended range if it cuts through enemies first. Neeko’s ultimate is a wide AOE knockup around Neeko that pops up her targets before slamming them down for massive magic damage.


Nid is a skill intensive Jungle Champion who excels at bursting down targets near and far. Like Elise and Jayce, she has two forms: a cat and human form. Her ult switches between these two forms. Nid’s passive increases her movement speed through brushes and towards targets hit by her spears and traps, while also guaranteeing her pounce and takedown abilities against them. Her Q in Human form tosses her spear at a target location. The spear deals damage based on Nid’s AP and how far it traveled. In cat form, this is an empowered auto that deals a chunk of burst damage. Her W in human form is a trap that reveals and sets up her passive. In cat form, it causes her to leap towards a target location or passive afflicted Champion. Her E is a heal in human form and a flurry of scratches in cat form.


Nilah is a Bot Lane Melee Marksman that pairs excellently with Enchanters. Her passive is designed to pair with healing and shielding supports as she returns the healing that they give to her back in a small amount. Additionally, she gains an increased amount of experience in comparison to other Bot Laners to compensate for her close-range kit. Her Q whips her whip forward dealing damage and enhancing her auto range for a brief moment. Her W increases her move speed and prevents her from being hit by auto-attacks, nearby allies also gain this effect. Her E is a dash that can be used on enemies and allies alike. And her ultimate is an AOE yoink that deals damage around Nilah.


Noc is a level six focused Jungle pick that excels at diving onto a priority target. His passive causes his basic attacks to cleave and heal him every so often. His Q fires in a straight line and can connect to enemy champions leaving behind a trail that increases attack damage and movement speed along it. His W is a spell shield that absorbs incoming abilities. His E is a tether that after a brief moment fears the tethered target. And his ultimate is a long range engage tool that darkens the map and launches Noc towards a target that is within his range.

Nunu & Willump

Nunu is a whimsical Jungle Champion that can gank in unique pathways that few other Champions can. His passive increases his attack speed and move speed of himself and nearby allies, while also causing his attacks to cleave. His Q is a monster consuming chomp that deals true damage and heals Nunu. His W literally rolls up a massive snowball that can be pushed and curved towards a target direction, while this snowball builds up Nunu gains ramping movement speed. When at max distance or canceled, the snowball will travel short distance before erupting with AOE magic damage. It also explodes when colliding against enemy Champions. Nunu’s E causes him to throw snowballs that slow and pepper the target with magic damage. After a few seconds of staying in range, the target will be rooted in place if under the effects of Nunu’s attack. And finally, Nunu’s ultimate causes the duo to channel a massive AOE that slows all targets that enter. At the end of the channel or when movement cancels the effect early, the ring around Nunu explodes dealing massive magic damage.


Olaf is a Jungle and Top Lane flex pick that’s all about rushing down his enemies. Olaf’s passive grants him ramping attack speed based on his missing health. His Q chucks his axes towards a target location, slowing enemies hit. If Olaf picks up the axe, the cooldown is refunded. Olaf’s W increases his attack speed and lifesteal for a short duration. Olaf’s E exchanges his health for a burst of true damage onto the target. Olaf’s ult causes him to range, increasing his movement speed, making him immune to CC and increasing his armor and magic resistance.


Ori is a Mid Lane Control Mage masterfully controlling space alongside her notorious ball. Ori’s passive grants her increased damage on her autos if she repeatedly hits the same target. Her Q causes her ball to detach and travel to a target location or move from one spot the the next. Her W causes the ball to swirl with AOE damage that also applies a slow in its area. Her E causes the ball to attach to her target, granting a brief shield and buffing their base resistances. Her ultimate causes a swirl of energy to erupt from her ball, dragging enemies towards the ball after a short delay.


Ornn is a Top Lane Tank that focuses on scaling and empowering his allies through enhanced items. His passive allows for Ornn to shop while not in base and it grants him and his allies masterwork weapons that have increased stats at certain level thresholds. Ornn’s Q causes him to slam the crowd, ripping a molten pillar forward to deal damage and displace enemies. His W causes him to breath fire and apply a brittle debuff. If a brittle opponent is hit by Ornn’s auto attacks, they are displaced and take a burst of damage. His E causes him to dash forward. If he hits terrain, he knocks up any enemies standing near it. Ornn’s ult calls a ram to rush towards him, slowing enemies it passes through. When he activates his ult again when the ram is on top of him, it will rush back the direction he chooses, knocking opponents up along the way.


Panth is a Top, Mid, and Support flex pick that focuses on early lane domination. Pantheon’s passive empowers his spells after he fills up the meter below his health. Pantheon’s Q when channel causes him to throw his spear at a target location and briefly slow enemies hit. Panth’s Q,when tapped, quickly thrusts the spear, dealing melee range damage. Panth’s W is a point and click stun that quickly stacks up his passive. When empowered, the follow up attacks and stun have increased damage and duration. Pantheon’s E negates damage directed at him from the front and deals damage in a cone in the targeted direction. Pantheon’s ultimate is semi-global and allows him to literally fall from the sky onto a target location with a wide AOE splash damage to assist his allies and gank his enemies.


