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17 Jun 23



Understanding Positioning and Rotations in Fortnite

Understanding positioning involves macro and micro adjustments to your gameplay that some players might have difficulty understanding. Fear not, in this article, we will go over how proper positioning and rotations work so that you can apply that in your next match!

In any Battle Royale, especially Fortnite, understanding positioning, rotations, macro, and micro play is a much bigger part of finding success than people might realize. Yes, having good technical skills such as aim and mechanics is important, but without good game sense and a solid understanding of how positioning affects gameplay, you can only go so far. No worries, here we are going to dive into the topic of positioning and rotations, as well as some things you can apply to your game to help you start getting even more Victory Royales!

Macro Positioning

Before we get into talking about rotations, we need to go over the concept of macro and micro adjustments. So, what exactly can be considered “macro” positioning? In gaming, macro adjustments are decisions you make that affect the game and your team (if applicable) in the grand scheme of things, you could think of this as how this affects the “bigger picture” of the match. These adjustments are on a larger scale because they tend to have more of an effect on the overall outcome of the game, rather than instantly. For example, in League of Legends, taking Baron Nashor after you win a teamfight would be a macro decision because it has a large effect on your team and the overall outcome of the game.

So, what do macro decisions look like in Fortnite? After all, sometimes you don’t even have a team to play with, so what can be considered a “macro” decision? Examples of this would be when to camp versus when to rotate and move forward. Camping is generally a good idea when you know you are at a disadvantage compared to those around you, therefore playing passive and waiting to strike at the right moment will result in a favorable outcome for you. On the other hand, pushing or moving forward is the best decision to make when you have a greater advantage than the players around you, for example, picking off exposed players or third partying a fight that is almost over. Both examples have outcomes that can affect the game on a larger scale.

Micro Positioning

Now that we understand what macro positioning is, what about micro-positioning? Micro adjustments affect you individually, typically in the short term. Micro adjustments are just as important as macro adjustments and understanding them both can level up your gameplay. A good example of a micro adjustment would be how good your movement or building is since it is a highly individualized skill from player to player and happens several times throughout the match but in short-term scenarios.

So, what would be considered micro-positioning? Several situations could fall under this category. Taking the high ground in a fight is a great example because it immediately affects you, the individual, and sways things in your favor. Another good example of this would be using terrain to your advantage in a fight. Going in and out of buildings, finding cover, repositioning. All of these are examples of micro-adjustments that affect you and the immediate situation that you are in.

Rotations and The Storm

Now that we have a better understanding of macro and micro play, we can talk about proper rotations and how to play around the storm. Both things require good macro and micro knowledge, so understanding both concepts are key. Rotations and positioning in and around the storm are two things that when understood at a higher level, can make all the difference in games. Rotations happen in every game and understanding them at a higher level will elevate your game even more. On top of that, understanding where and when to play around with the storm is another important concept, because it constantly changes as the match goes on.

Rotations are a key part of Fortnite and have been since the game’s release. Understanding where to move whilst the game is going on will ensure your success in your games. Starting, after you drop and establish a loadout, look at the map and see where the next storm circle is. Next, look at the nearest named location that is also in the circle. Depending on your playstyle, you may want to rotate to this location, or you may want to keep your distance. Generally, if you can, staying toward the center of the storm circle while it’s larger is a good idea during the early game because you still have a lot of room to work with, and you can focus on other aspects of the match.

For mid-game rotations, the same rule applies. However, it is a good idea to start establishing your playstyle for the match if you haven’t already. Many factors will play into this, your current loadout, your current HP and Shields, and your materials if you are playing Build Mode. Depending on the situation you may want to adopt a more aggressive playstyle and make offensive moves or camp out and play passively. Around now you have multiple options regarding the storm, you can either try and stay towards the center or make your way towards the outskirts if you want to play aggressively and get picks on rotating players.

In the late game, the pressure starts to set in, and you are set to a more confined space due to the storm circle, however, the upside is if you made it this far you will typically have built a good loadout and have plenty of utility to handle the late game. Depending on how many players are left you may want to take the offensive if you have the upper hand, just keep in mind that the smaller space will mean that you are easily seen by other players, who can pincer you when you are vulnerable. Typically, in the late game, a good playstyle is to capitalize off another player’s mistakes. Staying closer to the edge of the storm is typically a good thing since it is moving slower, just be aware of the environment around you, and make sure you have good cover.


Overall, understanding proper positioning and rotations is important to understand in Fortnite. It may seem overwhelming at first but keeping these ideas in the back of your mind while playing will help you the more you play. Applying these concepts to your game will help you adjust your playstyle and get more comfortable with macro and micro adjustments.

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