Top Comps to Climb with in TFT Set 7.5 Uncharted Realms
Here are some of the top compositions that you can play in Set 7.5 Uncharted Realms!
Here are some of the top compositions that you can play in Set 7.5 Uncharted Realms!
Struggling to climb so far in Set 7.5 Uncharted Realms? Or are you just starting to play the new season but not sure what to play or what is viable? Here are some of the compositions that some of the highly ranked TFT players like C9 k3soju, Dishsoap, Ramblinnn, and sètsuko have been playing in order to climb the TFT ladder.
With a play rate of 1.6 out of 8 players per lobby, the Ragewing Guild Xayah composition is considered one of the most popular and contested compositions being played currently in Patch 12.18. The core champions of the composition include Xayah, Shyvana, Twitch, and Jayce. The other champions that are playable in this composition are Rakan, Sejuani, Hecarim, Bard, and Idas. Xayah items are pretty flexible, but ideally you want to stack Xayah with Attack Damage items such as Last Whisper, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Hand of Justice, Giant Slayer, Deathblade,Runaan’s Hurricane and Infinity Edge. If you have any tank items such as Gargoyle Stoneplate, Bramble Vest, Warmog’s Armor, or Dragon’s Claw, you can stack them either on Jayce or Hecarim, depending on who you hit or 2-star first.
For AP items such as Rabodon’s Deathcap, Archangel’s Staff, or Jeweled Gauntlet, you can stack them on Shyvana so her Ability does more damage as AP items scale with the damage that Shyvana does with her Ability. Some of the best augments to play with this composition include Thrill of the Hunt, Cybernetic Shell, Cybernetic Implants, Press the Attack, and Better Together Scorch.
With a play rate of 0.41 out of 8 players per lobby, the 5 Mage Nomsy composition is a strong composition in the current meta thanks to the recent 12.18 patch that buffed the power of the 5 Mage trait breakpoint. However, this composition is only playable if Nomsy has the Mage trait in your game. The core champions of this composition include Nomsy (Mage-version), and Sylas. The rest of the Mage units are pretty flexible, but on your final board ideally you want Zoe plus an additional Mage unit such as Vladimir, Lux, or Lillia. Nomsy items are pretty flexible overall, but items such as Spear of Shojin for Mana regen and Ability Power items such asArchangel’s Staff, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Jeweled Gauntlet are really strong on Nomsy.
The rest of the items are pretty flexible overall for the composition, with Sy’fen being really strong with Attack Damage items (which you don’t prioritize playing this composition) or Thieves’ Gloves. Since this composition lacks proper frontline, items such as Z’zrot Portal or Protector’s Vow are really strong. Some of the best augments to play with this composition include Blue Battery, Ascension, Luden’s Echo, Dragon Imperialist, Jeweled Lotus, and Cybernetic Uplink.
With a play rate of 1.36 out of 8 players per lobby, the Lagoon Mages composition runs with Sohm as the primary item carry and is also one of the most contested compositions in the current meta. The best case scenario for committing into this composition is if you hit 3 Lagoon units on 2-1 to maximize your Lagoon loot orb drops in order to fully maximize capping out your endgame board. The core champions of the build include Malphite, Sylas, Sohm, Zoe, and Seraphine. On the other hand, flexible units that you can fill into the composition are Zyra and Nilah if you are able to hit them in your shops.
Since this composition lacks a proper frontline, you almost always need Z’zrot Portal in order to be able to taunt enemy units away from your carry. Some of the must-have items that you will need on Sohm include Blue Buff and Morellonomicon. The third item can be a flexible Ability Power item such as Rabadon’s Deathcap and Jeweled Gauntlet. Some of the best augments to play with this composition include Blue Battery, Ascension, Luden’s Echo, Jeweled Lotus, and Cybernetic Uplink.
With a play rate of 1.10 out of 8 players per lobby, the Lagoon Graves and Seraphine composition is a popular composition being played in the current meta. The composition’s core champions include Zac, Rakan, Seraphine, Pantheon, Graves, Zeri, and Zyra. Flexible champions that you can fit into this composition late game are Bard and Yasuo.
This composition’s win condition is primarily with 3-star Seraphine with items such as Rabadon’s Deathcap and Spear of Shojin. Even though Graves is the primary damage dealer in this composition, any Attack damage item will work with Graves in this composition, with the only necessary item being Edge of Night to cleanse and remove any attacks from enemy units that are targeting Graves for a few seconds. Some of the strongest augments that can be played with this composition include Better Together, Cybernetic Shell, Cybernetic Implants, Cybernetic Uplink, and Ascension.
With a play rate of 0.7 out of 8 players per lobby, the Whispers Zyra and Pantheon composition is a strong composition to play in the current meta. The composition’s core champions include Pantheon, Sy’fen, Zyra, Seraphine, and Sylas. Flexible champions that you can fit into this composition are Bard, Yasuo, Zoe (especially if you get a Mage spat), and Soraka.
Despite Zyra being a 2-cost champion, you do not need to 3-star her, especially since the Whispers trait reduces Armor and Magic Resist already from your Whispers units’ attacks and allows your champions in your composition to deal tons of damage. The primary item holders in this composition are Zyra and Pantheon Zyra’s strongest items include Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Runaan’s Hurricane –with her third item being extremely flexible, but Edge of Night or any item that increases her Attack Damage dealt works too. Pantheon’s items are overall pretty flexible, but generally you want to stack him with tank items such as Bramble Vest, Warmog’s Armor, or Protector’s Vow. You can also stack Pantheon with any Attack Damage items such as Bloodthirster and Hand of Justice.
Some of the strongest augments that can be played with this composition include Ascension, Celestial’s Blessing, Terrify, Last Stand, Thrill of the Hunt, and Woodland Charm.
These compositions are listed in no particular ranking order, and the builds are available on the website as well. The play rates for each composition are also listed according to in order to show how often the compositions are being played on average. Also, some things to note about this article are the positioning in the compositions’ screenshots and the items shown in the screenshots.
The positioning of the compositions being shown in the images is only a default recommendation; there may be other ways to position the compositions based on certain situations. Additionally, items shown in the composition screenshots are only recommended; you can get item drops that may be different than what is shown in the screenshots, so try to play optimally with what you are given. With that said, good luck with your climb and hope you find this guide helpful!