Poppy is a Top, Jungle, and Support flex pick that aims to negate enemy mobility. Her passive grants Poppy an empowered ranged attack every so often that grants her a shield if she kills the target or picks her buckler up from where it falls.Poppy’s Q causes her to slam the ground in front of her, damaging enemies and lightly slowing them. Poppy’s W is the anti-dive measure that stuns targets that try to dash towards or out of the circle she creates. Poppy’s E is a charge that displaces enemies. When this displacement carries an enemy into a wall, they’re stunned. Poppy’s ult is a knock up when tapped, and when channeled, it knocks enemies towards their fountain.


Pyke is an assassin Support that calls Bot Lane his primary home. Pyke’s passive grants him increased health regeneration when he is unseen. His Q wind up hook that pulls enemies towards him and into his E’s range. His W causes him to go invisible and gain increased movement speed, but also alerts his enemies that he’s doing so with a sound effect. His E is a dash that leaves behind a shade that will follow Pyke after a delay. As the shade returns to Pyke, units caught between Pyke and the Shade are stunned. His ultimate is an execute that grants him and his assisting allies shared kill gold.


Qiyana is a Mid and Jungle flex pick that focuses on utilizing the elemental effects of the Rift’s terrain to her advantage. Her passive marks enemies with her attacks, dealing bonus damage to them. This effect is cleared when she switches elements with her W. Her Q flings her ring-blade forward, applying an effect based on her element. When using Grass, she lays down a shroud that conceals her. When using Water, she roots targets briefly in place. When using Earth, the Q splashes forward and executes low health targets. Her W allows her to change elements and dashes her towards the direction of her choice. Additionally, it grants her passive attack speed. Her E dashes her towards her target and damages them. Her ultimate shoves her target towards a direction of her choosing. If the shove collides with a wall, bush, or water, the terrain explodes, stunning everyone near it.


Quinn is a Top Lane Marksman that abuses her range advantage over a majority melee lane. Her passive marks enemies, periodically granting her increased auto damage against them. Her Q applies her passive and blinds enemy Champions hit. Her W grants attack speed passively and reveals the area around Quinn when activated. Her E applies her passive, displaces the target and flips Quinn backwards. Her ult allows her to glide with Valor, increasing her movement speed. When she uses an ability out of Valor’s flight, AOE feathers shoot out from the point of contact and deal damage.


Rakan is a pseudo-enchanter engage Support that has high mobility and situational flexibility. His passive grants him a shield every soft often that helps him soak damage. His Q is a short skillshot that when hitting an enemy Champion grants him a heal. He holds this heal for a brief moment and can share it with an ally if he touches them. His W is a dash and knock up on a target location. His E is a double layered ability granting him an initial dash towards and ally that applies a shield and another dash that does the same. Rakan’s ult grants him a burst of movement speed and creates an charming aura around him that taunts enemies towards him, easily setting them up for his full combo.


Rammus is an anti-auto attacking Jungle Champions that excels in punishing one dimensional comps. His passive deals bonus magic damage to enemies that attack him based on his armor. His Q curls him into a ball and grants him increased movement speed. If he collides with a neutral or enemy unit like this, he knocks them up briefly. His W increases his resistances and amps the return damage that basic attacks deal against him. His E is a point and click taunt that forces the target to attack him. And his ultimate is to hop either in or out of his ball form towards an area dealing magic damage and slowing enemies. If he uses this out of Powerball, he knocks enemies up.


Rek is an aggressive Void Jungler that has unique and creative ways to gank enemies over and over. Her passive causes her to generate Fury which can be consumed by her burrow to restore her health. Her Q is a enhanced three hit auto attack above ground, while below ground it’s a skillshot that deals damage and reveals a target. Her W causes her to burrow or unburrow from the ground. While burrowed she consumes furry to regen health and can sense enemies through a sonar-like effect. When she collides with enemies while burrowed or activates this at the right time, she knocks up enemies and damages them. Her E above ground is a bite that deals double damage if she has max Fury. When burrowed, she creates a tunnel that she can use to approach lanes and cross over walls in unique ways. Her ult passively marks Champions she has damaged, and when she activates it, she briefly goes untargetable before lunging at the target of her choice dealing damage based on their missing health.


Rell is a tanky anti-Tank Tank that calls the Support role her own. Her passive causes her autos to shred the resistances of her target making them squishier. Her Q is a jab that stuns targets and breaks shields. Her W is her mount and dismount mechanic. When she’s mounted, if she activates it to dismount, she’ll fling herself towards a target location and displace any enemy she hits. If she’s remounting, then she gains a burst of movespeed and knocks up the target that she autos next. Her E grants her and a chosen ally a burst of movement speed, and finally, her ultimate is an AOE pull akin to Diana or Nilah, but it also draws them in on Rell for a brief moment after the initial rip preventing their full escape.

Renata Glasc

Renata is a scrappy Enchanter Support that excels against heavy auto-attacking team compositions or when paired with a Champion that likes to consistently go all-in. Her passive causes her autos to deal bonus damage and mark enemies. Renata’s allies can damage enemies that are marked to deal additional damage. Her Q is a skillshot claw that roots the first target it hits. Renata can recast the ability to throw the unit into a target direction. If she throws a Champion into another Champion, both become briefly stunned. Renata’s W causes her target to enter into an enraged state, gaining attack speed and denying lethal damage during its duration. If the target successfully takes down an enemy before the buff expires, then they will fully defy death by healing for a beefy amount. Renata’s E is a shield and poke tool that shields all targets it crosses over that are allied and damages enemies in an AOE. Renata’s ult sends out waves of gas that cause targets to frenzy and increases their attack speed. The frenzy effect turns them against their allies though, so it’s possible to have allies turn on each other to create delightful carnage.


