5 Tips to Improve Your CS in League of Legends

29 Apr 19


Zooph, members


5 Tips to Improve Your CS in League of Legends

This guide aims to help you increase your average creep score with some helpful tips!

Something that many people do not realize is how effective farming is and how fed you can get solely by focusing on killing minions. I know everyone who has played the game for a decent period of time might know that you can get a lot out of farming, but I still see so many players who do not farm enough.

There are six minions in a wave, with a siege minion every third wave before 20 minutes, then every other wave after 20 minutes, and finally with every wave after 35 minutes. Keeping this in mind, we can figure out how much gold resides within these minion waves.

Let’s take this idea and apply it to the first three waves that spawn. By doing this, we can see that there is a potential for 165 gold in the first three waves alone, then add this to your passive gold gain and you are looking at a decent chunk of gold.

This 165 gold will increase over time as well as the value of Siege Minions increases to a cap of 90 gold per Siege Minion. The overall point to this is there is a lot of gold in minions, so let us increase our opportunity to get as much of that gold as we can!

Tip #1: Fight Less, Farm More

This tip does not necessarily mean do not look to trade. It really means that you should be trying to get every last hit you can if there is an opportunity for it.

This means if you look at the wave and see an opportunity to an equal trade with your enemy at a cost of missing last hits on three minions, or just taking those three minions, you should take those minions.

The reason behind this logic is even though you might be getting some damage on the enemy, you are missing out on some easy gold.

Instead of damaging the enemy while also damaging yourself, take the easy gold. By doing this more often than fighting you will be backing to base with more gold more frequently.

If you are doing this and your opponent is not, then you will inevitably get more fed than your enemy and be better off when you do fight them! This will hopefully lead to you killing them, farming more, and ultimately snowballing your lead to Victory!

Tip #2: Do Not Be Afraid to Use Your Abilities

Now when I say this, I mean do not be afraid to secure a couple of minions with some abilities. You do not have to Flash for a Siege Minion (although I have seen that more than a couple of times) but do not limit yourself to last hitting with just your basic attacks.

By only last hitting with basic attacks, you are denying yourself a fair chunk of potential gold. Now this might depend on your matchup where you are holding an ability for defensive reasons and that is okay, but you do not really need to hold most abilities for offensive purposes only!

This idea plays off of Tip #1 a bit in the sense that you should not only be focusing on fighting, so use your abilities for more than just fights.

Tip #3: It's Okay to Give Up a Few

So, if this guide aims to increase your overall CS, how is giving up some CS going to improve your overall score? Well the answer is that sometimes you must give up some minions to live. If you are pushed up in a lane with no vision and you have to miss out on 2 or 3 minions to get to safety, then get to safety.

By not dying, you are actually increasing your opportunity to farm more which can, in turn, increase your overall CS. Another way to apply this is to let the minion wave push towards you if you are playing against someone who can bully you in lane.

By doing this, you will lose a bit of gold, but you are also going to be able to freeze the wave in a safer position to allow you to farm more consistently. This can also allow you to deny the enemy some farm if they are afraid to push up to where you decide to freeze the wave.

Tip #4: Set a Goal

Before getting into a game, I know it is hard to figure out how long that game will be right off the bat, so set some time-oriented goals for throughout the game. For example, maybe you are averaging 110 CS at 20 minutes - aim to get that up to 140 CS on average! By setting a goal and remembering it, you will be naturally focusing more on farming in the game. This idea is definitely more of a placebo effect, but I cannot deny that it helps me a lot in my games.

Goal setting is really good for anything in the game as well, such as having a goal to get more towers.

Now we move on to our last tip!

Tip #5: The Jungle is Full of Farm

Okay, now I do not mean go steal all of your Jungler’s camps, but if you are ahead and can fight the enemy Jungler, then their camps are ripe for the picking! If you have good vision in your game, then you can try to track the Jungler and steal their camps when they are not there or fight them for their camps. Another way to use this tip would be that if your Jungler is dead and the enemy team might steal your Jungler’s camps then you might as well take them before the enemy does. This will boost your overall CS and also help you level up a bit quicker as well from the bonus EXP you are gaining from the camps.

Hopefully keeping these five tips in mind will assist you in boosting up your overall average CS in your games and allow you to get more powerful more rapidly in your games.

Farming can help you snowball much faster than you might initially expect. It is for this reason I recommend everyone to try to focus more on farming and trying to get a lead if possible, through farming more!

We look forward to seeing everyone out on Summoner’s Rift improving their CS and Good Luck to everyone in their coming games!

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