Renekton is a Top Lane Diver and Mid Lane counter pick. Renekton’s passive causes him to generate Fury on his attacks. At 50 and 100 percent Fury, his abilities are empowered. His Q is an AOE slice around the croc that deals damage heals him when empowered. His W is a stun that increases in damage and breaks shields when empowered. His E is a dash that shreds armor when it cuts through enemies and deals bonus damage when empowered. Renekton’s ult causes him to enrage granting him increased health and creates a cloud that deals damage around him. While in this form, his Fury generation is increased.


Rengar is a Jungle and Top flex pick that can opt for bruiser builds or all out assassin gameplay. Rengar’s passive grants him a leaping attack effect if he strikes an enemy from a brush, and Champion takedowns award trophies for his Bonetooth Necklace, which grants him bonus attack damage. His Q is an auto-reset that stabs his opponent. When he has Fury generated, he gains increased damage and attack speed. His W is a roar that damages enemies and heals him for some recent damage taken. When using its Furious mode, W breaks crowd control on Rengar. Rengar’s E causes him to throw a bola that slows the first target hit. When he’s Furious, the target is rooted. Rengar’s ultimate causes him to stealth gain move speed and reveals the nearest enemy Champion. From stealth, he can leap towards a target without needing a brush and he reduces their armor.


Riven is a high skill Top Laner that’s all about powerful combos and animation cancels. Riven’s passive empowered her blade increasing the damage of her basic attacks after she uses an ability. Her Q is a three-step dash that slashes forward twice before knocking up on the last activation. Her W is an AOE stun that bursts from around Riven. Her E is a dash that grants her a shield based on her attack damage. Her ultimate reforges her blade, grants her increased attack damage and range, and lets her reactivate the ability to send forth an executing and damaging wave of wind blades.


Rumble is a Top, Mid, and Jungle flex pick that excels at pushing lanes and controlling choke points. His passive is his heat mechanic. When he reaches 50% heat, his basic abilities gain a bonus effect. At 100% heat, his abilities shut off. In return, Rumble’s attack speed and basic attack damage are enhanced. Q is his flamethrower that deals damage in a cone in front of him. His W is his shield which grants him movement speed and a shield for a brief period. His E fires harpoons that slow targets down allowing him to get in range. And his ultimate lays down a strip of burning scrap that deals damage and slows opponents in heavy amounts.


Ryze is a Mid and Top Lane Mage flex pick that exists in a constant state of imbalance due to Riot hating him. Ryze’s passive causes his spells to deal bonus damage based on his bonus mana, and he gains a percentage of his max Mana as AP.His Q is a straight line skillshot that deals a good amount of damage. His W is a slow when it isn’t layered onto another rune. But, when paired with his E, it roots the target in place. His E causes mana essence to spread through enemies near his target, using his Q on these enemies causes the essence to explode for damage. Ryze’s ultimate creates a teleportation portal when activated. Passively, it causes him to deal increased damage against targets affected by his Flux.


Samira is a Bot Lane Marksman that wants to scrap and take games over before they even begin. Her passive causes her autos and abilities to build up combo. When her combo caps at S, she can activate her ultimate dealing massive damage. Additionally, her attacks against immobilized targets causes her to dash towards them while also suspending them into the air briefly. Samira’s Q is a straight line skillshot that applies on hit effects. Her W is a personal wind-wall that circles around her and prevents ranged skillshots from entering. Her E is a dash that can be used on enemies to deal damage and it resets on Champion kill. Her ultimate is an AOE storm that damages enemies around Samira. It requires max stacks of her combo passive.


Sej is a flex pick between Jungle and Top. Her passive grants her Frost Armor which increases her resistances and grants immunity to slows. Additionally, she freezes targets she stuns, allowing her to shatter them and deal substantial damage . Her Q causes her boar to dash forward and knock up enemies hit. Her W flings her flail at a target displacing them and stacking her E’s passive. Her E stacks up off melee hits. When at full stacks Sej can activate E to stun her target. Sejuani’s ultimate flings a bola at a target location. If it hits a Champion, they become stunned. If not, the bola explodes and creates an AOE slow.


Senna is a Support Marksman that operates out of Bot. Her passive causes her to generate and collect souls which increase her damage and range. Her Q is a piercing attack that tears through enemies and heals allies she fires on. Her W is a skillshot that, after a brief delay, will root the enemy hit as well as those that surround them. Her E creates a field around Senna that makes her allies untargetable. Allies that exit her field get a move speed bonus. Her ultimate is a global shot that deals damage to enemies and grants a shield to allies.


Seraphine is a Mid and Support flex pick that is all about AOE disruption and utility. Her passive causes her abilities to empower her next auto based on how many champions are near, Additionally, her passive has a stack mechanic which causes her third spell to be duplicated. Her Q is an AOE attack that ripples. Her W is an AOE shield. If Sera has a shield when she casts W, she later emits a healing wave. Her E sends out a wave that slows in the direction it was fired. If the wave hits a slowed enemy, it roots them, and if it hits an immobilized enemy, it stuns them. Finally, her ultimate is a big AOE skillshot that charms enemies and extends its range off of any Champion it hits.


Sett is a Top Bruiser and Support flex pick that beats down on Tanks that come into his way. His passive alternates his basic attacks between his left and right hook. Additionally, he gains increased health regen based on his missing health. Sett’s Q resets his autos and empowers them for more oomph. His W causes him to build up Grit, which he can use to deal massive AOE damage and grant him a big shield in the process. His E yanks targets together and stuns enemies if he hits them from both sides. Sett’s ultimate flips a target enemy backward and slams them down, dealing damage and slowing all enemies where they land.


Shaco is a tricky Jungle and Support flex that excels at controlling zones and making people crazy. His passive causes him to deal extra damage whenever he hits an enemy from behind. His Q turns Shaco invisible for a brief moment, allowing him to position right on top of you. His W sets a jack-in-the-box up that fears enemies that walk over it. His E is a point and click dagger that slows enemies hit. And his ultimate creates a clone of himself that can act as a decoy. It explodes and fears enemies upon death.


Shen is a Top Lane Tank that actually can split-push while also being able to heavily impact a team. Shen’s passive gives him a shield after casting a spell. His Q empowers his auto-attacks with thick damage and resets his autos. It also drags his sword to him. His W creates a zone around the sword that blocks all autos in the area. His E is a dash that, when used through an enemy, forces them to attack Shen. His ultimate targets an ally, grants them a huge shield and teleports Shen to their location.


Shy is a farming Jungler and Top Lane flex pick that is great at counter-jungling and clearing through camps quickly thanks to her AOE. Her passive grants her more Armor and MR than average which can be increased by how many Dragons her team slays. Her Q is an auto reset that deals a beefy burst of damage. Her W is an AOE burn around Shy that chips away at enemies in range. Her E marks enemies and lets Shy deal max health percent damage against them. In Dragon form, this ability explodes on impact for an insane amount of magic damage. Her ultimate ascends her to her dragon form where she knocks enemies in her path back..


Singed is a Top Lane AP Bruiser that plays entirely different to the rest of League of Legends. His passive lets him drift off of Champions and gain a burst of movement speed when he passes them. His Q creates a poison trail that damages enemies that follow him. His W creates a grounding sticky trap that lets Singed flip enemies into his point. His E is his flip. And his ultimate grants him increased combat stats and causes his trail to apply Grievous Wounds.


Sion’s Top and Jungle flex pick that’s all about being big and beefy. His passive lets him revive on death to deal heavy damage to targets that stay within his range with enhanced autos and move speed. His Q is a wind up that can knock up enemies when it is charged up, or it can be released early to slow. His W grants him a shield and rewards him for farming well with increased health. His E displaces an enemy minion shooting them backwards and slowing all that it hits along the way. His ultimate is his slow building charge that can be curved on long range runs and knocks up any targets hit.


Sylas is an ult stealing mage skirmisher that flexes between Mid, Top, and Jungle. His passive causes his autos to be enhanced with an AOE cleave after each ability. His Q is a skillshot poke tool that has a sweet spot that deals extra damage. His W is an execute that also grants him a burst of health when low. His E is a dash that has a secondary active that throws chains towards a target and pulls Sylas towards them on his. His ultimate steals other ultimates.


Syndra is a Mid Lane Burst Mage that has a high emphasis on landing her skillshots and layering her abilities. Her passive causes Syndra to generate stacks whenever she hits multiple layers of her spells. These stacks enhance her abilities with more damage, slows, and execute thresholds. Syndra’s Q drops a ball on a location that deals AP damage. Her W can pick up the ball, Minions, or Monsters.Then she can chuck them back at the enemy. Her E causes her balls to scatter in a cone forward, stunning anyone they collide with. Her ultimate takes every ball she has available and throws them at a single target, bursting them.

Tahm Kench

TK is a Top Lane and Support flex pick. In Top, he operates as an AP Bruiser dealing hefty in-lane burst and having high lockdown. At support he has the same burst, but uses his kit for utility and protection instead of lockdown. His passive applies stacks on the targets he autos. At max stacks he can hit the target to displace them or Q them to stun them. His Q is a tongue lick that applies his passive or stuns if at max as mentioned. His W causes TK to dive down and reappear at a location, knocking enemies up as he emerges. His E splits his health between gray and green health. Gray health can be converted to a shield or be allowed as a method of increased HP regen. His ultimate lets him outright eat a target enemy and ally alike either 100% locking them down or protecting them from enemies.


Taliyah is a Mid Lane and Jungle flex pick that gets around the map with high speed thanks to surfing passive along walls. Her Q throws stones in a target direction dealing magic damage. Her W displaces units, throwing them into a chosen direction. Her E lays down a layer of pebbles that explode, dealing damage to enemies that dash or are displaced over them. Her Ultimate create a massive wall of stone across the map. She can use this to cut off approaches or escapes, and she can surf alongside the wall.


Talon is a melee Assassin that flexes between Mid and Jungle. His passive causes enemies to bleed when he hits them with three abilities. His Q is a point and stab ability that leaps Talon towards his target. His W shoots out blades that rake the enemy slowing them down. His E lets him flip and escape over any terrain once. And his ult lets him deal a big burst of damage before either offing someone important or getting out unscathed thanks to its invisibility


Taric is a defensive support that focuses on scaling and negating engage. His passive is empowered by his abilities, increasing his attack speed, and his auto attacks lower his ability cooldowns. His Q is a heal that heals him and the target he’s connected to in an AOE around each. His W connects him to an allied target and grants them the effects on all his abilities. His E is a stun that can be directed at any angle but can also be influenced by how forward your lane partner is. His ultimate brings down a massive invulnerability circle that takes a moment to activate before it eventually negates all damage dealt.


Teemo is a ranged Top Lane pick that abuses melee matchups. His passive lets him take the element of surprise against his enemies early, leading to health advantages, and lets him sneak in on unaware players in later stages. His Q is a point and click blind. His W is a simple movement speed burst to get him in and out of bad situations. His E is his ticking poison that coats all his attacks. His R lays down landmine mushrooms that are excellent for zone control around objectives and covering flanks.


Thresh is a hook-support Champion that calls Bot Lane home. He, like Senna, plays a passive mini game where he must collect souls to increase his AP and Armor throughout the game. His Q is his hook that jerks opponents back to Thresh and he can reactivate it to fly towards them. His W can either drag enemies toward him or push them away. His E is his lantern, which allies can click to be pulled to Thresh. It can be tossed out to check brushes, save lives on sudden picks, or reposition an ally closer to a fight. Thresh ult is a box. The Box creates a zone around Thresh that discourages enemies from engaging, as the Box will just damage whoever comes in and slow them.


Trist is an aggressive Marksman that flexes between Bot and Mid. She’s excellent at pushing down turrets with E which blows up enemy objectives. Her passive grants her increased attack range and speed. Her W is a jump that allows her to follow up or reposition against heavy damage. Her ult is just a point and click get away button that she can use to displace aggressive targets back in a moment’s notice.


Trundle is a Top and Jungle flex pick that focuses on draining and making Tanks useless. His passive grants increased health regen when units die near him, great for his clear. His Q is his CHOMP which slows targets he hits and resets his autos. W is his pillar which displaces those that stand on top of it and slows those that walk near it. His E is an AOE field that grants increased attack speed and regen. Trundles’ ult literally steals armor and MR off of tanks and sucks it into him. This makes him a great pick into Champions like Amumu, Sejuani, and Sion.


Trynd is a top lane split pusher that can easily snowball and take over games with a small lead. His passive generates his rage which increases his crit chance. His E is his spin which allows him to reposition to chase or flee ganks. His W is his shout that slows targets that are too cowardly to face him. His Q is a sustain tool that helps him regenerate health from his rage pool. His ult literally prevents him from dying until the duration runs out.

Twisted Fate

TF is a Mid Lane Mage that excels at locking down a single opponent creating global gank opportunities with his ult. His passive generates him a bit more gold from every kill he secures. His Q is just a skillshot that pokes his enemy down. His E is a rotation of cards that each have different effects. Blue to get back Mana, Yellow to Stun, Red for AOE and to slow. TF’s E empowers every 4th attack to deal bonus damage. His ultimate reveals all targets on the rift and grants TF the ability to teleport to a target location. This tool is great for ganking and just maintaining heavy pressure even if you aren’t going to use it for offensive purposes.


Twitch is our next Marksman up and this little rat can flex between Bot, Jungle, and Support. His passive centers around ticking true damage that is inflicted by his basic attacks. His Q is his stealth and movement speed tool that lets him go invisible and then reposition right on top of this enemy for big damage. His W is a canister that slows and applies his poison, and his E is a blast that deals damage to his opponents that have been afflicted by his poison. Twitch’s ultimate increases his attack range to obscene levels and allows his autos to pierce through multiple targets at once.


Udyr is a flex pick between Jungle and Top and this Dad-Bodied brawler excels at beating down a single target and clearing through monsters quickly. His passive layers into his abilities granting amplified effects when he casts the same stance twice. Additionally, after using an ability, his next two attacks gain attack speed. Q is Udyr’s Tiger Stance. In this mode, he deals big physical damage and gains attack speed on recast. Udyr’s W is his sustain ability that grants him a big shield and causes his autos to heal him, even more so on recast. His E causes Udyr to don ram horns and gain a burst of movement speed. The first unit he attacks is stunned and on recast this ability makes him immune to immobilizing effects. His R is simply another Stance, but in this Stance, he becomes a glacial storm that deals AOE damage. On recast, that storm surges forward slowing targets in the path in front of Udyr.


Urgot is a Top Lane Bruiser that comes equipped with shotgun knees. Those knees are his passive and periodically he can attack in the direction of one of his legs to make a big burst of physical damage. His Q is a simple poke and slow tool that lets him approach his opponents by blasting a small area with AOE. His W locks on a target and he rapidly auto-attacks them, also giving him the opportunity to unload more of his passive shots into them. His E is a dash that can be used to escape or engage as it also grants a shield and flips an enemy over Urgot when they collide. His ultimate is a ranged shot that deals physical damage, and when an enemy falls below a certain threshold, he can reactivate it to pull the target in for an execute kill.


Varus is our Darkin Marksman up to bat. This trio of souls calls Bot Lane home and excels at locking down an individual target and blowing them up. His passive is pretty simple: Varus temporarily gains Attack Speed whenever he kills an enemy. This bonus is larger if the enemy is a Champion. His Q is a charged up arrow shot that pierces through enemies and gains extra range based on its charge time. His W applies stacks of Blight off his basic attacks. These stacks are detonated by his other abilities and deal magic damage to the target. The active of this ability empowers his next Q. Varus’ E fires down a hail of arrows that slows enemies hit and applies grievous wounds. His ultimate roots the first enemy Champion it hits and then spreads towards nearby Champions, immobilizing them if they remain close.


Vayne is a short-range highly evasive Marksman that can flex between Top and Bot. Her passive grants her bonus move speed when moving towards enemy Champions. Her Q is a literal tumble which empowers her next auto. Her W is a three hit passive that deals true damage to targets when it triggers. And her E is a disengage tool that stuns a target if the shot carries them into a wall. Her ultimate grants her AD and movement speed while also causing her Tumble to make her invisible briefly.


Veigar is a scaling Mage that can flex between Mid and Bot Lane as a carry. In these roles he aims to play safe and scale up until his damage is nuclear levels. He reaches this point by stacking his passive on Minions and enemies by killing and poking them with his abilities. His Q is a bolt that cuts through two targets and grants him ability power if he kills those units. His W drops down damage on a location and has its cooldown reduced based on his passive stacks. His E is called the baby-cage and can be used to zone players out of areas or lock a player down for a full rotation of spells. His ultimate is a point and click outplay button that deals massive damage based on the target’s missing health.


Vel is a long-range artillery mage that flexes between Support and Mid. His passive applies a three hit stack effect that, when triggered, causes a burst of true damage to damage the target. His Q is a long-range poke that shoots out forward then side to side. Vel can activate it early to detonate the second blasts at unique angles. His W creates a rift in a line forward that deals a small amount of damage and applies two stacks of his passive if the units remain atop it. His E is a brief displacement that applies his passive and combines well his with his W for a quick burst. His ult locks Vel in place while he then fires a massive laser beam at his enemies. This beam follows the cursor and deals true damage to opponents.


Vex is a Mid Lane Burst Mage that excels at beating back high mobility Champion. Periodically Vex becomes empowered and when an enemy dashes near her, she can consume a mark that becomes applied to them for big damage. Her Q is a long-range missile that damages in a straight line and accelerates mid-flight. Her W is a burst of magic damage that damages enemies around her and grants her a shield. Her E summons a slowing zone that applies her passive and damages enemies. Her ult fires a large missile forward that marks enemy Champions. Vex can then reactivate the ability to dash to them. This ability resets on kills.


Vi is a Jungler that excels at locking down a single target for big damage. Her passive grants her a shield that can be activated by using an ability. Her Q is a charge up punch that causes Vi to dash forward and will knock up enemies on contact. Her W is an armor shred debuff that stacks up in a three-hit passive. Her E is an AOE cleave that deals damage to all units around her target and her ultimate is a point and click ‘screw you button’ that causes Vi to rush the target, flip them into the air, and slam them back down for easy follow up by her and her allies.


The Ruined King is a Jungler that can literally become every other Champion in League of Legends on takedown. And that’s just his passive. His Q is a jut forward with his blade, applying on-hits and stealing health. His W is a channeled stun that charges up before dashing him forward. His E creates a stealth zone for Viego to move through but also grants him movement speed and attack speed. His ultimate is a massive AOE execute that deals damage around an area and knocks away allies from targets that fall victim to his attack.


Viktor is a scaling Control Mage that calls Mid Lane his home. Viktor’s passive is Glorious Evolution which augments his abilities whenever he reaches a certain threshold of stacks. He can obtain these stacks on kills and assists on all enemies. His Q is a [point and click boomerang that grants Vik a shield and empowers his next basic attack. His augment grants him movement speed after casting. His W is a giant mat that slows enemies that cross it and can stun enemies that linger on it for too long. Augmented, Vik’s non-periodic spells apply a slow to enemies. Vik’s is a laser that cleaves through minions. Augmented this laser leaves a trail that explodes after cast. Vik’s ultimate is a storm of magical energy that follows a target of his choosing. Augmented, the storm moves faster.


Vlad is a flexible Mid and Top Lane Mage that focuses on self-sustain and burst damage. His passive causes him to gain bonus AP from health items and health from AP items. His Q is a point and click suck of blood that activates his resource bar. When it fills up, Q deals extra damage and heals for more. W is Vlad’s ‘nope’ tool as it causes him to shift into a pool of blood and become untargetable. Enemies on top of the pool are slowed and Vlad sucks life out of them. E is a channeled spell that sloshes blood in an AOE around Vlad. Vlad’s ult infects targets in an area and increases the damage they take for the duration of the effect. After a few seconds the spell deals damage based on how many Champions he hit with the ability.


Voli is a Top and Jungle flex pick Bruiser who excels at diving turrets and playing aggressive. His passive causes his attacks to grant attack speed and eventually cleave lighting onto nearby enemies. His Q causes him to rush forward and stun the first target he hits. His W is a slash that applies on-hit effects and can be activated again for Voli to chomp down on them, healing himself and deal extra damage. His E calls down a storm at a target location dealing magic damage at that spot, slowing enemies caught and shielding Voli if he was at the location. Voli’s ultimate causes him to leap to a location, slowing and damaging everything beneath him while gaining bonus health. Enemy towers near this radius become temporarily disabled.


Warwick is a Jungle and Top flex pick that is great at skirmishing opponents in extended situations. His passive causes his basics to deal bonus damage and heal him when he falls below half health, tripling when he falls under quarter health. His Q is a chomp that deals magic damage and restores health. His W is a tracking tool that causes Warwick to hunt his target and detect them via a bloody trail that increases his movement speed and attack speed towards them. These triples if they are below 20% hp. Warwicks E revs his howl up for 2 seconds before fearing enemies around him in an AOE. Warwick’s ultimate is a dash that latches onto an enemy, suppressing them and dealing massive damage to them while Warwick heals from the damage dealt.


Wukong is a Top, Jungle, and Mid flex pick. Passively, he gains stacking armor and health regen when fighting Champions and Monsters. His Q causes his next attack to have increased range and reduces the target’s armor briefly. His W leaves behind a clone that mirrors Wu’s attacks and can be used to juke incoming ganks. His E is a dash that increases his attack speed and deals damage to the target he dashes towards. His ultimate spins Wu in circles and knocks up enemies he hits. His clone mirrors this and will also knock up units it hits. This can be reactivated a second time for an additional knock up and more damage.


Xayah is a short-range Marksman that excels in defending herself against diving enemies. Her passive grants her feather stacks that leave themselves on the ground after her basic attacks and abilities. Her Q throws out feathers in a straight line dealing damage. Her W buffs her attack speed and fires a second smaller feather, and her E recalls all the feathers she has active, dealing big damage to targets they cut through and rooting enemies that multiple feathers hit. Her ultimate makes her untargetable, flings out feathers in a target direction, and can be used to escape hairy situations.


Xer is a long-range artillery Mage that flexes between Support and Mid Lane. His passive empowers his auto attack ever so often to help him regenerate mana. His Q is a charged skillshot that cuts through enemies and pokes from afar. His W calls down magic at a location and slows enemies hit. His E surges a bolt forward that stuns the first target it hits. His ultimate is a long-range artillery strike onto a target location with the number of missiles able to fire increasing based on Xerath’s ultimate level.

Xin Zhao

Xin is a Jungler that excels at ganking early and often. His passive causes every third attack to deal bonus damage and heal Xin. His Q empowers his autos to cause his third attack to knock up enemies. His W is a jab with his spear that slows enemies and marks them as challenged. His E dashes him towards the target dealing damage in an area around them and increases his attack speed and range against challenged targets. Xin’s ult knocks away all non-challenged Champions and creates a zone where he blocks all outside damage until his challenge ends or opponents enter the ring.


Yas is a flex pick between Mid, Bot, and Top that wants to focus on skirmishing and scaling. His kit is item-focused as he spikes heavily on key items like Berserkers Boots and IE. Passively Yasuo fills a meter as he moves, this meter grants him a shield that soaks the first attack he receives. His Q is a straight-line skill shot that cuts through units in front of him. It can be stacked twice with the third activation causing him to throw a tornado from his blade. His W is a Wind Wall that blocks all projectiles that attempt to pass through. His E is a dash that cuts through enemy units and allows his Q to become an AOE if it is cast while he dashes. His ultimate causes Yas to blink to an airborne enemy, damaging them and holding them for a moment while Yas gains moderate crit strike and armor penetration after the effect ends.


Yas’s brother is also a Mid and Top Laner. Yone’s passive causes every second hit he deals to deal magic damage. Additionally, his crit chance is increased. Yone’s Q is a forward cut like Yasuo’s but, unlike Yasuo’s on its third activation, Yone pushes himself forward with the wind to knock up his opponents. Yone’s W is a cone slash that grants him a shield. This ability scales with attack speed and the shield increases based on the number of Champions hit. Yone’s E separates his soul from his body and grants Yone movement speed. When this effect ends, Yone returns to his body dealing damage to targets he attacked based on a portion of the damage he dealt while in his separated state. Yone’s ultimate is a massive dash forward that collects enemies and knocks them up and towards him.


Yorick is a split pushing Top Laner that abuses turrets and unit collision to win games. His passive allows Yorick to summon Mist Walkers from the corpses of dead Minions. His Q deals bonus damage on his next attack and heals himself. If the target dies, a grave will be dug for his passive. W summons a destructible wall at a target location that will block enemy movement. E throws a glob of mist that damages enemies, slows them, and causes Mist Walkers to attack the target.Yorick’s ultimate summons the Maiden of the Mist that causes Yorick’s attacks against the Maiden’s targets to deal bonus damage. The Maiden automatically raises walkers from the dead and can be sent down a lane solo on reactivation to push the lane down.


Yuumi is an Enchanter Support that literally attaches to her lane partner in Bot. Passively, Yuumi must attack enemies to restore health to herself and the ally she attaches to on occasion. While attached, Yuumi generates a bond with her ally and this bond enhances Yuumi’s attacks while she is attached. Yuumi’s Q is a skillshot that follows the mouse cursor briefly before shooting forward in a straight line at high speed. Yuumi’s W is her attach which grants her shielding and heal power. Yuumi’s E grants movement speed and attack speed. If she’s attached, her ally gets this effect instead. Yuumi’s ultimate fires weaves of magic that damage enemies and heal allies. Yuumi can move as this is being cast and while on her best friend, this ability follows her mouse.


Zac is a gelatinous goo guy that is a Jungle, Top, and Support flex pick. His passive grants Zac a second chance to live upon taking lethal damage as he separates into four blobs. If any of these blobs converge back to the center blob he leaves, then he’ll be reborn with diminished health. Zac’s Q attaches to a target and he can auto another target to pull both units to each other. Zac’s W causes a splash of goo to spray around dealing damage and leaving a goo pile for Zac to pick up. Zac’s E turns him into a slingshot where he can then target the location that he flings himself to. Upon landing, he knocks up enemies at the location. Zac’s ultimate causes him to bounce around and displace enemies he bounces onto while also dealing magic damage to them.


Zed is a Mid Lane and Jungle Assassin that excels at blowing up a target and escaping before his enemies can turn on him. Zed’s passive causes his basic attacks against low health enemies to deal additional magic damage. His Q fires a shuriken in a straight line that slices through enemies. His W drops a shadow at a target location that will mimic Zed’s Q and E casts. Whenever his Shadow strikes the same enemy with the same ability, Zed gains energy. Zed can activate this ability again to teleport himself to the shadow. E causes Zed to slash around himself dealing damage to enemies. Enemies hit by his Shadow’s slash are slowed. Zed’s ultimate drops a shadow at his location, makes him briefly untargetable, and marks the enemy he selects. After three seconds, the mark will detonate and repeat a portion of all the damage that Zed dealt to the target through the duration of the mark.


Zeri is a hyper-scaling Marksman with high mobility that calls Bot Lane home. Zeri’s passive causes her attacks to deal magic damage and are treated as abilities. Moving and casting Q causes Zeri to store up energy. When fully charged, Zeri’s next basic attack deals bonus magic damage. Zeri’s Q is her primary ‘auto’ and deals damage in a cone in front of her. Zeri’s W zaps targets, dealing damage and slowing them. It can also cut through walls to increase the width of the shot. Zeri’s E dashes her and causes her Q to cleave through minions briefly. If she dashes to a wall, Zeri will grind over the terrain. Zeri’s ultimate is an AOE discharge of electricity that overcharges her granting her damage and movespeed that gets strong for every time she hits an enemy.


Ziggs is an artillery Mage that can flex between Mid and Bot Lane. Ziggs’ passive enhances his auto-attack every so often to deal extra magic damage. The cooldown is reduced when he uses an ability. Ziggs’ Q tosses a bomb that bounces until it hits an enemy unit, where it explodes dealing magic damage. Ziggs’ W is a satchel charge that knocks enemies and Ziggs away, but also executes turrets when they reach a certain threshold. Ziggs’ E lays out a minefield that slows and damages enemies that pass through it. Ziggs’ chucks a large AOE bomb at a target location. The range of this ability is wide and it can be used to both clear waves, deal damage, and snipe objectives.


Zilean is a Mid and Support flex Champion that has a unique playstyle. Almost an entirely defensive laner, Zileans’s passive focuses on granting experience to his allies which expedites their lives. Zilean’s Q throws a time bomb out that will detonate after a few seconds. Zilean’s W reduces the cooldown on his basic abilities heavily, making them available near instantly after use. Zilean’s E slows a target enemy or increases the move speed of a target ally. Zilean’s Ultimate places a protective rune on a target that will teleport the champion back to a time before they died if they take lethal damage.


Zoe is a long-range poke mage that plays from Mid and excels at creating picks and sniping wandering enemies. Zoe’s passive causes her basic attacks after ability casts to deal magic damage. Her Q is a skillshot that deals more damage the farther it travels. Her W allows Zoe to pick up remnants from summoner spells and items to use for herself. Zoe’s E tosses out a bubble that puts enemies to sleep. If this ability crosses through terrain, the projectile’s speed is increased. Zoe’s ultimate causes her to blink to a location for 1 second and then blink back.


Zyra is a Control Mage Support that excels at controlling space and locking down opponents in choke points. Her passive causes seeds to spawn around her periodically. Zyra can summon auto-attack plants from these seeds with Q and E respectively. Zyra’s Q is a simple poke tool that does damage and spawns lashes. Lashers spawn with her Q have higher range and attack speed. Zyra’s W spawn a seed at a target location. Zyra’s E causes vines to ripple forth and root targets they pass through. If the vines cross through seeds, then lashers that slow enemies will spawn. Zyra’s ultimate drops a big AOE vine eruption where after a short delay everyone within the circle is knocked up. Additionally, all plants within the ult’s range frenzy and gain attack speed.

Closing Out

Well. There ya have it. A shorthand explanation on every Champion in League of Legends! Hope this helps you come to quickly wrap your mind around what the Champion’s primary abilities! Good luck with your games, Summoners!

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